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strange articles, amongst which was certain childrens' toys and other gewgaws, with which I knew I confess I was monstrously astonished when I had nothing to do. With a triumphant smile, my Lord began to comment on my dress and I very quictly placed it before my Lord Mardemeanour, very soon indeed after the knot was quis's nose, just as he had swallowed his first tied, which unties all the loves and graces, and cup of tea, asking him, in the sweetest tones still more when he complained of my conduct-imaginable, if he knew anything of these charges. and actually forbade my going where I chose, or

His air and answer, though the latter was, of course, a negative, sufficiently informed me of that which I wished to know; and ever since, we have lived like turtle doves together.

I confess, that if I live long enough to go on with my confessions, I shall give the most learned history of all the secrets of conjugal felicity that has ever yet been given to the public.


The bubble reputation!

THERE is scarcely a fable of Esop, or any other Apologuist of the olden time, which has lost its force of application in the transmission of ages. The dog which, crossing the brook with a dainty morsel in his mouth, snapped at the reflection in the water, and lost the substance, is a hound as familiar to modern experience as Dandie Din

seeing whom I chose. I confess I was troubled
for a moment to know what to do;-I tried
several ways-sulks, smiles, commands—all were
unavailing. I confess I never had an idea how
much a husband has it in his power to torment a
wife;-but I confess too that I think my Lord
met with his match. In despite of frowns and
threats, and oaths, and all the horrors of a ma-
trimonial couch every night, or rather morning,
I went on my own way, and compensated to my-
self for all his brutal behaviour, by flirting right
and left, and affichéing love I never felt. At
last, I confess, he grew too bad even for my master
spirit, and I determined to leave him, for I had
previously secured a handsome income, come
what might. Nevertheless, I should not, I
knew, be able to enjoy so much state, and
this was the only thing that troubled me.
I con-
fess, when I did leave him on trial, I was exceed-
ingly disappointed at finding my means not ade-mont's terriers, or ladybird and Rattler, of the
quate to my habits and tastes of life. I confess,
therefore, I used every artifice to get back to him,
and perjured myself fifty times over, to convince
him there was no truth in what he suspected. I
confess that, for fourteen days, I wore no rouge,
and practised sighing and bringing tears into my
eyes, and tremours over my frame. But I con-
fess myself most obliged to my eldest sister for
playing the bully in my behalf: she had recourse
again to country quarters,' and, I believe, after
all, I never should have succeeded in being rein-
stated in my former position, but for my sister's
spirit in making the man fix the day for taking
me home again, alleging that a longer delay
might blow the affair to the public, and that
then he would be laughed at. This succeeded.

I confess that the only thing I thought of after | finally, I confess I did laugh openly the moment twelve years old, was dress, and getting married; we were actually married. I confess the only object I had in marriage was to become a lady of fashion, and to have my own way. I therefore made up my mind to take the first man of the highest title and estate who should propose for me; but regard or affection for the individual never formed a component part of the proposed transaction. Marriage first, love after; for thus I saw it in those around me, who were most highly courted, flattered, and commended. I confess (for I was a very sensible girl) that I considered an establishment on the first scale was necessary, a lover only an adjunct-besides, who ever saw a lover in a husband! I heard mamma declare a thousand times that was quite impossible. I confess, therefore, that the moment I found a person who possessed the necessary requisites for marriage-namely, title and fortune--I hesitated not a moment to say Yes;' and I directly commenced my career of diversion and dissipation. I confess, however, that I began a little too soon, that is, before the knot was indissolubly tied, to put me in possession of an etat; for, thinking I had secured that sine qua non, I listened to the fleurettes of every idler who had marked me out (since my marriage was declared) as a safe object for paying their attentions to; but I confess I had nearly been caught, by giving too much encouragement to one who, poor fool, thought I should jilt the Marquis for him! Au reste, he was very young and raw, and new on the world of fashion; so much so, that he was quite sentimentally furious on discovering that I was engaged, and threatened to blow out the brains of my father, and all sorts of vulgar violences. But mamma, I confess, managed that matter very cleverly for me, and declared she never dreamt of his attaching such consequence to the manners of an innocent child like myself. Well, I confess, nevertheless, that the innocent child was in a great fright, lest she should have marred a real good situation for half an hour's 'amusement; but I confess I never thought that Mr Fitzallen could be so weak as to suppose that, although he dressed well, and looked well, and talked well, I should think of bartering such a parti❘ as the Marquis, for his poverty. I confess it would have been very entertaining, however, to witness his extravagancies-complaining here, and complaining there was it not that I was considerably alarmed lest the Marquis should hear it-and he did hear it, and was very near breaking off our engagement. I confess that I had nothing for it, but becoming very sick, and getting mamma to carry me off to the country, where I was bored to death till she got the Marquis to come and see how ill I I confess I never was more puzzled than to try to look ill and well at the same time, but I darkened the room, and let my hair hang about out of curl, which gave a melancholy length to my face, and I wore a very deep-coloured gown that my complexion might appear pale, and I laughed in my sleeve when I saw I succeeded: and I was obliged to turn my head away when I heard mamma whisper him that I was dying for him-lest I should have laughed outright; and,


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Pytchley pack. Ourselves and all our neighbours are graspers at shadows; with more or less success every dog of us stoops into the stream to fill his mouth with viands which prove as cold and unsubstantial as moonshine.

