Ye that in waters glide, and ye that walk The earth, and stately tread, or lowly creep, Witness if I be silent, morn or even, To hill or valley, fountain or fresh shade, Made vocal by my song, and taught his praise. Hail, universal Lord! be bounteous still To give us only good: and if the night Have gather'd aught of evil, or conceal'd, Disperse it, as now light dispels the dark!
In the Cross of Christ I glory!- Towering o'er the wrecks of time, All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime.
When the woes of life o'ertake me, Hopes deceive, and fears annoy, Never shall the cross forsake me, Lo! it glows with peace and joy!
When the sun of bliss is beaming
Light and love upon my way, From the cross the radiance streaming Adds more lustre to the day.
Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the cross are sanctified; Peace is there that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide.
In the Cross of Christ I glory !- Towering o'er the wrecks of time, All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime.
GOD is Love: his mercy brightens All the path in which we rove; Bliss he wakes, and wo he lightens, God is Wisdom, God is Love.
Chance and change are busy ever, Man decays, and ages move; But his mercy waneth never,— God is Wisdom, God is Love.
Even the hour that darkest seemeth,
Will his changeless goodness prove; From the mist his brightness streameth,— God is Wisdom, God is Love.
He with earthly cares entwineth Hope and comfort from above; Everywhere his glory shineth,-- God is Wisdom, God is Love.
WHEN Power Divine, in mortal form, Hush'd with a word the raging storm, In soothing accents Jesus said, "Lo, it is I!-be not afraid."
So, when in silence nature sleeps, And his lone watch the mourner keeps, One thought shall every pang remove- Trust, feeble man, thy Maker's love.
Bless'd be the voice that breathes from heaven, To every heart in sunder riven, When love, and joy, and hope are fled, "Lo, it is I!-be not afraid."
When men with fiendlike passions rage, And foes yet fiercer foes engage, Bless'd be the voice, though still and small, That whispers, "God is over all."
God calms the tumult and the storm; He rules the seraph and the worm: No creature is by Him forgot, Of those who know or know him not.
And when the last dread hour shall come, While shuddering nature waits her doom, This voice shall call the pious dead- "Lo, it is I!-be not afraid."
THERE's not a star whose twinkling light Illumes the distant earth,
And cheers the solemn gloom of night, But mercy gave it birth.
There's not a cloud whose dews distil Upon the parching clod, And clothe with verdure vale and hill, That is not sent by God.
There's not a place in earth's vast round, In ocean deep, or air,
Where skill and wisdom are not found, For God is everywhere.
Around, beneath, below, above, Wherever space extends,
There heaven displays its boundless love, And power with mercy blends.
THESE, as they change, Almighty Father, these Are but the varied God. The rolling year Is full of Thee. Forth in the pleasing Spring Thy beauty walks, thy tenderness and love. Wide flush the fields; the softening air is balm; Echo the mountains round; the forest smiles;
WHAT is Death? 'Tis to be free! No more to love, or hope, or fear- To join the great equality: All alike are humble there! The mighty grave Wraps lord and slave;
Nor pride, nor poverty dares come Within that refuge-house, the tomb!
Spirit with the drooping wing,
And the ever-weeping eye, Thou of all earth's kings art king! Empires at thy footstool lie! Beneath thee strow'd Their multitude
Sink, like waves upon the shore; Storms shall never rouse them more!
What's the grandeur of the earth To the grandeur round thy throne! Riches, glory, beauty, birth,
To thy kingdom all have gone. Before thee stand The wondrous band-
Bards, heroes, sages, side by side, Who darken'd nations when they died!
Earth has hosts; but thou canst show Many a million for her one;
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