
twenty-six thousand. In the other dioceses, the number of churches is of course smaller; but ample spiritual accommodation seems to be provided for the Anglicans of New South Wales, when we see that the whole colony, though as yet comparatively limited in population, has altogether two hundred and sixty-three chapels and churches-the total number of licensed Anglican clergymen being a hundred, and fifty-four.

Next in importance come the Roman Catholics. In the diocese of Sydney (also their metropolitan see) this sect has sixtynine clergymen and eighty-two places of worship, and the total average attendance of Roman Catholics at public worship every Sunday throughout the colony is reckoned at a little over forty-seven thousand persons. The strength of the other leading denominations may be measured with tolerable certainty by the following numbers:-Presbyterians, fifteen thousand; Wesleyans, thirtyfour thousand; Congregationalists, five thousand; Baptists, two thousand; Unitarians, four hundred and fifty; and Jews, four hundred. These figures, however, it must be remembered, only represent the average attendance of regular members of these several denominations at public worship every Sabbath.

Connected with the religious system of New South Wales, we may mention that there are in the colony eight hundred and five Sunday schools, which are attended by about forty-eight thousand scholars. Speaking of Sunday schools naturally suggests the chief facts touching on the progress of education generally in the colony. The principal educational machinery of New South Wales is represented by the Primary Schools, public and denominational; the Grammar School of Sydney; the King's School of Paramatta; and lastly, the Sydney University and its affiliated colleges, St. Paul's and St. John's. The University of Sydney, situated on a hill to the south of Sydney, presents to the eye a magnificent range of buildings. It was established and endowed in the year 1851; and by a Royal Charter of 1858, its graduates enjoy the same rank, style, and precedence as are enjoyed by the graduates of our own Universities. The distinctive character of Sydney University is the absence of any religious test, its aim being to supply the means of a liberal education to all orders and denominations, without any distinction whatever.

Great importance is attached by the people of New South Wales to primary education, and ample provision has been made by the Legislature of the colony for the instruction of the young. There are many points of resemblance between the Public Schools Act of New South Wales and the bill introduced by Mr. Forster into the House of Commons in relation to the same subject. There is a Council of Education, consisting of five members, who are appointed by the Governor, with the advice of the executive council-their term of office lasting four years. The act entrusts to the council the expenditure of all moneys voted by the Colonial Parliament for elementary instruction. The council has authority to establish and maintain public schools; to grant aid to certified denominational schools; and, subject to certain provisions, to appoint and remove teachers or school inspectors; to frame regulations; to elect its own president; and to define the course of secular instruction, the training, examination, and classification of teachers, the examination of scholars, and the discipline to be enforced. Another important clause of the act is one which makes provision for schools to be taught by itinerant teachers, who move about among the scattered population of the interior. Such schools (termed half-time schools) may be established wherever twenty children of the legal age, residing within a radius of ten miles from a central point, can be collected in groups of not less than ten children in each. Under certain regulations, assistance is provided to schools in thinly populated districts. A school fee, generally of a shilling per week, is charged, a reduction being made where several children attend belonging to one family; but children whose parents are unable to pay the fees are taught gratuitously. The colonists of New South Wales seem to have settled the question-so much vexed with us at home-of secular and religious teaching in a very businesslike manner. Their act provides that "in every public school, four hours during each school-day shall be devoted to secular instruction exclusively, and of such four hours. two shall be in the morning and two in the afternoon; and a portion of each day-not less than one hour-shall be set apart when the children of any one religious persuasion may be instructed by the clergyman or other religious teacher of such persuasion; pro


vided that, in case of the non-attendance of
any clergyman or religious teacher during
any portion of the period hereby set apart
for religious instruction, such period shall
be devoted to the ordinary secular instruc-
tion in such school."

While upon the subject of education, we are pleased to find that our colonial brethren are by no means badly off in the matter of libraries. The Free Public Library, supported by Government, was opened on the last day of September, 1869. This collection contains about 16,000 volumes, many being of great value as works of reference; and new books in the various branches of literature are daily being added. Another large library is the Mechanics' School of Arts, under a management similar to that of the Free Library. The library consists of not fewer than 16,000 books, embracing standard works in every department of literature. The reading-room is spacious and comfortable, and contains the principal English, Scotch, Irish, foreign, and colonial newspapers, together with British, French, German, and American periodicals, and a large and valuable reference library.

