페이지 이미지

Prohibition in forming passenger trains.

Acts repealed.

Additional section,
February 14, 1861.

ized to make contracts.

rules and regulations for running trains of cars upon such Railroad, require any passenger, freight, or other train to cross any other Railroad built or constructed upon the same grade, without coming to a full stop before such crossing, shall forfeit a like sum for every day such rule or regulation shall continue in force, to be recovered as aforesaid.

SEC. 62. In forming a passenger train upon any Railroad organized under the provisions of this act, baggage, freight, merchandise or lumber cars, shall not be placed in the rear of the passenger cars; and if they, or any of them, shall be so placed, the officer or agent who so directed, or knowingly suffered such arrangement, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be punished accordingly.

SEC. 63. All acts the subjects of which are herein reenacted, or which contravene or are inconsistent with the terms and intention of this act, are hereby repealed.

SEC. 64. This act shall take effect immediately.

SEC. 65. Every railroad company organized under S. L. 1861. p. 28. this act may enter into arrangements, and make conRailroads author tracts for its benefit, and consistent with, and calculated to, promote the objects for which it was organized, with any other railroad company within or without this State, when the lines of such railroads are connected by water or otherwise: Provided, Such arrangements and contracts shall not release said company so organized under this act, or the directors or stockholders thereof, from any duties or liabilities imposed upon them by the laws of this State: And provided further, That nothing in this section contained shall be construed to authorize any railroad companies to bridge, dam, fill up or divert the course of the St. Clair river, or any other navigable waters in this State, nor to consolidate the stock of any railroad companies.


March 22, 1867. S.


scriptions to stock.

SEC. 66. Whenever any railroad company shall have Additional section filed its articles of association, as provided in the act to L. 1867. p. 107. which this act is amendatory, and obtained sufficient Authorized to subscription to its capital stock, including any municipal aid actually voted in its behalf by virtue of any law of this State, to construct a division of its line of not less than fifteen consecutive miles, at the rate of six thousand dollars per mile, such company shall be authorized to call a meeting of its stockholders, and elect directors of said company, in the manner prescribed in sections 4 and 5 of the act to which this act is amendatory, and said directors may proceed to designate a division of not less than fifteen consecutive miles of the line of said company for construction; and said company shall have full power and authority to construct, operate and maintain a railroad upon the division of said company's line which may have been thus designated as aforesaid, and for that purpose May collect subshall have ample power to assess and enforce collection of its capital stock subscribed by persons residing along, or collateral, or within two miles of either of the termini of such designated division of said company's line, in the manner prescribed by the act to which this act is amendatory, and to receive and avail itself of the benefit of any aid that may have been, or may hereafter be, voted in its behalf, by virtue of any law in this State, by any municipality along, adjoining or coterminous with, such designated division of its line. But such company, for the purpose of constructing such designated division, shall not make collections from subscribers not residing along, Can not collect. collateral to or within two miles of either of the termini of such designated portion of such company's line, nor to receive the aid voted or to be voted in its behalf by municipalities not situated along, adjoining or coterminous with such designated division, except by express agreement. And said company, from time to time, may May continue to continue the construction of its line by designating other




divisions of not less than five consecutive miles each, and may construct, operate and maintain a railroad upon such further designated division or divisions in the same manner and with the same rights, privileges and limitations herein before specified: Provided, That in case of the construction, by such company, of a division of its line of road, as hereinbefore provided, it shall not, by reason of inability to construct any additional portion of its road, lose or forfeit any of its corporate rights, franchises or privileges: And provided further, That all subscribers and aiding municipalities shall be liable according to the terms of their subscriptions or votes, whenever the construction of the entire line of road of said company shall have been entered upon by said company.


AN ACT to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to Provide for the Incorporation of Railroad Companies." Approved February 12, 1855. Took effect May 16, 1855. Laws of 1855, p. 193.

SEC. 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That section fifty-nine of an act entitled, "An Act to Provide for the Incorporation of Railroad Companies," be amended by adding, at the end of said section, the following words: "Provided that nothing in this Act contained shall be in any manner whatsoever construed to revive or continue in force any charter of incorporation, where forfeitures have been incurred, or to affect any suit or proceeding at law, now pending relative to any alleged forfeiture of franchises on the part of any such This act not to be Railroad Corporation of this State, nor in any manner to corporations, or to waive or release any such forfeiture of franchise alleged pending. to have been incurred by any such Railroad Corporation

construed to revive

affect proceedings

prior to the passage of this Act." So that said section,
as amended, will read as follows, viz.: "All Acts, the

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