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together with other alterations, which will probably be resolved on at this meeting, will be required to be worked in mosaic into the present rules and regulations; but as it will be impossible to-day to give that calm attention to the drawing up of the amended rules as such a service requires, you will probably see fit to determine the general plan of operation, leaving the details to be carried out under the direction of a small sub-committee; and in the meantime it may be thought advisable to transmit this statement of your affairs to each subscriber to the fund.

I have the satisfaction of announcing that I have had an interview with Mr. Neison, the author of "Vital Statistics," respecting the Society; and as soon as our rules are matured, he has engaged to examine into their nature and bearing, and he will then be able to determine whether a nominal entrance fee, which should be regulated by the age of the subscriber, could be added to our rules, so that the Society should have the benefit of being enrolled under the Act of Parliament, made and provided for that purpose.



H. L. Smith, Esq., of Southam, observed that he would not on any account propose anything likely in any way to obstruct the establishment of Mr. Daniell's fund, which he thought admirable; but it had occurred to him that we should even go beyond it, and provide homes for widows and orphans. The expenses of renting a house was often of serious consequence to a poor widow. He should like to see homes for widows and orphans in every county town in England, and conceived that the nobility, clergy, and gentry, would be ready to assist in such a work. The chairman observed that such a thought had struck him, and he believed, in one of his letters (he rather thought to Mr. Estlin, of Bristol,) he had thrown out the idea, but the funds subscribed to this Institution were for an expressed and understood purpose, and could not be diverted from that purpose; he was delighted, however, with Mr. Smith's suggestion, and trusted a time would come when such a project might be entertained.

Dr. Gardner, of London, congratulated Mr. Daniell as to the present prospects of the General Medical Annuity Fund. He felt assured that it must succeed. He admired its simplicity. The calculations could not be otherwise than correct, as four annuities in every hundred subscribers would clearly yield £25 each; and the capital so accumulated in the five years which elapse before annuities would be granted, would form a fund to fall back upon when necessary. He highly approved of the provision. He would be delighted to offer his services as Honorary Local Secretary, and pledged himself to exert all the energy he possessed in the execution of his office.

Wm. Lambert, Esq., of Sowersby, Yorkshire, could not but say that he felt disappointed, for when he first read Mr. Daniell's proposition, he thought the whole medical world would rise simultaneously to support such a project; it appears, however, he was mistaken; still there was enough to encourage perseverance, and he trusted Mr. Daniell would relax nothing, either in spirit or energy, to complete the noble work he had begun. He should therefore propose "that Mr. Daniell's plan for a Medical Annuity Fund be proceeded with, and that the report and suggestions of the Secretary be adopted." He felt the utmost confidence both in the projector and Secretary of the Fund.

It is impossible for me, Sir, within the limits of this report, to detail to the meeting the various suggestions which have been made to Mr. Daniell and myself, as to do so would be only to peruse the pile of letters now lying upon the table. Suffice it to say, that many of the hints have proved of essential service to us in our labours, while, on the other hand, the tendency, though, perhaps, not the actual design, of the writers of others, would be to convert our simple but comprehensive scheme into an ordinary insurance company. But it cannot too often be repeated, that the design of our Institution is to help that class who have not had the power or the disposition to avail themselves of the advantages of Life Insurance Companies. I think that I may be permitted to say, that in conducting the correspondence of this young, but I trust, rising Society, I have spared no labour to detail its objects and its advantages, neither has this been an easy task, for, in a great measure, our Society is sui generis, but not completely so, as there are other Societies in the kingdom established on somewhat similar principles, but merely local in their operations. Indeed we may take as an illustration of our plan, in its development and character, the process adopted in the management of the Art Union of London. It may easily be supposed, that of the thousands who contribute their annual guineas to that Society, some do so with a desire to assist the cultivating of the fine arts, and some with the remote prospect of gaining a prize. Just so it may prove with us; some may contribute their annual guinea upon the principles of the purest philanthropy, some from a pure sense of duty, and some from a remote contingency of receiving its assistance, while none would refuse, or become degraded, by obtaining the prize of an annuity, if the chances of this mortal life rendered such assistance requisite. I trust that I may The Secretary replied, clearly even with our present be permitted to close this tedious report by the ex-numbers, four or six would be granted at the end of pression of my wish, that as that society, from its small beginnings has become a National Society, so may our infant cause come to the stature of a man, and by its manly strength, aid every needy member of the medical profession, cheering the widowed heart, and securing to the orphan that comfort and assistance which the visitation of Almighty God may have laid upon him.

