TH HIS edition of Thackeray's works is complete in Seventeen Volumes, arranged, as far as possible, in chronological order. The list of volumes, with the period covered by each, is as below: I. 1829-41. The Yellowplush Papers, Major Gahagan, Stubbs's Calendar, The Bedford Row Conspiracy, Flore et Zephyr, and other Early Miscellanies. II. 1837-45. The Paris Sketch Book, and Art Criticisms. III. 1839-41. Catherine, Cox's Diary, A Shabby Genteel Story, The Second Funeral of Napoleon, and Miscellanies, 1840-1. IV. 1841-3. The Great Hoggarty Diamond, The Fitz-Boodle Papers, and Men's Wives. V. 1842-4. The Irish Sketch Book, and Contributions to the Foreign Quarterly Review. VI. 1843-7. Barry Lyndon, The Wagstaff Papers, Little Travels and Roadside Sketches, &c. VII. 1833-60. Ballads, and Contributions to Punch, 1842-8 (The Legend of Jawbrahim-Heraudee, Miss Tickletoby's Lectures on English History, The History of the Next French Revolution, The Diary of Jeames de la Pluche, A Little Dinner at Timmins's). VIII. 1843-54. Miscellaneous Contributions to Punch,-The Fat Contributor Papers, Novels by Eminent Hands, Sketches and Travels in London, Mr. Brown's Letters to his Nephew, The Proser Papers, &c. IX. 1845-7. A Legend of the Rhine, Cornhill to Cairo, and The Book of Snobs. X. 1846-61. Christmas Books, Rebecca and Rowena, and Later Minor Papers. XI. 1848. Vanity Fair. XII. 1849-50. Pendennis. XIII. 1852-60. Henry Esmond, The English Humourists, and The Four Georges. XIV. 1854-5. The Newcomes. XV. 1858-9. The Virginians. XVI. 1861-2. XVII. 1860-4. Philip. The Wolves and the Lamb, Lovel the Widower, |