페이지 이미지
[blocks in formation]

Clout, the white mark at which Complexion, humor.

Clinquant, glittering.

Clipt, embraced.

Complements, accomplishments.

Comply, to compliment.

Comptible, submissive.

archers shoot.

Clouted, hobnailed.

Coach-fellow, one who draws with Conceit, imagination, wit, idea.

a confederate.

Coasting, conciliatory.

Cob-loaf, a crusty, uneven loaf.
Cock, cock-boat.

Cock-and-pye, a vulgar oath.
Cock-shut time, twilight.
Cockle, a corn-weed.
Cockle-hat, a pilgrim's hat
Codding, amorous.
Codling, an unripe apple.
Codpiece, a part of the dress.
Coffin, the cavity of a raised pie.
Cog, to cheat with dice, to lie.
Cogging, lying.

Cognizance, badge or token.

Coigne of vantage, convenient


Coignes, corners.

Conceited, ingenious.

Concent, connected harmony.
Conclusions, experiments.
Concupy, concupiscence.
Condolement, sorrow.
Conduct, conductor.
Coney-catched, tricked.
Coney-catcher, a cheat.
Confession, profession.

Confineless, boundless.
Confound, to destroy.
Conject, conjecture.
Consent, will, conspiracy.
Consider, reward.
Consigned, sealed.
Consist, stand.
Consort, company.
Conspectuity, sight.

Coil, bustle, stir.

Cold, naked.

Collection, consequence, or co- Contemptible, contemptuous.


Collied, black, smutted.

Constancy, consistency.

Constantly, certainly.

Continuate, uninterrupted.

Continue, to spend.

Continent, containing.

Contraction, marriage-contract.

Colt, to trick.

Co-mart, a joint bargain.
Combinate, betrothed.
Come of, to pay.

Come of will, to succeed.

Co-meddled, mingled.
Comfort, to aid.

Comforting, abetting.

Comma, connection.

Commission, authority.

Committed, lain with.

Contrarious, different.

Contrary, to contradict.

Contrive, to spend, to wear out.

Control, confute.

Convents, agrees, is convenient.

Convented, summoned.

Conversion, change of condition.

Converse, associate, interchange.
Convertite, a convert.
Convey, to steal.

Conveyance, slight of hand, theft.
Conveyers, thieves.

Commend, commit.

Commodity, self-interest.

Commonty, a comedy.

Compact, made up of.

Conveyed himself, derived his title.

Companies, companions.

Convicted, overpowered, baffled.

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Convince, to convict, to subdue.
Convive, to feast.

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Copatain hat, a hat with a conical


[blocks in formation]

or apples.

[blocks in formation]

Crow-keeper, a scarecrow.

Coster-monger, a dealer in costers Crownet, last purpose.

Cote, to overtake.

Coted, quoted, regarded.

Cotsale, Cotswood in Gloucest.

Couch, to lie with.

Count, to reckon upon.

Countenance, favor; also, false
appearance, hypocrisy.
Counter, a hunting term.
Counter-caster, one who reckons
with counters.

Counter-check, a term in chess.
Counterfeit, a portrait.
Counterpoints, counterpanes.
County, count, earl.
Couplement, a couple.

Courses, the mainsail and foresail.
Court-cupboard, sideboard.
Court confect, a spurious nobleman.
Court holy-water, flattery.
Covered, hollow.
Cowed, awed.

Cower, to sink down.

Cowlstaff, a staff used in carrying
a basket.

Coy, to soothe.

Coyed, yielded reluctantly.
Coystril, a coward cock, a poltroon.
Cozier, a tailor, a botcher.
Crack, dissolution; also, a boy-

Cranks, windings.

Crulentious, cruel.

Crusado, a Portuguese coin.
Crush, to drink.

Crush a cup, to crack a bottle.
Cry, a pack of hounds.
Cry aim, to encourage.
Crystals, the eyes.
Cub-drawn, alluding to
a bear
whose dugs are dry.
Cue, a theatrical term, the last
word of the preceding speech.
Cuisses, armour for the thighs.
Cullion, a paltry fellow.
Cunning, knowledge.
Curb, to bend or truckle.
Curiosity, curiousness, finical de-
Curious, scrupulous.
Curled, ostentatiously dressed.
Currents, occurrences.

Cursed, under the influence of a

Curst, petulant, ill-tempered,
crabbed, harsh.
Curstness, ill-humor.
Curtail, a little cur.
Curtal, a docked horse.
Curtle-axe, a cutlass, broad-sword.
Customer, a strumpet.
Cut, a horse.

Cut and longtail, poor and rich.
Cuttle, a knife used by sharpers.

Cranking, or crankling, the rush Cyprus, a transparent stuff.

of a river.

Crants, garlands.

Crare, a small trading vessel.

Crash, to be merry over.

Craven, a cowardly cock, mean,

Create, compounded, made up of.
Credent, credible.

Credit, account, information, cre-

Cressets, lights set upon a beacon.
Cressive, increasing.


Daff, or doff, to put off.
Dally, to trifle.
Damn, to condemn.
Danger, control.
Dank, wet, rotten.