The Sovereign, for instance,-two years ago, and what unprecedented popularity did the favour and affection of the mob shower down the golden opinions of all sorts of men on an illustrious individual who has since been libelled, lampooned, and lapidated!-LORD BROUGHAM,-the scoffer at office, whose ambition it was to pass to posterity as a besom of purification, an extinguisher of sinecures, and exterminator of perquisites,—has he not been reviled as a featherer of his own nest, and spoliator of those of other people?-LORD I was reinstated, and began the same game over DURHAM,-the liberal, who snapt at the fame of again. I confess I was very glad to observe that a Paladin, a redresser of injuries, and advocate of my Lord had taken his parti, and frequented the the oppressed,-stands he not accused of having society of actresses and other women of doubtful minced compliments with Nicholas, the slaughterer character, because it gave me power to recriminate, of the Poles?—The FITZCLARENCES,-who, in the if he should be foolish enough to remark what I apprehension of provoking ill-will, have aspired did myself. I played this game with great sucto nothing since the accession of their Royal cess, and succeeded in quarrelling with all my father, but empty and onerous titles,-are they relations and 'friends who might have taken upon not insulted by the press as digesters of the public them to lecture me. I confess, also, that I had loaves and fishes, after the fashion of the Dragon also what the stupid part of the world called an of Wantley?-LORD GREY, who has courted excellent example in some of them; but I would through life the designation of the noblest Roman rather have died than have lived so dull a life. of them all,'-is he not furnished Sunday after confess I had no pleasure in anything but dress, Sunday with a list of his extensive family, their admiration, amusement, and éclat. I confess that places, pensions, and bencfices?—The PRIMATE of I at last succeeded perfectly in forming a matri- all England,-whose life has been an exercise of monial ménage, that goes on quite happily. I piety, disinterestedness, and dignity,—has he not soon discovered, by vigilance, and also by occabeen upbraided by a furious populace as a Court, sional accident, that my Lord had various in-hireling-a devourer of the 'children's bread ?'


terests which he would not wish me to be aware
of. One of the latter was as follows:- -A jeweller
sent me in my bill one Christmas (I wonder he
did, for I never paid him), and in it I saw various

MOORE, the lyrist of independence (than whoi no poet since Smollett more loudly invocates that

Lord of the lion port, and eagle eye,
Whose steps he follows with his bosom bare,
Nor heeds the storm that howls along the sky),

has been cursed with a curse like that of Scandi- | a the mefor the superfluous superlatives of the
navian Hela, emanating from the grave; whisper- newspapers!
ing to the astonished world, in Byron's voice, that
Tommy loves a lord!'

BYRON,—himself the fastidious fashioner of his physical as well as his intellectual reputation, who spared no pains in order that a few might do homage to his bigh forehead, attenuated figure, and athletic prowess;-has he not been damned

Were it not, indeed, for the Christmas festivities at a few country mansions of our leading magnats, and for the re-vivification of Brighton, the beau monde might take a fortnight's nap or so, and be little missed. But they are making splendid preparations for the Duke of Rutland's birth-day at


to everlasting fame by the scribblers he assembled Belvoir Castle, and for the Conservative triumph the mysteries of the confectionary art; his myriads

round him to hymn his praises, as a man who would have been obese as Dr Johnson, but for his diet of vinegar and mashed potatoes ;-as one who rode ill and timidly, and swam like a frog.

Scorr, the worshipper of independence, the noble factor of his own fortunes,--has he not been insulted, ere cold in his grave, by officious offers of patronage, and 'benefits' from managers of theatres and other small deer of literature?

TURNER, who fancies himself privileged to dip his brush in the hues of the rainbow, and depict the beauties of Nature with pigments stolen from

her own palette;—do not the critics of the Royal Academy, exhibition after exhibition, set him forth as having chosen as his standard of colour the sarcenet glories of some milliner's tawdry patchwork?

Are not we all, in short, from the throne to the counter-stool, either busied, open-mouthed, in flycatching; or wagging our tails at the goodly shew of the meat reflected in the stream,-which we long to make our own? But the time for shadow-snatching is past. It is time that we, who are ourselves but immaterial things, should eling to realities. Nothing can be too substantial, nothing too palpably tangible, for those who live in a world of fleeting shows;' when every day beholds some time-honoured institution melt into airy nothing,

And like the baseless fabric of a vision
Leave not a wreck behind.


