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Boswell, marked with a pencil all the lines he had aside unnoticed or neglected. Perhaps it was for furnished, which are only line 420th,

To stop too fearful, and too faint to go;

tunate for literature that it so happened. Gold. smith, with all his genius and taste as a writer, was but little versed in the arts; and it is extreme

and the concluding ten lines, except the last coup-ly questionable whether he was qualified to accomlet but one, printed in italic.

How small of all that human hearts endure,
That part which laws or kings can cause or cure;
Still to ourselves in every place consign'd,
Our own felicity we make or find;

With secret course, which no loud storms annoy,
Glides the smooth current of domestic joy,
The lifted are, the agonizing wheel,
Luke's iron crown, and Damien's bed of steel,*
To men remote from power but rarely known,
Leave reason, faith, and conscience, all our own.

plish the task which he had proposed to himself. The opinion of his friend, Dr. Johnson, who so well knew and appreciated the extent of his acquirements, may be given as decisive of such a question. In a conversation with Mr. Boswell, the latter remarked, that our author "had long a visionary prospect of some time or other going to Aleppo, when his circumstances should be easier, in order to acquire a knowledge, as far as might be, of any arts peculiar to the East, and introduce them

Johnson added "these are all of which I can be into Britain;" to which Johnson rejoined, “of all sure." They bear indeed but a very trifling pro-men, Goldsmith is most unfit to go out on such an portion to the whole, which consists of four hun-inquiry; for he is yet ignorant of such arts as we dred and thirty-eight verses. The truth in this ourselves already possess, and consequently could case seems to be, that the report had its origin in not know what would be accessions to our present the avowed fact of the poem having been submit-stock of mechanical knowledge: sir, he would ted to Johnson's friendly revision before it was sent bring home a grinding-barrow, and think he had to the press. furnished a wonderful improvement." Goldsmith, Goldsmith, though now universally known and however, seems never to have been conscious of admired, and enabled to look forward to indepen- the deficiency of his own powers for such an undence at home, appears still to have retained a dertaking. His passion for travel was never exstrong tincture of his original roving disposition. tinguished; and notwithstanding the neglect with He had long entertained a design of penetrating which his application for ministerial patronage had into the interior parts of Asia, to investigate the been treated, his design of penetrating to the East remains of ancient grandeur, learning, and man- frequently revived. Even after the publication of ners; and when Lord Bute became prime minister the "Traveller," as formerly remarked, though enat the accession of George the Third, this desire gaged in several literary undertakings, this design was more strongly excited by the hope of obtain- was still predominant; and had it not been for his ing some portion of the royal bounty, then so libe- characteristic simplicity or carelesness, or perhaps rally dispensed by that nobleman in pensions and his propensity to practical blundering, an opportubenefactions to men of learning and genius. That nity was now thrown in his way that might have he might be enabled to execute this favourite pro-enabled him to fulfil his most sanguine expectaject he resolved on making a direct application to tions.

the premier for pecuniary assistance, and the sanc- Among the distinguished characters of the day tion of Government, but, the better to ensure suc-which the merit of the "Traveller," had attached cess, he previously drew up and published in the to its author, either as patrons or friends, Loid Public Ledger, an ingenious essay on the subject, Nugent (afterwards Earl of Clare) was conspicu in which the advantages of such a mission were ous in point of rank; and his lordship, not satisfied stated with much ability and eloquence. Our poor with his own personal notice and friendship, warmauthor, however, was then but little known, and ly recommended him to his friends in power, parnot having distinguished himself by any popular literary effort, his petition or memorial was thrown

ticularly to the Earl (afterwards Duke) of Northumberland, then lord-lieutenant of Ireland. That nobleman, on the recommendation of Lord Nu*Goldsmith in this couplet mentions Luke as a person well gent, had read several of Goldsmith's productions, known, and superficial readers have passed it over quite and being charmed with the elegance of their style, smoothly; while those of more attention have been as much expressed a desire to extend his patronage to their perplexed by Luke, as by Lydiat in "The Vanity of Human author. After his lordship's return from Ireland,