Dr. Gardner seconded the resolution, which was carried unanimously.

H. L. Smith, Esq., observed that there could be no hesitation in carrying out the project, for it was a capital beginning. He then gave instances of very flourishing institutions, the commencement of which were much inferior to this,-nay, some, where the projector had been both Chairman, Secretary, and Committee.

Thomas Parker, Esq., of Woburn, asked when annuities would be granted.

five years.

A discussion ensued upon Dr. Shirley Palmer's project, as detailed in the Medical Times, when the Secretary demonstrated to Dr. Palmer the utter impracticability of his plan, on his present calculations, drawn from the statistical tables.

The meeting was then addressed by Drs. Robertson and Pritchard, of Northampton; R. Martin, Esq., of

Holbrook, Suffolk; Thomas Parker, Esq., of Woburn; &c., and the conclusion was, "That the General Medical Annuity fund proposed by Mr. Daniell be considered established; that the Honorary Local Secretaries be instructed in their duties, and supplied with proper documents, and that a Sub-Committee be appointed to meet at Newport Pagnell for the reorganization of the 'rules,' and the final adjustment of all matters for the working of the same. That the Sub-Committee be composed of the following gentlemen :-Dr. Pritchard, of Northampton; Edward Daniell, Esq., Newport Pagnell; John Rogers, Esq., Newport Pagnell; H. L. Smith, Esq., Southam, Warwickshire; Dr. Barker, Bedford; Thomas Parker, Esq., Woburn; J. G. Leete, Esq., Thrapstone.

part failed. M. Piorry affirms that he has discovered a means of effecting the desired limitation of inflammatory action with great certainty, by applying at the the entire circumference of the inflamed skin, at a commencement of the disease, narrow blisters around distance of an inch or two from its border. He states

that the erysipelatous blush soon reaches the inflamma-
tion arising from the blister, but in more than twenty
cases has not gone beyond it.-Journal de Pharmacie,


A man swallowed by mistake a quantity of dilute nitric acid; a considerable portion of it was rejected by vomiting, and the specific poisonous effects of the acid were not produced; but the pharynx and the superior part of the oesophagus were denuded of epithelium, and a superficial ulceration resulted;

Mr. Daniell having read Dr. Jephson's letter under date of the 15th of November, 1845, announcing his intention of presenting a donation of one hundred guineas so soon as the Society was formally established, it was resolved, "That the grateful thanks of this meeting be given to Dr. Jephson for the promise of his very hand-suppuration supervened, this was followed by cicatrizasome donation of one hundred guineas on the establishment of the Society, and the Secretary do inform the Doctor of the formal establishment of the General Medical Annuity Fund." It was further resolved, "That the next general and annual meeting be held at Leamington, at such time as may suit Dr. Jephson's convenience, and that he be requested to preside at the same."

A Financial Report, List of Members, and Honorary Local Secretaries, with new Rules and Regulations, will be published after the 30th of June, the conclusion of the second year. Gentlemen desirous of acting as Local Secretaries will please to signify their intention to Mr. Joseph Staines, Secretary, Newport Pagnell,


[We are requested to state that Dr. Jephson has remitted to Mr. Staines, the Secretary to the Fund, his munificent donation of one hundred guineas.]

General Retrospect.



