페이지 이미지

Votes in House on Enlistment and Habeas
Corpus clauses—Votes in Senate on extension
of the latter, on Mr. Sherman's proposition
to assess damages, and on Habeas Corpus
clause—Votes in House on Assessment sec-
tion—Proposed extension of Habeas Corpus
section, and votes in Senate and House-
Amendatory. Enforcement Act, and votes in
Senate and House.

XVI. Tariff and Taxation 91-96

Bill to repeal duties on Tea and Coffee, and

votes in House and Senate—The Tariff Act,

and votes in House and Senate—Bill to re-

peal the duties on Salt, and vote in the

House—Bill to repeal the duties on Coal, and

vote in the House—Resolutions in House by

Messrs. Hibbard on Tariff Reform, Kelley

on Revenue Reform, Bell on Taxation, Hale

on Eree Salt and Coal, and Cox on Pig Iron.

XVII. Relations of the United States and

Great Britain 97-108

Copy of the Treaty of Washington and Pres-

ident Grant's Message transmitting to the

Senate the proposed Supplemental Article—

The Tribunal of Arbitration, at Geneva—

Copy of the Johnson-Clarendon Convention.

XVIII. Female Suffrage 10 8-131

Report of the Majority of the Committee of
Judiciary, by Mr. Bingham, and of the Mi-
nority, by Mr. Loughridge—Report of the
Judiciary Committee of the Senate, by Mr.
Carpenter—Votesin the Legislatures of Iowa,
Maine, and Massachusetts—Action in Utah
and Wyoming.

XIX. Common-School Bill 133-134:

Votes in House on the bill to provide a
National Education Fund, and on Amend-
ments thereto.

XX. St. Croix and Bayfield Railroad

Bill...., 134-137

Votes in Senate on passing, and in House

on tabling, referring, amending, and finally


XXI. Miscellaneous 137-133

House bills to repeal the "Test-Oath," and

the Tenure-of-Office Acts—Vote in House

on bill to receive "legal tender" notes for

one thirdof the customs—Resolutions on the

treatment of Prisoners of War, the disposi-

tion of the Public Lands, the action of the

Secretary of the Treasury, and the Privileges

of the House—Vote in the Legislature of New

York in 1872 rescinding a resolution pur-

porting to withdraw a previous ratification

of the XVth Amendment—Action of the

Legislature of New Jersey in 1871 on the

XVth Amendment—Proposed change in

Constitution of Ohio in 1867, and vote of

the people on a Constitutional Convention

Act to call a Constitutional Convention in

Pennsylvania—The first bill for the recon-

struction of the insurrectionary States (in

Thirty-Seventh Congress)—Elections of 1872

in New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode

Island—President Grant's Letter to Supple-

mentary Civil Rights Meeting in Washing-

ton City.

XXII. State Platforms of 1871 and 1873..
1871—Republican and Democratic: Illinois,
Iowa, Kentucky, New Jersey, New York,
Ohio, (and "New Departure,") Pennsyl-
vania, Wisconsin; Republican: Califor-
nia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan,
New Hampshire, Virginia; Democratic:
Texas , 133-148

1873—Republican, Democratic, and Liberal
Republican: Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, NewJersey; Republican, Democratic*
and Labor Reform: Alabama, Connecticut,
Pennsylvania; Republican and Democratic:
Arkansas, (2 wings Republican,) California,
Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Mich-
igan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New York,
(and Colored People's,) North Carolina,

Ohio, (and Prohibition,) Oregon, South Caro-

lina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia,

WestVirginia,Wisconsin; Republican: "Dela-

ware, Florida, Louisiana, (2 wings, and Re-

form,) Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Hamp-

shire, Vermont, Washington 148-181

XXIII. Statistical Tables 182-203

A. Population and Elections l>y

States \ 183

Popular and Electoral Vote of 1868 by

States—State Elections of 1870 and 1871—

Apportionment and Electoral College under

Censuses of 1860 and 1870—Population, by

States, under Censuses of 1860 and 1870.