Wishes." The truth is, that Goldsmith himself was in a mis

take. In the "Respublica Hungarica," there is an account in 1765, he communicated his intentions to Dr. of a desperate rebellion in the year 1514, headed by two bro- Percy, who was related to the family of Northumthers of the name of Zeck, George and Luke. When it was berland, and by his means an interview took place quelled, George, and not Luke, was punished, by his head between the poet and the peer. Of this visit to bcing encircled with a red hot iron crown: Corona cande his lordship, Goldsmith used to give the following #cente ferrea coronatur. The same severity of torture was exercised on the Earl of Athol, one of the murderers of James account: "I was invited by my friend Percy to wait upon the duke, in consequence of the satis

I of Scotland.

faction he had received from the perusal of one of dispositions will be pleased with such a charactermy productions. I dressed myself in the best man-istic instance of his well-known simplicity and ner I could, and after studying some compliments goodness of heart. A benevolent mind will disI thought necessary on such an occasion, proceed- cover in the recommendation of a brother, to the ed to Northumberland-house, and acquainted the exclusion of himself, a degree of disinterestedness, servants that I had particular business with the which, as it is seldom to be met with, is the more to duke. They showed me into an ante-chamber, be admired. where, after waiting some time, a gentleman very Though Goldsmith thus lost the only good opelegantly dressed made his appearance. Taking portunity that had offered for obtaining Governhim for the duke, I delivered all the fine things I ment patronage for his intended eastern expedihad composed, in order to compliment him on the tion, it must be admitted to the honour of the Duke honour he had done me; when, to my great aston-of Northumberland, that when the plan was afterishment, he told me I had mistaken him for his mas-wards explained to him at a distant period, he exter, who would see me immediately. At that in- pressed his regret that he had not been made acstant the duke came into the apartment, and I was quainted with it earlier; for he could at once have so confounded on the occasion, that I wanted words placed the poet on the Irish establishment, with a barely sufficient to express the sense I entertained sufficient salary to enable him to prosecute his reof the duke's politeness, and went away exceedingly searches, and would have taken care to have had chagrined at the blunder I had committed.

In the embarrassment which ensued from this awkward mistake, our author's eastern project, for which he had intended to have solicited his lordship's patronage, was totally forgotten, and the visit appears to have been concluded without even a hint as to this great object of his wishes.

it continued to him during the whole period of his travels. From this time our poet, though he sometimes talked of his plan, appears to have for ever relinquished the design of travelling into Asia.

Independent of every consideration of interest or ambition, the introduction of Goldsmith to a nobleman of such high rank as the Earl of Northum

Sir John Hawkins, in his "Life of Dr. John-berland, was a circumstance sufficiently gratifying son," has noticed and commented on the circum- to a mind fond of distinction. In fact, the vanity stances attending this interview, with peevishness of our poet, was greatly excited by the honour of and ill-humour. "Having one day," says he, "a the interview with his lordship: and, for a considercall to wait on the late Duke, then Earl of North- able time after, it was much the subject of allusion umberland, I found Goldsmith waiting for an au- and reference in his conversation. One of those dience in an outer room: I asked him what had ingenious executors of the law, a bailiff, having brought him there; he told me, an invitation from come to the knowledge of this circumstance, deterhis lordship. I made my business as short as I mined to turn it to his advantage in the execution could, and as a reason, mentioned that Dr. Gold- of a writ which he had against the poet for a small smith was waiting without. The earl asked me debt. He wrote Goldsmith a letter, stating, that if I was acquainted with him? "I told him I was, he was steward to a nobleman who was charmed adding what I thought was likely to recommend with reading his last production, and had ordered him. I retired, and stayed in the outer room to him to desire the doctor to appoint a place where take him home. Upon his coming out, I asked he might have the honour of meeting him, to conhim the result of this conversation. "His lord-duct him to his lordship. Goldsmith swallowed ship," said he, "told me he had read my poem, the bait without hesitation; he appointed the Brimeaning the 'Traveller,' and was much delighted tish Coffee-house, to which he was accompanied with it; that he was going lord-lieutenant to Ire- by his friend Mr. Hamilton, the proprietor and land, and that, hearing I was a native of that coun-printer of the Critical Review, who in vain remontry, he should be glad to do me any kindness." strated on the singularity of the application. On “And what did you answer,” asked I, "to this entering the coffee-room, the bailiff paid his regracious offer?"—"Why," said he, "I could say spects to the poet, and desired that he might have Lothing but that I had a brother there, a clergy- the honour of immediately attending him. They man, that stood in need of help: as for myself, I had scarcely entered Pall-Mall on their way to his have no dependence on the promises of great men; lordship, when the bailiff produced his writ, to the I look to the booksellers for support; they are my infinite astonishment and chagrin of our author. best friends, and I am not inclined to forsake them Mr. Hamilton, however, immediately interfered, for others."—" Thus," continues Sir John, "did generously paid the money, and redeemed the poet, this idiot in the affairs of the world trifle with his from captivity. fortunes, and put back the hand that was held out

