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in opposition to their government, will have the effect of prevailing on any other part of the Native army from suffering themselves, under any circumstances, to be placed in a situation adverse to their duty and allegiance.

"The governor in council avails himself of this occasion. to express, in the most public manner, his high sense of the zeal, moderation, energy, and ability displayed by the government of Mysore, and by the British resident and commanding officer, during the transactions that have recently occurred in that country. The British resident and the commanding officer in Mysore did not permit the adoption of coercive measures until every means of expostulation and forbearance had been exhausted, and until they were compelled to embrace the alternative of employing force, in order to prevent the most fatal evils to the cause of their country.

"The governor in council requests, that the honourable Mr. Cole and lieutenant-colonel Davies will be pleased to accept the expression of his highest approbation and thanks, for the moderation, firmness, and ability, which they manifested on this unprecedented and distressing occasion.

"A. FALCONAR, "Chief Secretary to Government."


"Fort St. George, Aug. 30.

"A report has been received by the governor in council from the officer commanding in Mysore, stating, that the troops which composed the garrison of Seringapatam surrendered at discretion, on the 23d instant, delivered up their arms, and proceeded to the stations in Mysore allotted for their residence.

"It has been ascertained that the Native troops which proceeded from Chittledroog were entirely ignorant of the real design of their officers, and marched under an impression, produced by their officers, that his highness the rajah of Mysore had commenced hostility against the British government, and attacked the Fort of Seringapatam. The appear ance of the Mysore horse confirmed this opinion in the minds of those troops, and when they found in the contest before Seringapatam, which was begun by the Mysore horse, that the British force acted against them, they abandoned their

arms, and endeavoured to save their lives by flight. It appears that a considerable number escaped into the Fort of Seringapatam.

"This explanation is due to the general conduct of the native troops under this government, who, under circumstances of peculiar difficulty, manifested a fidelity and attachment to the state that reflects great honour on their character.

"The governor in council was persuaded, that it was only by deceiving the native troops that they could be misled from their duty, and their conduct, in every situation where they had an opportunity of being more acquainted with the true situation of affairs, justifies the high opinion which he entertained of their zeal and fidelity, and entitles them to the approbation and thanks of the government.

"The governor in council greatly ascribes the early termination of the disturbances in Mysore to the vigilance, energy, and talents of the acting resident, the honourable Arthur Cole, and the commanding officer in Mysore, lieut.-colonel Davies, and he judges it proper again to express his high sense of the important services which they have rendered to the interests of their country in India.

"By order of the honourable the governor in council,


"A. FALCONAR, "Chief Secretary to Government.

"By order of major-general Gowdie, commanding the army.

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"J. H. PEELE, "Secretary to Government."

"TO THE HON. SIR GEORGE BARLOW, BART, K, B. "SIR,-We should be wanting in the first principles of duty to our country and ourselves, both as subjects and soldiers; and we should be insensible to the just feelings of honour, patriotism, and loyalty, were we longer to remain silent, or abstain from addressing you; indeed, the moment has arrived, when it has become a bounden and a sacred duty for us to come forward, and with one voice, deny those unjust impu. tations upon the character of the company's officers which have been industriously disseminated through the channel of the public prints; and to convey to you, Sir, such an explicit declaration of our principles, that, on a future day, when the circumstances of this awful and eventful crisis shall

pleased to proclaim a full pardon to the European non-commissioned officers and privates, and to the Native commissioned officers and non-commissioned officers of the garrison of Masulipatam, who were concerned in these improper proceedings. The governor in council entertains a confident persuasion, that this act of lenity will produce a proper effect in the minds of these men, and induce them to manifest in future that fidelity to the government, which constitutes the first duty and highest praise of every soldier.

"The governor in council prohibits the march of any body of troops from the garrison of Masulipatam, without the orders of Major General Pater, commanding the northern division; and directs, that any troops who may have marched from Masu-lipatam without due authority, shall return forthwith to that statio }, on pain of being considered to be in a state of rebellion to the government.

"Chief Secretary."


"Fort St. George, Aug. 12, 1809. "The course of proceeding followed for some time past by the officers of the honourable company's army at this presidency, has obliged the government to adopt the most decided measures for the preservation of the important interests committed to its charge. These proceedings may be stated to have commenced with the transmission to the government by the late commander in chief of a memorial addressed to the honourable the court of directors, dated January, 1809, and signed by a large proportion of the company's officers. Although that paper exhibits claims of an ungrounded nature, and contains observations equally improper and unjust on the orders of the honourable the court of directors and the government, the governor in council was induced to permit it to pass without the serious notice which it appeared to demand, by a confidence in the discipline of the army, and a persuasion that the objectionable passages in the memorial were inadvertently and unintentionally introduced.

