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proper authorities of the United States at Washington city all violations or infractions of the passenger laws of the United States on the part of the ship's masters, owners, consignees or their subordinates and employes respectively. It shall further be the duty of the chief of the bureau to annually report to the General Assembly the number of immigrants and immigrant vessels which have arrived, together with a tabular statement, showing ages, places of birth, sex, trade, profession and destination of all immigrants who may have arrived during the year at the port of New Orleans, together with such recommendations and information as in his opinion may promote the proper supervision and regulation of immigration at the port of New Orleans. It shall further be the duty of the chief of the bureau to assist any and all immigrants who may desire to settle in. Louisiana by giving counsel and information and in making contract for public means of transportation, and all impositions practiced upon the inexperienced he shall immediately bring to the knowledge of the proper authorities, and take measures to bring the perpetrators to justice. Wherever in his opinion it appears necessary, the chief of the bureau shall appoint a proper person or persons to board vessels from foreign ports, at the quarantine grounds or elsewhere, at and near the port of New Orleans, having on board immigrant passengers, for the purpose of advising such immigrants and putting them on their guard against fraud and imposition; and the health officer is hereby required to prevent any person or persons from going on board such vessels, which may be subject to examination by him, until after the chief of the bureau or his authorized agent shall have had sufficient opportunity to perform his duty. In general, it shall be the duty of the chief of the bureau to see that all provisions of this law are minutely complied with; that all moneys due the bureau are properly collected, and such amounts thereof as are directed by the commissioners are turned over without delay to the Charity Hospital; that meetings of the commissioners be called, and all and everything be properly done in conformity with the spirit and intent of this act. Any violation of this section on the part of shipmasters, or any refusal on their part to comply with the provisions thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of fifty dollars.

SEC. 9. That the Commissioners of Immigration shall serve without pay, and that it shall be the duty of the chief of the bureau to annually, on or before the first of February in each year, report to the General Assembly the amount of money received under the provisions of this act during the preceding year, and the manner in which the same has been appropriated; provided, that nothing in this act shall prevent the commissioner appointed by the board to act as chief of the bureau, from being paid a salary for his services not exceeding the sum of three thousand five hundred dollars per annum out of any moneys in the hands of the commissioners not otherwise appropriated. Nothing in this section, however, shall be so construed as to make the State liable for any money whatever.

SEC. 10. That the Commissioners of Immigration shall be capable of suing and being sued, through the person of the chief of the bureau of immigration, on whom all citations must be served. It shall be the duty of the Attorney General of the State to represent the commissioners in all suits instituted by or against them before the courts within the State. If any person for whom a bond shall have been given as aforesaid shall, within five years from the date of such bond, become chargeable upon any city, town or parish of this State or upon the commissioners, the said commissioners may bring an action on such bond in the name of the people of this State, and shall be entitled to recover on such bond from time to time so much money, not in the whole exceeding the penalty of said bond exclusive of costs as shall be sufficient to defray the expenses incurred by any such city, town or parish, or the said commissioners, for the maintenance and support of the person for whom such bond was given as aforesaid.

SEC. 11. That the Commissioners of Immigration, when, in their opinion, it shall become necessary for the proper management of the bureau, are authorized to employ an assistant to the chief of the bureau and a clerk, and to pay a reasonable compensation for their services out of the moneys aforesaid, provided that the salary of the assistant shall not exceed two thousand dollars per annum, and that the salary of the clerk shall not exceed fifteen hundred dollars per annum. SEC. 12. That the penalties and forfeitures prescribed by this act may be sued for and recovered with costs of suit by and in the name of said Commissioners of Immigration in any court having cognizance thereof, and, when recovered, shall be applied to the purposes specified in this act; it shall be lawful for the

said commissioners, before or after suit brought, to compound for any of the said penalties or forfeitures upon such terms as they shall think proper

SEC. 13. That the Commissioners of Immigration shall aid so far as possible both immigrants, and such persons residing in this State as wish to avail themselves of the homestead act, to procure homes in the country thereby; also to assist in the sale and purchase of lands by furnishing blanks to land owners, to be filled with a correct statement as to the location, size, value, title, price, incumbrances, etc., of the tract to be sold, and which, when sworn to by the seller and attested by the recorder of the parish in which said tract is situated, shall be kept on file at the office of the Commissioners of Immigration, open at all business hours to all parties wishing to inspect or copy the same, free of cost and all charges whatsoever.