Soon after the publication of the "Traveller," to assist him!"—In a worldly point of view, the Goldsmith appears to have fixed his abode in the conduct of Goldsmith on this occasion was un- Temple, where he ever afterwards resided. His doubtedly absurd; but those who have generous apartments were first in the library staircase, next

in the King's-Bench-walk, and ultimately at No. 2, | funeral of Mr. Garrick, became distinguished by in Brick-court. Here he had chambers in the first the title of the Literary Club. The members met floor, elegantly furnished, and here he was often and supped together one evening in every week, at visited by literary friends, distinguished alike by the Turk's Head, in Gerrard street, Soho. Their their rank, talents, and acquirements. In the num-meetings commenced at seven; and by means of ber of those with whom he now associated, and the inexhaustible conversational powers of Johnson, could rank among his friends, he was able to ex-Burke, and Beauclerk, their sittings were generally hibit a list of the most eminent and conspicuous protracted till a pretty late hour. It was originally men of the time, among whom may be particu- intended that the number of members should be larized the names of Burke, Fox, Johnson, Percy, made up to twelve, but for the first three or four Reynolds, Garrick, Colman, Dyer, Jones, Boswell, years it never exceeded nine or ten; and it was unand Beauclerk, with the Lords Nugent and Charle-derstood that if even only two of these should chance mont. The mention of these names naturally calls to meet, they would be able to entertein one another up the recollection of the famous Literary Club of for the evening.

which Goldsmith was one of the earliest members, About the beginning of 1768, the attending or and of which the conversational anecdotes, re-efficient members were reduced to eight; first by ported by Mr. Boswell, have contributed to give so the secession of Mr. Beauclerk, who became esmuch interest to the pages of that gentleman's bi-tranged by the gayer attractions of more fashionaography of Johnson. As our author continued a ble clubs; and next by the retirement of Sir John member of this select society from its foundation till Hawkins. his death, and shone as one of its most conspicuous Soon after this it was proposed by Dr. Johnson ornaments, some account of its institution, and a to elect a supply of new members, and to make up notice of the names of its members till the present their number to twelve, the election to be made by time, all of whom have more or less figured in the balot, and one black ball to be sufficient for the ex literary or political world, may not be unacceptable clusion of a candidate. The doctor's proposal was to many of our readers. immediately carried into effect by the election of Sir Robert Chambers, Dr. Percy, and the late George Colman; and these three were introduced as new

This literary association is said by Mr. Boswell to have been founded in 1764, but Dr. Percy is of opinion that its institution was not so early. Sir members on Monday evening, February 15, 1768. Joshua Reynolds had the merit of being the first to Mr. Beauclerk having desired to be restored to the suggest it to Dr. Johnson and Mr. Burke; and they society, was re-elected about the same time. having acceded to the proposal, the respective friends From this period till 1772 the club consisted of of these three were invited to join them. The ori- the same members, and its weekly meetings were ginal members, therefore, as they stand on the re-regularly continued every Monday evening till Decords of the society, were Sir Joshua Reynolds,* Dr. Johnson, Mr. Edmund Burke, Dr. Nugent, Mr. Beauclerk, Mr. Langton, Dr. Goldsmith, Mr. Chamier, and Sir John Hawkins; and to this number there was added soon afterwards Mr. Samuel Dyer. It existed long without a name, but at the