THE bow which public events have lately strung with such close tension, is relaxed again; and the arrows of the witlings glance aside without aim or object. The elections are over; their promise far outshone in the event, and with less intemperance of party violence than might have been anticipated.—Antwerp has capitulated without forming a mole of human corses in the Scheld. The mystical curtain of the Pantomimes has risen, and given to view the miracles of the Motley. Our winter's wonders in short are over: and nothing but a tame monotony (to be varied perhaps by a bitter frost or an overwhelming snow) awaits us till the meeting of Parliament. After the vast variety of excitement we have latterly experienced, this uneventful frame of things comes sorely amiss;-and we would not for something be the next detected burglar or convicted poacher whose misdemeanors shall afford

at Hatfield,—including balls, banquets, and private theatricals; and two princely fêtes are already announced at the Pavilion. By a remarkable coincidence, however, nearly one hundred families of the highest nobility have been recently placed in family mourning; and several noble residences, usually open at this festive season, are accordingly closed.

In the metropolis, very little is going on. A few dolorous attempts at soirées have been made in a certain whist-playing coterie in the neighbourhood of Grosvenor square; but the only real gaieties going on, are juvenile Christmas balls in the opulent parish of St Pancras, the inhabitants of which are not too fashionable to be hospitable. Covent Garden is looking up,—and Drury, down. -The opera will open in three weeks time, with at least as much éclat as it ever exhibits in the month of January; and, long before Easter, the little Haymarket will hasten to take its share in the theatrical failures of the season. —— It is rumoured in Hertfordshire that Lord Abercorn intends disposing of the Priory: and it is rumoured in Italy that, should the marriage between Lord Lowther and Miss Strachan really take place, Lord Hertford will not return to England next spring.—A collection of poems by the Hon. Miss Law (printed for private circulation), contains several elegant compositions.-Mrs Sullivan's clever Reminiscences of a Chaperon' are no less spirited than true to (fashionable) nature; and Slade's graphic pictures, whether true or false, are replete with originality. The marriage of Miss Manners Sutton will take place early in February; and her father's retirement from office,

we trust, not for many Februaries to come. Some of Praed's sweetest verses (married to immortal melody by one of the sweetest minstrels of the day), are on the eve of publication;—and the • Characteristics of Women,' (glory to the amended taste of the times), are in process of

a second edition.

Such is the best and worst of our social condition. But, perhaps, it is as well that we should dream away the lapse of time,' till the jarring wheels of the new political machinery are set in motion,-to astound, dismay, and, it is to be hoped, eventually satisfy our misgivings. All's well that ends well;' but it is to be feared that, according to the celebrated Minister's definition, Nous ne sommes encore qu'au commencement de la fin l'

Ir you cannot stop to see the Carnival, says a Milan correspondent, you must at least find time to spend your Christmas here; especially if such another mild and lovely winter as the present should enliven your sojourn. The whole hive of dealers and shopmen are busy, tempting the eye and purse-strings with their choicest finery; but none may vie with the Italian lord paramount in of sweet temptations really look magnificently seductive in front of his gorgeous mirrors, when seen under the advantage of the glow of artificial light which evening brings with it. Next in order stand the cervelleri or cascolini, with their hundred varieties of cheeses and sausages, set off by pillars of gigantic Bolognas, reaching to the very cieling, and intermingled with delicately arranged capriccios in fresh and smoked meats, festoons of anchovies, &c. : and last, but not least, Parmesan cheeses,—those better than mines of enormous and splendid Gorgongola, Lodi, and gold to the thriving graziers of Lombardy. These substantial delicacies, however, are not allowed to

owe their attraction to their mere intrinsic recommendations; for they are disposed in a brilliant array of artificial and natural nosegays and garlands, and sometimes whimsically besprinkled with Every shop, throughout parti-coloured lamps.

the entire length of the Corso' to the Piazza del Duomo' is thus redolent with dainties; forming a species of ante-saloon to the gay theatre of Christmas-tide on the latter spot, where humour and idleness lounge hand-in-hand beneath the arcades of the Merceria, or the azure canopy of heaven. Here are vehicles, loaded high with laurels and evergreens for the hallowing of the Nativity; and, beside them, beautiful pyramids of citrons, oranges, and lemons, fresh from the gleaner's fingers: whilst, ever and anon, some vender of sugared titbits, bon-bons, graven images, and such-like ware, comes treading along, harnessed to his travelling bazaar. This is the crowded mart, into which the whole neighbourhood for miles and miles away empties its thousands. I have seldom cast eyes on a healthierlooking, handsomer, or sturdier race of mortals; their national costume sets off these noble models

