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ers of the north of Europe, and particularly between Ruffia and England.

The faid ports fhall remain, on the contrary, open to all the hips of war and merchantmen, as well of his imperial majefty of Raffia, and of the ftates comprifed in the maritime neutrality of the North, as of the French republic and its allies. And if, in confequence of this determination, his majefty the king of the Two Sicilies fhould find himself expofed to the attacks of the Turks or the English, the French republic binds itfelf to place, at the difpofal of his majesty, and upon his demand, to be employed in his ftates, a number of troops equal to that which fhall be fent to him as an auxiliary force by his imperial majefty of Ruffia.

IV. His majefty the king of the Two Sicilies, renounces, in perpetuity, for himfelf and his fucceffors, in the fift place, Porto Longone, in the ifle of Elba, and every thing belonging to it in that ifland. Se condly, the ftates of the Prefides in Tuicany; and he cedes them, as alfo the principality of Piombino, to the French government, to be by it difpofed of at its pleafure.

V. The French republic and his majefty the king of the Two Sicilies, bind themfelves reciprocally to take off the fequeftration from all effe&s, revenues, and property, feized confifcated, or detained from the citizens and fubjects of the one or the other power, in confequence of the prefent war, and to admit them refpectively to the legal exercife of the rights and claims which may appertain to them.

VI. In order to remove every trace of the private calamities which have marked the prefent war, and

to give peace, re-establish the stability which can only be expected from a general oblivion of the paft, the French republic renounces all perfecution in refpect of facts of which it might complain; and the king, wifhing, on his part, to contribute, as much as in him lies, to repair the evils occafioned by the troubles which have taken place in his ftates, binds himself to pay, within three months, reckoning from the day of the exchange of the prefent treaty, a fum of 500,000 franks, which fhall be diftributed among the agents and French citizens who have been particularly the victims of the diforders which have been produced at Naples, Viterbo, and in the other points of the fouth of Italy, by the conduct of Neapolitans.

VII. His Sicilian majefty binds himself alfo to permit that all those of his fubjects who have not been profecuted, banished, or forced to expatriate themfelves voluntarily, but for acis relating to the refidence of the French in the kingdom of Naples, fall return, without moleftation, to their country, and be reinftated in their properties. His majefty alfo promiles, that all perfons now in cuftody, on account of political opinions which they have declared, thall be immediately fet at liberty.

VIII. His majefty the king of the Two Sicilies, binds himself to reflore to the French republic the ftatues, pictures, and other objects of the arts, which have been carried off from Rome by the Neapolitan troops.

IX. The prefent treaty is decla red common to the Batavian, Cifalpine, and Ligurian republics.

X. The prefent treaty hall be ratified, and the ratifications ex


changed in the fpace of thirty days without delay.

Done and figned at Florence, the
7th Germinal, 9th year of the
French republic, (28th March,
(Signed) Alquier.

and to that of the Upper Rhine, who, after having exchanged their refpective full powers, have agreed to the following articles:

Art. 1. There fhall be peace, friendhip, and good neighbourhoud, between the French republic and Antoine de Micheroux. the palatine elector of Bavaria. The one and the other fhall neglect nothing to maintain this union, and to render reciprocally fuch fervices as may be beft calculated to draw more and more close the bonds of fincere and durable friendfip.

Treaty of Peace between the French Republic and the Elector Palatine of Bavaria.

THE firft conful of the French


republic, in the name of the French people, and his moft ferene highnefs the elector palatine of Bavaria, having at heart to eftablifh, in a folemn and inconteftable manner, the old relations of friendfhip and good neighbourhood which have fubfifted between France and the moft ferene Bavaro-palatine houfe before the war, which has been terminated between the French republic and the Germanic empire, by the treaty of peace of Luneville, and in which his electoral higlinefs had taken part, not only by means of the fuccours furnished by virtue of the decrees of the diet, but alfo in his quality of auxiliary of the allied powers; the contracting parties have agreed to confirm the perfect return of a good harmony between them, by a treaty of and feparate peace; and for that purpofe have appointed for their plenipotentiaries, that is to fay, the firft conful, in the name of the French people, citizen Caillard, keeper of the archives of the adminiftration for foreign affairs; and his moft ferene electoral high nefs the elector of Bavaria, the fieur Antonine de Cetto, his prefent counsellor of flate and minifter plenipotentiary to the electoral circle

