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but as yet these have been little seen in the promenade. Robes are also adopted, though not so generally in promenade dress; a good many are of half transparent materials, as barege, cotpaly, and fils de la vierge. This last, a new and rather glossy material, is made in all colours, either plain or printed, some in flowered columns, others in large patterns, à la Fontange, of several colours intermingled. Several of the half transparent robes are trimmed round the border with three very deep tucks placed at some distance from each other, or with a single excessively deep tuck. Flounces are more in favour for silk robes; those cut in large round dents at the edge are most fashionable.

Morning concerts are still very numerous; the robes for them are generally composed of India muslin, or tarlatane: organdy seems for the moment out of favour. Corsage en demi vierge, and sleeves descending as low as the elbow; the trimming is almost always lace, of the dearest kind and lightest patterns; it is arranged in the Pompadour style at the bottoms of the sleeves, brought full round the top of the corsage, and disposed in | a succession of narrow flounces round the border of the skirt. The same materials are adopted for robes in evening négligé, but at present they are in a very trifling majority, silk ones being nearly as much in request. The corsages are cut lower, and several are composed entirely of embroidered entre deux; when this is the case, the short sleeves correspond, and the border of the skirt is similarly ornamented. If entre deux are not employed, volans, and particularly lace ones, are frequently used; they are headed with ruches of ribbon.

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with narrow bands of velvet laid flat, or a row of hollow plaits of the material of the pardessus. Another summer novelty which has been just introduced, and is expected to be very much in vogue, is a parasol called ombrelle pavoline; it differs from those at present in use merely by the silk not terminating at the ends of the sticks, but extending round them like a kind of flounce. They are made in soie caméléon, in shaded moire, but the most elegant are of brocard de soie, encircled with expensive Valenciennes lace.

I have, according to your desire, ma chère amie, sent you some children's dresses; these models are from one of our most celebrated lingères, and as they are perfectly fashionable, as well as quite new, they leave me only a few general observations to make. The blouse is universally adopted for little girls not more than seven or eight years old; it may be composed of plaided silk, bátiste de laine, or taffetas; some trimmed with narrow fringe, others with a profusion of small metal buttons; there are also a good many of muslin, and these are either embroidered or trimmed with narrow Valenciennes lace. Where the age is more advanced, there is little difference between the young lady's dress and her mamma's; indeed, the shortness of the frock, and the addition of pantaloons, with a more simple style of bonnet, is all that distinguishes the one from the other.

Adieu, ma très chère amie!
Toujours Votre devouée,



Coiffures in evening dress are either of hair, DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES. ornamented with flowers, or what I may term demi coiffures, composed of a mixture of flowers and ribbons, or caps; the last have indeed lost nothing of their vogue. The demi coiffures are composed of ends of broad ribbons, fringed; they float at the DRESS FOR A YOUNG LADY OF SIX YEARS OF sides, but the face is encircled by coques, inter- AGE.--A white muslin frock, made high, and cammingled with flowers. Others are formed of a bric pantaloons, frilled at the bottom. Black silk double lappet of point d'Angleterre, retained at spencer, made up to the throat, fitting close to the the sides by agraffes of flowers intermingled with shape, trimmed down the centre and at each side bunches of currants, or miniature strawberries or of the front with a bouillonné of ribbon; a similar cherries. The forms of caps have not altered, but band to which a volant, formed of a full double thost round and short at the ears are preferred; I biais, is attached, finishes the bottom of the waist. may cite as among the prettiest of those of point The sleeves are tight at the bottom and top, but a d'Alençon, or point d'Angleterre, those made with little full in the centre; the upper part is ornaa double papillon rounded à la Lyonnaise; a row mented with three bands of ribbon. Embroidered of coques of shaded gauze ribbon is placed between cambric collar and cuffs. Straw bonnet, a small the two papillons, and a corresponding wreath en-round shape, trimmed with a band of ribbon, on circles the bottom of the crown. A very pretty style of garniture, both for lace and tulle caps, is composed of bouillons of the same, in which flowers are placed, and partially shaded; others are trimmed with half-wreaths of flowers, which must be of the lightest and most delicate kind. Gauze caps, either pink or white, are in very great request with young married ladies; they are trimmed with very narrow tulle ruches.

Several of our élégantes are on the wing for the country; their dresses as yet offer nothing novel, with the exception of a new kind of summer pardessus, composed of taffetas, and made with a pelerine and sleeves; they are trimmed either

which puffs are placed at regular distances, and long brides.

DRESS FOR A YOUNG LADY OF FOURTEEN.Striped foulard frock over a muslin high dress, and pantaloons; the under dress is made quite up to the throat, and the corsage is plaited down the front; the body of the frock is low, open down to the waist, and crossed with bands, corresponding with the stripes of the dress. Long sleeves of a very novel kind, for which we refer to our print. White silk drawn bonnet, a close and rather large brim; the trimming is composed of white ribbon, and a white feather. Black silk scarf, trimmed with a bouillonnée of the same,

DRESS FOR A YOUNG LADY OF TEN.-Green gros de Naples frock; the body, a three-quarter height and round at top, is trimmed with a double pelerine, forming a point in the centre of the back and front, and each row bordered with plaited ribbon. Short sleeve, nearly but not quite tight, and finished with a double row of the same. The sides of the corsage are similarly ornamented, and the trimming is continued, en tablier, down the front of the skirt. Cambric pantaloons and carnbric chemisette, made up to the throat. Pink poult de soie bonnet; a round shape, trimmed with rosettes of ribbon, without ends at the sides, and long brides.

