페이지 이미지


Navy Department, called for by Senate resolution of August 26, 1852.
Compendium of the reports of the Chiefs of Bureaus of the...
Navy, communicating the result of an examination, made in compli-
ance with a resolution of the Senate, of the property offered
by R. B. Sumner and others as a site for a navy yard and depot
at New Orleans. Report of the Secretary of the.......

Navy in relation to the classification of clerks in the several bureaus
of the Navy Department. Report of the Secretary of the
Navy pension fund for the year ending September 30, 1852. State-
ment of receipts and expenditures on account of the
Navy, accompanied by a list of contracts entered into by the Bureau
of Yards and Docks, and an abstract of offers to furnish articles
under the cognizance of said bureau. Report of the Secretary
of the ...

Navy, communicating the report of the commission appointed to
examine the qualities of the coal fields and coal mines on the
western waters. Report of the Secretary of the.....

Navy respecting the establishment of a line of mail and war steamers
between the western coast of the United States and the free
ports of China. Report of the Secretary of the.......
Navy, transmitting a report of an exploration of the valley of the
Amazon and its tributaries by Lieutenants Herndon and Gib-
bon. Report of the Secretary of the....
Navy, communicating information in relation to the contract with
Howland & Aspinwall for supplying the Japan squadron with
coal. (See Doc. No. 2, special session, March, 1853.) Report
of the Secretary of the.

Netherlands. Abstracts of documents relating to changes in the
commercial regulations in the government of the.....
New Grenada. Abstracts of documents relating to changes in the
commercial relations of the government of.

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New Mexico. Report of Colonel Sumner upon the present condition, future prospects, farm culture, &c., in

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New Mexico. Report of the Secretary of the Interior in relation to the southern boundary of...

[blocks in formation]

New Orleans. Result of an examination of the property offered by R. B. Sumner and others as a site for a navy yard at Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and the territory claimed by the Mosquito Indians. Reply of the Secretary State to the call for the correspondence, &c., relative to

[blocks in formation]

Nicaragua route, and of the protectorate of Mosquito. Report of the
Secretary of State, communicating the substance of recent
communications from the British minister on the subject of
the inter-oceanic canal by the....

Ninth Military Department.—(See Military Department.)
Nock, for damages for an alleged violation of a contract for supplying
the Post Office Departinent with locks. Report of an exami-
nation of the claim of Joseph.............

Norway and Sweden. Abstracts of documents relating to changes in
the commercial relations of the governments of..


Observatory, in relation to investigations with regard to the winds,
currents of the sea, and other phenomena. Report of Lieut.
Maury, in charge of the National
Observatory and Naval Academy. Report of the Chief of the Bureau
of Ordnance and Hydrography, with estimates, in relation to
the Naval

Ohio river. Report of a survey and examination of plans for a canal
around the falls of the....

[blocks in formation]



Vol. Doc.


Ordnance, showing the principal operations of the Ordnance Depart-
ment during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1852. Report of
the Colonel of

Ordnance in relation to armament of fortifications, ordnance stores,
equipping the militia, armories, arsenals, and depots. Abstract
of the annual report of the Colonel of...........
Ordnance, ordnance stores, &c., distributed to the militia, army, and
the several military posts. Statements of...
Ordnance and Hydrography, including Hydrographic Office and Naval
Observatory, and Naval Academy. Report and detailed esti-
mates of the Chief of the Bureau of

Oregon and California. Report of General Hitchcock in relation to
Indian hostilities, &c., in..........

[blocks in formation]

Owen in relation to a geological survey of the "mauvaises terres," or "bad lands," of Nebraska Territory. Letter of Dr. D. D.....

[blocks in formation]


Pacific Military Division.-(See California and Oregon.)
Parma. Abstracts of documents relating to changes in the commer-
cial relations in the government of.

[blocks in formation]

Patent Office building.—(See Buildings.)

Patent Office in relation to inventions in arts and manufactures during
the year 1852, (Part 1.) Report of the operations of the.....
Patent Office in relation to agriculture, &c., for 1851, (Part 2.) Re-
port of the operations of the

Paymaster General of the army, during the fiscal year ending June 30,
1852. Report of the transactions of the Pay department, by

Paymaster General of the army for 1852. Compendium of the report
of the..

Penobscot.-(See River Penobscot.)
Pensions, accompanying the President's annual message, (Part 1)

showing the operations of the Pension Office since the annual
report of November, 1851. Report of the Commissioner of....
Pensioners in the different States. Statement showing the number of.
Pensioners who have been added to the rolls of the several States
since the last annual report. Statement of the number of.....
Pensioners whose deaths have been reported since the last annual re-
turn. Statement of.

