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of the temporal artery. The patient was exhibited to registration of all duly qualified practitioners, and the the meeting.

3. A case of sacculated aneurism of the œsophagus, with remarks, (which will also be published in the Journal,) was read by Mr. Worthington, and the morbid parts shewn to the meeting.

Mr. Worthington also exhibited a rare, and perhaps unique specimen of stricture of the trachea, with absorption of the cartilaginous rings immediately below the larynx. The case has, we understood, been pub lished in the "Medico-Chirurgical Transactions." The same gentleman also exhibited a specimen of sacculated bladder.

legal recognition of such, are calculated to be of great benefit, both to the public and to the medical profession; and that your Petitioners seeing that such registration and recognition are provided for in the aforesaid Bill, are of opinion that the leading principles of the measure are sound and equitable, aad earnestly hope therefore that your Honorable House will be pleased to give your sanction to the same, and pass the Bill into a law, with such amendments as may seem to your Honourable House desirable.

And your Petitioners will ever pray.

W. H. CROWFOOT, Chairman.

4. Two cases upon the use of matico in hæmorrhage, contributed by Mr. Gorham, of Alderton, were read Proposed by Mr. Worthington, seconded by Mr.

to the meeting by the Secretary.

The first case was that of a man, 80 years of age, who was the subject of hæmaturia, and in the treatment of which all remedies failed until the matico was used. He took the infusion in ounce doses, three times a day, for a month, and although he ultimately sank under the disease of the bladder, he was greatly relieved, and his sufferings much mitigated by the use of the remedy.

The second case was one of uterine hæmorrhage, occurring a fortnight after delivery, which resisted the use of ordinary astringents, cold applications, and the plug, but which readily yielded to the internal administration of the decoction of matico, in ounce doses, every two hours, at first diminishing the dose, and lengthening the intervals as the symptoms gave way. Full doses of opium were administered at night.

H. L. Freeman,

"That the thanks of the meeting be presented to

Dr. Evans, for his past services as Treasurer of the
Eastern Branch, and that J. G. Crosse, Esq., be
requested to undertake the duties of this office, vacant
by that gentleman's resignation."

Proposed by Mr. Jeaffreson, seconded by Mr. H. C.
B. Steele,

"That the best thanks of this meeting be presented to those gentlemen who have read papers."

Proposed by Mr. Crosse, seconded by Dr. Ranking,

"That Mr. Beales, of Halesworth, be requested, on behalf of the Association, to communicate with the Apothecaries' Society upon the illegal practice of a person called Cleveland.”

The case, related by Mr. Beales, which led to this

The following resolutions were then proposed to the resolution, was a very gross one. The man, Cleveland, meeting, and carried unanimously:is a farmer, living, as we understood, at Halesworth, Proposed by Dr. Ranking, seconded by Mr. W and attended a poor man four or five years ago for rheumatism, and sent him in a bill charged like that of a medical man, as follows:

H. Davey,

"That the place of meeting of the Suffolk Branch for 1848, be at Bury St. Edmunds, and that Dr. Hake be requested to preside."

A mixture, 2s. 6d.; embrocation, ls., &c., &c., to the amount of £2 16s. Od. The poor man could not then pay the demand, but having lately got increased Proposed by Mr. Crosse, seconded by Mr. Beales, work, Cleveland summoned him to the newly established “That this meeting approves of the general principle Court for the recovery of small debts, and succeeded of the Registration Bill, at present before the House in obtaining an order from the judge for payment of of Commons, and that a petition be presented to his demand. It appeared that Cleveland visited the parliament by Lord Rendlesham, praying that the patient, felt his pulse, &c., and when in the Court said Bill, with any amendments which may in Com-assured the judge that "he knew all about it, for he mittee be deemed advisable, be passed into a law."

The following petition was then read by the Secretary, and the Chairman requested to sign it on behalf of the meeting :

"To the Honourable the House of Commons of Great

Britain and Ireland in Parliament assembled. "The humble petition of the members of the Suffolk and Norfolk Branches of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, at Beccles assembled."


"That your Petitioners observe that a Bill is now before your Honourable House, entitled 'A Bill for the Registration of Qualified Practitioners, and for amending the law relating to the practice of medicine, in Great Britain and Ireland.'

had attended medical cases ever since he was a boy."