of the human form to admirable effect; and the peasant girl, with her long silver needles, set in tripping like a rural divinity to bless the scene. congregated rays in her ebony tresses, comes It may be wanting in the fiery tone and animation which is so peculiarly the characteristic of the Roman and Neapolitan orgies, and nothing may flit across it, like the spirit-stirring ballad of the shepherds and mountaineers, who crowd the streets of Rome and Naples on Christmas-eve, and wind from house to house with their rustic harmonies;—yet, even here, there is enough of originality in the life and character of the pantomime to fascinate an unaccustomed eye. Making your escape from the noisy crowd to the polished throng beneath the Arcades, the contrast, which here presents itself, is singularly striking; you have stepped, in a twinkling, out of the province of nature into the region of art; the whole prospect, before and around you, sparkles with jewels, gold and silver, and every gay and glittering adornment, which luxury can covet, or the inge nuity of fickle fashion contrive, G. H.


THE close of the week offered a splendid example of Royal hospitality at the Pavilion, in the form of a dinner and an evening party, at which his Highness Namiek Pacha, the new Turkish Ambassador, was present. His Highness arrived at the Albion Hotel in the afternoon of Friday, when a carriage was sent to convey him to the Pavilion some time previous to the dinner hour, as he was to be honoured with a private audience of the King. During his attendance in the anti-chamber, a rather ludicrous circumstance occurred. The wea

ther being cold, when the Lord and Groom in Waiting came into the anti-chamber to conduct the Ambassador, and his secretary and interpreter, to their Majesties, they found the whole party squatted down in a half-circle before the fire!

The whole of the State Rooms were splendidly lighted on the occasion of the Dinner, which took place in the Banquetting Room. The following distinguished persons formed the


The Turkish Ambassador and his Secretary, the Duke of Richmond, Lord Palmerston, Count Danneskiold Samsoe, Colonel Sir T. Downman, Major Hadden, Earl Howe, Lieutenant-Colonel Drummond, Lieutenant-Colonel Montague, Duke of Devonshire, Earl of Chatham, Hon. Captain Poulett, R.N., Earl of Belfast, Captain H. Hope, Sir R. Otway, Sir A. Dalrymple, Sir J. Whatley, Captain Pechell, Lord W. Lennox, Mr and Mrs J. Douglas, Earl and Countess of Chichester, Earl and Countess of Sheffield, Viscount and Viscountess Gage, Earl and Countess of Albemarle, and Mr Sturt.

The whole of the rooms were subsequently thrown open to a brilliant party of about two hundred persons, forming


Duchess of Cannizzaro, Dowager Marchioness of Cholmondeley and Miss Bentinck, Marquis and Marchioness of Cholmondeley, the Marchioness and Ladies Cornwallis, Earl of Waldegrave, the Countess of Newburgh and Ladies Eyre, Lord Howard of Effingham, Lord Carnwath, Lord Dalzell, Capt. and Lady Dalzell, Admiral Sir T. and Lady Rodd, Hon. Mrs Pechell, Dowager Lady Clanricarde and Miss Kingston, Lord and Lady Lyndhurst, Lady B. Bouverie, Lord P. Galloway, Major, Mr, and the Misses Galloway, Lady and Miss Palk, Lord De Roos and the Hon. Olivia and Miss De Roos, Lord and Lady Dover, Lord Alvanley, Mrs and Miss Cavendish, Lady and Miss Downman, Lady C. and Miss Dundas, the Earl and Countess of Listowell and Miss Bushe, the Earl and Countess of Beverley, the Earl and Countess of Chesterfield, the Countess of Belfast, Lord Berehaven, Lord Louvain and Ladies Percie, Lord and Lady Kenmare, Lord Lake, Lady Whatley, Colonel and Mrs Anson, Dr Price, Rev. H. M. Wagner, Sir A. and Lady Clifford, Captain and Mrs Townshend, Sir J. and Lady Berkeley, Miss Byng, Sir A. Clifton, the Hon. W. White, Mrs Bochem, Mr and Lady E. Dickens, Mr and Lady Jane Peel, Mrs Colonel Montague, Officers of the Scotch Fusileer and 3d Dragoon Guards, Sir J. Stratton, Sir J. and Lady Champagne, Sir G., Lady, and Miss Anson, Sir W. and Lady Macfarlane, Sir James, Lady, and Miss Lloyd, Misses Carr, Sir J. and Lady Graham, Lady Dalrymple, Sir T., Lady, and Misses M'Mahon, Sir H. and Lady Neale, Lady and the Misses Otway, Lieut.-Colonel and Lady G. De Roos, Mrs G. Dawson, Sir P. and Lady Maitland, the Hon. Mrs Pelham and Miss Bouwens, Mrs Morris and Mr D. Damer, Mr, Lady, and Miss Bailey, Sir M., Lady M., and Miss Tierney, Dr Everard, Mrs G. Ramsden, Lieut.-Colonel and Mrs Barnard, Captain and Mrs Weymouth and Miss Meynell, Lord Ernest Bruce, Mr H. Greville, Mr C. Greville, Hon. Miss Powis, Sir Francis, Lady, and Miss Burdett, Hon. W. Pechell, Mrs H. Fellowes, Mr and Mrs Cottin, Colonel