II. His majefty the emperor and the empire, having confented, by the 4th article of the treaty concluded at Luneville, the 20th Pluviofe, year 9 of the republic, or the 9th of February, 1801, that the French republic fhall poflefs in future, in entire fovereignty and property, the countries and domains on the left bank of the Rhine, and which made part of the Germanic empire, his electoral highnefs the palatine of Bavaria renounces for himfelf, his heirs and fucceffors, the rights of territorial fuperio-, rity, ownership, and every other whatever, which his houfe has hi therto exercifed, and which belonged to him over the countries and dominions upon the left bank of the Rhine. This renunciation relates, namely, to the dutchy of Juliers, the dutchy of Deux-Ponts, with its dependencies, and all the bailliwic of the palatinate of the Rhine, fituate upon the left bank of that river.

III. Convinced that it is her intereft to prevent the Bavaro-palatine poffeffions from being reduced to a ftate of weaknefs, and confequently to repair the dimunition of force and territory, which refults from the above renunciation, the French republic engages to maintain and efficaciously defend the integrity of the


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aforefaid poffeffions upon the right bank of the Rhine, together and in the extent which they have, or ought to have, according to the treaty and the conventions concluded at Tefchen, the 13th May, 1799; faving the ceffions which may take place with the full will of his electoral highnefs, and the confent of all the interested parties.

The French republic promifes, at the fame time, that it fhall ufe all its influence and all its means, in order that the 7th article of the treaty of peace of Luneville, by virtue of which the empire is bound to give to the hereditary princes difpoffeffed upon the left bank of the Rhine an indemnification, to be taken in its bofom, fhould be particularly executed with refpect to the electoral palatine houfe of Bavaria; so as that that houfe fhall receive a territorial indemnity, fituated as well as poffible for its convenience, and equivalent to the loffes of every kind, which have been the confequence of the prefent war.

IV. The contracting parties fhall come to an understanding between themselves at all times, as good neighbours, and follow, on the one part and the other, the principles of perfect equity in regulating the difputes which may have taken or may take place, whether with refpe&t to the courfe of the Thalweg between the respective states, which, by the terms of the 6th article of the treaty of peace of Luneville, fhall hereafter be the limit of the territory of the French republic and of the Germanic empire, or with refpect to the navigation of the Rhine and commerce, or with refpect to the works to be erected upon the one fide or the other of the river.

V. The 8th article of the treaty of

peace of Luneville, concerning the debts fecured upon the foil of the coun tries on the left bank of the Rhine, fall ferve as a basis for those who find themfelves aggrieved in confequence of their poffeffions and territories being comprifed in the renunciation of the 2d article of the prefent treaty.

As the faid treaty of Luneville does not acknowledge as chargeable to the French republic any debts but those resulting from loans, agreed to by the states of the ceded countries, or from expenfes incurred by the effective adminiftration of the faid countries; and as on the other fide the dutchy of Deux-Ponts, as well as the part of the palatinate of the Rhine, ceded by the second article of the prefent treaty, are not countries of the ftates; it is agreed that the debts of the faid countries, which, at their origin, have been regiftered by the fuperior adminiftrative bodies, fhall be affimilated to thofe which have been agreed to by the ftates in the countries where they have been contracted.

Immediately after the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty, there fhall be appointed, upon the one part and upon the other, commiffioners, who fhall proceed to the verification and diftribution of the debts above mentioned.

VI. The private debts contracted by the communes and the ci-devant bailiwics, under the authority of government, remain at their charge, and fhall be paid by them.

VII. All papers, documents, and acts, relative to public and private properties of the countries ceded by the faid 2d article, fhall, within the space of three months, to be dated from the exchange of the ratifications, be delivered faithfully to a commiffioner, appointed by the


French government to receive them. The fame fhall be done with respect to all the papers, documents, and acts, concerning the objects of adminiftration, which relate exclufively to the faid countries. As to thofe faid papers, documents, and acts, which concern the common intereft of the states of the palatine houfe, as well thofe ceded upon the left bank of the Rhine, as those which it retains upon the right bank, there shall be made, at the common expenfe, collated copies, which shall be sent to the French commiffioner.