A very strong feeling was manifested in the meeting, upon the propriety of establishing a fund especially for prosecuting this sort of people, (chemists and druggists, et id genus omne,) who interfere in what they know nothing about; and it was suggested that the members of the Association would be glad to pay an extra subscription (of say 5s. a year,) for this purpose, and that such a resolution would greatly add to the members of the Association.

Proposed by Dr. Kirkman, seconded by Mr. Muriel, "That the thanks of this meeting be presented to the Mayor and Corporation of Beccles, for the use of their Council Chamber for the purposes of this meeting," The meeting now adjourned to an adjoining room "That your Petitioners are of opinion that the to hear a lecture by Mr. Hutchinson, on "The Capacity


of the Lungs, and on the Respiratory Functions, with a view of establishing a precise and easy method of detecting disease by the Spirometer." This lecture gave the most lively satisfaction, and was listened to with intense interest by the meeting. Mr. Hutchinson's researches are now well known to the profession from bis elaborate paper in the 29th volume of the "Transactions of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society," | as well as from his public lectures, an abstract of one of which was given in a former number of this Journal, (Prov. Med. and Surg. Journal, April 21st, p. 212.) It is a subject of vast importance to the profession, and We strongly advise all who can to hear one of Mr. Hatchinson's instructive lectures, and all who cannot, to study his published essay. The spirometer bids fair to rival the stethoscope in the early stages of pulmonary disease. We all know the uncertainty and the difficulty of physical diagnosis in these cases, but if the spirometer bears the test of further and extended experiment, (and there is a wonderful exactitude between its actual and calculated results in a state of health,) there can be no doubt but that the difficulty will be removed, and if it does no more than confirm a doubtful diagnosis, it must still be considered a most valuable addition to medical science. The lecture was illustrated by a large number of instructive diagrams and tables, and the action of the intercostal muscles very beautifully shown by a simple and ingenious piece of mechanism.

At the conclusion, Mr. Crowfoot proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Hutchinson, for his instructive and interesting lecture. Mr. Crosse, in seconding this vote of thanks, dilated at some length upon the importance of the views developed by Mr. Hutchinson, more particularly in their relation to the progress of medical science in the path of exact investigation.

The members and their friends dined together after the meeting, at the Kings Head; Mr. Crowfoot took the chair, and was supported on his right by J. G. Crosse, Esq., Dr. Owen, the respected Vicar of Beccles, &c. &c.; and on his left by Dr. Ranking, Mr. Hutchinson, W. Sharpin, Esq., &c. The duties of the Vice-chair were ably fulfilled by W. H. Davey, Esq.

SHEFFIELD MEDICAL SOCIETY. Sixth Session.-Fifteenth Meeting, April 15th, 1847. The PRESIDENT in the Chair.

FATTY LIVER AND PANCREAS: BILIARY CALCULUS. Dr. Branson exhibited a portion of fatty liver and pancreas, and a large gall-stone the size of a pigeon's egg, which were presented by Dr. Scholfield, of Doncaster, to the Infirmary Museum. The specimens were taken from a gentleman, aged 52, who for three months and upwards had suffered from ascites, accompanied by great emaciation of the face and extremities, a rapid and weak pulse, and purpuric spots on the legs. The patient never had jaundice nor symptoms of gall-stone, and the fæces were natural. The parietes of the abdomen were loaded with fat, and the cavity of the peritoneum contained two gallons of bloody


serum; there was also much fat on the abdominal viscera. The liver and pancreas were both fatty, and the convex surface of the liver was adherent to the diaphragm; the gall-bladder was distended with dark green inspissated bile, of the consistence of thick treacle. One large calculus, the size of a pigeon's egg, was found lying in the fundus, but movable; it had formed a kind of cul de sac near the cervix, which allowed it to float backwards and forwards without obstructing the duct. The kidneys were healthy, and the spleen large and firm. The heart was small and pale, with fat upon it. The lungs were healthy, with the exception of two or three tubercles seen through the pleura near their apices.


