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volence, that was but weakness; and friendship, that was but credulity."

The following lines, from a well known fable, written by Garrick, seem to finish the character of this distinguished poet, with as much truth as he has here himself begun it.

"Come, Hermes, says Jove, who with nectar was mellow,

"Go fetch me some clay-I must make an odd fel


"Right and wrong shall be jumbled, much gold and some dross;

"Without cause be he pleas'd, without cause be he


"Be sure as I work to throw in contradiction;

"A great love of truth, yet a mind turned to fiction. "Now mix those ingredients, which, warm'd in the baking,

"Turn to learning and gaming, religion and raking. "Though a mixture so odd, he shall merit great


"And among brother mortals be Goldsmith his name *"

For events in Goldsmith's Life, see his comedy of "She Stoops to Conquer."




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An Apartment in Young HONEYWOOD's House.


Sir W. Good Jarvis, make no apologies for this honest bluntness. Fidelity, like yours, is the best excuse for every freedom.

Jarvis. I can't help being blunt, and being very angry too, when I hear you talk of disinheriting so good, so worthy a young gentleman as your nephew, my master. All the world loves him.

Sir W. Say, rather, that he loves all the world; that is his fault.

Jarvis, I'm sure there is no part of it more dear to him than you are, though he has not seen you since he was a child.

Sir W. What signifies his affection to me, or how can I be proud of a place in a heart, where every

sharper and coxcomb find an easy entrance? I have been now for some time a concealed spectator of his follies, and find them as boundless as his dissipation.

Jarvis. And yet, 'faith, he has some fine name or other for them all. He calls his extravagance, gene rosity; and his trusting every body, universal bene. volence. It was but last week, he went security for a fellow, whose face he scarce knew, and that he called an act of exalted mu-mu-munificence; ay, that was the name he gave it.

Sir W. And upon that I proceed, as my last effort, though with very little hopes to reclaim him. That very fellow has absconded, and I have taken up the security. Now, my intention is to involve him in fictitious distress, before he has plunged himself into real calamity. To arrest him for that very debt-to clap an officer upon him, and then let him see which of his friends will come to his relief.

Jarvis. Well, if I could but any way see him thoroughly vexed, every groan of his would be music to me; yet 'faith, I believe it impossible. I have tried to fret him myself every morning these three years; but, instead of being angry, he sits as calmly to hear me scold, as he does to his hair-dresser.

Sir W. We must try him once more, however Yet we must touch his weakness with a delicate hand. There are some faults so nearly allied to excellence, that we can scarce weed out the vice, without eradicating the virtue.


Jarvis. Well, go thy ways, Sir William Honeywood. It is not without reason that the world allows thee to be the best of men. But here comes his hopeful nephew; the strange, goodnatured, foolish, open hearted- -And yet, all his faults are such that one loves him still the better for them.


Mr. H. Well, Jarvis, what messages from my friends this morning?

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