페이지 이미지
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No. 121.-German interests in Samoa; defeat of the Samoan bill in the Reichstag: comments of the German official press: the chancellor's advo cacy of the measure; its defeat due to the general feeling of opposition to any departure from the traditional policy of Germany to maintain no colonial establishments. No. 102.-International fishery exhibition; satisfaction expressed at the creditable display made by the American department. No. 127.-Closing of the session of the Reichstag; review of the work accomplished: the budget; deficit remedied by increased customs duties and taxes: the army increased; Field-Marshal Von Moltke's plans adopted; employés and guilds bill: socialism; commercial treaties with Austria, Belgium, and Switzerland continued until June, 1881; new treaties with Hawaii and Paraguay; rejected measures; the Samoan bill; new taxation: political tendencies of the ses sion; Prince Bismarck's attitude. No. 104.-Passports for American students in Ger many: the Department finds obstacles to the free issue of such passports; liability to abuse of such a privilege; the interest of the govern ment requires passports to be procured in the United States before going abroad. No. 129.-Annual spring parade at Berlin; 30,000 troops reviewed; their efficient and soldierly appearance: Germany not relaxing her military standard of excellence.

No. 132.-International fishery exhibition; distribution of prizes; first grand prize of honor to Professor Baird; the American Commission and individual exhibitors more successful than those of any other country; good effect of the exhi bition; list of awards to the American Commission and exhibitors. No. 137.-The Berlin conference on the GrecoTurkish frontier question; in accordance with article 24 of the treaty of Berlin, representatives of the six great powers confer to settle the frontier line between Greece and Turkey; character of Mr. Goschen's "identical note" summoning the conference; extracts therefrom; composition of the conference; its deliberations narrated; description of the proposed frontier; large cessions to Greece; a collective note addressed to the Porte; the general question involved and its possible solution. No. 146.-Alsace - Lorraine; application of the treaty of February 22, 1868, to; foreign office contends that treaty does not apply; legation maintains the contrary.

No. 151.-Alsace-Lorraine and the treaties of 1868; German Government still contends that they do not apply to that territory; minister asks for instructions.

No. 138.-Alsace-Lorraine; fines and penalties imposed upon adopted citizens of the United States on their return to; regret expressed thereat; a reconsideration of the question on the part of Germany desirable.

No. 160.-Case of Aaron Weill, a native of Alsace. Lorraine; his imprisonment by local authorities of Reichshofen; an application made for his release as a naturalized citizen of the United States. (Vide volume Foreign Relations, 1879, page 367.) No. 161.-Disputed questions of American nationality; report of cases calling for intervention of legation during year 1879; Nos. 25 to 50 inclusive.

No. 162.-Cases of Joseph Lanber, Alois Fisher, and Nicholas V. Gabriel decided unfavorably. No. 147. Spurions American diplomas; issuance of, at Philadelphia; measures instituted to sup press the practice.

No. 165.-Case of Aaron Weill; correspondence with foreign office. (Vide volume Foreign Relations for 1879, page 367.)

















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1880. Feb. 25

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Mar. 8

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Case of Carl Weinrebe, cook of the steamer Mo-
sel; difference of opinion between the Govern-
ments of Germany and the United States as to
the interpretation to be given to Article XII,
paragraph 2, of the consular convention of De-
cember 11, 1871; discussion of the same by the
German minister.

Case of Carl Weinrebe, cook of the Mosel; a fur-
ther discussion of this case deemed unnecessary.
(For detailed statement of the facts and circum-
stances attending the arrest of Weinrebe, and
the search of his personal effects on board the
Mosel, vide Mr. Evarts' note to Mr. Von Schlö.
zer of April 17, 1879, volume of Foreign Rela
tions for that year, page 406; also Mr. Von
Schlözer's note to Mr. Evarts of March 2, 1879,
same volume, page 404.)

Mar. 17 Official intercourse in China; audience question
and matters of etiquette; resolution on the part
of the representatives of the treaty powers to
discontinue negotiations in regard to these
points and to contine themselves to the demand
for free access for all consular representatives
of the treaty powers to the provincial authori-
ties; Germany prepared to acquiesce; views of
this government requested.
Official intercourse in China; acknowledges re-
ceipt of information from imperial envoy at Pe-
king (through German legation) that the repre-
sentatives of the treaty powers at that capital
have adopted the resolution to discontinue the
negotiation in regard to the audience question,
and other matters of etiquette, and to confine
themselves to the demand for free access to pro-
vincial authorities on the part of consular rep-
resentatives of the treaty powers; adherence to
this view on the part of the Government of the
United States.





