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Sunt data virûm monumenta curæ;
Teque adytis etiam sacris

Voluit reponi, quibus et ipse præsidet
Æternorum operum custos fidelis,
Quæstorque gazæ nobilioris
Quam cui præfuit Ion,

Clarus Erechtheides.

Opulenta dei per templa parentis,

Fulvosque tripodas, donaque Delphica,
Ion Actæâ genitus Creusâ.


Ergo tu visere lucos

Musarum ibis amœnos;

Diamque Phœbi rursus ibis in domum

Oxoniâ quam valle colit,

Delo posthabita,

Bifidoque Parnassi jugo;

Ibis honestus,

Postquam egregiam tu quoque sortem

Nactus abis, dextri prece sollicitatus amici.

Illic legeris inter alta nomina

Authorum, Graiæ simul et Latinæ

Antiqua gentis lumina et verum decus.




Vos tandem haud vacui mei labores,
Quicquid hoc sterile fudit ingenium,
Jam serò placidam sperare jubeo
Perfunctam invidia requiem, sedesque beatas
Quas bonus Hermes

Et tutela dabit solers Roüsî,

Quò neque lingua procax vulgi penetrabit, atque longè

Turba legentûm prava facesset;

At ultimi nepotes

Et cordatior ætas

Judicia rebus æquiora forsitan

Adhibebit integro sinu.

Tum, livore sepulto,

Si quid meremur sana posteritas sciet,
Roüsio favente.


QUIS expedivit Salmasio suam Hundredam,
Picamque docuit verba nostra conari?
Magister artis venter, et Jacobæi

Centum, exulantis viscera marsupii regis.
Quòd, si dolosi spes refulserit nummi,

Ipse, Antichristi qui modò primatum Papæ
Minatus uno est dissipare sufflatu,

Cantabit ultrò Cardinalitium melos.


GAUDETE, Scombri, et quicquid est piscium salo,
Qui frigidâ hieme incolitis algentes freta!
Vestrum misertus ille Salmasius Eques
Bonus amicire nuditatem cogitat;
Chartæque largus apparat papyrinos
Vobis cucullos, præferentes Claudii
Insignia, nomenque et decus, Salmasii:
Gestetis ut per omne cetarium forum
Equitis clientes, scriniis mungentium
Cubito virorum, et capsulis, gratissimos.



P.L. Paradise Lost.

C. Comus.

P.R. Paradise Regained. S.A.Samson Agonistes.

When the page alone is given=Poems.

Abaddon, a name of hell. See | Africa, P.R. ii. 199; Scipio

Prov. xv. II

Abarim, a mountain range in Moab, of which Nebo was the highest peak

A bassin, Abyssinian
Abbana, a river flowing through

abide, pay for, P.L. iv. 87
abortive, full of abortive or
monstrous things, P.L. ii. 441
Academe, a garden near Athens,
where Plato taught
Accaron, Ekron, one of the five

chief cities of the Philistines Acheron, River of Woe, one of

the rivers of the infernal | regions in Greek mythology Achilles, the great hero of the Grecian army before Troy, described in Homer's Iliad acquist, acquisition, S.A. 1755 Ades, or Hades, Greek name of

the king of the infernal regions, or the place itself Adiabene, a district in Assyria admire, wonder, P.L. i. 690; P.R. i. 214

Adonis, a river rising in Lebanon, whose waters in flood were tinged with red. The name was applied to Aphrodite's lover, a beautiful youth, whose death was celebrated each year by a dramatic feast, when "Gardens of Adonis " were planted in his honour Adramelech, mighty king," an idol worshipt in Samaria Adria, the Adriatic Sea adust, burnt. P.L. xii. 635 Emilian Road, a road made by M. Emilius Lepidus through northern Italy Enon, of unknown position near Jordan, John iii. 23 Afer, the S.-W. wind

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Africanus, at the capture of New Carthage, when he was twenty-four years old, restored a noble captive lady of Spain to her lover African, Scipio Africanus agast, terrified, P.R. i. 43 Agonistes," the struggler" (Gr.) Ahab, 1 Kings xxii. 6 Ahax, King of Judah, who persuaded the Assyrians to conquer Damascus. He made an altar in Jerusalem on the pattern of one he saw in Damascus

Aialon (Ajalon), a valley near Jerusalem, where Joshua defeated the Canaanites Aladule, Armenia, SO called from its last king Aladules Albracca, the city of Gallaphrone, King of Cathay, in Boiardo's Orlando Innamorato. It is besieged by Agricane, King of Tartary, to win Angelica, Gallaphrone's daughter (Masson)


Alcairo, Cairo, the modern city built near the ruins Memphis Alcestis, wife of Admetus, brought back to him from the dead by Hercules alchymy, a composite metal, so called because made by the alchemists, P.L. ii. 517 Alcides, Hercules (Herakles), son of Jove, who received from his wife a robe dipt in venom, which burnt his flesh and killed him

Alcinous, King of Scheria," a fabulous land of plenty described in Homer. His famous garden is described in Odyssey, Bk. vii. Alexander's tutor, Aristotle

allaostrophic, consisting of two or more stanzas, corresponding to each other Almansor, Caliph of Bagdad, a famous conqueror Alpheus, a river in Arcadia.