B. Wealth, Local Debts and Taxa-

tion 183

True Value of Real and Personal Estate, by
States, under Censuses of 1850,1860, andl870—
State, County, Town, and City Taxation,
under Censuses of 1860 and 1870—State,
County, Town, and City Debt under Census
of 1870.

C. Agricultural Statistics... .....18*

Value of Farms and Farm Products in Uni-
ted States and Territories, under Censuses of
1850,1860, and 1870.

I>. Manufactures , 191

Statement showing the total value of manu-
factures at the censuses of 1850,1860, and 1870.

E. Public Iiands , 185-186

Statement showing the total of the Public

Lands of the United States; the quantity sold;

entered under homestead laws; granted for

military services, agricultural colleges, rail-

roads, canals, schools, universities, and all

other purposes. The total amount disposed

of, and the numberof acres unappropriated,

contained in the various States and Terri-


F. Public Debt 18*

Statement showing the principal of the

Public Debtfor each year, from 1857 to 1872,

inclusive, with a summary of the amount of

the debt at the close of each Administration,
from Washington to this date.

G. Estimate of annual reduction of Tax-

ation underacts of 1866, 1867, 1868,

1870, and 1872, in Internal Revenue

and Customs 185

H. Tabular statements snowing tlie rate

of duty on eacli article under the Tariff

acts of 1870 and-1873, the Free List

under aots of 1873, and tlie changes in

the Internal Revenue Taxation under

the same acts 193-303

I. Votes on General Tariff Acts from

1843 to 1870 186

Statement showing the votes by States, in
House of Representatives, for the tariff acts
of 1842,1846, 1857,1861, 1862, 1864, 1865,1866,
and 1870.
J. The Electoral College, distributed by-
States and sections, as established by
the Censuses of 1860 and 1870., 185

[merged small][ocr errors]

K. 3K.evenn.es and Expenditures of the
Government for the fiscal years 1860,

1 861,1863,1 863,1 864,1 865,1 866,1 867,
1868, 1869, 1870, and 1871 187-191

The Revenues are exhibited under the heads
of Customs, Internal Revenue, Direct Taxes,
Public Lands, and Miscellaneous Sources.
The expenditures are exhibited under the
heads of Civil List, Foreign Intercourse,
Navy Department, War Department, Pen-
sions, Indians, Miscellaneous, and Interest
oa the Public Debt, with a note covering
those of the Post Office Department. Also,
the Gold Fluctuations are given for each
quarter from 1862 to 1870. Also, a full state-
ment of the Items of Expenditure making

up the various heads into which the Ex-
penditures are divided.
XXIV. National Platforms of 1873, and

Acceptance of Candidates ,303-313

Proceedings and Platform of the Republican
National Convention—Letters of Acceptance
from President Grant and Senator Wilson-
Proceedings and Platform of the "Liberal
Republican" Convention—Letters of Accept-
ance from Mr. Greeley and Governor
Brown—Proceedings and Platform of the
Democratic National Convention—Proceed-
ings and Platform of the National Labor
Reform Convention —Responses and decli-
nations of Judge Davis and Governor

1N1D3BX 315-335


FOE 1872.


Third Session, December 5,1870—March 3,1871.


Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana, Vice President of the United States, and President of the Senate.

George C. Gorham, of California, Secretary.

Maine—Lot M. Morrill, Hannibal Hamlin.

New Hampshire—Aaron H. Cragin, James W. Patterson.

Vermont—Justin S. Morrill, George F. Edmunds. Massachusetts—Henry Wilson, Charles Sumner.

Rhode Island—Henry B. Anthony, William Sprague.

Connecticut—'Orris S. Ferry, William A. Buckingham. New York—Roscoe Conkling, Reuben E. Fenton.

New Jersey—Alexander G. Cattell, John P. Stockton.

Pennsylvania—Simon Cameron, John Scott.

Delaware—Willard Saulsbury, Thomas F. Bayard.

Maryland—George Vickers, William T. Hamilton.

Virginia—John W. Johnston, John F. Lewis.

North Carolina—Joseph C. Abbott, John Pool.

South Carolina—Thomas J. Robertson, Frederick A. Sawyer.

Georgia*—H. V. M. Miller, Joshua Hill.