We must not forget to mention one or two facts of interest relating to law and lawyers in this thriving young colony.

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The laws of New South Wales are substantially identical with our own; but there are a few variations of some importance, which may be worth noticing. is that the punishment of death is still The most material awarded for the crime of intent to murder. Another difference is the absence of a grand jury an improvement, by the bye, which many people are beginning to think might well be introduced into our own system of judicature. In New South Wales, the bills of indictment are found or ignored, as the case may be, by the Attorney-General. A third striking variation in the colonial laws, as compared with those of the old country, is that the landed property of a person dying intestate is divided in the same manner as personal estate, instead of passing in its entirety to the heir-at-law.

Of the lawyers themselves, we are told that the number of barristers on the roll of the Supreme Court resident in the colony is fifty-six, of whom four are Queen's Counsel. But of these, some are not practising. The number of Sydney attorneys in practice is one hundred and sixteen, and of country attorneys ninety-eight. There are twenty-two

[January 13, 1872.

notaries public, all of whom are attorneys. So that the people of Sydney have, on the whole, no dearth of legal advisers.

let the toga yield to arms for awhile-at But, to reverse the old Roman phrase, Wales, like the mother-country, has her deleast, in the present notes. New South fensive force of volunteers, although necessarily on a much more limited scale. The first volunteer corps, in the colony was formed in 1854, shortly after the receipt of the news of the outbreak of the Crimean War; but only partial success attended the effort. Very little was done to make the force attractive. With some of the peculiar parsimony common to Governments nearer home, the Government aid was limited to the issuing of arms and accoutrements of the inferior pattern of the period; the cost of the uniform and other expenses being borne by the members themselves; and this, too, after an invitation from the Government itself to the colonists to enrol themselves. It was not, therefore, until the year 1860 that the movement took any real hold upon public favour. Following the example of the mother-country, a number of the most rifle association upon the English model, influential people in Sydney established a which every year grows more triumphant; and the scheme was crowned with a success and our New South Wales riflemen are no mean shots. The first prize meeting, at for prizes, was held at Randwick, in Septemwhich no less than 500 volunteers competed ber, 1861. Since then, the practice of the rifle has been continued with enthusiastic zeal; "and," proudly adds the report, "our riflemen have attained a degree of excellence as shots which is not surpassed in any part of the world." And it cannot be denied that there is good reason for the boast. In nu"cracks" have been almost invariably sucmerous intercolonial contests, the Sydney cessful, both with the Government weapon and the small-bore. In the small-bore conthe value of £300, New South Wales won test with Victoria, for a challenge shield of conducted annually "home and home," on five times out of six, the contest having been condition that three matches should be won in succession to secure the prize.

To show that the colonists of New South fenceless against any modern invasion from Wales have not left themselves perfectly deat the numerical strength of their volunteer an unlooked-for quarter, we need only glance

force, which, in round numbers, is as follows: -Artillery (seven batteries), five hundred and thirty-five men. Rifles, reckoning Sydney and country corps together, about two thousand five hundred; besides two hundred and thirty-five men of the Naval Brigade. This last has a special organization, being a happy compromise between the militia and volunteer systems. It was established in May, 1863, and it has all along been a very favourite corps. The gunners receive retaining pay at the rate of a pound per month, and the officers proportionately higher rates, according to rank. The principle of its constitution has proved highly successful, as it has been the means of inducing a class of men to join who, from their avocations on the water and along shore, are the best suited for a semi-marine service.

The total amount voted by the Sydney Parliament for the volunteer force and naval brigade in 1870, was £11,966.

With these healthy facts before us, we think we may safely leave our New South Wales colonists to the development of their boundless natural resources; being well assured that for the present, at least, they are well able to take care of themselves against any ordinary aggressor.



