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from the Boston Bee:


THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE.-The Provi- to be the most extensive newspaper establishment dence (R. I.) Morning Mirror says: We think no in the world, contains, as printers usually measure, candid person will fail to recognize a true likeness or estimate, one hundred and ninety thousand ems, of the leading American Journal in the following, and is sold at ten cents a copy, or thirty dollars a year. The Tribune contains one hundred and sev"At the head and front of the Journals of New enty-five thousand ems. It will thus be seen that York, we at once, without reservation, place The The Tribune contains nearly the same amount of New York Tribune. This may, perhaps, be thought matter at one fifth of the price. This measure, in a strong assertion, but we sincerely think it a true both cases, has reference to the reading matter The Tribune is a paper that presents many exclusive of advertisements. The Tribune is, emsterling merits, which no one of the least discerni-phatically, a newspaper.-Worcester (Mass.) Daily ment can fail to discover, nor of the least candor Tribune. who will but acknowledge. We are well aware THE NEW YORK, TRIBUNE.-The New that it sometimes takes grounds and expresses York Semi-Weekly Tribune is received by us reguopinions not at once always indorsed by the great larly, and is one of the most valuable and to us public, nor perhaps by its own friends-but yet advantageous exchanges we believe we could have its history and the times have hitherto proved, for from any part of the United States. The Tribune the most part, those grounds and those opinions is a paper too well known and appreciated in the to be correct. It has shown that it has remarkable west, to need any commendation from us. judgment and sagacity, and that, while its senti- Editor, Horace Greeley, with the warm impulse of ments and doctrines may sometimes, for the hour, a most philanthropic heart, is perhaps exerting a appear as unsound and visionary, they are only so wider and greater influence than any other man because in advance and slightly above the general in the United States, upon its future destiny.-Pekin opinion. (Ill.) Mir.

"Among the chief characteristics of The Tribune are judgment, reliability, power, honesty, candor, and great common sense.

"The editorials of The Tribune are marked by good sense, strength of position, transparency, good temper, and, as a general fact, good logic. They always read like the productions of men of experience, of strong common sense-and invariably are possessed of a manly tone. Politically, they are courteous, though sometimes almost fearfully severe; and, if an opponent is to be executed, it is done with as much consideration and leniency as the occasion and person will admit. Its political columns are characterized by the most signal ability, and to-day, probably, carry more weight and confidence throughout the country than any other journal in America."



NEW YORK TRIBUNE.-This paper, edited by Horace Greeley, will commence its tenth volume on the 7th of this month. It has been considerably enlarged and otherwise improved the last year, without increase in its terms, making it now the cheapest of the class of city journals. Tribune is devoted to the protection of home labor, the freedom of the public lands to the landless, the devotion of the public revenue less to war, navies, &c., and more to education and internal improvement. Besides being an able advocate of these and all kindred social reforms, the Tribune has an ample domestic and foreign correspondence, enabling it to give the latest news from every quarter of the globe. Those who wish the greatest variety of knowledge in the cheapest form can not do better than subscribe for the New York Tribune. of subscribers, the aggregate of the Daily, SemiThis fact is sufficientlly attested by its present list Weekly, and Weekly, being about 65,000--the first at $5, the second at $3, and the last at $2 per annum, in advance.-Amesbury (Mass.) Villager.

NEW YORK TRIBUNE.-The New York Tribune is now in its tenth year. It has a corps of twelve Editors and Reporters, thirty-seven Printers, two Proof-readers, thirteen Pressmen, Engineer, and other laborers in the Press-room, four permanent Correspondents in Europe, three at Washington, two in Canada, two in California, THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE FOR 1851.-The one in Mexico, one in Havana, one in central Amer- tenth volume of this invaluable journal, it will be ica, besides others in the various cities of the Unit-seen by a prospectus published in that paper, comed States. Its entire force, including carriers, &c., mences on Saturday the 7th inst. Upon the merits 130 persons. The issues of the paper are 18,400 daily, 41,000 weekly, 1,700 semi-weekly, 3,200 for California, 500 for Europe-making in all 160,200 sheets weekly, and 8,330,400 annually. It consumes seven tons and a half of paper weekly, and 150 pounds of ink. Among its editors are several names familiar in the republic of letters, such as Horace Greeley, C. A. Dana, Bayard Taylor, J. F. Cleveland, and George Ripley.-Georgetown (Ky.)