Des Voeux, Major Wilmot, Sir Ralph and Lady

Grace Gore, Colonel Gurwood, Colonel and Mrs Teesdale, Lieut.-Colonel and Mrs Grey, Lieut.-Gen. Sir S. and Lady Browne, Lady and Miss Floyd, Mr Brooksbank, Mr Willmott, Hon. Mr and Mrs Greville, and Mr and the Misses Grant.

ROYAL AND FASHIONABLE MOVEMENTS | Lady Frederick Fitzclarence, Baron d'Ompteda, Mar


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morning at the Palace Chapel, in the presence of Brighton. Divine Service was performed this the King and Queen, the Princess Augusta, Prince George, the Duke of Gloucester, and the Lord Chamberlain. The Bishop of Worcester and the Rev. Mr Wagner officiated.

In the afternoon the Queen, accompanied by the Duke of Gloucester, the Bishop of Worcester, and the Hon. Miss Bagot, proceeded to St George's Chapel, New Kemp Town.

The Princess Augusta and Miss Wynyard took a carriage airing.

The Duke of Devonshire, the Earl and Countess of Albemarle, Lord A. Beauclerk, Viscount Melbourne, and Lady C. Keppel, had the honour of dining with their Majesties.

London. The Duchess of Kent and the Princess Victoria attended Church Service at Kensington Palace. The Dean of Chester officiated.


Brighton. The King gave audience to Viscount Melbourne, Sir J. Whalley, and Sir R. Otway.

The Queen, accompanied by Prince George, Miss Bagot, Sir Andrew Barnard, and the Rev. the Earl of Albemarle, Lady Caroline Keppel, Hon. Mr Wood, rode out on horseback over the Downs, and returned by Kemp Town to the Palace.

Mr and Mrs Craven gave a juvenile ball. Princess Augusta, Duke of Gloucester, Prince Their Majesties entertained at dinner the George, Duke of Devonshire, Earl and Countess of Errol, Viscount Melbourne, Earl and Countess of Albemarle, Lady Caroline Keppel, Earl Howe, Lieut.-Col. Horace Seymour, Lady Caroline Dundas, Mr and the Misses Dundas, Captain Yorke, Lady Mary Taylor, Rev. Mr Wood, and the suite and principal officers of the household. Her Majesty's band attended in the evening.


Waller, Sir Peregrine Maitland, and Sir Robert Brighton.-The King gave audience to Sir Wathen Otway.

took a carriage airing. The Princess Augusta and Lady Mary Taylor

The Earl of Errol, and Lords Adolphus and Frederick Fitzclarence, enjoyed the sports of the field to-day with the East Sussex fox-hounds.

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The remains of Captain Wethered, of the 3rd Dragoon Guards, were removed from the Cavalry Barracks this morning, for interment in the family vault at Great Marlow.

the Princess Augusta, Duke of Gloucester, Earl The Royal dinner party this evening included and Countess of Chichester, Earl and Countess of Errol, Earl and Countess Howe, Lord and Lady Frederick Fitzclarence, Lord A. Beauclerk, Colonel Wemyss, Sir F. and Lady Wheatley, Sir George Rose, Mr Sturt, Capt. Yorke, R.N., Mademoiselle d'Este, Hon. Miss Bagot, and Sir A. Barnard.

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chioness Wellesley, Gen. Wetherall, Lieut.-Col. H. Seymour, Lieut.-Gen. Sir G. Walker, Earl and Countess of Chesterfield, Col. and the Hon. G. Anson, Lord and Lady Lyndhurst, le Ministre Resident de Saxe, Capt. Yorke, R.N., Dr Kupar, and Sir Herbert Taylor.

The Duke of Gloucester took leave of their Majesties this morning, and proceeded to Bagshot. London.-Prince Pozzo di Borgo arrived at the Clarendon Hotel. His Excellency dined with Prince Lieven, at Ashburnham House.

The Duke and Duchess of St Albans enter

tained a select party at dinner, in Piccadilly. -Lord and Lady Cowley returned to town from Hatfield House.

- Viscount Howick arrived in Whitehall place, from the North.

-The Earl of Rosslyn left Sr James's square, on a visit to the Earl and Countess of Jersey, at Middleton Park.

The Lord and Lady Mayoress entertained a large party at dinner, at the Mansion House.


Brighton. Their Majesties entertained a select party at dinner.

The Earl and Countess of Listowell took their departure this morning for Kingston House.

