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disapproving any agreement to which the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article apply, a Member either shall inform the Organization of its acceptance of the decision, in which case the Member shall take steps to terminate any such existing agreement and shall not extend or continue to extend to the nonMember the benefits to Members deriving from the negotiations completed in accordance with Article 17 of this Charter, or, if it is unwilling to accept the decision of the Organization, may give notice in writing to the Director-General of its withdrawal from the Organization, such withdrawal to become effective sixty days after such notice is given.

6. Nothing in this Article shall be interpreted as overriding any of the economic provisions in the treaties of peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and the States which were their enemies during the Second World War.

7. For the purposes of this Article, the term "non-Member" shall mean a country which, although qualified to become a Member, has not become a Member or has withdrawn from the Organization.

Alternative C.

1. No Member shall seek preferential advantages from any non-Member so as to result, directly or indirectly, in the application by such non-Member to any Member of measures which, if applied by a Member, would be inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter.

2. No Member shall be a party to any agreement or other arrangement with any nonMember under which such non-Member is or would be contractually entitled to any of the benefits provided to Members by virtue of Chapter IV; Provided that, with respect to any such existing agreement, the Organization shall release any Member from the provisions of this paragraph if it finds that the effect of termination of the agreement would be more detrimental to the interests of Members as a whole than its continuation.

3. No Member shall, except with the concurrence of the Organization, extend to the trade of any other country, which, although qualified to do so has not become a Member or has withdrawn from the Organization any of the reductions in tariffs effected by such Member pursuant to Article 17, or extend to such country any reduction in a preferential tariff rate, even though such reduction would be permitted under the terms of Articles 16 and 17.

4. The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article shall become effective for any Member upon the expiration of one year from the day on which this Charter enters into force with respect to such Member; Provided that, this period may be extended by the Organization, in respect of the relations of any Member

with any non-Member, for such further periods as the Organization may prescribe. At any time before the expiration of any such period, a Member may request the Organization in writing for such an extension, in which event the period will be considered to be extended until a reply is received from the Organization. If the Organization disapproves the extension requested, the Member shall then be free, not later than sixty days from the day on which notice of such disapproval is received by the Member, to withdraw from the Organization effective upon the expiration of sixty days from the date on which written notice of such withdrawal is received by the Organization.

5. At the earliest possible date after any provision of this Charter becomes effective, Members shall terminate, either by agreement or in accordance with their terms, any international obligations they may have with non-Members which would prevent them from giving full effect to such provision.

6. Nothing in this Article shall be interpreted as requiring the withdrawal of any Member from membership in other intergovernmental organizations of the type described in Article 57 of the Charter of the United Nations or as overriding any of the economic provisions in the treaties of peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and the States which were their enemies during the Second World War.

Article 94.

General Exceptions.

Nothing in this Charter shall be construed (a) to require any Member to furnish any

information the disclosure of which it considers contrary to its essential security interests, or

(b) to prevent any Member from taking any action which it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interests

(i) relating to fissionable materials or the materials from which they are derived;

(ii) relating to the traffic in arms, ammunition and implements of war and to such traffic in other goods and materials as is carried on directly or indirectly for the purpose of supplying a military establishment; (iii) taken in time of war or other emergency in international relations; or

(c) to prevent any Member from taking any action in pursuance of its obligations under the United Nations Charter for the maintenance of international peace and security.

Article 95.


1. Any amendment to this Charter which does not involve a change in the obligations assumed by Members shall become effective upon receiving the approval of the Conference by the affirmative votes of two-thirds of the Members.

2. Any amendment to this Charter which involves a change in the obligations assumed by Members shall, after receiving the approval of the Conference, become effective for each Member accepting 'the amendment, upon acceptance on the part of two-thirds of the Members and thereafter for each remaining Member on acceptance by it. The Conference may at any time determine that any amendment under this paragraph is of such a nature that all Members which have not accepted it within a period specified by the Conference shall be required to withdraw from the Organization; Provided that the Conference may, by the affirmative votes of two-thirds of the Members present and voting, determine the conditions under which this requirement shall be waived with respect to any such Member. A Member not accepting an amendment shall be free to withdraw from the Organization upon the expiration of six months from the day on which written notice of such withdrawal is received by the Director-General.

