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1854 will impartially and carefully examine and decide, to the best of their judgment, and according to justice and equity, without fear. favour, or affection to their own country, upon all such places as are intended to be reserved and excluded from the common liberty of fishing under this and the next succeeding Article; and such declaration shall be entered on the record of their proceedings. The Commissioners shall name some third person to act as an Arbitrator or Umpire in any case or cases on which they may themselves differ in opinion. If they should not be able to agree upon the name of such third person, they shall each name a person, and it shall be determined by lot which of the two persons so named shall be the Arbitrator or Umpire in cases of difference or disagreement between the Commissioners. The person so to be chosen to be Arbitrator or Umpire shall, before proceeding to act as such in any case, make and subscribe a solemn declaration in a form similar to that which shall already have been made and subscribed by the Commissioners, which shall be entered on the record of their proceedings. In the event of the death, absence, incapacity of either of the Commissioners or of the Arbitrator or Umpire, or of their or his omitting, declining, or ceasing to act as such Commissioner, Arbitrator, or Umpire, another and different person shall be appointed or named as aforesaid, to act as such Commissioner, Arbitrator, or Umpire, in the place and stead of the person so originally appointed or named as aforesaid, and shall make and subscribe such declaration as aforesaid.


Such Commissioners shall proceed to examine the coasts of the North American provinces and of the United States embraced within the provisions of the first and second Articles of this Treaty, and shall designate the places reserved by the said Articles from the common right of fishing therein.

The decision of the Commissioners and of the Arbitrator or Umpire shall be given in writing in each case, and shall be signed by them respectively.

The High Contracting Parties hereby solemnly engage to consider the decision of the Commissioners conjointly, or of the Arbitrator or Umpire, as the case may be, as absolutely final and conclusive in each case decided upon by them or him respectively.

ART. II. It is agreed by the High Contracting Parties that British subjects shall have, in common with the citizens of the United States, the liberty to take fish of every kind, except shell-fish, on the eastern sea-coasts and shores of the United States north of the

36th parallel of north latitude, and on the shores of the several 4854 islands thereunto adjacent, and in the bays, harbours, and creeks of the said sea-coasts and shores of the United States and of the said islands, without being restricted to any distance from the shore; with permission to land upon the said coasts of the United States and of the islands aforesaid for the purpose of drying their nets and curing their fish, provided that in so doing they do not interfere with the rights of private property, or with the fishermen of the United States in the peaceable use of any part of the said coasts in their occupancy for the same purpose.

It is understood that the above-mentioned liberty applies solely to the sea fishery, and that salmon and shad fisheries, and all fisheries in rivers and mouths of rivers, are hereby reserved exclusively for fishermen of the United States.

ART. III. It is agreed that the articles enumerated in the Schedule hereunto annexed, being the growth and produce of the aforesaid British colonies, or of the United States, shall be admitted into each country respectively free of duty:


Grain, flour, and bread-stuffs of all kinds.-Animals of all
kinds. Fresh, smoked, and salted meats.-Cotton-wool, seeds,
and vegetables.-Undried fruits; dried fruits.-Fish of all kinds.
-Products of fish and of all other creatures living in the water.
-Poultry.-Eggs.- Hides, furs, skins or tails undressed. -
Stone or marble in its crude or unwrought state.-Slate.—But-
ter, cheese, tallow.-Lard, horns, manures.-Ores of metals
of all kinds. Coal.-Pitch, tar, turpentine, ashes.—Timber
and lumber of all kinds, round, hewed, and sawed, unmanu-
factured in whole or in part.-Fire-wood.-Plants, shrubs, and
trees.-Pelts, wool.-Fish-oil.-Rice, broom-corn, and bark.-
Gypsum, ground or unground.-Hewn, or wrought or unwrought
burr or grindstones.-Dye stuffs.-Flax, hemp, and tow, un-
manufactured.-Unmanufactured tobacco.-Rags.

ART. IV. It is agreed that the citizens and inhabitants of the United States shall have the right to navigate the river St. Lawrence and the canals in Canada used as the means of communicating between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean, with their vessels, boats, and crafts, as fully and freely as the subjects of Her Britannic Majesty, subject only to the same tolls and other assessments as now are or may hereafter be exacted of Her Majesty's said subjects; it being understood, however, that the British Government

1854 retains the right of suspending this privilege, on giving due notice thereof to the Government of the United States.

It is further agreed, that if at any time the British Government should exercise the said reserved right, the Government of the United States shall have the right of suspending, if it think fit, the operation of Article III of the present Treaty, in so far as the province of Canada is affected thereby, for so long as the suspension in the free navigation of the river St. Lawrence or the canals may continue.