cember that year, when the night of meeting was altered to Friday. Shortly afterwards there were no less than four vacancies occasioned by death. These were supplied, first by the Earl of Charlemont and David Garrick, who were elected on the 12th of March, 1773; and next by Mr. (afterwards Sir William) Jones and Mr. Boswell, the former *Neither Sir Joshua nor Sir John Hawkins had then been of whom was elected on the 2d, and the latter on knighted, nor had Johnson been presented with his diploma the 30th of April following. In adverting to the of LL. D.; but both here and on other occasions the parties are election of Mr. Garrick, it may not be deemed imnoticed by their most common appellations.

This gentleman was a physician, father of Mr. Burke's wife; not the Dr. Nugent who published some volumes of travels, and several philosophical works, for whom he has been Rometimes mistaken. The above Dr. Nugent was a very amiable man, and highly respected by his contemporaries.

This gentleman was one of the intimate friends of Mr. Burke, who inserted in the public papers the following character of him at the time of his death, which happened on Monday, September 14, 1772:

pertinent to notice an error on the part of Sir John Hawkins, in his "Life of Johnson." Speaking of that gentleman's wish to become a member of the club, "Garrick," says the knight, "trusted that the least intimation of a desire to come among us would procure him a ready admission; but in this he was mistaken. Johnson consulted me upon it;

"On Monday evening died at his lodgings in Castle-street, those few who had the happiness of knowing intimately that Leicester Fields, Samuel Dyer, Esq., Fellow of the Royal So- valuable unostentatious man; and his death is to them a los ciety. He was a man of profound and general erudition; and irreparable." his sagacity and judgment were fully equal to the extent of his Mr. Dyer was held in high estimation for his erudition by learning. His mind was candid, sincere, benevolent; his Dr. Johnson, but we know not of any literary work in which friendship disinterested and unalterable. The modesty, sim- he was concerned, except that he corrected and improved the plicity, and sweetness of his manners, rendered his conversa- translation of Plutarch's Lives, by Dryden and others, when tion as amiable as it was instructive, and endeared him to it was revived by Tonson.

and when I could find no objection to receiving | surely a considerable man." Sheridan had accordhim, exclaimed, "he will disturb us by his buf-ingly the honour to be elected. The importance foonery!" and afterwards so managed matters, that thus attached by its members to this celebrated he was never formally proposed, and by conse-club, seems justified by time and public opinion. quence never admitted. No association of a like kind has existed, and retained its original high character, for so long a period; and none has ever been composed of men so remarkable for extraordinary talent.

In 17 4, an accession of new members was added by the election of the Hon. Charles James Fox, Sir Charles Bunbury, Dr. George Fordyce, and George Steevens, Esq.; and this brings the annals

