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upon the Fruits of the Earth. At that time, according to the Computation then in ufe, the Sun was between 10 and 14 Degrees of Taurus 8. And the true Caufe of keeping that Festival upon that particular time, Rofinus (Lib. 4. Cap. 7.) fays was this: That 19 Degrees after the Vernal Aquinox, for four Days together, according to the Obfervation of divers Nations, a hot, dry, and angry Constellation, called Canis Major, or the Great Dog, was used to fet (Achronically I fuppofe he means, as it appears by rectifying the Globe to the Latitude of Rome.) But Goad, in his Aftrometeorol. Sana, p. 92. fays, It was not only upon that Account, but because about that time there did Arise and Set with the Sun an illuftrious Company of Stars; mean ing the Hyades and Pleiades, upon the Neck and Head of Taurus: Which Stars, as indeed the whole Afterifm of Taurus, he fays (upon Ptolomy's Authority) have both Qua→ lities, hot and cold, in them. And though they (especially the former) have been diftinguished by their watry Qualities, from whence they have their Denomination; So T Vew, yet he fays, pag. 90. That thofe Parts of Taurus about the Pleiades, occafion Earthquakes, Clouds and Wind; those about the Hyades are of a fiery Nature, and produce Thunder and Lightning, for which he alledges many Reafons; (fee the place.) Now every one knows, that thofe Meteors are produced by great Quantities of Nitrofulphurious Particles, which must be eis ther exhaled from the Body of the Earth,


by the exceffive Heat of these Bodies; or emitted immediately from these Bodies themselves; which may not improbably defcend in a watry Vehicle. Be it which way it will, it feems to amount to fome Proof, that the grand inftrumental Cause of thefe Appearances is exceffive Heat: And how much more do we think thofe Effects fhould be produced; if, befides thefe common and ordinary Caufes, there fhould be at the fame time a concurrence of fome accidental Disorders in thofe Bodies, which fhould render their natural Qualities more intenfe and piercing. I would not here be fuppofed to think, that Blights, Mildews, c. are fo appropriated to this Season, which I have been speaking of, as not to fall alfo at other times: But this Season is particularly remarkable, because of the Condition of the Corn and other Fruits; as being, if not in Bloffom, yet of fo tender a confiftency, as to be affected by any the leaft touch of malign Influences. But to return, this fame thing feems to be hinted by the Apochryphal Author of the 2d Book of Efdras, Chap. 15. where speaking, v. 5. of the laft forer Plagues, the Sword, Famine, Death and Deftruction (or Peftilence) which God would bring upon the World; when (v. 6.) Wickedness Jhall have exceedingly polluted the whole Earth, and the Measure of their Iniquities fhall be filled up. He fays (v. 12.) Ægypt (i.e. Myftical Egypt, or the whole Earth, this World in which God's Children are kept in Bondage or Slavery, Compare v.6,7,8,9,10,

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11, 12, 13, 14.) shall mourn, and the Foundation of it shall be fmitten with the Plague and Punishment that God fhall bring upon it. V. 13. They that till the Ground fhall mourn, for their Seeds Shall fail, through the Blafting and Hail, and with a fearful Constellation.

That de- III. As for the Second fort of Caufes, vouring devouring Infects, that they are produced Infects are by Heat, we have a ftrong Prefumption produced from an Obfervation common amongst us, by Heat.

that they abound moft in hot and dry Seafons; befides what Bochart us has obferved, Zeograph. Sanita, Lib. 4. Cap. 6. and Cap. 4. in both which Places he exprefly afferts, That Drougth is the Caufe of Locufts and other devouring Infects. But as to the precife manner of their Production, whether it be æquivocal, i. e. by fome latent Seeds in the Superficies of the Earth, which are impregnated by the Sun, or other aftral Influences; or univocally, by the common concurrence of Male and Female, is hard to determine. However, the former Opinion feems more probable, because it is difficult to conceive how the Heat can be any way inftrumental in the latter way; much less how it can be faid to be a Cause, as Bochart and others have afferted upon the Authority of the Ancients.

A Recapi§.6. WITH this three-fold Evil, viz. tulation of Sword, Peftilence, and Famine, will God these three chaitife the Apoftate Antichriftian World


in the latter Days, 2 Efdras 15. 14. Wo to the World and them that dwell therein, a Fire is kindled and shall not be put out, till it confume the Foundations of the Earth. Bebald Famine,



and Plague, and Tribulation, and Anguish, are fent as Scourges for amendment, but for all this they shall not turn from their Wickedness. One People fhall ftand up against another with Swords in their Hands: There fhall be Sedition amongst Men, and invading one another; they shall not regard their Kings, nor their Princes, and the Courfe of their Actions fhall stand in their Power. A Man fhall defire to go into a City, and fhall not be able; for because of their Pride the Cities fhall be troubled, the Houfes shall be deStroyed, and Men fhall be afraid: A Man fhall have no pity upon his Neighbour, but shall destroy their Houfes with the Sword, and Spoil their Goods, because of the lack of Bread, and for great Tribulation. The Cities shall be broken down, and the People fhall perish with the Sword in the Field. They that be in the Mountains Shall die of Hunger, and eat their own Flesh, and drink their own Blood, for very hunger of Bread, and thirst of Water. The Dead fhall be caft out as Dung, and there fhall be no Man to comfort them; for the Earth shall be wasted, and the Cities fhall be cast down. There shall be no Man left to till the Earth and to fow it.. The Trees fhall give Fruit, and who shall gather them? The Grapes fhall ripen, and who shall tread them? For all places fhall be defolate of Men; fo that one Man fhall defire to fee another, and to hear his Voice. For of a City there Jhall be ten left, and two of a Field, which fhall hide themselves in the thick Groves, and in the Clefts of the Rocks. As in an Orchard of Olives, upon every Tree there are left three or four Olives, or as when a Vineyard is gathered, there are left Some Clusters of them that diligently feek through


A Rem nant fa ved.

the Vineyard; even fo in thofe Days there fhall be three or four left by them that fearch their Houses with the Sword. The Virgins fhall mourn, baving no Bridegroom; the Women Shall mourn, baving no Husbands; their Daughters fhall mourn, baving no Helpers. In the Wars Shall their Bridegrooms be destroyed, and their Hufbands fhall perish of Famine. Compare 2 Efdras 15, and 16. with Ifaiah 17, 243 33 Chapters.

$7. BUT in this great Deftruction God will preferve a Remnant, even the fealed Number upon Mount Sion. Thefe are they who by a Holy Severity have been continually dying to the animal fenfitive Life; who, though willingly fubmitting to the Neceffities of Nature, yet made no Provifion for the Flefh, to fulfil the Lufts of it; but their Meat and Drink was to do the Will of their. Father which is in Heaven. They laboured not so much for the Meat that perifheth, as for that Bread which came down from Heaven; even that Spiritual Meat and Drink which fuftained the Fathers in the Wildernefs, 1 Cor. 10. and which our Bleffed Lord gave his Difciples in the Inftitution of his laft Supper, which has in all Ages been the Spiritual Food of the inward new Man; and of which (we are told by Christ himfelf, Job. 6. 3.) that They which do not eat and drink, have no Life in them. They had throughly learned that Divine Leffon of St. Paul, Phil. 4. 11, 12. To be content in every State; They know both how to be abafed and how to abound, to be full and to be hungry, to abound and to fuffer need. And according


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