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must learn it also. The people of Buenos Ayres will not allow the presidential question to be settled by force. Some of those who have become like children in the existing difficulties speak of the capital as a solution.

You cannot improvise a metropolis, and for many years to come the President, whoever he may be, will have to govern from Buenos Ayres.

A new confederation without Buenos Ayres or Corrientes is more impossible now than at any time since Buenos Ayres was founded.

The proud are against us, but the weak and oppressed are with us. In such a strait patriotism suggests an arrangement, necessity forces it on, and the men or parties who oppose it are very culpable. But it is not in our power to order it, but all must prepare for it. We must save both our rights and the nation's unity, and, in face of the great conspiracy, Buenos Ayres alone is able to do this.

I have told you all my thoughts. I now await your decision.


No. 278.]

No. 16.

Mr. Osborn to Mr. Evarts.


Buenos Ayres, May 11, 1880. (Received July 3.) SIR: To this date, the "commission of powers" is unable to agree, and the chamber of national deputies is still at a dead-lock and unable to organize.

Late in the evening of the 9th instant a dispatch was received from Rosario, General Roca's headquarters, that the general had left Rosario on the gunboat Pilcomayo, to have an interview with Governor Tejedor, his opposing presidential candidate, the next morning at the mouth of the Lujan River, about twenty miles north of this city. At 9 a. m. of the 10th, Dr. Tejedor left for the Lujan on a special train to fulfill the engagement brought about, as it appears, by other parties.

I herewith inclose perhaps the best and most correct printed report to be obtained of the interview between General Roca and Governor Tejedor, which will disclose to you the fact that absolutely nothing was accomplished by the interview except to show the disposition of the two prominent candidates.

At two o'clock the same day a procession was formed in front of the board of trade rooms, composed of 20,000 of the business men of the city, who, headed by Ex-Presidents Sarmiento and Mitré, and other prominent men, marched to the President's house and presented a petition asking for a peaceful solution of all the disputed political ques


In reply to this petition for peace the President appeared on the balcony and addressed the assembled multitude, assuring them that under all circumstances he would use all of his constitutional power to maintain the peace of the country.

From 12 m., during the day, all the banks and business houses were closed and business suspended.

After the address of the President the hope for peace was high until later in the day, when Governor Tejedor had returned from the interview with Roca and announced that nothing had been accomplished, whereupon hope went down and gold went up.

The public manifestation of the business men will, doubtless, have a good influence on the situation, and it is quite probable that within a short time a solution will be arrived at, without any reference to the candidature of Roca or Tejedor.

I have, &c.,


[Inclosure in No. 278.-Buenos Ayres Herald, May 11, 1880.]

Letter of General Roca to Dr. Tejedor.

Mr. GOVERNOR: I have the satisfaction of informing your excellency that I have just arrived, and, according to what has been agreed upon, I await your orders on board of the gunboat Pilcomayo. Till I see you, I am, very cordially and attentively, your humble servant,


The interview as reported in the Buenos Ayres Herald, May 11, 1880.

A few moments later Dr. Tejedor arrived alongside of the Pilcomayo, being received at the gangway by General Roca. The meeting was cordial; they descended to the cabin, and the interview began by Dr. Tejedor's expressing himself in these terms: "I must recall events, general, declaring to you that this interview has not been solicited by me."

In my turn, doctor," answered General Roca, "I must ask you to bear in mind that when Dr. Pellegrini advised me of this meeting, and asked me if I would have any objection to speak to you, I told him that, on the condition it were understood that you were the originator of the idea, I had no objection.”

Dr. TEJEDOR. "I must speak frankly, general, and tell you this is a fraud. I have not asked for any such conference; I have nothing to say to you."

"I am in the same circumstances,” answered the general, "and I have not anything to say to you."

Here the official conference ended.

A moment's pause followed, and after looking at each other for a moment, Dr. Tejedor said: "As we are both here now, I think we might do something to prevent civil war."

General ROCA. "With great pleasure, doctor; and what suggests itself to you as a means to that desirable end? That we should both resign our candidatures and leave the people and the parties to elect whom they will? But that will not answer, doctor, for my part; I have neither my friends nor my party tied up. I am rather dependent myself, seeing they have intrusted me with their political interests, their tendencies, and their aspirations, and I cannot cast these things aside like the unworthy manager of a commercial house might do."

Dr. TEJEDOR. "But remember, general, that the population of Buenos Ayres and that of Corrientes, the two provinces that oppose your candidature, represent half of the population of the republic. This is what you ought to bear in mind on adopting a revolution."

