

be obliged to put down his carriages, and to lose his coachmen and footmen and their pretty pink liveries, who, of course. if the " Royal Waggon Train" is disbanded as is expected, these servants, being "Royal Waggoners," will be discharged from the public service; and if kept in the Major General's service, must be so at his own expense. You reformers are sad men, Mr. Cobbett? What a deal of mischief you are about to entail upon this valuable officer,by your meanness in thinking of a few hundreds of thousands of pounds? I know, in your way, paltry you will be calculating how many families might be supported by the pay and al lowances, seen and unseen,allowed and not allowed, permitetd and not permitted, but possessed by the Major General; and will ask, in your impertinent manner, what he does, or has done, to deserve such ample reward, while so many very meritorious officers without arms or legs, &c. &c. &c. are sent to cultivate their health in wholesome retirement, in Wales and the Highlands of Scotland, where alone their little pittance can provide them with potatoes and small beer. But, Sir, your correspondent, P. C. who dates his Letter from the Horse Guards, and of whose identity I can give a shrewd guess, can, if he pleases, unfold the whole story, and shew you that the "Major General" has claims, which cannot be disputed. If I am wrong, I call upon Lim to put me right; and I am sure your candour aud love of trath is too great not to give insertion to whatever explanation he may think fit to make. That he will do which forthwith is the earnest wish of your sincere and fervent admirer,

that body as having been most cruelly | pounds a year? But so it is, I fear; and attacked, by the name of Major General the poor Major General will of course, Digby Hamilton having been added to the list of its most respectable members. P. C. states this not to be the case, but he himself confesses that the Major General did apply for admission; therefore, at least, there was certainly some foundation for the report. P. C. very sa tirically compares the Major General's claims to those of the Under City Marshall, Mr. Nalder, on the ground of ser"vices." Now, Sir, I beg leave to be distinctly understood, that there are various sorts of " services," for which this "deco"ration," is bestowed:---there are military services, diplomatic services, pen and ink services, Horse Guards services, back door services, negotiation services, procuration services, cum multiis aliis, too numerous to mention; so that the worthy Major General may have very eminently distinguished himself "in his way," and may have as good a title to the "decoration" as the Duke of Wellington himself. The Drum Boy, is, in his line, a great warrior; and I have no doubt, that the Major General could unfold as brilliant a list of achievements in his escutcheon, as any one of the Knights Grand Crosses" of the Order. Every man in his vocation: The Major General has not been a war man; he has laboured peaceably at home, and has done wonders! For, as your correspondent observes, he contrives to continue" on,permanent pay," with " tem"porary" rank. I am sorry, however, Sir, to be obliged to inform you, that I have heard, from unquestionable authority, that it is the intention of one of those most awful "Jacobins," Mr. Whitbread, Mr. Ponsonby, Sir Francis Burdett, or some other of the “vile crew,” to object to the continuance of the temporary rauk Major General's "permanent Corps. How cruel this will be! Poor man! to deprive him of the sweet little country box at Croydon Barracks, and of the little comforts of coals, candles, hay, straw, and corn; to say nothing of his nice garden, and farm yard, and of the convenience of bringing up all these "comforts" to Cleveland Row, in a covered waggon, drawn by four horses! Surely Mr. Whitbread could not be so is the sovereign head of the church, eruel as to begrudge the "Major General" these trifling enjoyments, particularly when they do not cost the country more than two or three hundred thousand



LETTER VII. "Remember that the disorders of the Soul are no "to be cured by force and violence.” Cardinal de Camus,--Pastoral Instructions.1688.

Continued from page 217.

Our Prince (acting for his father)

or state religion of this country, and "Defender of the Faith. " This faith is a branch of a system called christian, from the name of its founder,

and first instituted, as the almanacks | flourished in the early ages of the Gospel tell us, about 1815 years ago.