Mr. H. Jackson exhibited the heart, a portion of the left lung, the kidneys, and portions of three ribs, to which externally a tumour was attached, removed from a farm labourer, aged 65. He was admitted into the Infirmary in consequence of the tumour, which was situated on the right side over the angles of the eighth, ninth, and tenth ribs. His appearance indicated great emaciation. The tumour, which had existed for two or three years, had given him pain for some time back, and had gradually increased until it reached the size of half a large orange. It presented an irregular surface to the touch, and the man's countenance was indicative of the anxious expression so generally seen in malignant disease. He in a short time after admission presented bronchitic symptoms, and gradually sank. On examination the tumour was found to be scirrhous, and a portion of the ninth rib was absorbed. There was a very large scirrhous mass in the right lobe of the liver, near its margin. The left renal capsule was much enlarged and scirrhous. The kidneys presented numerous serous vesicles. In the apex of the left lung, a scirrhous body, about the size of a nutmeg, was found, and another on the apex of the heart, which was large, but otherwise healthy.


Mr. H. Jackson read the following case communicated by Mr. Favell, who was unable to be present.

On the night of December 11, 1846, Mr. Favell was called to see a child, of the age of six mouths, said to be "bleeding at the seat," and on his arrival found the parents in great alarm. They informed him that the mother awoke to suckle the child, and found its napkin bloody, accompanied with a good deal of strain. ing and effort to evacuate the bowels. It had previously been quite well, and on the preceding day had passed two or three natural and copious stools. On examination, he found that the bleeding and straining had quite ceased, and that the quantity of blood passed was very trifling, not more than a teaspoonful altogether. A dose of laudanum, with nitric acid, was administered and a dose of castor oil was directed to be given in three or four hours. The child continued in much the same state all day, and there having been no evacuation, the castor oil was repeated, and a clyster was given. On the 12th, in every respect much the same; a small quantity of bloody serous-looking fluid passed at times, with much straining, but there was


no natural stool. Castor oil was repeated, and an
injection administered every two hours. Fearing that
there might be some obstruction in the rectum from
hardened fæces, although the motions had been copious
and regular up to the night of the bleeding, the
finger was passed up, and detected a long solid tumour,
projecting down the centre of the gut. No impression
whatever could be made on the projecting substance,
though the finger could be passed completely and easily
round it, excepting at the base. It felt like a small
sausage, perfectly smooth, glutinous, and inodorous.
On withdrawing the finger it was tinged with a little
bloody serum that had been passing for two days. The
prognosis was unfavourable. What could the disease
be? Obstruction of the bowels undoubtedly. But
was it intussusception, fungous growth, or what? |
Certainly it was not hardened fæces. On the 13th
every thing the same, except that the general aspect of
the infant was considerably deteriorated. For the next
three or four days there was no material change, the
patient gradually sinking. No alvine evacuation; the
same bloody oozing; frequent vomiting; tumid belly;
pulse and countenance sinking. Sherry and beef-tea
were administered every hour, alternately, as he was
quite unable to take the breast, and the Acid. Hydrocy.
anic. [?] cum Tinctura Opii continued every four hours,
to keep the stomach sufficiently quiet to take nutriment,
which was otherwise immediately rejected. Mr.
Overend saw the child in consultation, and was of
opinion that the tumour was caused by invagination
of the bowel, and recommended the continuance of the
plan, life apparently rapidly ebbing. He was seen regu-
larly night and morning, and to the surprise of all
it appeared as if he could not or would not die. The
tumour remained the same, except that Mr. Favell
thought he felt a little ruggedness or inequality at the
extremity, resembling the margin of an ulcer. The
belly became very large, and tympanitic, almost to
bursting, and the whole frame attenuated to a skeleton;
the eyes glassy; features livid, and occasional con-
vulsions. He was most devotedly nursed; beef-tea
and wine were most diligently administered; the belly
was rubbed with castor oil four times a day, and
a little warm water injected. On the 23rd, twelve days
after the commencement, about a table-spoonful of
liquid fæces passed, which, though a favourable omen,
produced no present relief. In two days after a firm
consistent motion was passed, and from that period the
child gradually, very gradually, recovered. That was
on the 24th of December, and now on the 17th of
March, he only occasionally suffers from constipation
and straining, which are obviated by mild aperients and
injections, and he has become a fine, stout, strong,
little fellow, with no other ailment than that above