Mrs Orr gave a quadrille party at her residence in Regency square.

- Mrs Ricardo gave a ball and supper. London. The Duchess of Kent and the Princess Victoria visited Covent Garden Theatre.

Prince and Princess Lieven entertained Prince Pozzo di Borgo and a select party at dinner, at Ashburnham House.


Brighton. The Princess Augusta took a drive in a close carriage. Their Majesties entertained a select party at dinner. London.-Prince Talleyrand visited Viscount Palmerston.

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The King and Queen, and the Princess Augusta, continue in the enjoyment of good health. Their Majesties are expected to leave the Pavilion about the 28th inst.

Prince George of Cumberland has had a severe cold in the early part of the present week, and was, in consequence, for some days confined to his room. His Royal father has also been confined within doors from indisposition; but both, we are happy to say, are now in a state of recovery. The Duchess, however, has been in most excellent health during the whole of her sojourn at Hastings. The Royal party will, it is believed, continue there until the end of February.


The health of the Duchess of Gloucester

has materially improved of late. Her Royal Highness has derived considerable benefit from her visit to Brighton.

The Duke and Duchess of Cumberland and

Prince George, are expected to remain at Hastings till the beginning of March.

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The Duke of Sussex has been rather seriously indisposed since his return to town. His Royal Highness was considered somewhat better yesterday.

M. Pozzo di Borgo, the Russian Ambassador at the Court of Paris, arrived here on Wednesday, and on Thursday, at an early hour, waited upor

nearly all the members of the diplomatic corps, with whom he was in earnest conference. His chief object, however, appeared to be to obtain the

Lord Burghersh and Mr Hanbury are expected to become candidates to represent the county of Northampton in the event of a vacancy by the accession of Lord Milton to the House of Peers, the health of his Lordship's Father, the Earl Fitzwilliam, being in a precarious state.

Viscount Falkland, to whom allusion was made in a former number, as the only son-in-law of His Majesty without any appointment, is one of the Lords in waiting on the King, which office he has held for some time.

Considerable improvements have been effected at St James's Palace during the absence of their Majesties. The Throne Room, and the whole of the State Rooms, have been renovated; and the Canopy of the Throne regilded and embellished. The private apartments of the King and Queen have also been put into complete repair for the reception of their Majesties at the commencement of the season.

The Earl and Countess Howe, after a

concurrence of Baron Bulow, the Prussian Ambassador, to the remonstrances of the Russian Court, for he remained with him twice as long as with any other diplomatist, until he visited Prince Talleyrand, which he did in company with Prince Lieven, at about one o'clock in the day. The conference lasted until after two o'clock, and, if we are to believe report, was of a most interesting nature. From the residence of M. de Talleyrand the Prince proceeded to the Foreign Office to visit Lord Palmerston, with whom he had also a long conference, and not a very satisfactory one; for, although his Lordship is supposed to be anxious to withdraw as much as possible from the alliance with France on the Belgian question, it was necessary to be very guarded with M. Pozzo di Borgo, lest any incautious observation should be so represented as to give umbrage to the French Government. Earl Grey is understood to have expressed great indignation against the Russian Government, particularly on account of having ascertained that secret negociations have been pending for some time between the Russian and lengthened visit to the Court at Brighton, are Dutch Cabinets. Up to the present time the returned to their seat in Leicestershire, for the professions of Prussia have been of a nature to lull purpose of receiving the Duke of Gloucester and suspicion; but it would appear, from some obsera select party of distinguished friends, who are vations of M. Pozzo di Borgo to one of the diplo-invited to meet his Royal Highness. The Earl matic corps here, that Lord Palmerston and Earl Grey have been reckoning without their host. M. Pozzo di Borgo, is a portly man of nearly sixty-five years of age. He was Member of the Chambre Constituante in Paris, as deputy for Corsica, of which he is a native. It is rather singular that both M. Pozzo di Borgo and Baron Wessenberg, the Austrian Minister at our Court, are supposed to be liberals au fond du cœur. They are, however, both skilful diplomatists, and being faithful servants to their respective employers, their principles, whatever they may be, do not affect their duties. The friends of M. Pozzo di Borgo say that he is a match for M. de Talleyrand. This, however, is a mere boast-M. Pozzo di Borgo is very inferior to M. de Talleyrand in point of temper, or rather in the mode of managing it. He is subject to fits of irritability, and cannot conceal it. M. de Talleyrand does not allow a muscle of his countenance to inform the spectator of what is passing within. M. Pozzo di Borgo resents with haste and impetuosity any observation which implies a doubt of his honour, or disrespect for his talents; M. de Talleyrand, on the contrary, takes everything coolly.


