SESSION LAWS OF 1915 PASSED AT THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CONVENED AT OKLAHOMA CITY ON THE DATE OF PUBLICATION OF VOLUME JUNE, 1915 WARDEN PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO., OKLAHOMA CITY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION. STATE OF OKLAHOMA, OFFICE OF THE Secretary of State, ss. I, J. L. Lyon, Secretary of State of the State of Oklahoma, do hereby certify: That the printed acts and resolutions contained in this volume are full, true and correct copies of the originals which were passed at the regular session of the Fifth Legislature, begun on January 5, 1915, and ending on the 23rd day of March, 1915, as they appear on file in this office, with the exception of certain words enclosed within brackets, which were inserted by the compiler for the purpose of clarifying the probable meaning and intention of the context; and I further certify that all the laws and resolutions contained in this volume which by their terms contain emergency sections received the vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to and constituting each house, and took effect and were in force from and after their passage and approval. I further certify that all the laws and resolutions herein contained which by their terms do not contain emergency sections, take effect and are in force ninety days from and after the final adjournment of the regular legislative session of 1915. That the fifth regular session of the Legislature of the State of Oklahoma adjourned sine die on the 23rd day of March, A. D., 1915. I further certify that the ninety days provided for in the period which must elapse after adjournment before laws and resolutions not carrying the emergency clause shall take effect, will expire on June 21, 1915, and that the laws and resolutions coming under this provision and not otherwise modified or restricted will become effective on June 22, 1915. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the State of Oklahoma. Done at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, this ninth day of June, A. D., 1915. (SEAL.) J. L. LYON, Secretary of State. CONTENTS BY TITLE. AN ACT making an appropriation for the support and maintenance 248 AN ACT making an appropriation for the construction and equipping AN ACT regulating the hours of employment of females in certain AN ACT making an appropriation for the support and maintenance of the State Training School located near Pauls Valley, Okla- homa, and for the repair and equipment of the buildings be- AN ACT appropriating unexpended balances of the Section 13 196 AN ACT to repeal chapter 131 of the Session Laws of 1911, abolish- ing the office of State Inspector of Schools, and declaring an AN ACT entitled, "An act changing the time of the holding of AN ACT amending section 7412 of chapter 72 of article 9 of the |