페이지 이미지

visitors, too, intruded upon the works for closer inspection, and these latter becoming later on more numerous than welcome, it was deemed necessary to restrict them, and tickets, at 6d. each, were issued, which gave privilege of entry for the day. Early in January, 1823, the first cluster of piles being completed, a "cradle" was suspended from the cliff to it, so as to enable the men to pass more expeditiously to and from their work. (See plate annexed.) This "cradle" was subsequently superseded by a temporary suspension bridge, and such bridges were continued to each cluster of piles as soon as completed. By the end of March the "shears" for driving the fourth and last cluster of piles was planted; in April the chains for the support of the Pier were prepared and put together; and by May, so much had the work been pushed on, that the Esplanade road leading to the Pier was completed. The Pier itself was by this time so far finished that a lamp was burnt nightly at the Pier-head as a caution to ships and boats, and a bell was rung during foggy weather. By the middle of July all the chains of the Pier (save one) were suspended; and in August, a writer says of it, "The Pier, as you look at it from the opposite cliffs, through the standards, chains, and suspension rods, has a beautiful and vista-like appearance." By the end of August the flooring was completed, and the necessary and ornamental works were proceeding with rapidity; and by the middle of September the Pier was so far finished that it was visited by numbers, and unqualified approbation was expressed at the handsomeness of the structure and at the stupendous and marvellous character of the undertaking. How nearly the grand work was then approaching completion may be inferred from the fact that, on September 26th, it was announced that a "sale of the waste materials" would take place at the

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(From a Water-Colour Drawing, attributed to Prout, kindly lent by Mr. F. W. SIMPSON, Art Dealer, Brighton.)

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(From a Water-Colour Drawing, attributed to Prout, kindly lent by Mr. F. W. SIMPSON, Art Dealer, Brighton.)

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