youth so named loved nymph Arethusa: she fled to Sicily, and he, changed to a river, flowed thither by a hidden channel under the sea Amalthea, according to one legend beloved of Ammon, and mother of Bacchus. Nurse of Zeus during his infancy in Crete. He was fed on the milk of a goat (or, as another legend has it, A. was the goat); and when one of its horns broke off, Zeus gave this the virtue of a wishinghorn

Amara, a mountain where the Abyssinian kings kept their children safe amarant, properly an adj., unfading, P.L. iii. 352 amarantine, unfading


ranth is a flower-name), P.L. xi. 78

Amazons, a race of female warriors

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ambrosia, immortality," the mythological food of the gods, P.L. v. 57 ambrosial, immortal, P.L. ii. 245; P.R. iv. 589 amice, properly a sacerdotal vestment of fine linen, P.R. iv. 427

Ammon, a god who had an oracle in Libya (Jupiter Ammon)

Ammonian Jove, a Libyan deity. Alexander the Great liked to be thought the son of this deity, and there was a legend to that effect Amphisbana, a serpent supposed to have a head at each end, P.L. x. 524 Amphitrite, a Nereid, wife of Poseidon (Neptune) and goddess of the sea Amram's son, Moses amused, astonished, musing, P.L. vi. 581

Amymone, a woman beloved by

Poseidon (Neptune) in Greek mythology

Anak, a giant, Deut. ii. 10 Andromeda, a constellation. Beneath it is a sign of the Zodiac called the Ram, which is therefore said to bear it, P.L. iii. 558 Angelica, see Albracca Angola, on W. coast of Africa Anguilla, a Latinising of Ely Anna, Luke ii. 36 Antaus, one of the giants, who were called "earth-born " in Greek

Antigonus, see Hyrcanus Antioch, capital city of the Syrian Seleucidæ

Antiochus Epiphanes, entered the Holy of Holies, as also afterwards did Pompey Antiopa, beloved by Zeus (Greek mythology) Antipater, the Idumæan, ap

pointed King of Judæa by Pompey; he had great riches Anubis, a dog-headed Egyptian deity, son of Osiris and Nephthys, reared by Isis Aonian mount, Helicon


Boeotia, home of the Muses apolelymenon, set free, i.e. not restricted to a single metre Apollo, Greek god of song and music, later also of the Sun; he had a famous oracle at Delphi

appellant, accuser, challenger, S.A. 1119

Appian Road, a great Roman high-road built by Appius Claudius, leading to Brundusium Aquilo, the North Wind; used for the Greek Boreas, who carried off Oreithyia Arachosia, now part of Afghanistan

Araxes, a river of Armenia,

flowing into the Caspian (Aras or Eraskh)

arbitress, spectator, P.L. i. 785 Arcadia, a district in S. Greece,

proverbial for pastoral simplicity Archimedes, of Syracuse (287212 B.C.), one of the greatest mathematicians of the world

ardors, seraphim, a translation | aspects, technical term in astro

of the Hebrew word for seraph, P.L. v. 249 areed, advise, P.L. iv. 249 Arethusa, a fountain in Syra


Argestes, N.-W. wind Argo, a mythical vessel that carried the heroes in search of the Golden Fleece Argob, later called Trachonitis, a volcanic region in Bashan Argus, a guardian set by Hera to watch Io; he had eyes all over his body. Hermes sent him to sleep with the music of his pipe and killed him Ariel," lion of God" Aries, the Ram, a sign of the Zodiac

Arimaspian, a fabulous tribe of one-eyed men, supposed to steal gold from the griffins, who dug it up. Arioch, "fierce lion " Armoric, Breton

Arnon, river forming the boundary between Moab Ammon


Aroar, a city on the Arnon Arsaces, founder of the Parthian Empire, revolted from the Seleucida

Artaxata, capital city of Armenia

Artaxerxes, King of Persia Ascalon, one of the five chief

cities of the Philistines Ascalonite. See 1 Sam. vi. 17 Asdod, a city of the Philistines Ashtaroth, pl. of Ashtoreth (Astarte), the female deity of the Phoenicians or Canaanites Asmadai, a name of Asmodeus Asmodai, Asmodeus, an evil spirit, finally imprisoned in bonds by Raphael (see below) Asmodeus, an evil spirit who loved one Sara. She wedded seven husbands, all of whom Asmodeus killed. Then Tobias, son of Tobit, wedded her, and instructed by Raphael, burnt the heart and liver of a fish, at smelling of which Asmodeus filed away to Egypt, where he was bound by Raphael


logy, the relations of planets by which they can send forth their influence. They are Conjunction, Sextile, Square, Trine, and Diametral Opposition. (1) Also called Synod when two planets are in one line; (2) when two are distant by a sixth part of the Zodiac; (3) when two stars look at each other at an interval of three signs; (4) when their distance is a third of the circle; (5) when opposite, distant by half a diameter. (Quoted by Masson) Asphaltic pool, the Dead Sea, P.L. i. 411 Aspramont, Netherlands Astarte. See Ashtaroth Astracan, a city on the Caspian Astrea, Virgo, one of the signs of the Zodiac

a town in the

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