General ROCA. “But you forget, Dr. Tejedor, that the statistical data you point out is not a sufficiently strong argument against the express provisions of the constitu tion. Buenos Ayres and Corrientes represent only 70 electors, and our constitution requires 115 in order to be elected President of the republic."

Dr. TEJEDOR. “But your government is impossible in Buenos Ayres, whereas my popularity is well known. I have a large party under my orders."

General ROCA. "I do not deny your popularity, and I know how to account for it, but that weighs nothing against what I have pointed out."



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And how will you enter Buenos Ayres to take possession of the presi

"I suppose you sufficiently amiable," answered the general, "not to oppose me in the performance of so high a duty.”

Dr. TEJEDOR. "No; I will not oppose you, but the conciliated party are determined to oppose yon. If they need arms they will get them under the very nose of the national Executive. I respect the President of the republic because he represents the national sovereignty, but this will not prevent me from doing what I consider my duty. The person of President Avellaneda does not inspire me with the same feelings. I answer for the life of the President, but it would not be strange if he were maltreated. Be convinced, General Roca, you have great opposition in Buenos Ayres. How are you going to govern?"

General ROCA. "We shall see, Dr. Tejedor. Having right and justice on my side, it is not difficult to foresee that a great people like that of Buenos Ayres will respect the decision of the nation."

At this point of the conference Dr. Tejedor said, petulantly, "They speak of Sarmiento."

“Do you propose him to me?” asked the general.

Dr. TEJEDOR. "No; they are official voices that proceed from the government house."

The general shrugged his shoulders, and Dr. Tejedor continued: "You spoke last time about Sarmiento."

General ROCA. "I do not go back upon what I said to Dr. Del Valle, in the belief that if we relinquished our candidatures another one might appear."

Dr. TEJEDOR. "And do you see no other solution to all this?"

General ROCA. "No, sir. After this, I see no other way but abiding by the constitution and respecting the result of the elections."

Dr. TEJEDOR. "Could not some man of no significance-some fool-be nominated?” "No, sir," answered General Roca; "the fate of the republic cannot be intrusted to a fool. Have you nobody else to propose ?"

"Nobody," answered Dr. Tejedor hurriedly; "I would not meddle with that." After saying this, Dr. Tejedor stood up, saying: "I think we have nothing useful to say to each other. We shall not meet again."

No. 283.]

No. 17.

Mr. Osborn to Mr. Evarts.



Buenos Ayres, June 4, 1880. (Received July 8.) SIR: The political situation is extremely critical *. The President, on the night of the 2d instant, about ten o'clock, left the "Red House" and the city, and went with the national troops stationed here to a station called the "Chacarita," about six miles outside of the city, where he now has his headquarters with the troops. His ministers of government were not advised of the withdrawal of the President from the capital until the next morning, when they followed him.

Last night, the 3d instant, a majority, perhaps, of the senators and deputies of Congress withdrew, and embarked on board of an Argentine gunboat now anchored in this port, to await the orders of the President. This movement by the national authorities was caused by the landing, without passing the custom-house, of some 8,000 Remington rifles and several batteries of Krupp steel guns to arm this province. The national government had decreed that this provincial government should not import arms without paying duties. To this the provin cial authorities demurred and declared they would import arms and would pay no duties. On the night of June 1, the national authorities learned that a vessel with a cargo of arms for the provincial government was on the way up from Montevideo, and the attempt would be made to land them at the "Boca," the mouth of a small stream at the southern portion of the city; soon a regiment of national troops passed through the city on the double quick for the "Boca," to capture the arms, and soon after a regiment of provincial troops followed to protect them.

Both regiments took up positions near each other, and waited till daylight, when both regiments started back for their quarters, with the regiment of the line in the advance. The provincial troops had not advanced more than a half mile from the "Boca" when the vessel with the cargo of arms was espied coming into the "Boca," chased by a national gunboat. The provincial regiment returned; the vessel gained the landing, the guns were landed, and taken to the provincial government house.

As soon as the legislature met, the govenor sent a message to that body giving a history of the transaction, which the legislature approved. The President at the same time sent a message to Congress asking permission to put this province under martial law, and mobilize the national guards of all the provinces; but the members finding at the doors of Congress provincial troops stationed by Governor Tejedor, the mem

bers from the other provinces refused to enter, and no quorum could be obtained.