In justice both to Mr. Garrick and Dr. Johnson, Mr. Boswell has rectified this mis-statement. "The truth is," says he, "that not very long after the institution of our club, Sir Joshua Reynolds was speaking of it to Garrick: 'I like it much (said the latter); I think I shall be of you.' When Sir Joshua mentioned this to Dr. Johnson, he was much displeased with the actor's conceit. He'll of the club down to the death of Goldsmith. Either be of us (said Johnson), how does he know we will then, or soon after, the number of the members was permit him? The first duke in England has no increased to thirty; and, in 1776, instead of supright to hold such language.' However, when ping once a week, they resolved to dine together Garrick was regularly proposed some time after- once a-fortnight during the sitting of Parliament; wards, Johnson, though he had taken a momentary and now the meetings take place every other Tuesoffence at his arrogance, warmly and kindly sup- day at Parsloe's, in St. James's-street. It is believported him; and he was accordingly elected, was a ed, that this increase in the number of the memmost agreeable member, and continued to attend bers, originally limited to twelve, took place in conour meetings to the time of his death." This state- sequence of a suggestion on the part of our author. ment, while it corrects the inaccuracy of Sir John, Conversing with Johnson and Sir Joshua Reyaffords also a proof of the estimation in which the nolds one day, Goldsmith remarked, "that he wishLiterary Club was held by its own members, and the ed for some additional members to the Literary nicety that might be opposed to the admission of a Club, to give it an agreeable variety; for (said he) candidate. The founders appear to have been there can be nothing new among us; we have trasomewhat vain of the institution, both as unique in velled over one another's minds." its kind, and as distinguished by the learning and ever, did not like the idea that his mind could be Johnson, howtalent of its members. Dr. Johnson, in particular, travelled over or exhausted, and seemed rather disseems to have had a sort of paternal anxiety for its pleased; but Sir Joshua thought Goldsmith in the prosperity and perpetuation, and on many occasions right, observing, that "where people have lived a exhibited almost as jealous a care of its purity and great deal together, they know what each of them reputation as of his own. Talking of a certain will say on every subject. A new understanding, lord one day, a man of coarse manners, but a man therefore, is desirable; because, though it may only of abilities and information, “I don't say," con- furnish the same sense upon 'a question which tinued Johnson, "he is a man I would set at the would have been furnished by those with whom we head of a nation, though perhaps he may be as are accustomed to live, yet this sense will have a good as the next prime minister that comes: but he different colouring, and colouring is of much effect is a man to be at the head of a club, I don't say our in every thing else as well as painting."* club, for there is no such club." On another occasion, when it was mentioned to him by Mr. Beauclerk that Dr. Dodd had once wished to be a member of the club, Johnson observed, "I should be sorry indeed if any of our club were hanged," and added, jocularly, "I will not say but some of them deserve it," alluding to their politics and religion, which were frequently in opposition to his own. But the high regard in which the doctor held this association was most strikingly evinced in the election of Mr. Sheridan. In return for some literary civilities received from that gentleman while he had as yet only figured as a dramatist, Johnson thought the finest compliment he could bestow would be to procure his election to the Literary Club. When the ballot was proposed, therefore, he exerted his influence, and concluded his recommendation of the candidate by remarking, that "he who has written the two best comedies of's age, is

time, it is believed that the following is a correct list of the From the institution of the Literary Club to the present members:

[ocr errors]

Lord Ashburton (Dunning.)
*Sir Joseph Banks.
* Marquis of Bath.

Dr. Douglas, Bishop of Salia. bury.

• Mr. Dyer.

*Dr. Barnard, Bishop of Kila- Lord Elliot.

Mr. Topham Beauclerk.
Sir Charles Blagden.
Mr. Boswell.

Sir Charles Bunbury.
Right Hon. Edmund Burke.
Richard Burke (his son.)
Dr. Burney.

Sir Robert Chambers.
Mr. Chamier.
Earl of Charlemont.
George Colman.
Mr. Courtney.

Rev. Dr. Farmer.
•Dr. George Fordyce.
'Right Hon. C. J. Fox.

David Garrick.
*Mr. Gibbon.

Dr. Goldsmith.

Sir William Hamilton. "Sir John Hawkins.

Dr. Hinchliffe, Bishop of P terborough.

⚫ Dr. Johnson.

*Sir William Jones,

Mr. Langton.

when he comes into company grows confused, and unable to talk. Take him as a poet, his "Traveller" is a very fine performance; 2y, and so is his "Deserted Village," were it not sometimes too much the echo of his "Traveller." Whether, indeed, we take him as a poet, as a comic writer, or

In a society thus composed of men distinguished | self is very true, he always gets the better when he for genius, learning, and rank, where the chief ob- argues alone: meaning, that he is master of a subject of the institution was social and literary enjoy-ject in his study, and can write well upon it; but ment, it is certainly interesting to know what kind of intellectual sauce was usually served up to give a zest to their periodical suppers. Happily, Mr. Boswell has supplied such a desideratum; and as a fair specimen of the numerous conversations which he has reported of the members, it may not be unamusing to our readers to be presented with part of as a historian, he stands in the first class.' Boswell, the discussion which took place at the time of his own election in April, 1773, and a full report of the sitting of the club on the 24th of March, 1775. This we do with the more pleasure, on account of the first discussion being in some sort illustrative of the character and writings of our author.

