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"of it, not a sullen discharge of constrained


duty; but obedience which comes from "the heart, and the cheerful, animated ser"vice of cordiality, affection, and zeal.”

The time will not permit us to take any particular notice of this order, or to publish any other part of it, than the foregoing short extract. This, like the former memorable order of Lord Minto, is tediously long and garrulous, though it contains some good and salutary doctrines, strongly interwoven, as in the prior instance, with many remarks, much out of time and place. Several topics are comprehended in it, which true policy would have left untouched. While the amnesty to the great body of the offenders is announced to be attended with a general oblivion, observations are unfortunately introduced in the same breath, tending to awaken and stimulate feelings freshly allayed, and before they had time to cool. Harsh and unnecessary contrasts are made, as if there had been a perverse bias in the pen, to a course foreign to the pious purpose of the writer. There are some distinctions taken in the cases, cxcepted out of the general amnesty, which it would seem difficult to reconcile with the prin

ciples on which the act is stated to proceed. On this and other points, if an opportunity be allowed, we may offer some future remark. We cannot at present forbear the observation, that the measure would appear more consonant to our humble notions of what is right, if it had stood on more simple ground, or if, indeed, it had been applied without exception and distinction of any kind, and certainly without any long reasoning on an act, which if it carried not a plain and perspicuous meaning on the surface of it, could not be improved by argument or oratory, though urged by the ingenuity, or enforced by the eloquence, of the Governor General of India.

If, in our present uncertainty, we may be indulged in the expression of a hope, it is, that the numbers embraced in the preceding list may be yet lessened, by a further exertion of mercy, and on the application of a party, who had no secondary share in the acts, that brought about the extreme events recorded in the foregoing pages. Such a hope springs not only out of our interests and wishes, but is founded on a report generally mentioned in the letters just received from Madras.

It is with regret that we notice any thing which may disturb the satisfactory conclusions drawn in the order of Lord Minto, and adopted by the public, of the entire suppression of the discontents of the Madras army; but we think it our duty to add, though we hope that the information may prove erroneous, that private intelligence suggests, that the subsidiary force at Jaulnah, had manifested a disposition to resist the orders. of Government, for the arrest of the officers attached to that division of the army. With pain we have also to remark, that a part of the ill effects, anticipated by us in an earlier place, has been already realized, and that two trials by Court Martial had taken place, arising out of the temper, generated among different members of the same service, by the different parts which they took in the late disputes. We fervently wish that these may be the last!

March 14th, 1810.


Memorial from the Officers commanding Native Corps upon the Establishment of Fort St. George, to the Hon. Court of Directors of the Hon. East India Company, &c. Sheweth,

1. That we, the undersigned memorialists, officers commanding native corps upon the Madras Establishment, have the honour, with all deference and respect, to solicit the attention of your honourable Court, to the subject of our appeal, which we, with the utmost duty and submission, offer to your consideration.

2. Your memorialists beg to state, that Captain John Munro, of the European regiment on this establishment, and QuarterMaster-General of the army, delivered some months since to the Commander in Chief at Madras, certain proposals, bearing date 30th June, 1808, recommending the abolition of the Tent Contract, which, on the the 1st of July last, was taken from officers commanding native corps in your army at Madras.

3. Whether the Tent Contract, as consistent with the good of the public service, should or should not have continued to exist, is a subject your memorialists will not presume to trouble your honourable Court upon; but certain articles which the Quarter-Master-General has inserted in his proposals, as motives that prevailed with him for recommending the abolition of the Tent Contract, your memorialists have to observe, no less excited their surprize, than they did the feelings of poignant. concern, in perceiving such dishonourable principles so unjustly attributed to them.

4. Your memorialists will here furnish the extracts from the Quarter-Master-General's proposals, on which they ground their complaints to your honourable Court:


Six years experience of the practical effects of the existing system of the camp equipage equipment of the native army, has afforded means of forming a judgment relative to its advan

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they will gain in reverence and respect. This act alone would call back men's duties and affections, were they estranged at a greater distance than they are. Such a willing offering to peace, would do more than a hundred examples of sanction and of vengeance. The hour may come, notwithstanding the present meridian height of our Eastern splendour, when every heart and hand may be required to secure even a safe possession. Let not any ungracious pertinacity dissever one from the other.

Let not any one represent these plain observations, as adverse to the interests, or disrespectful to the rights of the constituted body, to which they are principally addressed. They are not offered in the feeling of an enemy, but in the sentiment, and with the warning voice of a friend. If the style or manner of the address shall be deemed in some parts to be rude, the intent at all times, and in all places, will be seen, we trust, to be honest. The case in our view of it, appeared to be extreme, and desperate, and not to admit of any trifling palliatives, or more flattering digestives. It would, in our contemplation, have been an act of

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