The inquiry that naturally suggests itself is, what was the nature of the long tumour in the rectum? Some may say hardened fæces, and when they were passed all went on right. But the tumour was small in circumference, not filling the rectum, the finger being passed freely round it; smooth, unyielding, and inodorous. If intussusception, is it likely that the

prolapsed colon should have ulcerated through, suffered the retained fæces to pass, and then have healed kindly, leaving so little trace behind? For two or three weeks after the evacuation took place the belly remained tumid and tense, and the sickness very distressing. For three weeks he was supported entirely on beef-tea and wine, the mother retaining her milk by artificial means, and this he now takes freely and beneficially. Independently of the inability to take the breast, when the milk was administered by a spoon, it was immediately rejected. Every one conversant with diseases of children must have remarked the great efforts exhibited by nature for their recovery when not interrupted; life is soon extinguished in these tender plants by bold practice, while by closely following nature, the flickering spark of existence may be often fanned Into a healthy flame. In this case the child was never left by one or other of his parents night or day, and had he been in less kindly hands, he must inevitably have died.


Mr. Jackson then read the following particulars communicated to the Society by Mr. H. Smith:Mr. J. H. Smith was requested to see, on the 12th of December, 1846, a woman aged 31, of drunken dissolute habits, and in great want, suffering from erysipelas of the face, accompanied by some degree of depression of the vital powers, which was relieved by the exhibition of some wine and water and additional bed-clothing. The bowels being confined, some compound decoction of aloes was given, and the tincture of iodine ordered to be applied to the face with a brush. The quantity of the tincture sent was one ounce, containing rather less than one drachm of iodine in one ounce of spirit. This tincture the patient drank instead of the mixture, and immediately after exclaimed that she had swallowed poison. The tincture was given by a half intoxicated man, for the mixture, although both bottles were marked with printed labels. Mr. Smith visited her very shortly afterwards, and found her complaining of a violent burning pain in the throat and stomach, followed by retching and slight vomiting; pulse rapid and full; eyes prominent and suffused. Mr. Smith immediately made her drink freely of a solution of bicarbonate of potash in warm water, which he thought might be beneficial by converting the iodine into iodide of potassium, which would be less irritating, and also by acting as an emetic. Copious vomiting quickly followed, but without any relief to the symptoms. Some linseed tea was then administered, and ordered to be taken freely. When visited in a few hours the symptoms continued unabated. Next morning the pain was considerably relieved, but symptoms of depression succeeded, and she died the day following, about sixty hours after taking the poison. There was no post-mortem examination, as the coroner did not require it and the friends would not allow it.

Mr. Smith then referred to cases from Christison and some French authors, and concluded by asking what might be considered as an antidote to iodine.

Mr. Jackson then made a number of remarks and detailed a series of cases from Christison, Gardner, and


some others, and stated that in the returns of deaths from poisons in the years 1837.8, among the 541 cases, not one was mentioned of iodine.

Mr. Smith then detailed some very interesting cases of the bad effects resulting when iodine had been exhibited carelessly for a lengthened period, and he believed that this iodism was frequently the cause of very serious and fatal results. In these cases there was headache, dizziness, &c., which were relieved by vomiting the iodine, and giving brisk aperients.

Sixth Session.-Sixteenth Meeting, April 29, 1847. The PRESIDENT in the chair.

At this, the concluding meeting of the Session, after the ordinary business of the meeting had been transacted, the Secretary read a very interesting and elaborate retrospect of the scientific business of the past Session, in which he reviewed the most important cases and preparations which had been brought before the Society, and congratulated the members on their successful efforts in making the meetings agreeable and instructive; and also on the increase in the number of specimens which had been exhibited. After the usual vote of thanks the meeting was adjourned.


A meeting of the subscribers and friends of the General Medical Annuity Fund, convened by circular and advertisement, was held on Tuesday, the 1st of June, at the George Hotel, Northampton, Edward Daniell, Esq., of Newport Pagnell, in the Chair.