SEC. 14. That nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as to make the State liable for any expenses or outlay incurred or caused by the Bureau of Immigration. The sphere of the bureau shall be mainly of the State, and immigrants and persons arriving in Louisiana from other States of the Union shall be entitled to the same benefits instituted by the creation of the Bureau of Immigration, without regard to race, color or previous condition; provided, however, that in no such cases bonds shall be exacted or commutation demanded.

SEC. 15. That the receipt of the treasurer of the Charity Hospital for moneys turned over to him by the Commissioners of Immigration, for use of said hospital, shall be their full discharge in the premises for all further responsibilities as to use of said moneys.

See title "Agriculture and Immigration," p. 6, and all acts printed there.


Const. Arts. 196, 201.

1738. Charges Against Public Officer Before Legislature.— Whenever any person shall wish to accuse a public officer before the Legislature, he shall address the House of Representatives a memorial containing a brief exposition of the acts of such public officer which are supposed to be contrary to law; the memorial shall be sworn to and signed by him who presents it; and shall contain a list of the individuals who can give information relative to the facts set forth, with a notice of the several charges which each individual included in the list can substantiate by his testimony (Act 304, 1855, 370)

Const., Art. 199 to 201. Act 122, 1880, printed under title "Office."

1739. Action of House of Representatives on Memorial.— Whenever a memorial of the nature of the one mentioned shall be submitted to the House of Representatives, it shall be referred to a committee, who, after having examined the memorial and the accompanying documents, shall cause the public officer accused, as aforesaid, with the witnesses for the prosecution, to be cited to appear at a subsequent period, either during the same session of the Legislature, or any subsequent session thereof, according as said committee

may deem expedient, taking into consideration the time that the General Assembly still has to sit.

The accused may also, on his part, apply to the committee to obtain the necessary citations for the witnesses he may wish to summon in his defense.

1740. Action of Committee Appointed to Consider Memorial. At the appointed time, the committee shall proceed to swear and examine the witnesses, both for and against the accused, whose testimony shall be taken down in writing; they shall then make their report to the House of Representatives, and shall declare in the conclusion whether they are of opinion that the charges are well founded; in which case the House itself, after having obtained all necessary information, shall decide whether it be expedient to proceed by means of impeachment or by address.

In case the committee shall make a report in favor of the accused, the adoption of the report by the House shall be sufficient, and the accused shall be discharged, and can never after be brought before the Legislature for the same acts with which he has been already charged.

1741. Testimony May Be Taken by Commission.-Whenever in the opinion of the committee, the witnesses shall reside at such a distance that their attendance at the seat of government must give rise to great expense and loss of time, the said committee shall prepare interrogatories and take their testimony by commission, as in judicial proceedings of the parish in which the witness may reside, who shall, on the receipt of the interrogatories, cause to appear before him the witness to whom they are propounded, and having administered the oath to him, shall take down in writing his answers and make him sign them.

The interrogatories thus prepared by the committee shall, previous to their being sent as aforesaid, be communicated to the accused or his counsel, who shall have a right to add his cross interrogatories, to which the witness is equally bound to answer.

The accused on his part shall be allowed to submit to the committee such interrogatories as he may wish to be propounded to witnesses in his behalf, and it shall be the duty of the committee, after having added such cross interrogatories as they shall deem proper, to direct the whole as aforesaid, that it may be proceeded upon in the

same manner.

1742. Compulsory Attendance of Witnesses to Answer Interrogatories.-The magistrate to whom the interrogatories shall be directed, as stated in the foregoing section, may employ all such means as are allowed by law to compel a witness to appear, and may

condemn to a fine of not less than fifty dollars and not exceeding one hundred, or to an imprisonment not exceeding ten days, any witness for or against the accused, who being duly cited, shall have refused to attend, or who having attended, shall refuse to answer to the interrogatories or sign his answer.