DRESS FOR A YOUNG GENTLEMAN OF FOURTEEN. The jacket is composed of superfine blue cloth, made open-breasted, displaying the shirtfrill, and a little of the waistcoat; it is trimmed with a single row of buttons to correspond. Pantaloons of white contil, and rather large. Black beaver hat. Black silk stock.

DRESS FOR A YOUNG GENTLEMAN OF SIX YEARS. Nankin pantaloons, and plaided cashmere tunic; the body is very open on the breast, with the fulness descending in folds at each side. The sleeve is tight at the lower part, and very full at the top. The shirt-collar is closed round the top of the throat by a neck-knot of shaded silk. | The crown of the cap is plaided cashmere, the front violet velvet.


PARIS PUBLIC PROMENADE DRESS.-Shot silk pelisse robe; the corsage made quite up to the throat, and tight to the shape, is laced down the centre with passementerie disposed in lozenges, each point being marked by a brandebourg; the same style of trimming is continued down the front of the s'rt from the point of the corsage, in the form of a broken cone. Long tight sleeve; embroidered auslin collar and cuffs. Chapeau of pink poult de soie; a long and rather close brim; the interior trimmed with coques of ribbon to

correspond, and the edge with a row of point d'Angleterre laid flat; a band of ribbon and a bouquet of roses panachés attached on one side complete the garniture.

LONDON PUBLIC PROMENADE DRESS.-Brown poult de soie robe, corsage en amazone, and long tight sleeve. Mantelet écharpe of shaded taffetas, the shawl part falling very low and rounded; deep pelerine of a similar form, scarf ends, square at the bottom and very long; the garniture is composed of plaited ribbon to correspond. Capote of lilac crape bouillonnée, the bouillons divided by folds of white crape; the curtain at the back of the crown is edged to correspond; the garniture consists of lilac ribbon edged with white, and a wreath of white flowers and foliage.

HALF-LENGTH FIGURES. MORNING DRESSES.-No. 3. Plaided foulard robe; the corsage made quite up to the throat, and a little pointed at the bottom of the waist, is trimmed with a heart lappel entirely covered with passementerie lyrinthe; it is terminated at the point by a nœud formed of cord and tassels. Long_tight sleeve, the upper part trimmed in the mancheron style en suite; a similar garniture is

disposed in the manchette form at the bend of the arm. Blue poult de soie chapeau, a round and rather close brim; the exterior covered with a lace voilette, descending a little but very little below the edge of the brim, and arranged at the sides in hollow plaits, in each of which a single rose is placed; round crown, trimmed with a full fall of lace, completes the garniture. Valenciennes lace collar and cuffs.

No. 4. Robe of French grey gros de Naples; the corsage is quite high at the back, but opens a little en V on the bosom; it is trimmed with a lappel of two falls, scalloped at each edge. Long tight sleeve and mancheron, to correspond with the corsage. Chapeau of white and lilac shot poult de soie, a round open shape; the edge of the brim trimmed with folds, the interior with half-wreaths of moss roses, and the exterior with ribbon to correspond, and a bouquet of shaded feathers falling in different directions. Collar and ruffles Valenciennes lace.

No. 5. Robe of white and lilac shaded taffetas ; the corsage is high, round at the top, and forming a gerbe of folds at each side; the centre is laced with lilac ribbon, which partially displays the muslin under-dress; the latter rises quite to the throat, and is bordered with lace standing up. Manche à l'Agnes, sorel over a long one of muslin finished at the hand with lace; the silk sleeve is of a three-quarter length, and cut out at the bend of the arm in the form of a large lozenge; it is rather wide at the lower part, and trimmed with three bands of lilac ribbon. Mancheron en suite. Drawn bonnet of white gros de Naples, a close shape, crowned by an oiseau tinted in white and yellow; a knot of ribbon at the back, and brides to correspond, complete the trimming.


Communications to be addressed to the Office, 24,

Norfolk-street, Strand, where all business is transacted.

ACCEPTED, WITH THANKS-" Florence," through E. P. C.; "A. Z.; " G."

"Cleora." It is impossible to judge from two or three paragraphs of a story.

The articles alluded to by Selina Caroline E. B. have never reached the present Editress.

We are sorry that irregularities of rhyme and measure outweigh the poetical thought displayed in the song of "The Glen Fairies."


DECLINED, WITH THANKS-" Song by Ly -s;" the "Enigma on N. V.;" "Yelo;' "A Sailor;" "Francis L."

"Edward." A composer has not a right to republish words to which he has arranged music, without the permission of the author.

Books and Music intended for review should be forwarded early in the month.

Office, No. 24, Norfolk-street, Strand. Sold by Berger, Holywell-street; Steele, Paternosterrow; and by all Booksellers in Town and Country.

Printed by Joseph Rogerson, 24, Norfolk-street, Strand, London,

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