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Mar. 20


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No. 327.-Proposal of British Government for an
adjustment of expenses of extradition annually.
No. 371.-Extradition; expenses incurred in con
nection with cases of; proposal of British Gov.
ernment for an annual adjustment; treaty of
1842, Article X, cited as making provision there.
for; while no legal objection is apparent to en-
tering into the arrangement proposed by Lord
Salisbury, it is considered inexpedient to do so.
No. 89.-Mormon emigration to the United States;
correspondence with Lord Salisbury, based on
information received from the consul at Liver-
pool of preparations for a large departure of
Mormons: Lord Salisbury's reply; steps taken
to notify the emigrants of the danger of their
text of the correspondence.
No. 95.-Collisions at sea; order in council of Au
gust 14, 1879, transmitted, containing interna
tional rules for preventing collisions, to take
effect September 1, 1880; text of the rules. (See
Mr. Drummond's note of August 24, 1880, page
524 infra.)






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No. 128. Adjustment of international extradition
expenses; correspondence on the subject with
the foreign office; declension of the British pro-
posal for an annual settlement of such accounts.
No. 139. Mormon emigration to the United States;
correspondence with the foreign office on the
subject; British government can lawfully do no
more than give warning to emigrants of the
probable consequences of violating the law.
No. 421. Mormon emigration to the United States;
acknowledging receipt of foregoing; British
government has no power to prevent; can only
give notice of illegal character of Mormon mar-

No. 432. Extradition expenses; method of settling
accounts of; approval of the plan proposed by
Lord Salisbury of preferring, separately, each
claim arising on a case of extradition, with the
proviso that payment shall be made on the spot.
No. 166. Mormon emigration; correspondence with
the consul at Liverpool concerning a departure
of emigrants; the authorities there requested
to give the promised warning.
No. 180. The United States ship Constellation.
carrying Irish relief supplies, subjected to cus
toms requirements at Queenstown; correspond.
ence with the foreign office; promised with-
drawal of the customs-officers in charge of the
vessel and cargo.

No. 184. Action of the customs authorities at
Queenstown toward the Constellation, carrying
relief to the suffering Irish; correspondence
with the foreign office; regret expressed for the
occurrence; text of the customs law under which
the Queenstown officers mistakenly acted.
No. 17. Murder on the high seas; case of John
Anderson. (Vide volume Foreign Relations for
1879, pages 435 and 446.)
No. 19. The supplies stored during the British
Arctic Expedition of 1875 and 1876 to be placed
at the disposal of the Howgate Polar Expedition;
correspondence with Lord Granville. (Vide
volume Foreign Relalions for 1875, part 1, pages
649 and 650.)

No. 35. Case of John Anderson; gratification ex-
pressed at the candor of the British government
in acknowledging that the action of the Calcutta
authorities was based upon a misconception of
the law, and could not, consequently, be sup-
ported by the home government. (For full de-
tails of this case, vide volume of Foreign Re-
lations for 1879, pages 435 and 446.)
No. 35. Carrying trade between Great Britain and
India; foreign vessels not allowed to convey
British stores; an exception made in the case of
an Italian vessel; unsuccessful effort to have
American vessels admitted to the trade; cor-
respondence with the foreign office transmitted.














312 Mr. Sewardto Sir E.Thornton. Aug. 9 ...do


Aug. 12

314 Sir E. Thornton to Mr. F. W. Sept. 8 Seward.

Depredations committed by northern Indians in
the Yellowstone Valley.
Intrusion of Canadian fishermen upon shores of
Lake Ontario; iuvestigation by Canadian gov
ernment requested.

The South American war; Sir Edward would be
glad to know whether the United States Gov-
ernment has taken any steps toward friendly in-
tervention between the belligerents.

315 Sir E. Thornton to Mr. Hun- Sept. 13 Custody of ships' registers in Colombian ports;


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Sept. 24

by United States minister at Bogotá relative to,
Mr. Evarts to Sir E. Thorn- Sept. 16 Custody of ships' papers; convention concluded
not yet formally approved.
South American war; mediation in the direction
of peace; co-operation with Great Britain and
Germany while desirable would be, as yet, pre-
mature; the Government of the United States
willing to use its good offices as soon as bellig-
erents are prepared to receive them.
Liberian boundary commission; British commis-
sioners satisfied that territories referred to in
deeds of cession had no existence; thanks of Her
Majesty's Government to Commodore Schufeldt,
U.S. N.


Sir E. Thornton

to Mr.




