페이지 이미지

Magi, 269; his youth and baptism, 275; the Baptist, 235,


Christ's temptation, 287, 306; his ministry, 230, 231,
233, 237, 243, 244, 247, 276-278; miracles, 233, 277,
praised by children in the temple, 6, 256.

Hasting to suffer, 295; agony in the garden, 296: betrayed
by Judas, 43; traitor punished, 125; Christ's trial, 241,
296; hope in his sufferings, 12, 13, 20, 55, 133; supplica-
tion for aid, 34, 93; his compassion for enemies, death,
and triumph, 35, 71, 124; rejected, 71, 241, 299; cruci-
fied, 20, 71, 297; death as a sacrifice for sin, and the suc-
cess of his Gospel, 20, 29, 42, 71, 241, 297, 298; burial,


Christ's resurrection, 13, 41, 58, 72, 301, 302, 378.
ascension, 48, 69, 70, 133, 311-313, 333.
exaltation and glory in heaven, 19, 61, 134, 242,


Christ's kingdom established, 2, 46, 75, 77, 80, 100—
109, 383-388; its majesty and grace, 46, 100, 107; its ex-
tent and glory, 186, 227, 237, 242, 252, 271–274.

Blessings of redemption by Christ, 90, 143; Glory to
God among the Gentiles for it,15, 69, 92, 105, 117; joy
for Christ's salvation and triumphs, 72, 166, 169, 380-388;
submission to Christ advised, 2, 73.

Christ's second coming, 262-265, 374, 380, 384.

Characters and offices of Christ; Advocate, Forerunner,
Mediator, Intercessor, 202, 196—198, 311–313; branch,
85; bread of life, 192, 345; bridegroom and husband, 47,
364, 386; Christ, 208, 277; consolation of Israel, 268; cor-
nerstone, 134, 232; desire of all nations, 257, 268; exam-
ple, 295, 306, 331; foundation, 232; head of the Church,
134, 368; Immanuel, 229, 302; Jesus, a Saviour, 205, 238,
293, 294, 299, 363, 380-384; judge, 262-264, 285; King,
2, 19, 46, 61, 69, 75, 80, 93, 107, 169, 273, 380-387; lamb
of God, 196, 261, 382; leader, 243, 331; life, 254, 305; light,
230, 254, 256, 337; Lord, 238, 312, 262, 295; physician,
246, 277; prince of peace, 230, 333, 364; prophet, 202, 237,
276; priest, 12, 197, 287; priest and King, 126, 257: pro-
phet priest and King, 257, 313; redeemer, 220, 382; refuge,
232, 293; resurrection, 301; Son of God, 2, 254, 268, 277,
297; son of David, 75, 93-95, 148, 210, 256, 268; sun of
righteousness, 266, 290; our righteousness. 232, 238, 281,
282; shepherd, 21, 247, 250, 292; star of Jacob, 201; of
Bethlehem, 269-271; way, truth, and life, 254, 278; wis-
dom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, 280,
282; wisdom of God, 224, 275; Word of God, 254.



His influences promised, 69, 230, 248, 333.
His descent on the day of Pentecost, 316.

His influences sought, 53, 160, 248, 316–319.

Giving effect to the word, 258; quickening, 318, 369;
convincing, and sanctifying, 319, 369, 375; leading of the
Spirit, 160, 319, 375.

The comforter, 316; intreated not to depart, 53; in-
dwelling and sealing, as the earnest of our inheritance,
253, 315.

Graces of the Spirit, 276, 332-330. (See Christian.)

Praise to the TRINITY, 229, 320, 321, 332, 381.
Prayer to the TRINITY, 176, 320, 322, 375, 380.

Excellence of the Gospel dispensation, 183, 193, 194,
257, 332, 366, 368, 376.


Repentance, its nature and work, 285-292; taught by
the providence of God, 247, 249; by Christ's coming to
judge, 262-265, 285; a contrite heart, 289; the delaying
sinner warned, 103, 245, 285; confession of sin, 17, 286;
prayer of the penitent, 285, 289--292; joy over the peni-
tent, 292.

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Penitential Psalms, 5, 30, 39, 52, 110, 146, 159.

Faith, 306-308; and love, 99, 371-374; and hope, and
love, 283, 370, 372; and works, 188, 306, 379; struggling
with unbelief, 81; justification by faith, 308.