It is further agreed, that British subjects shall have the right freely to navigate Lake Michigan with their vessels, boats, and crafts, so long as the privilege of navigating the River St. Lawrence, secured to American citizens by the above clause of the present Article, shall continue; and the Government of the United States further engages to urge upon the State Governments to secure to the subjects of Her Britannic Majesty the use of the several State canals on terms of equality with the inhabitants of the United States.

And it is further agreed, that no export duty or other duty shall be levied on lumber or timber of any kind cut on that portion of the American territory in the State of Maine watered by the river St. John and its tributaries and floated down that river to the sea, when the same is shipped to the United States from the province of New Brunswick.

ART. V. The present Treaty shall take effect as soon as the laws required to carry it into operation shall have been passed by the Imperial Parliament of Great Britain and by the Provincial Parliaments of those of the British North American Colonies which are affected by this Treaty on the one hand, and by the Congress of the United States on the other. Such assent having been given, the Treaty shall remain in force for ten years from the date at which

may come into operation, and further, until the expiration of twelve months after either of the High Contracting Parties shall give notice to the other of its wish to terminate the same; each of the High Contracting Parties being at liberty to give such notice to the other at the end of the said term of ten years, or at any time afterwards.

It is clearly understood, however, that this stipulation is not intended to affect the reservation made by Article IV of the present Treaty with regard to the right of temporarily suspending the operation of Articles III and IV thereof.

ART. VI. Aud it is hereby further agreed, that the provisions 1854 and stipulations of the foregoing Articles shall extend to the Island of Newfoundland, so far as they are applicable to that colony. But if the Imperial Parliament, the Provincial Parliament of Newfoundland, or the Congress of the United States, shall not embrace, in their laws enacted for carrying this Treaty into effect, the colony of Newfoundland, then this Article shall be of no effect; but the omission to make provision by law to give it effect, by either of the legislative bodies aforesaid, shall not in any way impair the remaining Articles of this Treaty.

ART. VII. The present Treaty shall be duly ratified, and the mutual exchange of ratifications shall take place in Washington, within six months from the date hereof, or earlier if possible. In faith whereof, etc.


Convention entre les États-Unis d'Amérique et la Russie, relative aux droits des neutres sur mer, signée à Washington, le 10/22 Juillet 1854.

ART. I. Les deux hautes parties contractantes reconnaissent comme permanent et immuable le principe qui suit, savoir:

1) Que le pavillon couvre la marchandise (that free ships make free goods), c'est-à-dire que les effets ou marchandises qui sont la propriété des sujets ou citoyens d'une puissance ou État en guerre, sont exempts de capture ou confiscation sur les vaisseaux neutres, à l'exception des objets contrebande de guerre.

2) Que la propriété neutre, à bord d'un navire ennemi, n'est pas sujette à confiscation, à moins qu'elle ne soit contrebande de guerre. Elles s'engagent à appliquer ces principes au commerce et à la navigation de toutes puissances et États qui voudront les adopter de leur côté comme permanents et immuables.

ART. II. Les deux hautes parties contractantes se réservent de s'entendre ultérieurement, selon que les circonstances pourront l'exiger, sur l'application et l'extension à donner, s'il y a lieu, aux

1854 principes convenus à l'art. I. Mais elles déclarent dès à présent, qu'elles prendront les stipulations que renferme le dit art. I pour règle, toutes les fois qu'il s'agira d'apprécier les droits de neutralité.

ART. III. Il est convenu entre les hautes parties contractantes que toutes les nations qui voudraient consentir à accéder aux règles contenues dans l'art. I de cette convention par une déclaration formelle stipulant qu'elles s'engagent à les observer, jouiront des droits résultant de cette accession, comme les deux puissances signataires de cette convention jouiront de ces droits et les observeront. Elles se communiqueront le résultat des démarches qui seront faites à ce sujet.

ART. IV. La présente convention sera approuvée et ratifiée par Sa Majesté l'empereur de toutes les Russies et par le président des États-Unis d'Amérique, par et avec l'avis et le consentement du Sénat des dits États, et les ratifications en seront échangées à Washington dans l'espace de dix mois, à compter de ce jour, ou plus tôt, si faire se peut.

En foi de quoi, etc.


Convention entre la Grande-Bretagne et la Sardaigne, touchant la liberté de commerce sur les côtes des deux pays, signée à Turin, le 9 Août 1854.

(En anglais et en italien.)

ART. I. The High Contracting Parties agree that in regard to the coasting trade, the ships and the subjects of each Contracting Party shall enjoy, in the dominions or territories of the other, the same privileges, and shall be treated in all respects in the same manner, as national vessels and as native subjects.

ART. II. The present Convention shall be considered as additional to the above-mentioned Treaty of the 27th of February, 18511, and shall have the same duration as that Treaty.

1 Dans le préambule de la convention il est fait mention de ce traité.

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