of The Tribune it is unnecessary to enlarge, known as it has long been, as the model newspaper of the world, and the reading public of both this country and Europe regard it as a journal in the statements and views of which the highest confidence may be safely reposed.-Pittston (Penn.) Gazette.

had the reading of The Tribune more or less for NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE.-Having several years, we can safely and honestly say, that of all "Whig" or "Democratic" papers with which we have become acquainted, this is decidedly the best.

On all the great and absorbing questions of the day, the editor takes "high ground," far in advance of his party--so much so, that we have often wondered how he could remain in its ranks, advocating with all his might the non-extension of Slavery, while the great ones of the party were wielding all their influence either in favor of non-interfer

THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE.-The Tribune is on its tenth volume. It is a paper adapted to any meridian. and is a useful and valuable one, containing news from all parts of the world, and of that character which makes it almost indispensable. It ranks among the first of newspapers in the United States, and as an instance of its popularity, it has a circulation of 65,000 copies.-Kane County (Ill.) Democrat. NEWSPAPER ESTABLISHMENT.-The New ence or compromise.-Mt. Pleas. (Iowa) True Dem. York Daily Tribune was established in 1841. It THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE has acquired has always been sold at two cents a copy. Since a support and influence among all classes and the commencement of the present year, its size has parties throughout the Union, unequalled by any been double, and it now appears in the Quarto form, like the large London Journals.

The London Times, which is universally conceded

other journal. In science, letters, progress, politics, foreign news, and domestic intelligence, The Tribune holds an exalted position.-Ovid (N. Y.) Bee.

Daily $5;-Weekly $2;-Semi-Weekly $3;-Weekly, 20 COPIES FOR $20; 8 FOR $10;-Semi-Weekly, 10 COPIES FOR $20.


Is issued every morning except Sunday on a large sheet of fine white paper, forming eight pages of six columns each, or about the size of two average Country Newspapers. About six of these pages are new every morning; the aggregate of Editorials, News, and Miscellanies, being greater than that of any other paper in America, and greater than any but one or two in Europe, though its price is but half that of other first class Dailies, in this Country, and less than one fourth of the cost of similar journals in England. Two Evening Editions are issued to supply each subscriber with the latest news up to the hour when his copy must be mailed.

THE TRIBUNE is edited in chief by HORACE GREELEY, who has special charge of all matters pertaining to the Politics and Legislation of our Country. Its Foreign (Old World) department is in charge of CHARLES A. DANA, assisted by able correspondents in London Paris, Constantinople, &c., &c. Its California intelligence and its City department are in charge of BAYARD TAYLOR, assisted by an efficient corps of Reporters. No expense is or will be spared to render its news from all quarters, by Telegraph, Expresses, Steamships, and Mails, as early and reliable as that of any other paper.


contains nearly all the non-advertising matter of the daily, except such as is of local inter est, or has been superseded by fuller and more exact advices before the Semi-Weekly is issued. It is of the same size with the Daily, and has few advertisements.


is issued every Thursday morning, and contains most of the matter of the Daily with more summary accounts of such Events and Proceedings as can not be published in full. We mean that no Weekly shall surpass this in giving a full, graphic, and faithful account of what the world is Doing, whereof it is Thinking, and how it is Progressing.