N a recent issue of the "Westminster Review," a most interesting paper appears on a subject dear to all English hearts, namely the Pilgrim Fathers. Of the many people who delight to speak with interest and reverence of those grand old pioneers of British emigration to the West, few know who these redoubtable Pilgrim Fathers really were. When the Mayflower started from Plymouth, she had on board one hundred passengers, of whom forty were men and the rest women. When, after many dangers, they at length arrived in New England, eight of their number were chosen as the Government of the new communitythese eight men were the Pilgrim Fathers. First stands John Carver, unanimously elected governor, a man between fifty and sixty years of age-" a pious and approved gentleman as to character." This humbleminded and self-sacrificing leader only lived five months after landing. His wife, Elizabeth, died soon after. Then comes William Brewster, the ruling elder of this community,

and the oldest man in the company. He had mixed, in his earlier years, amongst Courts and Cabinets, and had suffered much persecution for the truth's sake. He was not regarded as a pastor, although he preached, "proverbially and profitably," twice every Sabbath. He is said to have had a singularly good gift in prayer; and, like a wise man, approved of short prayers in public, because, as he said, "the spirit and heart of all-especially the weak-could hardly continue, and so long stand bent, as it were, toward God as they ought to do in that duty, without flagging and falling off." Brewster died in 1644, at the age of eighty years. William Bradford was foremost among the younger men. He joined the Pilgrims when eighteen, and was chosen governor in Carver's place when only thirty years old. He could speak six languages, and was altogether a remarkable man, being described as the Washington of the colony. To his history and other written records we are indebted for much of the knowledge we possess concerning the "plantation " which he governed by common consent for eighteen years. Edward Winslow is another notable character. He was of gentle birth, and an accomplished scholar-the second richest man of the party, and the happy husband of a worthy wife. Although only twenty-five years of age, he had great influence over his compatriots. His sound judgment, pleasant address, and inflexible uprightness fitted him for the many diplomatic missions he successfully undertook. He died at sea, when in the service of Cromwell, at the age of sixty. His portrait-the only one extant of any Pilgrim-represents a polished Christian gentleman: no crop-haired Roundhead, or lean and sour-looking ascetic, but one who might well be what he was called, one "whose life was sweet, and conversation just." Isaac Allerton was a middleaged man, and the father of a family; the merchant of the company, and an extensive speculator in after-years. Then comes Miles Standish, of whom Longfellow has so worthily sung. This stout-hearted soldier was thirty-six years of age, and sprung from an old and distinguished family. There are stories of his having been heir to a large property wrongfully withheld from him. Though small in stature, he was mighty in battle, and by no means the weak Christian that many of his compatriots would have had him to be. Certainly, he was never

member of any Christian church. A sampler worked by his daughter is still one of the prized relics of Plymouth. He lived to be seventy-two, and was a tower of strength to the settlement. Samuel Fuller was a popular physician, as well as a godly man. Though he left his wife to follow him, he brought his cradle with him, and in it was rocked-on board the Mayflower-Peregrine White, the first infant Pilgrim. John Alden, the last of the list, is another of the Pilgrim Fathers who has been celebrated by the poet. Although only a cooper by occupation, his strong, sound sense, and many sterling qualities, made him a man of mark, and he often acted as assistant" to successive governors. Twenty-two when he arrived in New England, he remained there till his death, at the age of eighty-four. He married Priscilla Mullins, whose name has also been immortalized by romance: for she refused the hand of Captain Miles Standish, preferring the humbler attractions and more solid qualities of her younger ad


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THE PILGRIM MOTHERS are not so often in people's mouths, but of them also something may be said. At least eighteen of the men had wives with them, and many of them are prominently mentioned in the public records of the colony. Mary Brewster, Rose Standish, and Elizabeth Winslow are familiar figures in the gallery of New England worthies. Some of the girls, too, are distinguished by tradition; and all of them have left descendants by whom their memories are revered. Several lived to a great age, and length of years is still a peculiarity of life in these states. Elizabeth Howland died at eighty-one; Mary Cushman lived to be ninety, and resided seventy-nine years in the country; Mary Chilton was at least seventy when she died; and Constantia Hopkins was old.

AN ATTRACTIVE TITLE is the first recom

mendation of a Christmas story in our day; but authors do not seem always to have been so particular in studying the prejudices of their readers in this matter. Lady Craven -afterwards known as her Serene Highness Elizabeth, Margravine of Anspach-published, in 1799, a "Tale for Christmas" with the following mellifluous title:-" Modern Anecdotes of the Ancient Family of the Kinkvervankotsdarsprakengotchderns." One of the

papers of the day, in a notice of this attractively christened little work of fiction, said:"This tale, which is dedicated to the late Lord Orford (then Mr. Walpole), is told with much humour; the descriptions are particularly fine, and the moral tends to show that opposition produces both craft and fortitude."