'A historian! my dear sir, you will not surely rank his compilation of the Roman History with the works of other historians of this age?" Johnson, 'Why, who is before him? Boswell, 'Hume, Robertson, Lord Lyttleton,' Johnson (his antipathy to the Scotch beginning to rise,) 'I have not read Hume; but, doubtless, Goldsmith's History is better than the verbiage of Robertson, or the foppery of Dalrymple.' Boswell, 'Will you not admit the superiority of Robertson, in whose History we find such penetration, such painting?" Johnson, 'Sir,

"On Friday, April 30," says Mr. Boswell, "I dined with Dr. Johnson at Mr. Beauclerk's, where were Lord Charlemont, Sir Joshua Reynolds, and some more members of the Literary Club, whom he nad obligingly invited to meet me, as I was this evening to be balloted for as candidate for admission you must consider how that penetration and that into that distinguished society. Johnson had done me the honour to propose me, and Beauclerk was very zealous for me.

painting are employed. It is not history; it is ima gination. He who describes what he never saw, draws from fancy. Robertson paints minds as "Goldsmith being mentioned, Johnson said, 'It Sir Joshua paints faces in a history-piece: he imais amazing how little Goldsmith knows. He sel- gines a heroic countenance. You must look upon dom comes where he is not more ignorant than any Robertson's work as romance, and try it by that one else,' Sir Joshua Reynolds, 'Yet there is no standard. History it is not. man whose company is more liked.' Johnson, 'To great excellence of a writer to be sure, sir. When people find a man, of the most much as his book will hold. distinguished abilities as a writer, their inferior this in his History. Now Robertson might have while he is with them, it must be highly gratifying put twice as much into his book. Robertson is to them. What Goldsmith comically says of him- like a man who has packed gold in

Duke of Leeds.

Earl Lucan.

• Earl Macartney.

Mr. Malone.

Lord Minto.

Dr. French Lawrence.
'Dr. Horsley, Bishop of St.

Dr. Marlay, Bishop of Clon- Henry Vaughan, M. D.

•Dr. Nugent.

'Mr. George Steevens.
'Mr. Agmendesham Vesey.

Hon. Frederick North (now Dr. Warren.

Earl of Guilford.)

Earl of Upper Ossory.

Viscount Palmerston.

Dr. Percy, Bishop of Dro


Major Rennel.
•Sir Joshua Reynolds.
Sir W. Scott (now Lord Sto-

M. R. B. Sheridan.
Dr. Shipley, Bishop of St.

Dr. Adam Smith.
Earl Spencer.
Willian Lock, jun

Mr. George Ellis.

*Dr. Joseph Warton.

Rev. Thomas Warton.

Besides, sir, it is the put into his book as Goldsmith has done

wool: the wool takes up more room than the gold. No, sir, I always thought Robertson would be crushed by his own weight-would be buried under his own ornaments. Goldsmith tells you shortly all you want to know; Robertson detains you a great deal too long. No man will read Robertson's cumbrous detail a second time; but Goldsmith's plain narrative will please again and again. I would say to Robertson what an old tutor of a college said to one of his pupils: "Read over your compositions and wherever you meet with a passage which you think is particularly fine, strike it out." Goldsmith's abridgment is better than that of Lucius Florus or Eutropius: and I will venture to say, that if you compare him with Vertot, in the same places of the Roman History, you will find that he excels Vertot. Sir, he has the art of compiling, and of saying every thing he has to say in a pleasing manner. He is now writing a Natural History, and will make it as Right Hon. William Drum- entertaining as a Persian Tale.'

*Right Hon. William Wind


Right Hon. George Canning.

Mr. Marsden.
Right Hon. J. H. Frere.

Right Hon. Thos. Grenville.
*Rev. Dr. Vincent, Dean of

Right Hon. Sir William
Grant, Master of the Roils.

Sir George Staunton.
Mr. Charles Wilkins.


"I can not dismiss the present topic (continues who owned that he often talked for victory, rather Mr. Boswell) without observing, that Dr. Johnson,

The members whose names are distinguished by an asterisk In the foregoing list have all paid the debt of nature. Among those who survive, it is generally understood that the spirit of urged plausible objections to Dr. Robertson's exthe original as ciation is still preserved.

icellent historical works in the ardour of contest,

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