Whatever might have been the opinion of the early professors of this religion, we at the present day, that is, the great balk of Christians in this country, believe, that the great Author of Nature, in order to redeem his creatures from a portion of the disgrace entailed upon them, in consequence of their first parents eating some fruit from a forbidden tree, he begot, in a supernatural manner, a son upon the body of a young woman, who was betrothed to an old man. That this immaculate conception was brought about by the instrumentality of the Holy Ghost,an incorporeal spiritual personage, sometimes represented as appearing in the shape of a Dove, and sometimes in various other forms. We believe also in a doctrine called the Trinity, said to have been established about the third centuryofChristianity, whichrepresents the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, to partake equally of divinity, and, in fact, to be three Gods and one God at the same time; three in one, and one composing three, and yet not one God but three, and not three separate Gods but


dispensation, may, with perfect consistency, despise the pretensions of Johanna, because they reject the miraculous conception of Mary, the divinity of Jesus, and the sublime mystery of the Trinity; but we, who stake our salvation upon our faith in these things, cannot consistently, or without great danger to our holy religion, appear hostile to the opinions of this new sect.-If these Millenarians had denied any part of our sacred writings, and proved some characters, which we greatly admire, to be bad ones; if they had abused our church, reviled its ministry, or breathed a spirit of Jacobinism, we might then have found some pretext for persecuting them with all the fury of religious monsters just let loose from hell; but, on the contrary, they admit the whole of our Scriptures to be truc, and, so far from disrespecting the State Religion, they read the whole of its forms in their Meetings.-Now the dithculty we laboured under in opposing their system was this, that we admit all things to be possible with God, that the ways of providence are often dark and mysterious, and that he does not consult either ourselves or our understandings in the government of the universe, or the means he shall use to carry his designs into execution; all this we acknowledge when we give him the attri bute of " Omnipotence." Is it not pal pable then, that by doubting the supernatural pregnancy of Mrs. Southcott, and hastily determining it to be impossible, we called in question the power of the Almighty? The Almighty? Was not her ease strictly analagous to that of the blessed Virgin Mary, whom the Catholics always honor with the appellation of "Mother of God?" We own that the Lord has worked hundreds and thousands of Miracles, and are pigmics like us to say when he shall cease to work them? If this would have been a greater Miracle than the birth of Christ, might it not be more necessary, at a period like this, when, instead of the ignorant idolatry These being some of the leading points of those days, the earth is over-run with of our religion, and indeed being the an enlightened infidelity, and when, in very foundation stones upon which the fact, the progress of knowledge has only superstructure is reared, does it not be- facilitated the march of materialism and hove us to be particularly cautious how scepticism? But where can be the dif we meddle with the mission and the doc-ference to the Almighty ?-Is he not trines of Mrs. Southcott?-Such Chris-as capable of commanding an aged virtians as many, or most of the sects who gin to bring forth, without connection

It is true, our enemies ridicule this ineffable mystery of our holy religion, but we implicitly believe it, though so inscrutable that we cannot comprehend it. It must also be recollected, that we believe our Saviour Jesus Christ to have been the promised Messiah mentioned in the ancient traditions and prophecies of the Jews, who, when he came, was to bring about such wonderful things that the earth was to be a sort of paradise. The Jews will not agree to this. They say that our Messiah was executed without having accomplished what was predicted of him; that we misrepresent their scriptures, and contrive, by means of forged genealogies, and other insidious arts, to graft our system on theirs to give it a better foundation: but we, as Christians, consider them mistaken, and give no credit to aspersions so injurious to our holy faith.

with man, as he was a young woman? Has the period of 1800 years, diminished his strength, or is he a man that he should have grown imbecile through age? | -How often do we call the Jews a set of hard hearted and blood thirsty villains for not believing what took place in their own day, but executing the Son of God as an impostor. Every impartial person must acknowledge, that the great bulk of the English place themselves just in the same situation as the Jews, when they ridiculed the Prophetess, and would have persecuted her if our Prince had been as weak as Pontius Pilate, and had ielded to their senseless murder breathing clamour. It would have been much more becoming in such insignificant animals as we are, to have waited with patient submission to the Decrees of Heaven, and not presumptuously attempt to scan the ways of providence by judging and determining before the appointed time. We called these people superstitious, weak, and stupid, for crediting that which was not more wonder-superstition, and all the shackles which ful than what we firmly believe, though it took place near 2000 years since, and is handed down to us by tradition, thro' the dark ages and a variety of mediums which we often take a pleasure in proving to be suspicious. Does not all this open a door to the scoffs and jeers of lafidels? Does it not give them a glorious opportunity of making our foolish conduct in this respect, a powerful engine wherewith to strike at the very root of our holy religion, by shewing us how easily we can see the errors and absurdities of others, and wonder at their being so besotted, when, if we were capable of asking ourselves a few close questions, we might perhaps find that we were cherishing in our own minds dogmas equally repugnant to common sense. Our prince is aware, that if the discussion of these topies had been pushed still further by the misguided zeal of religious persecution, it would give scope to a thousand such illnatured observations and inferences as those I have just mentioned; therefore I look up to him with veneration, as an experienced Father, whose judgement is not blinded by his affection for his children, but who has the resolution to deny such of their requests as his superior knowledge, and foresight, convinces him will militate against their happiness.