Salvation by Christ, 238, 246; by the blood of Christ,
298; by grace, 282, 293; the faithful saying, 376; all things
with Christ, 303, 304; pardon, 5, 24, 112, 243; and
righteousness and strength, 238, 282.

Covenant sure in Christ, 237, 251, 305; glorying in
the Lord, 245; in the cross of Christ, 297.

Adoption, 255, Communion of Saints, 332, 369; spiri-
tual death and ressurrection, 305, 369, 379.

Devotedness to God, 327, 328; fear and love of God, 17,
34, 127, 146, 283, 326; delight and joy in God, 5, 14, 78,
329, 330; even amidst calamity, 251; gratitude to God,
3, 30, 352; love of divine things, 289, 328; love to the
house of God, 43, 44, 63, 68; to heaven, 154, 310, 315.
Love to Christ, 363, 364; not ashamed of, 299; prais-
ing, 380-388.

Sanctification sought, 53, 248, 373; wrought by the Holy
Spirit, 325, 375; by the word, 137; holiness and obedience

the design of the Gospel, 322-327; Apostolical prayers for
the graces of the Spirit, 365-379,

Christian morality, 326; love to man, 284, 326; to ene-
mies, 124; integrity to man, 11, 22, 324-327; Knowledge,
371; government of the tongue, 10, 11, 17, 34, 54, 158; hu-
mility, 147, 295; meekness, 38, 110,54; moderation, resigna-
tion, and patient trust, 45, 146, 147, 188, 214, 216, 231,
330, 365; peace, 364, 371.

Christian, in temptation and danger, 10, 56, 77, 155, 158,
159, 287, 305; in darkness, 222, 239, 289; in distress,
doubt, and despondency, 10, 44, 239; example of Christ
in his agony 296; delivered by divine interposition, 3, 14,
41; remembering the way, 201; confidence for the future,
45, 55—58, 75; security of the faithful, 98, 140, 142.

Christian, in hope of persevering, 304, 366, 379; strength-
ened as his day is, 202; strong in God, 236, 369, 371;
triumphing, 27, 99, 303, 304.

Christian, waiting on God, 26, 141; for quickening
grace, 138; in backsliding, 52, 139, 210, 222; inconstancy,
83; unfruitfulness, 228, 340, 351; time unimproved, 353.
Christian in affliction, 101, 113, 159, 287, 223; under
the world's troubles, 30, 34, 50, 57; under persecution,
&c. 6, 45, 84, 85, 87, 101; (See seasons of life.)

Self examination, 17; prayer for aid in, 157; appeal to
God, and evidences of sincerity, 6, 11, 17, 22, 25, 147;
watchfulness and prayer, 158, 286, 324, 325, 370.

Hope, 10, 309-311, in God, 44, 61; and prayer, 26;
inspiring praise, 75; sustaining against despair, 159.

Characters of the Christian; Pilgrim, 154, 205, 206, 234;
soldier, 15, 161, 328, 370; in a race. 329; on a journey,
121; on a voyage, 122; released from bondage, 121, 160
Christian Israel, 203-206; a citizen of Zion, 11, 22, 92, 388,


Prayer for the Church, 148, 333; gathered and settled'
148, 165; its glory and safety, 26, 47, 49, 142, 231, 233;
its trials and dangers, 10, 45, 85, 87; its future triumphs
over danger, 8, 169, 383-387, triumphant in heaven, 381,
383, 388; unfruitfulness lamented, 228.

Its privileges, 47, 49, 119; communion of saints, 331-
333, 344; unity, 149, 333, 365; and peace, 140, 364.

Its ministers, 148, 240, 261, 333, 366, 367; their discou-
ragements, 241, 283; their removal, 334; their successors,


Its missionaries, 273, 274; its members, 92, 377; its
saints, 330, 331, 383; its martyrs, 45, 330.

Salvation is of the Jews, 92; Jews addressed by christ-

tians, 153; Gentile Church warned, 299; Prayer for con-
version of the world, 67.

Angels, 33, 57, 94, 98, 105, 115, 332; their worship, 113,
229, 312, 383, 384.

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Spiritual and acceptable worship, 4, 51, 54, 67, 191, 198,
338; encouragement to prayer, 26, 221; intercessory prayer,
377; retirement and meditation, 1, 3, 17, 63, 81, 159.