3. The Conference shall, by the affirmative votes of two-thirds of the Members, adopt rules of procedure for carrying out the provisions

of this Article.

Article 96.

Review of the Charter.

The Conference shall convene a special session for the purpose of reviewing the provisions of this Charter before the end of the tenth year after its entry into force.

Article 97.

Withdrawal and Termination.

1. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 17, paragraph 4 of Article 90, or paragraph 2 of Article 95, any Member may withdraw from the Organization either on its own.behalf or on behalf of a separate customs territory on behalf of which it has accepted this Charter in accordance with the provisions of Article 99 at any time after the expiration of three years from the day of the entry into force of this Charter, by written notice addressed to the Director-General. The Director-Genetal shall immediately notify all other Members.

2. A withdrawal under paragraph I of this Article shall take effect upon the expiration of

[blocks in formation]

2. This Charter shall enter into force on the sixtieth day following the day on which the number of governments represented at the

Nations Conference on Trade and Employment which have deposited instruments of acceptance pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article shall reach twenty, and the instrument of acceptance of each other accepting government shall take effect on the sixtieth day following the day on which it is deposited; Provided that, if this Charter shall not have entered into force by 194..., any of the governments applying the General Agreement together with any other governments represent

on Tariffs and Trade dated .....



ed at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, may, upon conditions to be agreed between them, bring this Charter into force. Any instrument of acceptance deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall be taken as covering both procedures for bringing this Charter into force, unless it expressly provides to the contrary or is withdrawn before the entry into force of this Charter.

3. The United Nations is authorized to effect registration of this Charter as soon as it comes into force.

Article 99.

Territorial Application.

1. Each government accepting this Charter does so in respect of its metropolitan territory and of the other territories for which it has international responsibility; Provided that it may at the time of acceptance declare that any separate customs territory for which it has international responsibility possesses full autonomy in the conduct of its external commercial relations and of the other matters provided for by this Charter, and that acceptance does not relate to such territory.

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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Dependent territories of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Commonwealth of Australia.

Dependent territories of the Commonwealth of Australia.

New Zealand.

Dependent territories of New Zealand.

Union of South Africa including South West Africa.

India (as at 10 April 1947).

Southern Rhodesia.

Certain of the territories listed above have two or more preferential rates in force for certain products. Any such territory may, by agreement with the other Members which are principal suppliers of such products at the most-favoured-nation rate, substitute for such preferential rates a single preferential rate which shall not on the whole be less favourable to suppliers at the most-favoured-nation rate than the preferences in force prior to such substitution.

The imposition of a margin of tariff preference to replace a margin of preference in an internal tax existing on 10 April 1947 exclusively between two or more of the territories listed in this Annex or to replace the preferential quantitative arrangements described in the following paragraph shall not be deemed to constitute an increase in a margin of tariff preference.

The preferential arrangements referred to in paragraph 5 (b) of Article 23 are those existing

in the United Kingdom on 10 April 1947, under contractual agreements with the Governments of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, in respect of chilled and frozen beef and veal, frozen mutton and lamb, chilled and frozen pork, and bacon [and hams]. It is the intention, without prejudice to any action taken under sub-paragraph (h) of Part I of Article 43, that these arrangements shall be eliminated or replaced by tariff preferences, and that negotiations to this end shall take place as soon as practicable among the countries substantially concerned or involved.

The film hire tax in force in New Zealand on 10 April 1947 shall, for the purpose of this Charter, be treated as a customs duty falling within Articles 16 and 17. The renters' film quota in force in New Zealand on 10 April' 1947, shall for the purposes of this Charter be treated as a screen quota falling within Article 19.

The Delegation of Brazil has recorded a reservation on Article 23, paragraph 5 (b).

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French Equatorial Africa (Treaty Basin of the Congo * and other territories).
French West Africa.

Cameroons under French Mandate. *

French Somali Coast and Dependencies.

French Establishments in India. *

French Establishments in Oceania.

French Establishments in the Condominium of the New Hebrides. *

Guadeloupe and Dependencies.

French Guiana.


Madagascar and Dependencies.
Morocco (French zone). *


New Caledonia and Dependencies.

Saint-Pierre and Miquelon.

Togo under French Mandate. *

*For imports into Metropolitan France.

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