"The subsequent conduct of the commander in chief forced the government to vindicate its authority, by a signal example of punishment. It was well known to the company's officers, that the whole of this proceeding was referred to the supreme govern, ment, and the authorities in Europe; that it would receive

from their wisdom a decision conformable to the soundest principles of reason and justice; and that its discussion could not belong to the cognizance of the army, who are precluded from becoming a deliberative body. Notwithstanding these considerations, the governor in council, anxious to remove every cause of misunderstanding relative to a measure of so important a nature, published an order, dated the 31st January, explaining to the army the grounds on which it was adopted. The governor in council had a right to expect, on the most obvious grounds of discipline and respect for the laws, that the question would have been permitted to rest here, and receive its final reward from the only powers competent to decide on it ; and it was with feelings of equal surprize and concern he learned, that a memorial to the supreme government, of the most intemperate description, was circulated in the company's army.

"The governor in council, desirous to avoid a recurrence to measures of severity, and persuaded that it was sufficient to apprize the company's officers of the improper nature of the proceedings, to induce them to desist from their prosecution, authorized the commander in chief to issue a circular letter, dated the 5th March, 1809, explaining to those officers the impropriety of their conduct, and calling upon them, by the most powerful motives of duty, allegiance, and honour, to abstain from such unjustifiable measures. A letter from the right honourable the governor in council, dated the 20th Feb. 1809, approving of the steps adopted by the governor of Fort St. George, with respect to the late commander in chief, was also circulated to the army, in the expectation that the sentiments of the supreme government would have suppressed the spirit of faction and insubordination which prevailed. These letters appear to have produced no effect; the memorial to the supreme government made further progress; and an address to Major Boles, an officer under sentence of suspension, written in language of determined sedition, was circulated in the army, and forced upon the notice of the governor in council, by a company's officer, holding a confidential situation on his staff-the governor in council was still induced to pursue a system of forbearance, by the sentiments of affection and respect which he was disposed to entertain towards the company's officers; and by a conviction that the principles of zeal, discipline, and national attachment, by which he supposed they were actuated, would lead them to relinquish the reprehensible measures in which they were engaged, on being made fully acquainted with their impropriety and danger. The commander in chief, accordingly, under the sanction of the government, issued a

second circular letter, dated 10th April, 1809, again calling upon the officers of the company's army to adhere to their duty, correcting the erroneous opinions which they had received, regarding the powers of government, and describing the unjustifiable nature and dangerous consequences of their proceedings. The governor in council learned, with deep regret, that these measures of moderation, these repeated and urgent appeals to the discipline, duty, national attachment, and professional honour of the company's officers were entirely nugatory; that the memorials continued to be circulated, and that sentiments of sedition were openly declared in many parts of the army; the further forbearance of the government would have encouraged the progress of those evils; a course of explanation and exhortation. had been pursued in vain, and it became imperiously necessary to check, by a salutary example of punishment, a spirit of insubordination that threatened the most dangerous consequences to the prosperity of the empire. The general orders of the 1st of May last were accordingly passed. The governor in council is concerned to state, that this example, which was confined to the persons who were principally instrumental in promoting sedition, and of whose delinquency the most ample proofs existed, and which was intended to obviate the necessity of more extensive punishments, failed to produce the beneficial effects anticipated from its adoption, and that principles of insubordination and sedition continued to prevail among the company's officers, if possible with aggravated violence; the company's officers of the Hydrabad subsidiary force, whose good conduct in refusing to affix their signatures to the seditious addresses, had received the approbation of the government, intimated to the rest of the army, in an address dated in May last, scarcely less reprehensible than the papers that had incurred the animadversion of the government, their participation in the disaffection which prevailed so extensively in the company's army.

"The officers at Hydrabad followed up this act, by threatening, in an address, dated 15th June, transmitted direct to the governor in council, to separate themselves from the authority. of the government, established over them by their country, unless a submission should be yielded to their menaces, by abrogating the general orders of the 1st of May, and the company's officers at Masulipatam imprisoned their commanding officer, and made preparations to desert the post entrusted to their charge, and to join the Hydrabad subsidiary force, thereby involving, on account of views personal to themselves, the men under their command in the guilt of rebellion, and furnishing to the Native troops a dangerous example of resistance to authority. The governor in council, still anxious to impress on the

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