Pensioners who have been paid in the 1st and 2d quarters of 1852.
Statement of

Pension agents, at the date of their last returns, on account of invalids,
widows, and revolutionary pensioners. Statement showing the
balances in the hands of the several


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[blocks in formation]

Pensioners to November 16, 1852. Alphabetical list of navy invalid..
Pensioners to November 16, 1852. Alphabetical list of persons re-
stored to the rolls of privateer



[blocks in formation]

Pensions under the act of August 11, 1848.
widows who are now drawing naval

Alphabetical list of

[blocks in formation]

Pensions under the act of August 11, 1848.

Alphabetical list of

Pensioners in November, 1851, and November, 1852. Comparative

[blocks in formation]

orphan children of officers, seamen, and marines, who are now

[blocks in formation]

Statement of

receipts and expenditures from the navy.

[blocks in formation]

Peru. Abstracts of documents relating to changes in the commercial

regulations of the government of ...

[blocks in formation]

Portland, the entrances of the Kennebec and the Penobscot rivers.
Report of the Engineer department in relation to the defence

of ..

[blocks in formation]


Portugal. Abstracts of documents relating to changes in the commercial regulations of the government of...

Postage collected under the late postal treaty with Great Britain.
Report of the Postmaster General communicating a statement
relative to the

Postal convention between the United States and Great Britain. Cor-
respondence in relation to the
Postmaster General in relation to propositions made, or contracts en-
tered into, for the transportation of the mails from New York,
New Orleans, and Vera Cruz, to San Francisco. Report of the
Postmaster General, accompanying the President's annual message.

(Part 2) showing the operations of the Post Office Department
during the year 1852. Report of the
Postmaster General, communicating a statement from the Auditor for
that department relative to the postage collected under the
postal treaty with Great Britain. Report of the
Post Office Department, with statistics of said department. Report

of the operations of the Auditor's office of the Treasury for the. Post Office Department, under their several heads, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1852. Statement showing the expenditures of the

Post Office Department, under their several heads, for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1852. Statement showing the receipts of the.
Post Office Department during the year ending June 30, 1852. State-
ments of letters and printed matter received and sent through

Post Office Department, under regulations of the act of 1851. Statement
of the number of letters, handbills, circulars, newspapers, and
pamphlets, received, and delivered by carriers, and amount re-
ceived for carriage, in the cities of New York, Philadelphia,
Boston, Baltimore, and New Orleans, through the
Postmaster General, transmitting a copy of the contract with Messrs.
Ramsay & Carmick, for extension of trips, on the New Orleans
and Vera Cruz line, from Vera Cruz, via Acapulco, to San Fran-
cisco. (See Doc. No. 1, special session, March, 1853.) Report
of the.

President of the United States on the State of the Union. Annual
message of the...

President of the United States in the report of the Secretary of the

Interior in relation to the southern boundary of New Mexico.
Concurrence of the.....

President of the United States in relation to the establishment of a
new British colony in Central America. Message from the...
President of the United States in relation to a proposed tripartite con-
vention on the subject of Cuba. Message from the..
President of the United States, communicating information in relation
to the Mexican boundary. Message from the....
President of the United States, communicating information in relation
to the imprisonment of the United States consul, and other
American citizens, in the castle of Acapulco, in Mexico. Mes-
sage from the..
President of the United States, recommending the payment of the

claim made by the Spanish government, on behalf of its subjects, in the case of the "Amistad." Message from the...... President of the United States in relation to the refusal of the Indians remaining in Florida to migrate to the country assigned to their tribe, west of the Mississippi. Message from the.. President of the United States, communicating the award of the Emperor of France in the case of the brig General Armstrong. Message from the

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President of the United States, communicating correspondence in re-
lation to Central America. Message from the..

(See List of Papers at page 2 of the above.)

President of the United States, communicating a letter from the Secre-
tary of State, assigning the reason for not communicating the
correspondence with the minister of Great Britain in relation
to the treaty negotiated by Mr. Squier with Nicaragua, &c.
Message from the

President of the United States respecting the postal convention be-
tween the United States and Great Britain. Message from
President of the United States relative to the negotiations pending

between the United States and Great Britain on the subject of
the fisheries, of reciprocal intercourse with the British North
American provinces, and the navigation of the St. Lawrence
and the canals connected with it. Message from the.
President of the United States, communicating the report of the Di-
rector of the Mint during the year 1852. Message from the.
President of the United States, communicating a report from the
Secretary of State, embodying the substance of recent commu-
nications from the British minister on the subject of the inter-
Message from the....
oceanic canal, by the Nicaragua route.
President of the United States, communicating information in relation
to the fisheries on the coast of Florida. Message from the....
President of the United States, communicating a report of Lieut. Meigs,
with surveys, plans, and estimates, for supplying the cities of
Washington and Georgetown with water. Message from the...
President of the United States in relation to the fisheries on the
coasts of the American provinces.-(See Doc. No. 3, special
session, March, 1853.) Message from the.