The Chairman stated that it was unnecessary for him to enter at length into the object of that Meeting, nor would he detain them now by any observation either upon the value or importance of the institution sought to be established, as he had already propounded his views so fully to the medical world, and if he could judge from the vast pile of letters upon the table, from the repeated and repeated assurances he had received from gentlemen residing in all parts, of the kingdom, the necessity for a provision for our decayed brethren, and for widows and orphans, ceased to be problematical, Indeed such an institution was loudly called for, and he had no hesitation in saying that it would be a disgrace to the profession, if they allowed either apathy or neglect to prevent the establishment of a General Fund for such holy purposes. He had been told by a music master that day that an institution did exist for professionals of that order, and all knew that the mechanics who were connected with the order of persons called "Odd Fellows," had made provision for their widows and children. He heartily hoped a grand effort would be made, but he would detain them no longer, otherwise he should anticipate the Secretary's Report; he should therefore at once call upon the Secretary to read


The object of the General Medical Annuity Fund, is to secure for the superannuated members of the


| medical profession, and for their widows and orphans, such assistance as may be required, which shall in some measure relieve their necessities. The most limited observer cannot fail to have seen many instances of necessity and distress in the families of the profession, instances which have arisen from the precarious nature of the profession, from limited sources as to returns and capital, from the expense of purchasing an insurance, and from the uncertainty of their lives. It is a fact well ascertained, that fewer medical men out of a thousand arrive at the age of sixty-six, than from the members of any other profession. It was various observations of this kind which induced Mr. Daniell to be anxious in establishing a Society, which should raise a fund by a limited annual subscription from the many, which should meet the cases of necessity and distress experienced by the few. It will be my duty to detail to you the steps which have been taken to accomplish this most desirable object, to state to you some of the reasons upon which the calculations of this Society have been based, and to suggest for the consideration of gentlemen present, such hints as may, Itrust, assist you in your deliberations of this day, and enable you to lay the foundations of a Society in such a manner, and on so wide a basis, as to secure for itself the confidence and sympathy of the medical profession throughout the kingdom of Great Britain. It was about the month of May, 1845, when Mr. Daniell first proposed the establishinent of this Society, in a letter which he addressed to Dr. Streeten, Association, and the result of that correspondence was, as the Secretary of the Provincial Medical and Surgical that at the Annual Meeting of that Association, which was held at Sheffield in the month of July of that same year, Mr. Daniell submitted his proposition for the establishment of an Annuity Fund, and it was proposed by him and seconded by Dr. Robertson, “That a Committee of the Association be appointed immediately, to consider, discuss, and arrange the best preliminary steps for the stablishment of a self-supporting institution, connected with the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, to be called an Annuity Fund, for decayed Members of the Association, and for the widows and orphans of Members." On the next day the following gentlemen were announced as forming the Committee Drs. Robertson and Kerr; and Messrs. Terry and on Mr. Daniell's proposition for an Annuity Fund:Faircloth, of Northampton; Dr. Mackness of Hastings; and Messrs. Ceely, of Aylesbury; Rumsey, of Gloucester; Jackson, of Sheffield; Garlick, of Leeds; Haxworthy, of Sheffield; Greenwood, of Horton; Paget, of Leicester; Crosse, of Norwich; and Appleton, of Hitchin.


In the meantime the attention of many gentlemen having been arrested by Mr. Daniell's proposition, a variety of suggestions were made to him by parties interested in such an undertaking, and the substance of this correspondence was laid before the meeting of the Committee, which met at Dr. Robertson's, at Northampton, on Monday, the 8th day of September, 1845, when the rules and regulations were determined upon; but as those minutes have been very freely circulated, it may not be necessary on this occasion to read that paper. An adjourned meeting of the Committee was again held at Dr. Robertson's on Thursday, the 15th day of January, 1846; at this meeting no

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movements in the establishment of this Society? To assist you in deciding this question, let us turn and look to the past, and we learn from the statement which I now, Sir, lay before you, that up to last Saturday evening seventy-five gentlemen have subscribed to this Fund the sum of £190, together with donations; and that forty gentlemen have not only promised to become subscribers, but have offered their services as honorary secretaries for their own immediate localities,-a service, the value of which cannot be too highly estimated, as the interest which these gentlemen will feel in the welfare and progress of the Society, will tend to its ultimate success. Under date of November the 15th, 1845, Dr. Jephson, of Leamington, has promised Mr. Daniell, that if he succeeds completely in establishing the Fund, he will give one hundred guineas towards its support. Let me now proceed to suggest to you some hints as to the alterations which are required in the rules and regulations of the Society.