Dr. Jacques (de Lure,) gives a statistical account of an epidemic of typhoid fever, several cases of which he cured by the external and internal use of cold water. The total number of cases enumerated amounts to 492; of these 143 were treated in the manner alluded to, and 349 in various ways, some by purgatives, others by mercury, &c., according to the idea of the practitioner in attendance. Of the 349 cases thus treated, 1 in 4 died; while of the 193 treated by cold water, the deaths were only 1 in 15.-Bulletin de la Societié de Med. de Bezançon, 1846, No. 2.

tion, and a considerable coarctation of the tube. An oesophagus bougie, about the size of the little finger, could be passed to the stomach, but the contraction was sufficient to prevent deglutition, and was still increasing. Fearing that the canal, left to itself, would become the seat of a permanent contraction, M. Blandin acted upon the same principle as in intending to associate with it cauterization, if necessary. strictures of the urethra, by methodical dilatation,

after passing the stricture they were allowed to remain
Some elastic œsophagus sounds were employed;
ten or fifteen minutes; the operation was repeated
twice daily, progressively increasing their size, and
in three weeks the patient was cured.-Journal de
Méd. et de Chirurgie, Fevr., 1847.


M. Herpin relates two cases of this painful malady, which were cured by a single application of the nitrate of silver in substance. In one case, the fissure being high up, it was necessary to use the speculum aniEncyclograph des Sciences Médicales, Mars, 1847.


Dupuytren did not consider the prognosis in iliac abscess very unfavourable. Grisolle is of a different opinion, for of seventy-three cases twenty were fatal and eleven serious. Of puerperal women so affected, seven died out of seventeen. Of all descriptions of this abscess, the stercoral abscess being always accompanied by gangrene, is incomparably the most serious, for of such cases five in seven were either fatal or resulted in artificial anus. Gangrene is but seldom observed in connection with the more superficial abscess, unless where this succeeds perforative ulceration or mortification of the cæcum or of its appendix, TREATMENT OF ERYSIPELAS BY LINEAR BLISTERS. giving rise to extravasation of fecal matters into the Erysipelas is not a severe disease when it is confined cellular tissue of the vicinity. If, on the contrary, the to a limited part of the body; it is generally its extension, inflammation be seated under the fascia iliaca, this either superficially or in depth that produces the danger. may then produce a true strangulation of the inflamed Attempts have been long made to counteract this ten-parts; and it is common enough to find in these subdency to extension, by the nitrate of silver, solutions of aponeuritic abscesses, the fibres of the iliac muscle sulphate of iron, &c. These methods have for the most blackened, softened, and exhaling a fœtid odour;


and after an incision is made into them, gas, pus, and portions of mortified cellular tissue, muscle and tendon, escape from the opening. In such cases death is almost certain to ensue.-Dublin Quarterly Journal, May, 1847, p. 535.


Mr. Bulley has published a series of cases illustrative of the advantages derived from the application of treacle and water as a dressing to burns. The dressing is applied at a temperature of 98 by means of lint thoroughly soaked with it, and renewed night and morning. The action of this remedy, as far as Mr. Bulley has been able to observe, is directly sedative, and its first effects appear to be those of lulling the pain, and moderating the inflammation. It also appears to have a tendency to retard putrefactive decomposition, as is clearly indicated by the absence of fæetor in the cases in which it is used. This was remarked particularly in an instance in which a burn of the abdomen occupied a surface of 270 square inches. Treacle appears to have been also used by Dr. Greenhow, of Shields, for the same purpose, as long since as 1838.-Medical Times, May 22.


Dr. M'cLagan states that he has for some time substituted dry cotton in the dressing of blisters, for all other applications. When he orders a blister, he directs that after it has been applied for a certain time, it shall be removed, and the part covered for two hours with a poultice. The effect of this is to render the vesication more complete, and to moderate the tenderness of the blistered part. The blister is then to be cat, and a thick layer of cotton wadding applied. If this after a few hours is soaked with the discharge, as much as can be removed without disturbing the loose epidermis, should be taken away, and the whole again covered with fresh cotton. By this means the author states that the punishment of a blister is greatly lessened.-Monthly Journal of Medical Science, May,




Dr. Simpson, in taking part in a discussion on the subject of spontaneous evolution, terminated his remarks with the following general deductions ;

1. That spontaneous evolution in transverse presentations was not so rare as some authors averred, and that it would probably occur oftener if appropriate measures were not applied.