President of the United States, communicating further correspondence
between the minister of the United States at Paris and the
Department of State, concerning the revolution in France of
December, 1851.-(See Doc. No. 7, special session, March,
1853.) Message from the.

Privateer pensioners.—(See Pensioners.)

Vol. Doc. Page.















[blocks in formation]

Provisions and Clothing. Report and detailed estimates of the Chief
of the Bureau of .

[blocks in formation]

Prussia. Abstracts of documents relating to changes in the com-
mercial regulations of the government of.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Quartermaster General of the Army, showing the operations of the
Quartermaster's department during the year 1852. Report of
Quartermaster General of the Army for the year ending June 30, 1852.
Compendium of the report of the..


Railroad mail service in the several States, and cost thereof, for the
years 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, and 1852. Statement of..
Railroad mail service, as in operation October 1, 1852. Statement of.
Ramsay & Carmick for the transportation of the mails to San Fran-
cisco. (See Doc. No. 1, special session, March, 1853.) Com-
munication from the Postmaster General, with a copy of the
contract with.





[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


Ramsey in the disbursement of money appropriated for the fulfilment
of treaties with the Sioux Indians. Report of the Secretary of
the Interior in relation to the allegations of fraud by Alexander..
Receipts of the Post Office Department during the year ending June
30, 1852. Statement of the....

Receipts into the treasury during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1852.
Statement of....

Red river, by Captain Marcy. Report of the exploration of.
Revenues from customs, public lands, miscellaneous, and incidental
sources, including military contributions in Mexico, during the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1852. Statement of........

Rio Grande frontier. Report of General Smith in relation to diffi-
culties on the.....

Rivers and harbors, &c. Report on the condition and improvement of.
River St. Lawrence and the canals connected with it, &e. Letter of
the Secretary of State relating to the navigation of the.....
Rivers Kennebec and Penobscot. Report of the Engineer department
relative to the defence of Portland and the entrances of the...
Rivers Zuni and Colorado, by Captain Sitgreaves. Report of an ex-
pedition down the

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River Amazon, by Captain Herndon. Report of an exploration of the.
River, by Captain Marcy. Report of an exploration of Red
Rodman, in relation to the custom-house at San Francisco.-(See Doc.
No. 5, special session, March, 1853.) Report of Gilbert
Russia. Extracts from documents relating to changes in the com-
mercial regulations of the government of....





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St. Lawrence.-(See River.)

Sandwich Islands. Abstracts of documents relating to changes in
the commercial relations of the.

[merged small][ocr errors][subsumed][merged small]

San Francisco. Reports of the Chief Engineer and Colonel of Ord-
nance in relation to the defence of the harbor of ....
San Francisco. Reports in relation to contracts for transporting the
mails from New York, New Orleans, and Vera Cruz, to.
San Francisco.-(See Doc. No. 5, special session, March, 1853.) Re-
port of Gilbert Rodman in relation to the custom-house at.
San Juan de Nicaragua, or Greytown. Abstracts of documents re-
lating to changes in the commercial relations of...........
Sardinia. Abstracts of documents relating to changes in the com-
mercial relations of the government of......

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(See Marine hospital.)

Sicilies. Abstracts of documents relating to changes in the commer-

cial relations of the government of the Two.....





Sioux Indians.-(See Indians.)

Sitgreaves, of the engineer corps, of an expedition down the Zuni and

Colorado rivers. Report by Captain L.




Society Islands. Abstracts of documents relating to changes in the
commercial relations of the

[blocks in formation]

Spain. Abstracts of documents relating to changes in the commer-
cial regulations of

[blocks in formation]

Spanish government, on behalf of its subjects, in the case of the
Amistad. Message from the President of the United States
recommending the payment of the claim made by the ...........
State, with correspondence relative to the encroachments of the In-
dians of the United States upon the territories of Mexico.
Report of the Secretary of.

(See List of papers in the above correspondence, at page 2 of same.)
State, in answer to a call of the Senate for a copy of the correspond-

ence, &c., relative to Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and the territory
claimed by the Mosquito Indians. Report of the Secretary of..

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