The Duchess de Berri.-How to dispose of the Duchess de Berri, has for some weeks been puzzling all the diplomatists. We think we can give a hint as to her Royal Highness's probable ultimate destination. Negotiations are at present going on between the Courts of the Tuileries and Vienna, the result of which will, it is said, determine whether the Duchess is to be detained in France, or allowed to proceed to Italy, from which place, after a short stay, she is to have leave to join the other branches of the ex-Royal Family in Germany.

and Countess Howe will return to Pope's Villa,
at Twickenham, before Parliament assembles, or
by the period their Majesties return from Brighton
to Windsor.

The Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch will not return to town until after Parliament assembles. As we have previously stated, his Grace has been making vast improvements in Dalkeith Palace and its beautiful grounds. The capacious gardens have been extended, and a new conservatory, upon a perfectly original plan, erected. The most choice plants, shrubs, and flowers, both native and exotic, even at this season of the year, are in a state of high cultivation and beauty, in the conservatory at Dalkeith. The Duchess of Buccleuch is one of the most scientific horticulturalists and florists in high life.

The Earl of Munster is expected to visit Paris shortly. Sir S. Smith's son-in-law, Capt. Arabin, is commissioned to fix upon a suitable residence for the Earl, the Countess, and suite. Twenty-six rooms are required for the noble family's use, exclusively of those for domestics.

The Dowager Marchioness of Salisbury, arrived yesterday in Arlington street, from


The Duke of Norfolk has always considered his delightful seat at St Genevieve, near Bury Lord St Edmunds, his favourite residence. Surrey, the Duke's son, prefers Arundel Castle, because of its internal comforts and convenience, the late Duke having expended two hundred thousand pounds in putting the house in order, and building additional apartments, by which fifty visitors and their servants can be received at the same time.

Lord John Russell, returned from Devon

shire, rather indisposed in consequence of his great exertions during the Election, which after all was not so 'hollow a thing,' as his friends anticipated. His Lordship continued a few days at the Pay Office, and is now enjoying the Christmas festivities with the Marquis of Tavistock and his family, at Wooburn Abbey.

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The venerable Earl of Derby, now in his eighty-first year, intends, we hear, to take the Chair at a Reform Dinner, at Preston, for which borough one of his Grandsons has recently been elected. Thirty-five years ago, the Earl of Derby was a prominent political character, a leading member of the Whig Club, and an undeviating supporter of the political opinions of Charles Fox and his party. Soon after his marriage to Miss Farren, in 1797, the Noble Earl became enamoured of domestic life, and was caricatured by Gillray, under the title of Darby and Joan.' Since the death of the late Countess, he has

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generally resided at Knowsley Hall in Lancashire.

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Lord Fitzclarence, Lord Morpeth, Lord W. Lennox, and a party from the Pavilion at Brighton, are now on a visit to the Earl and Countess of Surrey at Arundel Castle, for the

Baron Stockman arrived yesterday at Marl-purpose of enjoying the sports of the field, and borough House, from Claremont.

The Hon. Baron and Baroness Dimsdale arrived yesterday at Crawley's Hotel, Albemarle street, from their seat Camfield Place.

Christmas festivities.

-The illness of the Countess of Belfast was at one time so serious, that her life was considered in danger; her Ladyship, indeed, has for some time past been so indisposed, that the Earl has not The Earl and Countess Gower left Hamil- been able to leave her for a day. Indeed, his ton Place yesterday, for Brighton. return for Antrim county was placed in jeopardy in consequence, as he was unable to attend, either to canvass the electors, or appear on the hustings at Carrickfergus, during the election itself. The representative on the occasion was his uncle, Sir Stephen May,

We are happy to learn that the vencrable Earl Fitzwilliam, although upwards of eighty-four years of age, has not been more indisposed latterly than is usual to persons who have reached that period of life.

-The venerable Earl of Westmoreland is at his seat Apthorp, in Northamptonshire, which has been a scene of great festivity during the Christmas holidays. The Duke of Wellington, Mr and Mrs Charles Arbuthnot, and Colonel Arbuthnot, were his Lordship's guests, until the Noble Duke took his departure for the Duke of Rutland's, at Belvoir Castle; where at present there is a large party.


Bifrons, near Canterbury, a large estate, purchased a few years ago by the Marquis of Conyngham, is intended to be the cemetery of that Noble family for the future. The remains of the late Marquis were deposited there on Friday; the funeral was private, and quite unostentatious. The present Marquis, and his younger and only brother, Albert Denison Conyngham, late Secretary of Legation at the Court of Berlin, and Mr Denison, the worthy Member for Surrey, were the chief mourners. Lord Strathaven, who is married to the beautiful Lady Elizabeth Conyngham, eldest sister of the present Marquis, is now, together with his Lady, in the south of France.