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Canadian Indians; incursions by, into United
States territory; copy of approved report of
privy council of Canada transmitted.
Oct. 22, Canadian fishermen; encroachments by, within
the jurisdiction of the United States on the
shores of Lake Ontario; copy of approved; re-
port of privy council of Canada transmitted.
Incroachments by Canadian fishermen within
United States jurisdiction: gratification at
prompt attention of Canadian Government

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Oct. 28

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Nov. 4
Nov. 14

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Moorish protection: proposed conference at Ma-
drid; views of this government requested.
Mexican customs regulations; imprisonment of
captain of American steamer Newbern for
alleged violation of; letter from Mr. George
Kelly, of Mazatlan, Mexico, and copy of regula
tions above referred to transmitted.
Intrusion of British half-breeds and Sitting Bull's
men upon the Crow reservation in Moutana

Crow reservation in Montana; invasion of, by
British half-breeds and Sitting Bull's men;
anxiety of Canadian Government for settlement
of these matters. [Vide volume Foreign Rela
tions for 1879, pages 488 and 496.]
Mexican customis regulations; imprisonment of
captain of American steamer Newbern for
alleged violation of; said regulations considered
unnecessarily severe; this government will re-
monstrate against them.

Nicaragua and Great Britain; documents in the
archives of the United States relating to ques
tion in dispute between; appreciation of Her
Majesty's Government of friendly conduct of
this government in giving access to.
Jews in Morocco; irregular protection afforded by
diplomatic and consular agents of foreign
powers; memorandum of the language held to
Sir J. H. Drummond Hay by the Rev. A. Löwy,
secretary of the Anglo-Jewish Association, and
of Sir J. H. Drummond Hay's replies; the Brit-
ish minister would like to know the views of
this government as regards the proposal to refer
the further discussion of the question of regular
protection of Moors to a meeting of the repre-
sentatives of the powers concerned at Madrid.

Mr. Hay to Sir E. Thornton. Dec. 20 Nicaragua and Great Britain; application of the

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former government for certain documents in the
archives of the United States relating to the
question in dispute; papers sent to minister of
United States at Vienna.

Canadian inshore fisheries; alleged trespass on
grounds of, by American schooner Emily Ste-
phenson; correspondence between the inspector
of fisheries for British Columbia and the Cana-
dian commissioner of fisheries transmitted.
Wrecking on the great lakes; desirability of an
international policy to allow the life-saving ap
pliances of the United States and Canada to be
used for the relief of vessels in distress within
the jurisdiction of either nation: this govern-
ment desirous of carrying out this principle of
reciprocity; case of the Jane McCloud.

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Incursions of Sionx Indians from Canada into
United States territory; attention of British
Government called thereto.

Indian raids; co-operation of Canadian Govern-
ment solicited.
Transportation of merchandise to, from, and
through Canada; regulations governing same.
Foreign protection of native Moors; conference
to be held at Madrid for consideration of; Mr.
Fairchild, United States minister to Spain, to
act as the representative of this government.
American cattle; privilege of transit through








Fires on board of cotton-laden ships in American
ports: representation by the committee
Lloyd's attention of this government called
to: incendiarism the alleged cause.
American cattle; transit of, through Canada from
one American port to another; report of a com-
mittee of the privy council for Canada trans-

Collisions at sea; international regulations for
prevention of Great Britain has decided, in
consequence of representations on behalf of her
fishing interests, to suspend the operation of
Article X of said regulations until September
1, 1881; copy of the Queen's order in council

Relief for Ireland; visit of Constellation; thanks
of British Government for.
Canadian fisheries; alleged trespass by the
schooner Emily Stephenson,

American cattle; purchase of, by Canadians, for
breeding purposes; proposed modification by
Her Majesty's Government of rules regulating
the importation of cattle into Canada, so as to
permit short-horned cattle raised west of Alle-
ghany Mountains to enter the Dominion unob-

Importation of American cattle into Canada for
breeding purposes.

Commission of liquidation for settlement of Egyp
tian debt; text of Khedival decree; course
adopted by Germany, Austria-Hungary, France,
Great Britain, and Italy, explained by impor-
tance of the interests of these governments in
Egypt; nearly the whole debt owned by sub-
jects thereof; adhesion of this government to
the joint declaration desirable. (For text of
decree, see Mr. Farman's dispatch No. 381 of
April 5, 1880, under correspondence with Tur-
Fires on board of cotton-laden ships at the ports
of Charleston and New Orleans; proclamation
of governor of Louisiana transmitted.
Light-houses in the Bay of Port-au-Prince; erec-
tion of two, and the establishment of light-dues
in connection therewith; alleged unfair dis
crimination in the levying of these dues between
Haytian vessels and those of foreign powers;
British vice-consul instructed to urge upon the
Haytian Government a just equalization in this
respect; co-operation of this government desira-
ble in endeavoring to secure same.
Discriminating light-dues levied at Port-au-Prince
on foreign-merchant vessels; this government
ready and willing to co-operate with Her Maj
esty's Government for their modification.
Fires on board of cotton-laden ships in American
ports; expresses gratification at the vigorous
measures adopted by governor of Louisiana te
repress incendiarismi at New Orleans; the gov
ernor's proclamation of May 14, 1880.
Kentucky cattle for breeding purposes; desire of
Canadians to purchase: copy of report of privy
council of Canada, relative to, transmitted.













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