How often have heard persons exclaim "I wonder how any one can be so credulous as to be lead away by that woman."-In the same manner I have heard a gaping clown, when staring at the lofty fabric of St. Paul, express his astonishment, that human ingenuity could plan and erect so stupendous a pile; but the skilful architect views it with far less amazement, because he knows the principles upon which the temple was designed, and the means by which that design was carried into execution, and could himself, perhaps, raise as grand a structure, if he had the same opportunity of displaying his abilities.-Docs not this prove, that all our wonder arises from our ignorance, and that the only reason why we are surprised at the weakness of the Southcoterians is, that we are nnacquainted with the theory of the human mind in general, and with our own faculties in particular? If we were capable of divesting ourselves of the prejudices of education, the trammels of

surrounding circumstances impose upon us; if we could dissect our brain, analyse our ideas, and make an inventory of our knowledge, we should find the portion of it obtained by thinking, examining, and judging for ourselves, so small as hardly to be discernible in the mass of rubbish that we have received without investigation, from our nurse, our schoolmaster, and our priest.-The instruction we imbibed from these, was considered as the dictates of truth and reason by our infantine capacities. We grow up in reverence of what we have learned from parents, elders, and superiors, falsely conceiving it the result of our own conviction, and, whether right or wrong, becoming more obstinately bigotted to it the longer we continue it. Our self love, pride, and vanity, prompt us to attach a peculiar importance to our own opinions, and to attribute them to our judgment and discrimination, or to any cause but that of chance, or accident, which threw as in the way of the education we have received, whether good or bad. To set our knowledge of, or our fonduess for, particular dogmas to their account, instead of to our own election, is not sufficiently flattering to human nature. Is it then to Le wondered at that the more ignorant we are, the more obIstinate we shall be in adhering to ang

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ridiculous notion we may have embraced? out having read her works, or examinAnd is it not evident, that the proper ed the passages in holy writ upon reason the bulk of mankind ought to which she rested her divine mission. assign for their profession of a particular I have that zeal and enthusiasm in the religion is, that I am a good Mahom- cause of truth, that I will make no scrumetan, because I was born at Constantiple in declaring my opinion on this case, nople, and a true Christian, because even though I should be thought a was born at London ?---When we reflect Southcoterian in disguise, and be loaded upon the history of man, can we be sur- with every species of opprobrium. I do prised at any thing he does under the roundly assert, without the fear of influence of religion?—There is no prin- contradiction, that the texts selected ciple so powerful over the human mind by Mrs. Southcott for the illustration as superstition, when enforced and di- of her doctrines, are as pointed and as rected by a Priest. It is quite immaterial applicable as any of those upon which whether it is the worship of the most we ground the christian system. To hideous idol to which the poor benighted those who say that her death proved Indian bows the knee,or the more ration- the fallacy of her scheme, and her folal aderation of a Supreme Being, as the lowers will no longer exist as a sect, Author of Nature. Their effects will be it is answered that her disciples know the same wherever a Priesthood have the the Almighty has changed his mind beliberty of modifying them to answer their fore; he had repented that he had made own interested purposes--Let us then man, that he called Jesus Christ to heabe moderate and charitable, and avoid exposing our shallow knowledge of self, by abusing others, even if they should be in error. But God forbid that should say they are because they see more in my Bible than I have been taught to see. Is every other science to be extended and improved, and not that of religion?-The Jews never discovered that our system was predicted in their books and will not believe it to this day. The language of oracles and prophecies has never been direct and perspicuous, but, on the contrary, dark and mysterious. The fertile imagination of St. Augustine could see the whole of the New Testament in the Old: he dis-mild and generous conduct towards this covered that even the piece of red rag held out as a signal by a barlot, was typical of the blood of our blessed Saviour, and the two wives of Abraham meant the synagogue and the catholic church. We protestants, in our expositions, make the man of sin to be the pope, the Romish religion antichristian; and the more enlightened Southcoterians can see still farther than us. They find that Jesns went off without making the earth a paradise as was promised, and quote passages from scripture to prove