Alabama—Willard Warner, George E. Spencer. Mississippi — Hiram R. Revels, Adelbert Ames.

*Mr. Miller qualified February 24,1871 j Mr. Hill, February 1,1871.

Louisiana—John S. Harris, William P. Kel

Ohio—John Sherman, Allen G. Thurman. Kentucky—Thomas C. McCreery, Garrett Davis.

Tennessee—Joseph S. Fowler, William G. Brownlow.

Indiana—Oliver P. Morton, Daniel D. Pratt.

Illinois—Richard Yates, Lyman Trumbull. Missouri—Francis P. Blair, jr.,* Carl Schurz.

Arkansas-^A\ex.a,ndev McDonald, Benjamin P.. Rice. Michigan — Jacob M. Howard, Zachariah Chandler.

Florida—Thomas W. Osborn, Abijah Gilbert. Texas—Morgan C. Hamilton, James W. Flanagan. Iowa—James B. Howell, James Harlan. Wisconsin—Timothy 0. Howe, Matthew H. Carpenter.

California—Cornelius Cole, Eugene Casserly. Minnesota—Ozora P. Stearns,f Alexander Ramsey.

Oregon—George H. Williams, Henry W. Corbett.

Kansas—Edmund G. Ross, Samuel C. Pomeroy.

West Virginia—Waitman T. Willey, Arthur I. Boreman.

Nevada—James W. Nye, William M. Stewart.

* Qualified January 25,1871. in place of Daniel T Jewett, wbo qualified December 22, 1870, under executive appointment, to fill the vacancy caused December 19,1870, by the resignation of Charles D. Drake.

t Qualified January 23,1871, in place of William Windom, who qualified December 5, 1870, under executive appointment, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Daniel S. Norton, July 13,1870.

Nebraska—John M. Thayer, Thomas W. Tipton.

House of Representatives.

James G. Blaine, of Maine, Speaker.

Edward McPherson, of Pennsylvania, Clerk.

Maine—John Lynch, SamuelP. Morrill, James G. Blaine, John A. Peters, Eugene Hale.

New Hampshire-■*Jacob H. Ela, Aaron F. Stevens, Jacob Benton.

Vermont—Charles W. Willard, Luke P. Poland, Worthington C. Smith.

Massachusetts—James Baffinton, Oakes Ames, Ginery Twichell, Samuel Hooper, Benjamin F. Butler, Nathaniel P. Banks, George M. Brooks, George F. Hoar, William B. Washburn, Henry L. Dawes.

Bhode Island—Thomas A. Jenckes, Nathan F. Dixon.

Connecticut—Julius L. Strong, Stephen W. Kellogg, Henry H. Starkweather, William H. Barnum.

New York—Henry A.Reeves, John G. Schumaker, Henry W. Slocum, John Fox, John Morrissey, Samuel S. Cox, Hervey C. Calkin, James Brooks, Fernando Wood, Clarkson N. Potter, Charles H. Van Wyck, John H. Ketcham, John A. Griswold, Stephen L. Mayham, Adolphus H. Tanner, Orange Ferriss, William A. Wheeler, Stephen Sanford, Charles Knapp, Addison H. Laflin, Alexander H. Bailey, John C. Churchill, Dennis McCarthy, George W. Cowles, William H. Kelsey,Giles W. Hotchkiss, Hamilton Ward, Charles H. Holmes, John Fisher, David S. Bennett, Porter Sheldon.

Neiv Jersey—William Moore, Charles Haight, John T. Bird, John Hill, Orestes Cleveland.