2. That under some circumstances, arm and shoulder cases should probably be left to be expelled by the mechanism of spontaneous evolution, assisting, if necessary, the mechanism by art.

3. That this ought to be the practice, if in an arm or shoulder case, the chest and trunk of the child be already thrust down into the cavity of the pelvis; for to turn under such a complication, and with that object to push back the body of the child into the cavity of the contracted uterus, would necessitate the re-dilatation of the uterus, and hence, in all probability, produce a rupture of its coats.


4. That if the process of spontaneous evolution failed, two operations had been recommended to effect delivery,-viz., evisceration and decapitation.

5. That evisceration was only applicable to casesof pelvic spontaneous evolution; and decapitation only to cephalic evolution.

6. Of course in all common transverse presentations seen before the body of the child was thrust into the cavity of the pelvis, turning was the proper practice.

7. A child of common size could never be doubled up and thrust into the cavity of the pelvis unless the pelvis were capacious; and hence, when spontaneous evolution is found in an advanced stage, it affords presumptive evidence that the pelvis is of size to allow of its completion.-Monthly Journal, May, 1847.


In commenting upon a fatal case of hæmorrhage from placenta prævia, in which some indecision appears to have been exhibited as to the treatment, Dr. Radford thus briefly states his views of the course to be adopted under the various circumstances of the case:

When the vital powers are thus depressed, we ought not to have recourse to any operation by which they are farther lowered. Under these circumstances, then, delivery ought not to be had recourse to; first, because there is invariably an increased exhaustion produced by the excitement arising from the efforts of the practitioner, which are made to dilate the os and cervix uteri, and to extract the child; secondly, because an increased loss of blood inevitably takes place in cases of placenta prævia, during the operation; and thirdly, because syncope, or a tendency to it, is induced, by suddenly emptying the uterus.

Although I have the greatest confidence in the use of the plug, at an early period, in cases of placenta prævia, when delivery cannot and ought not to be performed, in order to save blood during the time which elapses whilst the preparatory changes take place in the os and cervix uteri, so that this operation can then be safely undertaken; it cannot be denied that it becomes a dangerous expedient in cases of extreme exhaustion, so long as the placenta is only partially separated from the os or cervix uteri.

The secale cornutum is totally inapplicable to cases of flooding where the energies of the woman are so low, because it tends farther to depress the nervous system.

The complete detachment of the placenta is a practice which I have already advocated in such cases as the one under consideration; and if this plan had been trusted to, without proceeding to the extraction of the child, there is no doubt in my mind that a better chance to rally would have been given to the patient. What could be the object of first completely detaching the placenta, and then delivering the child? The complete detachment of the placenta has been recommended by me to supersede the necessity of the hazardous operation of delivery in these cases of exhaustion.

Galvanism is the agent to be employed in these cases of nervous depression from loss of blood; it not only rouses the energies of the uterus, thereby enabling

the practitioner to deliver when timely required, was united, is dissolved by the alcohol; filtration sepawithout, at the same time, making the least demand rates the tannin and the gelatin, and by evaporation upon the already exhausted powers, which is the case the alcohol is dissipated, and the morphine remains, when we have recourse to the manual operation of which may be recognized by the usual re-agents.version and extraction of the child, but it is also a Journal de Chimie et de Toxicologie. powerful general stimulant, and raises the power and action of the heart.

This happy result I have observed in several cases, and the power in question gives to this agent a great superiority over the secale cornutum in such cases.