The President then withdrew his message and thereupon adopted the policy of withdrawing from the city.

A letter addressed to the people by the President has this moment appeared, with a decree declaring Belgrano to be the headquarters of the national authorities. In his address to the people he declares Governor Tejedor a rebel, and that he, the President, will not return to the city until the armed insurrection against the authority of the nation disappears. Belgrano is about five miles from the city. The national troops from the different frontiers have been ordered to Belgrano.

Dr. Gonzalez, minister of foreign affairs, has tendered his resignation, the President's house has been abandoned, and it is probable that the provincial authorities will take possession of it to-morrow.


I have, &c.,

No. 18.


No. 284.]

Mr. Osborn to Mr. Evarts.


Buenos Ayres, June 14, 1880. (Received July 15.)

SIR: Public affairs here are in a state of the utmost confusion. The President and a part of his cabinet are at Belgrano with about 7,000 troops. The capitol house, post-office, and custom-house, have been abandoned by the national authorities, and possession of them has been taken by the provincial authorities.

The port has been closed by proclamation of the President; vessels are permitted to come into port and anchor, but are not permitted to discharge or load.

The President has a majority of the senate with him at Belgrano, but the Vice-President refuses to go there to preside over it. The supreme court of the nation refuses to leave this city, and in reply to the proclamation of the President removing the seat of government to Belgrano, decides that the President has no authority to remove the seat of govern ment by a simple decree, and that his proceedings are unconstitutional. This decision has not been made public, and I understand that the court is divided in opinion.

On account of the refusal of the speaker of the chamber of deputies and a few of the Roca members to leave the city, the President has not been able to obtain a quorum of the chambers at Belgrano.

The Tejedor wing of the chamber of deputies meets every day at the chambers in this city, but as it cannot obtain a quorum it transacts no business.

The governor prevented the removal of the records of Congress and furniture to Belgrano.

The governor has declared this city in a state of siege. All communication by telegraph and rail with the outside has been cut off. The national troops have destroyed the railroad tracks running out of the city, and the telegraph lines. The provincial troops are making intrenchments about the city and barricading the streets.

On the 9th instant, after a conference of Ex-President Sarmiento and others with the President, a commission composed of one of the justices of the supreme court, one cabinet minister, and a member of the commercial board, was appointed, and left for Rosario, to have a conference with General Roca and to make a final effort to bring about some arrangement to preserve the peace and to prevent civil war and bloodshed. As no communication by telegraph with Rosario is possible, a steamer, on the 11th instant, brought us the first and most hopeful news; but since then, although the commissioners have not returned, a steamer arrived here on the 12th, bringing the report that in all probability no arrangement will be accomplished.

On the 12th, the electors in all the provinces save this voted for President and Vice-President. The report is that the vote was cast for Roca as President, and Madero, a citizen of this province, as Vice-President.

The reports from the upper provinces are that revolution and anarchy exist in almost all of them.

As yet there has been no fighting between the national forces and the forces of this province, although the governor has about 6,000 under arms, and the picket lines are not more than one mile apart.

On the 10th instant, I telegraphed Admiral Bryson, commanding our squadron, at Montevideo, that a state of revolution existed, and that the presence of his vessels in this port may become necessary any hour. The admiral arrived in this port on the 12th instant, and is with me now. We have had an interview with the President and his ministers to-day at Belgrano; arrangements were made by the admiral to salute the Argentine flag on the 16th instant at 12 m., and the salute to be returned, gun for gun.

I have, &c.,

No. 19.


No. 286.]

Mr. Osborn to Mr. Evarts.


Buenos Ayres, June 19, 1880. (Received July 31.)

SIR: Actual war began on the 17th instant with an engagement of the provincial forces of Buenos Ayres, under the command of General Arias, and a body of about 4,000 of the national troops under General Racedo, near Merlon, about 20 miles west of the city.

The governor had sent Arias to Mercédes, a town on the Western Railroad, about 60 miles from this city, and of much importance, to gather, at this point, all the forces possible and to march for Buenos Ayres. Arias had gathered about 10,000, partly armed, and was on the march for Buenos Ayres, when he was attacked by a column of about 4,000 troops from the province of Santa Fé. Arias lost about 100 killed and wounded, and probably 1,000 prisoners.

It is impossible to get at the exact facts at this time, but it is undoubtedly true that Arias has opened communication with the city.

On the day of the battle I was with the secretary of war, who has his headquarters with the troops at the Chacarita, west of the city, and

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