The Tribune is not quite ten years old, and has obtained an aggregate circulation of not far from sixty five thousand copies-about two thirds of them on its Weekly. Every subscription is paid in advance, and the paper stops when the advance pay runs out, so that no man need hesitate to subscribe from an apprehension of being dunned for arrears, per haps after he has left the place to which the paper is sent, in ignorance that it is continued. Subscriptions from individuals and clubs are respectfully solicited by

New York, December, 1850.

Publishers, 154 Nassau Street

Notes of all specie paying Banks in the United States are taken for subscrip tions to this paper at par. Money enclosed in a letter to our address, and deposited in any Post-Office in the United States, may be considered at our risk; but a description of the bills ought in all cases to be left with the Postmaster. G. & M.

Clergymen of all denominations are furnished with the Weekly Tribune for

per annum.

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Little Rock...



Iowa City..
Baton Rouge.


San Jose, or, Vallejo. John Bigler...
Hartford & N. Haven Thomas H. Seymour-
William H. Ross..
Thomas S. Brown...
Howell Cobb......
Augustus C. French.
Joseph A. Wright.....
Stephen Hempstead.
Lazarus W. Powell...
Joseph Walker.....
John Hubbard.......
Enoch Louis Lowe.
George S. Boutwell...
Robert McClelland...
Henry S. Foote.......
Austin A. King.....
Samuel Dinsmoor........
George F. Fort....
Washington Hunt.
David S. Reid..
Reuben Wood...
William Bigler.....
Philip Allen.....
John H. Means..

Term Exp's Salary Leg're Meets. Gen. Election.
Henry W. Collier....... Dec. 1853.. 82.500 2 M. Nov.1 M. Aug.
John S. Roane........
Nov. 1852... 1.800 M. Nov.1 M. Ang
Dec. 1853... 10.000 1 M. Jan..... 1 Tu. Nov.
May, 1852... 1.100 1 W. May....1 M. April.
Jan. 1854... 1.333 1 Tu. Jan.... 2 Tu. Nov.
Oct. 1853.... 1.500 1 M. Nov.... 1 M. Oct.
Nov. 1853... 3.0001 M. Nov....1 M. Oct.
Jan. 1853.... 1.500 2 M. Jan..... 1 Tu. Nov.
Jan. 1853... 1 300 Jan. 8...
1 M. Aug.
Dec. 1854... 1.0001 M. Dec. 1 M. Aug.
Sept. 1852... 2.500 1 M. Dec.... 1 M. Aug.
Jan. 1854,... 6.000 3 M. Jan.....1 M. Nov.
Jan. 1853.... 1.500 2 W. Jan... 2 M. Sept.
Jan. 1854.... 3,600 1 W. Jan.... 1 W. Nov.
Jan. 1853.... 2.500 1 W Jan.... 2 M. Nov.
Jan. 1854.... 1.500 1 M. Jan..... 1 Tu. Nov.
Jan. 1854.. 3.000 1 M. Jan..... IM & Tu. N.
Nov. 1852... 2.000 Last M. Dec. 1 M. Aug.
June, 1852.. 1.000 1 W. Ju..... 2 Tu. March.
Jan. 1854.... 1.600 2 Tu. Jan.... I Tu. Nov.
Jan. 1853.... 4.000 [1 Tu. Jan....1 Tu. Nov.
Jan. 1853.... 2.000 3 M. Nov.... 1 Th. Aug.
Dec. 1853... 1.2001 M. Jan.... 2 Tu. Oct.
Jan. 1855.... 3.000 1 Tu. Jan,... 2 Tu. Oct.
May, 1852... 400 May & Oct.. 1 W. April.
Dec. 1852... 3.500 4 M. Nov.... 2 M. Oct.
Oct. 1853.... 2.000 1 M. Oct..... 1 Th. Aug.
Dec. 1853... 2.000 In Dec.
Oct. 1852.... 750 2 Th. Oct....
Jan. 1856.... 5.000 2 M. Jan.....

Jefferson City.




Newport & Prov....




William B. Campbell.

