페이지 이미지



restore popular rights, to uplift the crushed, to bring down the oppressor.

10. I come with clean hands, O Romans! — with no coffers filled with gold from desolated provinces and a ruined people. I can offer no bribe for votes. I come back poor as I went, poor in all but hatred of tyrants, and zeal to serve my country. Shall I be your trib'une ?*



SLEDGE, n., a sled; a sleigh.
ANXIOUS, a., concerned; uneasy.
WAY FAR-ER, n., a traveler.
GRAD'U-AL-LY, ad., by degrees.
RE-COVERED, v. t., regained.

BAY'O-NET, n., a dagger fixed at the
end of a gun.

SAT'IS-FIED, pp., made content.
THREAT EN-ING, ppr., menacing.
PEOPLE, n., persons in general.

Pronounce the u in Russian like u in rule; exhaust, egz-hawst' (not ex-awst').

1. A FEW days before Christmas, in the year 1840, a Russian clergyman was going home, from a place at some distance from the village where he lived. Evening was fast approaching, and the weather was so bitterly cold that it was almost dangerous for any one to be out. The good man was wrapped in a fur cloak, and traveled in a sledge, drawn at great speed, by a single horse, over the hard, smooth snow.

2. As the clergyman drove along, he saw something Xlying on the ground, and stopped to see what it was. He found that it was the body of a soldier, who seemed to have fallen down exhausted with the cold, and was, to all appearance, dead. The clergyman, however, would not leave him on the road, but lifted him and the gun lying beside him into the sledge, and, cheer

*Caius Gracchus was elected tribune B. C. 124. He entered boldly upon his patriotic policy, and carried out many important reforms; but the aristocracy, growing desperate, induced a creature of their own to outbid him in extreme measures, and brought about a state of things which resulted in the defeat and subsequent death of Caius Gracchus.

ing on his horse, drove as fast as he could to inn, which it took about half an hour to reach

3. Although anxious to be at home, the cl was not satisfied with leaving the poor soldi care of the people at the inn. He stayed for Xdirecting and helping them to do all that was in order to bring the man to conscious lif And at length their endeavors were successful. ually the half-frozen wayfarer recovered his ser the use of his limbs.

4. Then the clergyman set off homeward, first rewarded the people of the inn, and als them money to pay for a good meal for the As soon as the latter was refreshed, and felt go, he insisted on doing so, although the ped all they could to persuade him not to ventu again that night. But he said that he was ca important letters, and must not delay any long was necessary.

5. So, taking his gun, he proceeded on hi which he found would very soon bring him to lage where lived the clergyman to whom he ow life. On reaching the place, though it was no late at night, he could not forbear going to the man's house, that he might, if possible, see and the good old man for what he had done.

6. As the honest soldier went up to the hou saw that, though it was so late, there were still in it; and, as he came nearer, he heard loud voice great confusion within. He ran to the door, was fastened. Without waiting to knock, he we the window close by, and, looking in, saw the c man surrounded by four armed robbers. They just tied his hands and feet, and were threateni



7. The soldier instantly forced his way in, and fired his gun at one of the robbers, wounding him severely. The others attacked the new comer, but he disabled one with his bayonet, and the other two, becoming alarmed, rushed out of the house, leaving the clergyman, as may be supposed, overpowered by astonishment and gratitude at his sudden deliverance. And then his still deeper and happier feelings may be imagined when he found that the poor man, whose life he had saved only a few hours before, had now been made the means of preserving his own!

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Do not say re-nyown for re-nown'; appint for ap-point'. See Exercises on the Elementary Sounds, paragraphs 15 and 16. The mark over the second e in blessed is a diæresis, and indicates that there is a separation from the preceding syllable in the sound of the vowel, thus: bless'ed. Sound the h in hum'ble. Pronounce Broughcor Broom.

1. THERE is nothing which the adversaries of improvement are more wont to make themselves merry with, than what is termed the "march of intellect;" and here I will confess that I think, as far as the phrase goes, they are in the right. It is a very absurd, because a very incorrect, expression. It is little calculated to describe the operation in question.

2. It does not picture an image at all resembling the proceeding of the true friends of mankind. It much more resembles the progress of the enemy to all improvement. The conqueror moves in a march. He stalks onward with the "pride, pomp, and circum



stance" of war; banners flying, shouts rending the air, guns thundering, and martial music pealing, to drown the shrieks of the wounded and the lamenta tions for the slain.

3. Not thus the schoolmaster in his peaceful voca tion! He meditates and purposes in secret the plans which are to bless mankind; he slowly gathers round him those who are to further their execution; he quietly though firmly advances in his humble path, laboring steadily but calmly till he has opened to the light all the recesses of ignorance, and torn up by the roots all the weeds of vice.

4. His is a progress not to be compared with any thing like a march; but it leads to a far more brilliant triumph, and to laurels more imperishable than the destroyer of his species, the scourge of the world,

ever won.

5. Such men- men deserving the glorious title of Teachers of Mankind - I have found, laboring conscientiously, though, perhaps, obscurely, in their blessëd vocation, wherever I have gone. I have found them among the daring, the ambitious, the ardent, the indom'itably active French.

6. I have found them among the persevering, resolute, industrious Swiss; I have found them among the⚫ laborious, the warm-hearted, the enthusiastic Germans; I have found them among the high-minded Italians; and in our own country, Heaven be thanked, their numbers every where abound, and are every day increasing.

7. Their calling is high and holy; their fame is the prosperity of nations; their renown will fill the earth in after ages, in proportion as it sounds not far off in their own times.

8. Each one of these great teachers of the world, possessing his soul in peace, performs his appointed



course, awaits in patience the fulfillment of the promises, and, resting from his labors, bequeaths his memory to the generation whom his works have blessed, and sleeps under the humble but not inglorious epitaph, commemorating "one in whom mankind lost a friend, and no man got rid of an enemy."



MOSQUE (mŏsk), n., a Mohammedan | CON-CEIT', n., self-flattering opinion. place of worship. DIA-MOND, n., the most precious stone. CA'LIF, n., a title of the successors of STRAT'A-GEM, n., an artifice in war; Mohammed. a trick for victory. CON-CERT'ED, v. t., planned together.

PEAS'ANT (pez'ant), n., a rustic.

CRUPPER (krupper or kroop'er), n., PEN'SIVE-LY, ad., thoughtfully.

a strap to secure a saddle.

CAS'SOCK, n., a coat or frock.

TUR'BAN, n., a Turkish head-dress.

PRE-CIP-I-TA'TION, n., rash haste.

AU-THENTIC, a., true; to be relied on.
SHREWD'NESS, n., sly cunning.

Give the y sound of alphabetic u to ew in new; also to u in future, figured, venture, duped, &c. Avoid saying foller, feller, for follow, &c. The th in with has the vocal sound it has in breathe.

1. THERE once lived, on the banks of the river Tigris, in Asia, a peasant, whose name was Malek. He was distinguished for nothing except the very high opinion which he had of his own wisdom and shrewdness. How far he was right in this conceit may be judged from an adventure in which he figured, and of which I will give you an authentic account.

2. Malek was the owner of a goat and a mule; and, learning that he could get a good price for them in Bagdad, he mounted the mule, and took his way to the great city, followed by the goat, around whose neck was tied a bell.

3. "I shall sell these animals," said Malek to him. self, "for thirty pieces of silver; and with that amount I can purchase a new turban and a rich robe of wool, which I will tie with a sash of purple silk. The young

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