Happiness and benefit of public worship, 43, 44, 63, 88,
102, 252, 338.

Before Prayer, 4, 5, 9, 37, 64, 91, 147, 149, 191, 198,
214, 221, 243, 252.

Before Sermon, 95, 103, 240, 257, 261, 283, 333.

After Sermon, 2, 259, 340, 341, 364, 172; 172–376.
Short Hymns, 199, 216, 220, 231, 232, 236, 238, 239, 240,
243, 245, 246, 290, 325, 371, 373, 381, 384.

The first Sabbath, 179; the Lord's day, 99, 134, 302, 336.
Lord's day morning, 3, 4, 5, 337, 362.
Lord's day evening, 4, 339, 363.


Baptism, 183, 186, 275, 341; baptismal privileges and ob-
ligations, 342; confirmation, 327, 328, 343, 376.

Youth warned and exhorted, 34, 184, 211, 222-227,
245; taught by the word, 82, 135; early piety, 209, 213,
275; prayed for, 161, 359; praying, 213, 223, 225; prais
ing Christ, 6, 256.

Notice of and preparation for the Lord's supper, 191,
192-200, 343-345, 386; celebration of, 186, 345, 382,

Family blessings, 144, 189, 225; religion, 109, 186, 187,
207; education, 82, 161, 359; bereavements, 29, 214, 349,
354; journey, and return, meeting and parting of friends,
121, 140, 332, 341, 373; intercession and thanks for, 377.

Houses of mirth and mourning, 225; affliction, 215, 346,
347, 366; sanctified, 66, 101, 138; consolation under, 33,
34, 101; moderated, 113, 143; faith under, 56, 57, 58, 163,
164; submission to, 141, 147; happiness and hope in, 77,
78, 100, 101, 138, 159; reliance on divine providence and
grace, 21, 97, 98, 159; pity to the afflicted, 42, 360.

Sickness and recovery, 28, 29, 41, 98, 112, 122, 131, 235,
346, 347.

Importance of life, 41, 226, 245, 346; shortness and un-
certainty of life, 40, 96, 97, 111, 113, 164, 181, 218, 227,
236, 245; the bell for the dead, 347; awful accidents, 354,
the last great journey, 219.

Old age, 73, 74; resigning the spirit, 29, prayer in death,
110, 347; death, 34S, 349; the grave, 18!, 215, 219.
Resurrection, 13, 50, 220, 303, 367, 369, 378.

Judgment, 104, 226, 249, 262-265, 285, 374, 380; that
day of wrath, 263; Luther's Hymn, 264.

Eternity, heaven and hell, 9, 309–311, 314, 315, 378,


Old and new year, 29, 40, 96, 189, 226, 321, 350–353.
Morning and evening, 3, 4, 5, 63, 140, 149, 158, 353;
Bp. Ken's Hymns, 362, 363.

Seasons, 65, 79, 115, 165, 166.

Rain and drought, 123, 184, 354; Thunder and tempest,
27, 122; harvest, 123; favourable, 355; unfavourable, 123,
251, 356.

Fast-days, 45, 47, 51, 60, 63, 90, 142, 161, 187, 214, 228,
351, 356, 358; humiliation under desolating judgments,
79, 84, 85; war, 18; and peace, 48, 166, 207.

Thanksgiving days, 33, 49, 58, 66, 80, 126, 129, 131, 140
—144, 150, 151, 162, 168, 192, 201, 207, 211, 358.

King's accession, and other similar occasions, 19, 80, 87,
140, 211, 357, 358.

Foundation, consecration, or reopening, of Churches, 11,
22, 25, 63, 49, 147, 214, 252, 332, 333, 337, 338; David's
thanksgiving for the offerings of the people for building the
temple, 212.

Any charitable Collection, 42, 68, 127, 212, 326; Infirma-
ries, and benevolent visiting Societies, 360, 361; Friendly
Societies, 149, 144, 359. (Schools, see youth.)

Missions to the Heathen, 67, 129, 240, 242, 252, 271-
274, 366, 385-387; Jews, 72, 105, 111, 137, 190, 299.


N B. The Hymns on the Old Testament (p. 177-252) and those on
the Apostolical prayers and doxologies, (p. 365-388.) being already ar-
ranged in the order of the Bible, are not included in this table.

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