Peter H. Bell..

Charles K. Williams

Joseph Johnson......

Leonard J. Farwell..... Dec. 1853... 1.250 1 M. Jan.....

1 M. Aug.

1 Tu. Sept.

Not fixed.

1 Tu. Nov.

The following States hold Legislative Sessions biennially, viz:-Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois.

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South Carolina. Presidential elect ors chos'n by the leg islature.






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1,643 1,329,013 66,304 1,274,203 1,128,303 Taylor over Cass, 138,447; Polk over Clay, 3.70; Harrison over Van Buren, 145,900; Cass and Van Buren over Taylor, 152,931; Clay and Birney over Polk, 28,934. In 1836, Harrison received 737,711 votes, and Van Buren, 763,587, giving the latter a majority of 25.876. General Harrison that year received the popular majority and electoral votes in the States of Massachusetts, Vermont, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Ohio, Kentucky, Georgia, Indiana, and Tennessee.


The Astronomic

red exclusively for the WHIG ALMANAC, by

DATION II. VV RIGHT, Dundee, Yates Co., New York.


The year 1852 will be intercalary, or leapFrom the preceding data, it appears the sun will be on year; being the latter part of the 76th and the be- the north sine of the equator 7 days 16 hours and 14 minutes ginning of the 77th year of the Independence of longer than on the south side. The cause is, the point of the United States of America; the 2605th A. U. C. Aphelion, or that part of the earth's orbit farthest from the (according to Varro), or from the building of Rome; sun, is situated on the north side of the equator, in the 11th degree of Gemini. At this point the earth moves slowest. the 2598th since the era of Nabonassor, the first day of which is said to have been Wednesday, Febru- CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES. ary 18 (N. S.), 747 B. C.; the 2628th year of the Grecian Lunar Cycle......10 Good Friday........April 9 Olympiads, or the latter part of the 3d and begin-Jewish Lunar Cycle 7 Easter Sunday.... ning of the 4th year of the 657th Olympiad of four Epact; Moon's Age (Jan.1) 9 Rogation Sunday... May 16 April 11 years, which began in July, 1849; the latter part of Solar Cycle ..13 Ascension Day... May 20 the 1268th year of the Hegira; the latter part of the Roman Indiction........ .10 Pentecost (Whit Su.)May 30 5612th year from the creation of the world, accord- Dominical Letters.. ...D.C. Trinity Sunday......June 6 ing to the Jews, but the 5856th according to Usher, Dionysian Period.. 181 Corpus Christi......June 10 and the 7359th according to the Septuagint, which is Julian Period....... .6565 Advent Sunday..... Nov 28 the best authority for chronology that is known.

These calculations are expressed in mean or clock time, and are adapted to the latitudes of PORTLAND, BOSTON, NEWYORK, PHILADELPHIA, WASHINGTON, RALEIGH, CHARLESTON, and NEW ORLEANS; and will serve for the whole extent of the U. States.

Morning and Evening Stars.-Venus (?) will be evening star until July 21, then morning star to the end of the year. Mars (3) will be morning star until January 24, then evening star during the remainder of the year. Jupiter (24) will be morning star until May 8, then evening star until Nov. 25, then morning star the rest of the year. Saturn () will be evening star until April 27, then morning star until August 9, then evening star the remainder of the year.