Dr. Radford, in conclusion, reiterates his expression of confidence in the power of galvanism in uterine hæmorrhage, and promises an early publication of nnmerous cases of its successful application.-Lancet,


The subjoined memorial, signed by 1050 physicians and surgeons, was presented to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland on the 22nd of this month :

December 5, 1846.—[“ Half-yearly Abstract,” vol. V.] To His Excellency George William Frederick Earl of

Dr. Tyler concludes an essay on this subject as follows:

1. In cases of partial presentation the practitioner should avail himself of the earliest opportunity to rupture the membranes, and evacuate the uterus of its fluid contents.

2. In the same class of cases, after the escape of the liquor amnii, should vigorous uterine action not ensue he should encourage this action by friction over the fundus uteri, the application of a binder, ergot, or galvanism.

3. In complete placental presentation, when the os uteri is rigid and undilated, never attempt to extract the placenta through it in that state, but plug the vagina with a soft sponge dipped in cold vinegar and


4. As soon as the os uteri is sufficiently dilated, to turn.

5. Should there be no doubt of the child being dead, and the head presents, it may be delivered by the perforator and crotchet.

The author, thinking that the cessation of bleeding after extraction of the placenta is due to the evacuation of the fluid contents of the uterus, proposes in some cases to pass a catheter through the placenta, and thus draw off the liquor amnii.-Dubl. Quart. Journ., May, 1847.


M. Thenard adopts and recommends the following proceeding: The suspected matter, if solid, is care. fully washed in distilled water, acidulated with acetic acid; if fluid, it is diluted with the same. The solution is then to be warmed and filtered, and afterwards evaporated to dryness. The residue is next treated with boiling alcohol, which separates the animal matter. To the alcoholic solution previously filtered, tincture of nut-galls is then added, and maceration is continued for fifteen days, when the morphine is precipitated in combination with the tannin. The solution being again filtered, it is diluted with distilled water, and a solution of gelatin is added in excess, for the purpose of decomposing the tannate of morphine. The morphine having yielded to the gelatin, the tannin with which it

Clarendon, Lord Lieutenant General and General
Governor of Ireland.


We, the undersigned Physicians and Surgeons in Ireland, beg leave respectfully to represent to your Excellency, that the members of the Medical Profession in Ireland are frequently called upon to perform public professional duties for the benefit of the Community at large, and that the zeal and efficiency with which those duties are discharged, together with their importance to the public welfare, eminently entitle that Profession to the protection and support of the Govern


It is right to draw your Excellency's attention to the fact, that Statistical Returns for upwards of 25 years, exhibit a fearful mortality from Fever among the Medical men of this country, and recent events have shown that from the same cause we have to deplore the loss of many of the best and most efficient Practitioners, who contracted Typhus Fever in the discharge of their duties among the Sick Poor.

We feel that the members of the Medical Profession have reason to complain that they sustain hardship and injustice when employed in the Public Service, as in some instances from the imperfection of existing laws, Medical Practitioners are denied any remuneration whatever for such services, or are constrained to accept sums utterly disproportionate to the duties they are compelled to discharge; while in other cases, where the amount of remuneration is left to the discretion of Government, or to the award of Officers in Public Departments, it is often unjustly and degradingly inadequate.

We most strongly but respectfully protest against the amount of remuneration offered by the Board of Health to Physicians and Surgeons for attending Fever Hospitals during the present epidemic; as, in some instances, Five Shillings per day have been offered by the Board of Health for the discharge of that onerous, responsible, and dangerous duty.

We need not enlarge on the importance and value of the services rendered to the country by the Medical Attendants of Fever Hospitals, neither does it seem necessary to do more than suggest that insufficient and degrading remuneration for professional services cannot fail to injuriously affect the public interests; and we

[blocks in formation]


The following degrees were conferred at the Univer.

confidently trust that your Excellency will take such steps as may, in your Excellency's wisdom, seem fit to remove those grievances, and cause such remuneration to be awarded to the Medical Officers of Fever Hospitalssity of Oxford, June 10th:-Doctors in Medicine: and Fever Districts, as may be commensurate with the great value and importance of the duties required of


Medical Entelligence.