The Count Woronzows.-In a recent number, there is a little mistake respecting this noble family. It is there said that the present Count was 23 years resident Ambassador in this country before the arrival of Prince Lieven: but the present Count is the son of the venerable old Russian nobleman who so worthily executed the diplomatic duty alluded to. This Count Michell Woronzow was the celebrated young general of the name who so signalized himself against the invasions of Russia, under Napoleon: his only sister is the Dowager Countess of Pembroke.

-A series of brilliant private theatricals, similar to those of last winter, is to enliven Wynyard during the holidays. It is considered that the little company collected on these occasions, by the Marchioness of Londonderry, includes all the most talented amateurs in this favourite and fashionable art.

It is quite true that M. de Talleyrand does not intend to remain very long in this country as Ambassador from the French Court. He does not, however, wish to leave before next Summer, and he is anxious to have a voice in choosing his successor. The King of the French would probably, if left to himself, appoint General Count Flahaut, who is a great friend and favourite of the Duke of Orleans, and an excellent diplomatist— the husband of the Baroness Keith, and himself educated in England; but this appointment will be opposed by a party in the French Court who are jealous of M. de Flahaut. It has been said that General Sebastiani, who is a man of large fortune, and therefore able to maintain the dignity of the station, will come here as Ambassador, but that is not probable, as his state of health would hardly stand a London atır.osphere. Gencral Baudrand, who came here some time ago as Ambassador Extraordinary, has also been mentioned; but he is too much of an imperialist to please the independent party in France. At present everything seems to indicate that M. de Flahaut will be M. de Talleyrand's successor.

The apartments in the Clarendon Hotel in Old Bond street, which were occupied by Don Pedro previous to his expedition to Portugal, are assigned to Pozzo di Borgo. Mr Chaplin, the master of this magnificent hotel, has recently embellished the interior of his house at great cost.

— All is definitively settled for the Speaker's continuance in office ;--and we learn with pleasure that letters of the most flattering description have been addressed to the Honourable Gentleman on the subject, by his Majesty's Ministers.

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A considerable dispersion' has lately taken place, of the effects of one of the most popular

and brilliant of the noble Crockfordians.

Mr Long Wellesley's town residence was fitted up by his son,-who has also undertaken to make great sacrifices on his father's behalf, on the attainment of his own majority.

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The Christmas party at Warwick Castle, that ancient relic of baronial splendour, and in which the ancient spirit of baronial munificence and hospitality still takes up its abode, was this year one of the most splendid it has for a considerable time had assembled within its walls. The Earl and Countess of Warwick entertained a very large assemblage of noble and other distinguished guests, including Lord and Lady Monson, Lord Brooke, Sir Charles Greville, &c. The tenantry of the noble Earl everywhere received him with testimonies of deep-seated attachment and respect.

Much discussion has been called forth in the

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circles of the great world by the publication of. Lady Emmeline Stuart Wortley's exquisite poem, entitled Antwerp.' We say little in its favour in stating that Byron, at her Ladyship's age, had produced nothing so indicative of genius; and those who have hitherto objected in her style to a redundancy of epithet and metaphor, are forced to admit, in the present instance, that the error is amply atoned.

Office of the Vice-Chamberlain to the Queen, Queen's-House, St James's, January 1, 1833.-The Queen has been graciously pleased to appoint the Rev. James Stuart Murray Anderson, M. A., and Perpetual Curate of St George's Chapel, Brighton, to be her Majesty's Chaplain in Ordinary at Brighton.


Lord Munster.-The Globe, we perceive, has St James's Palace, December 3, 1832.-The been induced to contradict the explanation we King was this day pleased to confer the honour were led, by a sense of justice, and upon compe-of Knighthood upon John Campbell, Esq. his Majesty's Solicitor-General. tent information, to offer respecting the private emoluments alleged, with an ignorant and ungenerous pertinacity, to have been heaped upon Lord Munster under the present reign. positively repeat our assertion, for the truth of Ir has been quite impossible for us to notice in which we vouch-namely, that the only increase detail, during their progress, the numerous fesof income derived from the same source as the tivities of this season,-which have been surpassed dignity his Lordship is bound to sustain, falls far in extent and splendour by none which have preshort of 300l. a year, and that his official salary ceded them for several years past. But now that does not cover the loss of the domestic advantages they are concluded we may glance briefly at the to which we alluded. But even supposing that the whole of them, as offering a record not inconsistent statements of the Globe were correct, they would with the character of our pages. In many of the simply prove that Lord Munster had been pre-instances enumerated below, the locality has been posterously provided with the shell, without the substance, of a suitable establishment. We believe we may add, that the statement in the Times of yesterday, that Lord Munster has declined the appointment of Constable of Windsor Castle, is

not correct.

fixed by the elections. Our limits forbid of our doing more than merely naming the place of meeting and the family under whose auspices the festivities were held :


The Duke of Norfolk, the Earl of Surrey, and a large party of guests at Arundel Castle, Sussex.

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