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N° 55-122.
Geddes Farid y
55. IMPORTANCE Of Christianity to Virtue
56. Reproof and Reproach, a Vision
57. Of Courtship-Questions and Rules for STEELE
58. Public Spirit-Letter from a Hackney
Author-from a Patriotic Drinker-
from an ostentatious Lady
59. Letters on Cato.
60. On the various modes of reading Books
61. On Cruelty to the Brute Creation-Fa-
ble of Pilpay
62. Visit to Westminster School-Utility of
public Seminaries..
63. Strictures on the Examiner-Extract
from Lucas' Practical Christianity....
64. Petition of the Artificers, of Esau Ring-
wood, Susannah How-d'ye-call, and
Hugh Pounce-Letter on Cato
65. Improper Conduct at Church-Poverty,
of the clergy, hurtful to Religion....
66. Common Fame, a Vision.
67. Fate of Poets-Recommendation of
Tom D'Urfey..
68. Letters on the Wife proposed to Sir Har-
ry Lizard......
No. 69.
On Fenelon's Demonstration of the Ex- istence, Wisdom and Omnipotence of God
70. Analogy between St. Paul's and the
Christian Church-Narrowness of Free-
71. Observations on the Increase of Lions-
Character of a Lion
>72. On the Oxford Terræ-filius-Abuse of
his Office
73. On the improper Interference of Pa-
rents in the Disposal of their Children
-Letters on Passion-Peevishness- Shyness
74. Extract from a Sermon of Bishop Be-
Trading Interests.
77. On the Shortsightedness of Critics,
Misers, and Freethinkers
78. Receipt to make an Epic Poem
79. On the Miseries of the Poor-Recom-
mendation of their Case
80. Strictures on the Examiner
81. Soliloquy of an Athenian Libertine-
Prayer of one who had been a Liber-
85. On Scandal-Letter from a Sufferer by
Calumny-from Daniel Button
86. Classical Descriptions of the War Horse
in Job
87. General Taste for intrigue Immorality
of Servants; Character of a Master
88. Superiority of the Christian Ideas of
89. Christian Ideas of a future State
90. Strictures on the Examiner-Letter to
one of the Writers in the Guardian.. STEELE
91. Account of the Short Club
92. The same Characters of the Members
93. Thoughts on the Immortality of the
Soul on the Pharisees and Sadducees WOTTON
94. On Education
95. Adventure of a Strolling Company-
Letters on Lions-Coffee-houses - a
Virtuoso on the Terræ-filius
96. A Proposal for Honorary Rewards-
Coins and Medals.
97. Letter from Simon Softly, complaining
of a Widow-Advice to him
98. Notice of the Tatler and Spectator-
Scheme of a Lion's Head at Button's
99. Essay on National Justice--a Persian
100. On the Tucker-naked Necks-Laws
of Lycurgus-Position of Venus...
101. Letters from France-Gaiety of the
102. Variableness of the English Climate
103. On the Fireworks-serious reflections
on the same.
104. Story of a French Gentleman-Letter
on the Manners of the French
Exhibition of the Charity Children-
Proposals to extend our Charities..
106. Vision of Aurelia with a window in her
107. Letter from a Projector, offering him-
self as a Nomenclator-Letter from
Messrs. Ditton and Whiston.
108. Institution of the Tall Club.
109. Correspondence on the Tucker.....
110. On the language of Treaty-Impropri-
eties instanced
111. Improper Conduct of the British Youth
-Love of Knowledge-Solomon's
112. Art of Flying-Letter from Dædalus- Remarks on modern Dædalists