Henry D. Scholfield, Brasenose; George T. Fincham, St. John's. Bachelor in Medicine: James C. Paxton,



Degrees conferred at Cambridge, June 11th.Doctors in Medicine: D. W. Cohen, C. T. Hare, Gonville and Caius. Bachelors in Medicine: C. D.

On Monday, the 21st inst., Mr. Wakley withdrew the Medical Registration Bill for this session, stating at the Waite, St. Peters; A. W. Barclay, D. B. Kendal,

same time that should he occupy a seat in the next Parliament, it was his intention to give notice of a motion in the first week of the session for the reappointment of the Medical Committee.

It is stated that in a few days, the evidence which has been given by the five witnesses from the College of Physicians against the system of registration proposed in the Bill, will be printed, and in the hands of the profession, and that the evidence yet to be taken will also be printed.

Gonville and Caius.

ROYAL COLlege of SURGEONS. Gentlemen admitted Members on Friday, June 25th, 1847:-T. Taylor; W. Hand; H. H. Smith; R. H: Kemp; C. W. Latham; E. Vye; J. Tarzewell; W. L. Thomas; A. Grant; A. W. W. Smith.


At the late meeting of the Trustees of the Manchester | Royal Infirmary, it was resolved to appoint three Dispensary Surgeons in connection with the Institution, to take charge of the out-patients of the three Senior surgeons, and of all the surgical home-patients. Mr. W. Smith, Mr. A. W. Dumville, and Mr. G. Southam, have been elected to this office.


Gentlemen admitted Licentiates, Thursday, June 10th :-Ernest Powell Wilkins, Newport, Isle of Wight; William Pollard Roberts, Yarmouth, Norfolk; Joseph Richard Morgan, Maidstone; Edward Bunbury Passmore, Lyncombe, Bath; William Pearson Ward, Royal Artillery; John Parkin, Hightown, near Leeds; John Maund, Bromsgrove.


Notice of a motion to increase the number of medical officers to the Leicester Infirmary has been given by the Committee, appointed some months back, to inquire into the present state of the Institution. The terms of the notice are as follows:-"That in rule 8, page 3, the words two physicians and two surgeons' be altered to 'three physicians and three surgeons'; and that the other rules be altered and revised in conformity thereto." | In a conversation which followed, any imputation on the conduct of the present medical officers was disclaimed by the parties with whom the inquiry had originated, and ample testimony was borne to the exemplary manner in which they had discharged their duties.


William Watson Beever, Esq., has been elected one of the Surgeons of the Manchester Royal Infirmary, in the room of James Ainsworth, Esq., appointed Consulting Surgeon.

M. Baillarger has been elected a Member of the Académie de Médecine, Paris, in the section of Anatomy and Physiology. M.M. Manec and Denonvilliers were among the unsuccessful candidates.


Died, June 1st, aged 44, of fever, John Walker, Esq., Surgeon to the Eye Hospital, Manchester, a Member of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. Mr. Walker fell a sacrifice in the performance of his duties as a district surgeon, and we regret to add, has left a family unprovided for.

June 2nd, at Glasgow, of typhus fever, William Ferrie, M.D.

June 12th, at Ham Common, Surrey, John V. Bridgman, Esq, Surgeon.

June 15th, aged 45, John James Wilson, Esq., Surgeon, Doughty Street, Mecklenburg Square.

June 17th, aged 39, Harris Dansford, M.D., Upper Seymour Street, Portman Square.

June 23rd, aged 39, of inflammation of the throat, after a few hours' illness, Jordan Roche Lynch, M.D., of Farringdon Street, well known as an advocate of medical and sanatory reform measures. Dr. Lynch was the author of a Life of Cosmo de Medici, a History of Cholera in Paris, and of Essays on the Chemical Treatment of Fever and on Laryngitis. In the year 1845, the Hunterian Oration being omitted at the College of Surgeons, he delivered an Oration at Exeter Hall, which may vie with many of those delivered within the walls of the College.

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