Danskers, natives of Denmark.
Darkling, in the dark.
Darraign, to arrange.
Daub, to disguise.

Daubery, falsehood, counterfeit.

Day-bed, a couch.

Day-light, broad day.
Day-woman, dairymaid.
Dealt, fought by proxy.

Dear, immediate, consequential.
Dearn, direful, lonely, solitary.
Death-tokens, spots on those in-
fected with the plague.
Death's-man, executioner.
Debitor, debtor.

Deboshed, debauched.

Decay, poverty, misfortunes.
Deck of cards, a pack.
Decked, sprinkled.

Decline, to run through (as in
grammar) from first to last.

Declined, the fallen.

Deem, opinion, surmise.

Deer, animals in general.
Default (in the), at a need.
Defeat, to free, to disembarrass.

Defeature, alteration of features.
Defence, art of fencing.
Defend, to forbid.

Deftly, adroitly, dexterously.

Defy, to reject.

Degrees, steps.

Delay, to let slip.

Demerits, merits.

Demurely, solemnly.

Denay, denial.

Denayed, denied.
Denier, a coin.

Denude, to strip, divest.
Deny, to refuse.
Depart, to part.
Departing, separation.
Depend, to be in service.
Deprive, to disinherit.
Deracinate, to root up.

Derogate, degraded.

[blocks in formation]

Done, expended, consumed.

Descant, to harangue upon; also, Done upon the gad, suddenly.

a term in music.

[blocks in formation]

Diffused, wild, irregular.

Dotant, dotard.

Double, full of duplicity.

Double vouchers, a law term.

Doubt, to fear.

Dout, to do out, extinguish.

Dowle, a feather.

Down-gyved, hanging down, like

what confines the fetters round
the ancles.

Draught, the jakes.

Digress, to deviate from what is Draw, to withdraw.

[blocks in formation]

Drawn, embowelled.

Drawn fox, one which is trailed

over the ground, to deceive

the hounds.

Drachmas, a Greek coin.
Dressings, appearances of virtue.
Drew, assembled.

Drive, to fly with impetuosity.
Drollery, a puppet-shew.
Drugs, drudges.
Drumble, to act lazily.
Ducdame (duc ad me), bring him
to me, the burthen of a song.
Dudgeon, the handle of a dagger.
Due, to endue, to deck.
Dullard, a stupid person.
Dump, a mournful elegy.
Dup, to do up, to lift up.
Dull, gentle soothing.
Dumb, to make silent.

Duke, a leader.

Ensconce, to secure in a safe
place, to fortify.

Enseamed, greasy.
Enseer, to dry up.
Enshield, concealed.
Ensteeped, immersed.
Entertainment, pay; also, being

received into service.
Entreatments, favors; also, ob-
jects of entreaty.
Envy, aversion, malice.
Enviously, angrily.
Ephesian, a cant term.
Erring, errant, wandering.
Escape, illegitimate child.
Escoted, paid.

Esil, or eisil, a river.

Durance, some lasting kind of stuff. Esperance, motto of the Percy


Eager (from aigre, Fr.), sour, harsh. Essential, existent, real.


Espials, spies.

Eanlings, lambs.

Estimate, price.

Ear, to plough.

Eche, to eke out.

Ear-kissing, whispering

Easy, slight, inconsiderable.

Ecstasy, madness.

Estimation, conjecture.

Estridges, ostriches.

Eterne, eternal.

Even, to make even, or evident.
Even christian, fellow-christian.

Effects, affections; also actions, Evils, jakes.

[blocks in formation]

Examined, doubted.

Excellent differences, distinguish-
ed excellencies.
Excrement, the beard.
Execute, to use or employ.
Executors, executioners.
Exercise, exhortation.
Exhale, to breathe one's last.
Exhaust, to draw forth.
Exhibition, allowance.
Exigent, end, exigency.
Exorcism, the raising of spirits.
Expect, expectation.
Expedience, expedition.
Expedient, expeditious.

Expediently, expeditiously.

Expostulate, to discuss.

Exsufflicate, bubble-like.
Extend, to seize.

Extent, violence, seizure.
Extern, external.
Extremity, calamity.
Expiate, to end.
Exposture, exposure.
Express, to reveal.
Expulsed, expelled.
Extracting, distracting.
Extravagant, wandering.
Eyas musket, a young hawk.

[blocks in formation]

Fell, skin.

[blocks in formation]

Fives, a distemper in horses.
Fixure, position.

Flap-dragon, inflammable stuff
swallowed by topers.
Flap-jack, a pancake.
Flaw, a sudden gust of wind.
Flecked, spotted, streaked.
Fleet, for float.

Fleshment, performance.
Flewed, deep-mouthed.
Flibbertigibbet, a fiend.
Flickering, fluttering.
Flight, a sort of shooting.
Flote, a wave.

Flourish, to ornament; also, to

Flout, to wave in mockery.
Flush, mature.

Foeman, an enemy in war.

Fell of hair, capilitium, any part Foin, to thrust in fencing.

covered with hair.

Fell-feats, savage actions.

Fence, the art of self-defence.

Foizon, plenty.

Folly, depravity.

Fond, foolish.

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