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HE 9784.5 •45 A965 1997



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Dear Secretary Slater and Administrator Garvey,

Honorable Jane F. Garvey


Federal Aviation Administration

The National Civil Aviation Review Commission has completed the two reports that the United States Congress directed. The first addresses future financing of the nation's aviation programs, and the second focuses on aviation safety matters.

The Commission began its work last April. It held numerous meetings, including two days of public hearings. The Commission received many detailed briefings from a wide array of experts from organizations in the private and public sectors. The Members of the Commission, themselves, brought a wealth of background and experience in the issues we were charged to examine.

Included in the title of this report is "A Consensus for Change." Aside from the strong substantive recommendations embodied in this report, these two reports are significant because they do represent a consensus on how aviation funding and safety should be approached in the future. By virtue of the appointments made by you, Mr. Secretary, and the bipartisan Congressional leadership, this Commission was comprised of persons who came from all areas of aviation, as well as people from outside of the aviation field.

All twenty-one Commission Members have signed the two reports. I would strongly recommend that as you consider the findings and recommendations of the Commission, you continually remind yourselves that this report is where the consensus on these difficult issues rests. To move forward to solve the problems in our aviation system, there will have to be a unity of perspective and purpose. Without a working consensus, there will not be enough timely progress in making the significant changes that are needed.

I know that I speak for all twenty-one Commission Members that we feel tremendously honored to have been asked to serve on this Commission. As Chair of the Commission, I have never worked with a more dedicated, public-spirited group of individuals. We stand ready to work with you and the Congress to see that these recommendations are implemented.

Again, we appreciate having the opportunity to serve on the Commission.


Norman Y. Mineta

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