VIII. From the day of the exchange of the ratifications all the fe queftrations that have been laid, on account of the war, upon the goods, revenues, and effects of French citizens within the ftates of his moft ferene electoral highness, and those which may have been placed within the territory of the French republic, upon goods, revenues, and effects of fubjects or fervants of his laid moft ferene highnefs, domiciliated upon the right bank of the Rhine, and proprietors upon the left, are taken off. There is no exception made of the Bavaro-palatine fubjects or fervants, who, after the entrance of the French armies, withdrew from the left to the right bank of the Rhine.

IX. The prefent treaty fhall be ratified by the contracting parties within the fpace of twenty days, or fooner if poffible; and his moft ferene highness the elector palatine of Bavaria engages to procure, within the fame space of time, an act of acceflion upon the part of his moft fe rene highness William duke of Bavaria, to the ceffions made by the faid treaty.

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Treaty between the French Republic and Spain, figned at Madrid, March 21, 1801, by the Prince of Peace and Citizen Lucien Bonaparte.

THE firft conful of the French

republic, and his catholic majefty, willing to establish, on the most fecure footing, the ftates which the fon of the infant of Parma is to receive as an equivalent for the dut chy of Parma, have agreed upon the following articles; and have named as their plenipotentiaries as follows: the firft conful names citizen Lucien Bonaparte, the prefent ambasador of the French republic; and his catholic majefty the prince of Peace. Thefe have concluded the following articles:

Art. I. The reigning duke of Parma renounces for ever, for himself and his heirs, the dutchy of Parma, with all its dependencies, in favour of the French republic, and his catholic majefty fhall guaranty this renunciation. The grand dutchy of Tufcany, which the grand duke in Done at Paris, the 6th Fructidor, the fame manner, renounces equally,

and the ceffion of which is guarantied by the emperor of Germany, fhall be given to the fon of the duke of Parma, as an indemnification for the countries ceded by the infant his father, and in confequence of another treaty concluded anteriorly between his catholic majefty and the French republic.

IL. The prince of Parma will go to Florence, where he will be acknowledged fovereign of all the poffeffions which belong to the grand dutchy, and receive from the conftituted authorities the keys of the forts, and the oath of fidelity will be taken to him as fovereign. The firft conful will exert his authority, in order that these acts may be peaceably executed.

III. The prince of Parma will be acknowledged king, with all the honour due to his rank. The first conful fhall acknowledge him, and fhall caufe him to be lo confidered by the other powers of Europe. The meafures neceflary for this purpose shall be taken before the prince takes poffeffion.

IV. The part of the ifle of Elba which belongs to Tufcany, and depends upon that fate, fhall remain to the French republic; and the first conful fhall give as an indemnity to the king of Tufcany the country of Piombino, which belongs to the king of Naples.

V. As this treaty originates from that which has been concluded between the first conful and his catholic majesty, and by which the king cedes to France the poffeffion of Louisiana, the contracting parties agree to put in execution the articles of the former treaty, and to ufe their refpeétive rights till the fettlement of thofe differences mentioned in it.

VI. As the new family to be eftablifhed in Tufcany is of the family of Spain, thefe eftates fhall remain for ever united to Spain, and an infant of that family fhall be called to that throne, in cafe the prefent king or his children have no pofterity; in this cafe, the fons of the reigning fa mily of Spain fhall fucceed to these eftates.

VII. The firft conful and his catholic majefty agree to procure for the reigning duke of Parma, in confideration of this renunciation in fas vour of his fon, proportionable indemnities, whether in poffeffions or revenues.

VIII. The prefent treaty fhall be ratified and exchanged in the course of three weeks.

(Signed) Lucien Bonaparte.
'The prince of Peace.

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Treaty of Peace between the French

Republic and the Regency of Algiers, concluded on the 17th December, 1801.


HE French government and the regency of Algiers are fenfible that war is not natural between the two ftates, and that it imports the dignity, as well as the interests of both parties, to refame their former relations.

Accordingly Muftapha Pacha Dey, in the name of the regency, and citizen Charles François Dubois Thainville, chargé d'affaires, and commiflary general of commercial relations from the French republic, furnished with full powers from the first conful to negociate a peace with the regency, have agreed upon the following articles:

Art. I. The political and commercial relations are re-established between

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