Motions, etc., of the Planets.-Venus will retrograde, this year, from the 28th of June to August 11th. This planet will be visible in the daytime during the month of June, when it will be east of the sun. Mars will retrograde until March 4th, when its motion becomes direct, or from west to east. Jupiter will retrograde from March 10th to July 10th, during which time it will have gone back to the west (apparently) nearly 10°. At this time Jupiter will be in the constellation Libra, and near the middle of it. Saturn will retrograde from the 31st of August to the end of the year. This planet may be found this year about the middle of Aries. Uranus will retrograde until January 9th, and from August 14th to the end of the year. Uranus, during the most of this year, will be in the first part of the constellation Aries, a little east of Saturn. The moon will run highest this year Dec. 26, at which time it will be in the 12th degree of Gemini, and have a declination of 24° 7' 30.6" north. It will run lowest Dec. 12, to the 13th degree of Sagittarius, where it will have a declination of 24° 7′ 53.8" south. Declination of Uranus in the middle of this year, 13° 39′ 56′′ north. Right Ascension at the same time 2h. 22m. 128. Longitude of moon's ascending node in the middle of this year 97° 52′ 2′′. True obliquity of the ecliptic at the same time 23° 27′ 29.12′′.

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Jewish Calendar.

and ends Sept. 13, 1852. The 5613th year begins Sept. 14 of The 5612th Jewish year of 12 months began Sept. 27, 1851, the present year, and contains 13 months.


5. Sebat...
6. Adar
7. Nisan..

8. Ijar

9. Sivan...

..Jan. 22 11. Ab

.Feb. 21 12. Elul
March 21 1. Tisri (5613).
..April 20 2. Marchesvan..
..May 19 3. Chisleu


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..Oct. 14 .. Nov. 12 .Dec. 12

10. Thammus.......June 18 4. Thebet.....
the Jews believe to have been 3760 years before our era
The Jewish Era dates from the creation of the world, which
began. The Jewish year is luni-solar, and consists of 12 and
sometimes 13 months, which contain 29 or 30 days each.
Veadar is the 13th month, and is introduced between Adar
and Nisan; the latter of which is the first month of the
ecclesiastical year. In a cycle of 19 years, Veadar is in-
troduced 7 times.

Those marked with a * are to be strictly observed.
Fast of Esther
...Adar 11......March 2
..Adar 14...... March 5
Adar 15......March 6
Nisan 15..


Schuscan Purim

Beginning of the Passover.
*Second Feast of the Passover.
Seventh Feast....
*End of the Passover.
Lag Beomar...
Feast of Pentecost
*Feast of Pentecost.

Fast: Taking of the Temple..
Fast: Burning of the Temple..
Feast for the New Year..
*Second Feast of New Year..
Fast of Gedaljah..
*Fast of Expiation.
*Feast of Tabernacles
*Second Feast of Tabernacles
Feast of Palms or Branches...

End of the Hut Feast..
*Rejoicing for the Law..
Consecration of the Temple.

April 4

Nisan 16..

April 5

Nisan 21..

April 10

Nisan 22..

April 11

Ijar 18......May 7

Sivan 6... May 24

Sivan 7...... May 25

Thammus 17..June



9......July 25

1......Sept. 14

Tisri 2...
.Tisri 4..

..Sept. 15

Sept. 17

.Tisri 10....

Sept. 23

.Tisri 15..

Sept. 28

.Tisri 16..

Sept. 29

Oct. 4

Oct. 5

.Tisri 21..
.Tisri 22..

[blocks in formation]

BEGINS. MONTHS. BEGINS. ..Jan. 24 10. Schewall........July 19 .Feb. 22 11. Dsu'l-kadah.....Aug. 17 .Mar. 23 12. Dsu'l-kejjah.....Sept. 16

1. Moharrem (1269) Oct. 15 Apr. 21 May 21 2. Saphar.... Nov. 14 June 19 3. Rabia I......... Dec. 13

The Mohammedan Era began with the day after the flight o. of Mohammed to Medina; which event occurred in the night of Thursday. July 18 (N. S.), 622 A. D. The year consists of 12 months, embracing 12 lunations, or 354 days. The intercalary, or leap-year, consists of one day more. In a cycle of 30 years, there are 19 common and 11 leap-years. Since the Mohammedan year is 11 days less than the tropical year, "it is obvious that in about 33 years the above months will correspond to every season, and every part of the Gregorian year." The 9th month is the month of fasting, at the close of which the feast of Bairam begirs.

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