formal business was transacted, but a long discussion | assistance already promised, sufficient to justify further took place upon the principle upon which the Society was based, and as to the mode in which its operations could be best conducted. For some months the attention of your Secretary was busily occupied in attending to the business of the Society and in conducting its extensive correspondence; and in company with Mr. Daniell, he attended the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, held at Norwich, on the 19th and 20th days of August last, when Mr. Daniell presented a report at one of the meetings of the Association. Having read the report, Mr. Daniell addressed the meeting upon the subject, and moved the proposition-" That the conduct of the committee appointed at Sheffield for the carrying out the project of a General Medical Annuity Fund, be approved by this annual meeting of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, and that the Fund be considered as an integral part of this Association," and the motion having been seconded by Dr. Hunter, of Lynn Regis, a discussion arose thereupon. The meeting having been addressed by Drs. W. Conolly, Chambers, and Forbes, and by Messrs. Kitchen, Daniell, and the President, Dr. Soulby moved as an amendment "That the Annuity Fund be not considered an object of this Association," which was declared carried, and the original motion consequently lost. This decision of the meeting at Norwich deprived the Annuity Fund of that home which its projector had sought for it, and it became Mr. Daniell either to abandon his proposal or seek the establishment of the Annuity Fund, as an independent and distinct Society. After long consideration he addressed a letter to each of those gentlemen who had subscribed to his fund, as well as to all others who had intimated to him their wish for the establishment of the society. The answers with which Mr. Daniell has been favoured from a large number of his correspondents, have encouraged, if we may not even say justified him, in calling this present meeting of the friends and the supporters of the General Medical Annuity Fund, and if I have not already, Sir, wearied the attention of yourself and the meeting, permit me to travel somewhat out of the beaten track of an ordinary report, and deferentially to offer for the consideration of this meeting those suggestions which have occurred to my own mind as relating to the business of the day, and although I cannot hope that on all points my views will be found to correspond with your own, yet I shall be content, and my end will be answered, if any bint of mine should facilitate your labours, or happily form a channel in which your deliberations may flow.

The question of to-day, then, turns upon this hinge, shall Mr. Daniell's project be abandoned, or shall this meeting take such steps as shall lead to its triumphal,— its final establishment. I can hardly imagine that you can be disposed to abandon this Society, formed as it has been under such auspices, and calculated as it is to meet long acknowledged wants,-that all the letters written, all the statements published, all the services rendered, all the expression of interest and sympathy which the Society has called forth, should all,-all become utterly void and useless, and that we can return to our homes, and there for ever banish from our memories the recollection that the Institution has had an existence? Surely not. Here, then, comes the question. Is the assistance already rendered, and the

First, then, as to the officers; these, in some cases, will require a change in their names, and I am sure that you will permit me to suggest that our truly excellent Treasurer should be appointed your perpetual President, and that your Treasurer should be "The Northamptonshire Union Bank." The trustees should be gentlemen who are subscribers to the Fund, and you will probably request Dr. Robertson; and Mr. Paget, of Leicester; with Mr. Terry, of Northampton; and Dr. Symonds, of Bristol; to act as such. An addition will be required in the number of elective managers; and in addition to Mr. Faircloth, of Newmarket; Mr. Appleton, of Hitchin; Mr. Elkington, of Birmingham; Dr. Cowan, of Reading; and Mr. Peter Martin, of Reigate; the names of Mr. Rogers, of Newport Pagnell ; Mr. Parker, of Woburn; Dr. Roberts, of Bangor ; Dr. Alloway, of Clonaslie; and Mr. Lambert, of Sowersby. You will probably feel it right to continue the rules that no annnity should be granted to a subscriber unless he has paid his subscription for five successive years, as an adherence to this rule will act as a check against any improper application, and the interest of that capital will not only supply a resource for the payment of the current expenses, but will enable the Directors to make up those occasional variations in the funds of a society which are to be naturally expected in an institution of this kind. Some alteration will probably appear to you as necessary in the rate, as well as in the mode, of the payment of the annuities, and it might greatly conduce to the interests of the Society to pay four annuities, of twenty-four pounds each, to either superannuated members, or to their widows, or to their orphans, as the case may be, for every one hundred subscribers. If there should not be more applicants than there are annuities to grant, then, as a matter of course, the officers of the Institution will decide upon the applicants; while, on the other hand, should it prove otherwise, then the Secretary would transmit a list of the applicants to each subscriber, and the largest number of votes would secure the annuity. It will also be advisable to determine whether it would not be desirable that the annual meetings of the Society should be held in different towns of the kingdom, where gentlemen may reside who feel an interest in the prosperity of the Institution. These suggestions,

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