Pennsylvania—Samuel J. Randall, Charles O'Neill, Leonard Myers, William D. Kelley, Caleb N. Taylor, John D. Stiles, Washington Townsend, J. Lawrence Getz, Oliver J. Dickey, Henry L. Cake, Daniel M. Van Auken, George W. Woodward, Ulysses Mercur, John B. Packer, Richard J. Haldeman, John Cessna, Daniel J. Morrell, William H. Armstrong, Glenni W. Scofield, Calvin W. Gilfillan, John Covode,* James S. Negley, Darwin Phelps, Joseph B. Donley. Delaware—Benjamin T. Biggs. Maryland—Samuel Hambleton, Stevenson Archer, Thomas Swann, Patrick Hamill, Frederick Stone. Virginia—Richard S. Ayer, James H. Piatt, jr., Charles H. Porter, George W. Booker, Richard T. W. Duke,f William Milnes, jr., Lewis McKenzie, James K. Gibson. North Carolina—Clinton L. Cobb, Joseph Dixon, Oliver H. Dockery, John Manning, jr., Israel G. Lash, Francis E. Shober, Alexander H. Jones. South Carolina—Joseph H. Rainey, Christopher C. Bowen, Solomon L. Hoge, Alex", Wallace.

Georgia*—William W. Paine, Richard H.
Whiteley, Marion Bethune, James F. Long,
Stephen A. Corker, William P. Price, Pierce
M. B. Young.
Alabama—Alfred E. Buck, Charles W. Buck-
ley, Robert S. Heffm, Charles Hays, Peter
M. Dox, William C. Sherrod.
Mississippi—George E. Harris, Jos. L. Mor-
phis, Henry W. Barry, George C. McKee,
Legrand W. Perce.

Louisiana—J. Hale Sypher, Lionel A. Sheldon, Chester B. Darrall, James P. Newsham, Frank Morey.

Ohio—Peter W. Strader, Job E. Stevenson, Robert C. Schenck,f William Lawrence, William Mungen, John A. Smith, James J, Winans, John Beatty, Edward F. Dickinson, Erasmus D. Peck, John T. Wilson, Philadelph Van Trump, George W. Morgan, Martin Welker, Eliakim H. Moore, John A. Bingham, Jacob A. Ambler, William H. Upson, James A. Garfield.

Kentucky—Lawrence S. Trimble, William N. Sweeney, Joseph H. Lewis, J. Proctor Knott, Boyd Winchester, Thomas L. Jones, James B. Beck, George M. Adams, John M. Rice.

Tennessee—Roderick R. Butler, Horace Maynard, William B. Stokes, Lewis Tillman, William F. Prosser, Samuel M. Arnell, Isaac R. Hawkins, William J. Smith.

Indiana—William E. Niblack, Michael C. Kerr, William S. Holman, George W. Julian, John Coburn, Daniel W. Voorhees, Godlove S. Orth, James N. Tyner, John P. C. Shanks, William Williams, Jasper Packard.

Illinois—Norman B. Judd, John F. Farnsworth, Horatio C. Burchard, JohnB. Hawley, Ebon C. Ingersoll, Burton C.Cook, Jesse H. Moore, Shelby M. Cullom, Thompson W. McNeely, Albert G. Burr, Samuel S. Marshall, John B. Hay, John M. Crebs, John A. Logan.

Missouri—Erastus Wells, Gustavus A. Finkelnburg, James R. McCormick, Sempronius H. Boyd, Samuel S. Burdett, Robert T. Van Horn, Joel F. Asper, John F. Benjamin, David P. Dyer.

Arkansas—Logan H. Roots, Anthony A. C. Rogers, Thomas Boles.

Michigan—Fernando C. Beaman, William L. Stoughton, Austin Blair, Thomas W. Ferry, Omar D. Conger, Randolph Strickland.

Florida—Charles M. Hamilton.

Texas—George W. Whitmore, John C. Conner, William T. Clark, Edward Degener.

Iowa—George W. McCrary, William P. Wolf, William B. Allison, William Loughridge, Frank W. Palmer, Charles Pomeroy. Wisconsin—HaibertE. Paine •, David Atwood, Amasa Cobb, Charles A. Eldredge, Philetus Sawyer, Cadwalader C. Washburn. California—Samuel B. Axtell, Aaron A. Sargent, James A. Johnson.

*Diecl January 11,1871.

fTo fill the vacancy caused by the death of Robert Bidgway.

*Messrs. Price, Young, Bethune, and Long qualified January 16,1871; Mr. Paine, January 23; Mr. Corker, January 24, and Mr. Whiteley, February 9.

t Resigned, January 5,1871.

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