페이지 이미지
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6 years in the Iowa penitentiary at Anamosa and fine of $2,000.

Oct. 28, 1895

This prisoner is undergoing a sen-
tence of 6 years for conspiring to
injure a deputy United States
marshal. Judge Woolson, who
sentenced him, states that by er-
ror in entry of the sentence the
imprisonment of Johnson is made
to extend several months beyond
what was his intention, and rec-
ommends that the sentence be
commuted to expire Jan. 28, 1900,
instead of Apr. 1, 1900. I so ad-

Commuted to Sept. 22 expire Jan. 28, 1900.

2 years and 2 days Sept. 20, 1898 The petitioner plead guilty to an Pardon granted. Sept. 28 in the United

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indictment for illicit distilling,
and was sentenced to 2 years' im-
prisonment, 1 year each on 2 sep-
arate counts, the terms to be
cumulative. The district attor-
ney and trial judge now advise
that punishment be reduced to
1 year's imprisonment. As pris-
oner has already served more
than 1 full year of his term, I
advise that he be pardoned.
Petitioner plead guilty to embez-
zling postal money order funds
to amount of $1,373, and was sen-
tenced to 8 months' imprison-
ment and to pay a fine of $1,373.
The amount of his defalcation
was made good by his wife. I
advise therefore that the fine be
remitted, but think the imprison-
ment was very brief considering
the aggravated character of the
offense, and advise that he be re-
quired to serve it out.

Fine remitted

Sept. 29

(Full and unconditional pardon Pardon granted. Oct. 2
recommended by Secretary of
the Navy.)

The petitioner served out his sen
tence 3 years ago, and is certified
by his neighbors to have lived an
honest life since. I advise that
he be granted a pardon, to re-
store his civil rights.

Pardon granted
to restore civil

Oct. 4


Recommendation of Attorney-

Action of President.

Date of

1899. Oct.


List of pardons granted by the President during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1900-Continued.




Date of sen-

James F. Davis and Arkansas, western. Illicit distilling. Wes. Chapman.

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W.E. Foster



18 months in Sitka jail and $1,000 fine.

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Davis was sentenced to 4 years' and Chapman to 2 years' imprisonment for illicit distilling. At the time sentence was imposed the trial judge was under a misapprehension as to their character, believing that they were dangerous men and obstinate offenders. The judge now recommends that their terms of imprisonment be shortened. I therefore recommend that the sentences in both cases be commuted to 15 months' actual imprisonment.

Commuted to 15 months' actual imprisonment.

The statements of the prison Pardon granted. Nov. 1
warden and physician now
clearly show that the prisoner is
afflicted with a mortal disease,
and can survive only a short time.
To enable him to spend his last
days with his family I advise that
a pardon be granted to him.

I advise that the prisoner, George Respite granted. Nov. 9

W. Horton, be granted a respite
until Friday, Dec. 8, 1899, in order
to enable him to be heard upon
his application to the Supreme
Court of the United States for a

Dec. 19, 1898 Petitioner is serving a term of im- Pardon granted Nov. 10

prisonment in the jail at Sitka.
He has pulmonary consumption
in an advanced stage. The prison
is unsanitary and not adapted for
the care of sick persons. Peti-
tioner has served out 1 term of a
year and is entered upon service
of 6 months' sentence on another
conviction. I advise that on ac-
count of ill health he be released
through a pardon.

6 months in Phila- May 15, 1899 Petitioner was sentenced

delphia county

prison, fine of $100

and costs.

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James Powell..

H. Doc. 9-18

District of Columbia.


To be hanged Aug.
19, 1899: July 25,
1899, respited by
the President till
Nov. 17, 1899.

May 11, 1899

5 years and 1 month Aug. 3, 1897 Petitioner was sentenced to 5 years
in Ohio peniten-

5 years in State May 30, 1899 Petitioner was convicted of misapprison at Auburn,

plying funds of a national bank
of which he was the cashier. The
offense consisted of his cashing
his own check for $500 to pay a
pressing personal obligation
when he had less than that sum
to his credit, thus overdrawing

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N. Y.


List of pardons granted by the President during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1900-Continued.

This is a case where a reprieve has
been granted by the governor of
Alaska, who submits it for the
approval of the President. The
defendant was convicted of sell-
ing liquor to an Indian. It ap

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