the Lamb to lay down together, and the land to flow with milk and honey; and may he not, say the true believers, have some wise and mysterious end in view in taking the holy prophetess to himself, without blessing us with the Shiloh. Perhaps the crying sins of this great Babylon have offended him. But be this as it may, whatever is, is right; it. is all for the best, and must at last work together for good. Let us then cordially unite in offering up those sen timents of praise, which are the emanation of a true and loyal heart, to our good and gracious Prince Regent, for his

new sect of christians, which, I have no doubt will flourish to the end of time'; it being my most serious persuasion, that, according to critical evidence, this system and our own only holy and infallible faith must stand or fall together.


London, Feb. 17, 1815.

his second coming in the child SHILOH, The American Documents to be continued to fulfil what he left undone. Hundreds have condemned the prophetess with

in the next Number.

Printed and Published by G. HovsTON: No. 192, Strand; where all Communications addressed to fr Editor are requested to be forwarded.




[Price 1s.


dare say, it will be pursued all over Europe. Napoleon put down the Inquisition and drove out the Monks. Those who now suffer from having fought and wrote against Napoleon and for Ferdinand must take the fruit of their exertions for their pains. Spain is Delivered; we were, as we say, her Deliverers. I will pity no one, who was for the Deliver ance, and who yet complains of its conse quences.


On the Political Changes which have taken place in Spain since the return of Fer dinand.

The following REFLECTIONS place in a clear right the Changes, which have taken place in Spain, since the return of Ferdinand, the beloved, in consequence of the Deliverance of that country. For my part, I have very little feeling for those, who endeavoured to restore him. They well knew him and his family; they well knew the sort of government which they had under that family; they had no reason to expect better government than before; they wrote and fought for him; they have him; and much good may he do them. There were many persons, of whom I was one, who did not wish to see Europe under the sway of Napoleon, but who feared, that his being overthrown would produce evil, by replacing all the nations of Europe under their old masters, with a despotism, on the part of the latter, to rule the people with a rod of iron. As to supposing, as some men did, that the old families would be more mild in their government than formerly; that the lesson, as it was called, would make them, gentle in future, and allow their peoplesnore liberty than they enjoyed before, nothing could, it appeared to me, be more foolish, nothing more opposite to the general practice of mand. Who, as I once before asked, has cattle or sheep which break over or through his fences, lower or weaken the fences upon bringing back the flock or the herd? Does a horse break his halter? We put a chain in its stead. I have a gang of leaping Mares and Colts, which have The Spanish Nation, invaded by Na broken out, several times this winter, poleon and deserted by Ferdinand in a from rough pasture into my meadows and way, if not the most criminal, at least the fields, allured by the sight of better most impolitic, nobly resisted so unjust living. What have I done? Have I an aggression. That this desertion was patted them and caressed them? Have contrary to the wish of the Spaniards, is I given them a greater and farther range? evident from the means taken by the peoNot I, faith! I have sought out the places ple of Vittoria to hinder his ill-judged of their escape; and having driven them journey, for they unharnessed his car back, have constantly redoubled the bar-riage, notwithstanding his utmost remonrier; and have, at last, made it impos- strances, and those of his stupid advisers sible for them to get out with their lives, and followers. In order to oppose the Ferdinand is pursuing my plan, and, I'most effectual resistance to the invasion

My object in presenting these reflec tions to the public, is to throw some light on a subject of the greatest import ance to the tranquillity of Europe. My homage is due only to justice and to virtue, for in whatever country or individual they may be found, the friend of liberty must honour and respect them. Wishing to divest myself of all national and party spirit, which never fail to blind the eyes of those who are under their influence, I will express with the utmost frankness, my ideas on events of such importance as those which have lately happened in Spain, and which, in my opinion, have not yet been considered in their true light. For this purpose I will give a brief historical recapitulation of them, without which it will be impossible to form a just opinion of their origin and future consequences.

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