1743. Costs of Proceeding to be Paid by Impeached Officer. -Whenever the culpability of a public officer shall be ascertained, either by the sentence of the Senate, or by the concurrence of both Houses, agreeably to the constitution, all the costs arising from the investigation and prosecution of his suit shall be paid by said officer, which shall be recovered by a suit to be instituted against the party condemned, by the district attorney; and in order that the provisions of this section shall have full effect, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives, to make out a full statement of all costs incurred in the prosecution which shall come to their knowledge, and hand over the same to the district attorney.

1744. Costs When Officer Resigns, Pending Proceedings.— In case the public functionary against whom an accusation shall be brought, should resign his office pending the inquest which shall have been ordered by the House, he shall be bound to pay all the costs which shall have been incurred until that time, to be recovered in the manner provided by section 1743.

1745. Continuance of Prosecution by Succeeding Legislature. All accusations pending before the Legislature at the time of their adjournment, shall be prosecuted and continued by the next Legislature.

See titles Office," "Officer."



Act 100, 1890, p. 116.

AN ACT to provide for the interdiction of inebriates or habitual drunkards and to vest the jurisdiction in said cases in the Civil District Court of the parish of Orleans and in the District Courts of other parishes.

SECTION 1. That any person who is an inebriate or habitual drunkard and by reason of said infirmity shall be unable to support himself or his family, shall be liable to be interdicted, and shall be placed in the custody and care of a curator who shall have full authority and control of the person of said inebriate with power to place him in a hospital or other institution for the treatment and cure of said infirmity.

SEC. 2. That said interdiction may be obtained and such curator appointed at the suit of any member of the family or friend of the inebriate, and the curator shall have all the authority and control now conferred by law on curators of interdicted persons upon furnishing bond and complying with formalities and requirements of law now relating to the appointment and qualifications of curators of interdicted persons.

SEC. 3. That the Civil District Court for the parish of Orleans is clothed with jurisdiction to grant such interdiction and appoint such curators for inebriates domiciled in the parish of Orleans, and the District Courts of each parish of the State, shall have like jurisdictton in respect to inebriates domiciled in said parish.

All laws or parts of laws now existing in conflict with the provisions of this bill are hereby repealed.


Act 102, 1890, p. 118.

AN ACT to prohibit the sale or giving of alcoholic or intoxicating drink to inebriates or habitual drunkards.

SECTION 1. That any person who shall wilfully sell or give to any inebriate, or habitual drunkard any alcoholic or intoxicating drink, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars and not exceeding fifty dollars. In default of payment thereof, he shall be confined in the parish jail not less than five nor more than twenty days, and said penalty shall be incurred for each and every offense; provided, however, that the penalty shall not be incurred unless previous notice is given in person before witnesses, in writing or through the public prints, for fifteen days, that the person to whom the liquor or intoxicating drink is sold or given is an inebriate; the notice may be given by any member of the family or friend of the inebriate.

All laws or parts of laws now existing in conflict with the provisions of this bill are hereby repealed.

Act 157, 1894, p. 196.

AN ACT to provide for the treatment and cure of habitual drunkards or inebriates, or other persons addicted to the intemperate use of alcohol, morphine, cocaine or other narcotics; and to provide for the payment thereof by cities, parishes and municipalities in this State.

SECTION 1. That any inhabitant of this State who is of kin to or a friend of an habitual drunkard, as hereinafter defined, may petition the District Court of and for the parish of the residence of such person, or the Civil District Court for the parish of Orleans, for leave to send such person at the expense of said parish or city, to such institute for the cure of inebriates for the medical treatment of drunkenness and morphinism as the said court may designate. Which petition shall set forth the name, age and condition of such person, and that such person or those of his kin petitioning are not financially able to incur the expense of his cure, and shall set forth that said person is willing and will agree to attend such institution for the cure of drunkenness and morphinism; which petition shall be verified by the person making such request, and shall contain in addition thereto the written agreement of such person to take such treatment and to abide by the rules of the said institute for the cure of inebriates: And together with the names of three (3) taxpayers in the parish or city of his residence, stating that they are familiar with the facts set forth in the petition, and that they are familiar with the financial condition and circumstances of such person and of the petitioning kin, and deem it a proper case for assistance from the parish or city wherein the said person resides.

SEC. 2. When such petition is filed, any judge of the courts referred to in Sec. 1, if satisfied from examination that the facts set forth in the petition are true, and that the said person has been a resident of the parish or city named in

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