A PARAGRAPH which appeared in the Times some short time ago is, I think, worthy of more permanent notice. It seems

that the French Minister of War has decided that in future white or dappled gray horses shall not be employed in military service, the experience of the late war having proved that animals of such colours offer an excel

lent mark for the enemy's artillery.

ANOTHER CURIOUS piece of information connected with white horses is, that during the siege of Paris they were condemned by the veterinary authorities as unsuited for human food, horses of this colour being regarded as lymphatic.

A LEADING PAPER makes a note of the death of a philanthropic cotton-spinner at Manchester. The obituary notice ends thus:-"He was liberal of his gifts to other local charities. Though he never took a prominent part in local affairs or in politics, he was for many years a most highly respected citizen. He only leaves a daughter to lament his loss." Sub-editors should be careful.

ERRATUM.-In "Buried Cities" (vol. viii., P. 572), the last line but one should be

And a man | surely cannot wish for more." Annapolis, the word it contains as it stands, is misspelt-one n is left out.

READY-MONEY MORTIBOY.—This Novel was commenced in No. 210, and can be obtained through all Booksellers, or by post, from the Office for four stamps (with the extra Supplement).

In the present Volume of ONCE A WEEK, a Cartoon, by Mr. F. WADDY, will appear Weekly.

Rejected MSS. will be returned to the authors on appliThe Editor will only be responsible for their being cation, if stamps for that purpose are sent. safely re-posted to the addresses given. Every MS. must have the name and address of the author legibly written on the first page.

The authors of the articles in ONCE A WEEK reserve to themselves the right of translation.

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Price 2d.

after-acquaintance might remove the dislike of first thoughts, a secret suspicion was always awakened in men's minds whenever the name of Alcide Lafleur was mentioned. Not in Dick's, it is true, because He was

NTHE THURSDAY Dick had not a sensitive nature.

morning, Dick Mortiboy went up to town to see the "partner" of whom he had told his father. "Meet me," he wrote to him, "at Euston, in time for the two o'clock train." At ten minutes before two there arrived on the platform of the terminus a thin, slightly built man, who began pacing up and down, and irritably glancing every moment at his watch.

He was about forty years of age. His closely shaven cheeks were sallow and pale, save in the part where a beard should have been, and this was of a blue-black. His hair-worn close and short-was black and straight. His features, at first sight, appeared to be delicately and clearly cut: looked at more closely, it seemed as if the lines, skilfully designed, had been roughly executed - much as an engraver spoils a drawing on the block. His eyes were small, bright, and set well back in the head. His lips were thin and mobile; and his chin was long, nearly straight, and very sharp. Now, persons with long straight chins are not unseldom remarkable for tenacity and obstinacy. What constitutes a look of cruelty? I cannot define it. But Mr. Richard Mortiboy's partner and friend had it, distinctly and unmistakably.

Looking at him for the first time, a sort of shudder ran through you; and though


one of that numerous tribe of mankind who are physically strong, and intellectually self-reliant and clear-sighted. It belongs to a timid nature to take fright at the sight of a stranger-to see intuitively a certain friend in one man, and a certain enemy in another: to open out, like a sensitive plant, in presence of the first; to shut up and shrink, as the plant folds up its leaves and bends back its branches recoiling, at the contact of the other.

M. Alcide Lafleur was irreproachably dressed, in a dark gray suit and black coat. His appearance proclaimed him a foreigner; but when he addressed one of the guards, his accent was perfectly pure, and his English that of a well-educated gentleman-English, say, a little better than that we hear in the drawing-rooms of London; such as an American of the highest class talks.

The train came in true to time, and among the first to step out was Dick Mortiboy. The partners shook hands, and walked out of the station, taking a Hansom which passed along the road.

"Never take a cab from a station," said Dick, with the air of a man who propounds a new maxim in philosophy, "unless you want all the world to know where you are going."

"Where are we going?" asked his companion.

"Anywhere you like, my dear Lafleur, provided we have a quiet place to ourselves, and a talk. I've got a devil of a lot to say."

Lafleur shouted to the cabman through the trap, and in a few minutes they were deposited on the pavement of Greek-street, Soho.

"A quiet house," said Lafleur, leading


NO. 212.

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