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mittee in Commons (on bill), 790. 824.
827. 828; (as to adjournments), 828;
(as to witnesses), 825-6; (special re-
ports), 826; of committee in the Lords,
847. 854. 858. 862; reports as to costs,
820, et seq.; and in the case of Pro-
visional Order bills, 892-4; reports from
public departments regarding a private
bill, to be referred to committee, 791.850,

See also Private Bills; Resolutions.
Reporters' Galleries; Lords' and Com-
mons', dates of, 73, n. See also Debates ;


Representative Peers of Ireland.
Representative Peers of Scotland. See

Reprimand. See Speaker, III.
Reserved Speech; in debate, 321.
Resolutions; duration of, 148; obser-
vance of, ib.; are questions resolved in
the affirmative, 288; rescinded, 300;
notice required, 301; or modified by
other resolutions, 301; procedure on, in
committee of the whole house, 384;
notice of, not needed, 383; cannot be
postponed, 368; considered by select
committees, 461; communicated at con-
ferences, 437; laid before the sovereign,
456; before members of the royal family,
ib.; bills ordered upon, 463. 629;
amendments to question for second read-
ing of bills in the form of resolutions,
472; abstract resolutions regarding ex-
penditure, 572. See also Reports.
Restitution Bills; originate with the
Lords, 460. 862; King's consent signi-
fied before first reading in Commons,
460. 862.

Restoration (1660); Parliament met,
and chose Speaker of its own authority,
39. 158.
Return of Members, Proof of; book
delivered by Clerk of the Crown to
Clerk of the House of Commons, 150;
names of members read from, on call
of the house, 181; certificate of returns
after a general election, 169; delay
therein, 169, n., 170.

Returning Officers; how far disqualified

for election, 30; hold elections, 35;
casting vote of, 653.
Returns. See Accounts and Papers;
Elections, Controverted; Unopposed
Returns; Writs for New Members.
Revenue Departments; estimates for,

Officers and elective

franchise, 27.
Revising Barristers, 27.

Revival of Committees; select, 414;
of the whole house, 264; of supply,
611; on private bills, in Commons, 828.
Revolution of 1688; effect of, on the
Constitution, 2. 4; Parliament met, and
chose Speaker of its own authority, 39.
158; freedom of speech confirmed at,
99; practice of petitioning respecting
public measures introduced after, 528;
no taxes by prerogative since, 587.
Rex v. Merceron; cited, 130.
Rex v. Wright; cited, 101.
Richard II.; petition to, respecting the
annual holding of Parliament, 40.
Rochdale Election; alleged tampering
with witness, 87; debate whether ac-
cused party is bound to criminate him-
self, ib.

Rolls of Parliament; 202, n., 515.
Roman Catholic Clergy; excluded
from sitting in Parliament, 31.
Roman Catholic Faith; a disability
for holding Crown, 4; declaration
against, by sovereign, 5.

Roman Catholics; oaths formerly taken
by, 160; now the same oath for all
members, ib.

Roman Senate; forms of putting ques-
tions in, 297, n.

Rothschild, Baron de; case of, 162;
committee respecting his contracting
for government loans, 32; chosen of a
committee and conference prior to
taking oath, 169; certificate of Clerk of
Crown being first read, 170.

Royal Assent to Bills; the final stage,
510; bills passed cannot be withheld
from, ib.; custody of bills prior to, ib.;
session not concluded by, 511, n.; given
by commission, 511; forms of commis-
sion for declaring the, prescribed by
Order in Council, 511, n.; form of giving
assent, 512; of refusing, 513; given by
the sovereign in person, 514; to civil
list bills, ib.; in the sovereign's absence
from the realm, 515; assent to appro-
priation bills, 513. 596; informalities
in, 520.

Royal Commissions; questions to
members of, 249; report of, held to be
a parliamentary paper, 102, n.; irregular
publication of reports, 416, n.; address
for appointment with power to take
evidence on oath, 454, n.

Royal Family; peer of, takes oath in

House of Lords, singly, 153; adjourn-
ment of the Commons on funerals of,
187; messages for provision for, 446;
condolence by Parliament on death of,
454; messages to, 456; communica-
tions from, ib.

Royal Household; addresses presented

by members of, 175. 176. 453.
Royal Order; supply grants, 545. 591.
Royal Pleasure; signified, 447; an-
swered, 451.

Royal Titles Act, 6.

Running Powers; in tramway bills,
800; locus standi, against (railway
bills), 764, 774.

Sadleir, Mr. James; expelled the house,
having fled from justice, 58.

St. Paul's Cathedral; attendance of
both houses at, 186.
Salmon Fisheries; provisional orders,

Salomons, Alderman; proceedings in
regard to his taking the oaths, 162.
Saturday; usual hour of meeting on,
213; no interruption of business or
adjournment under standing order, 227;
appointment of sitting on, 265; special
arrangements respecting, 267; as to
committees sitting on, 413. 828-9, n.,

Savings Banks; bills relating to, when
founded on resolutions of committees,

Schedules to Bills; proceedings on,
490; accidentally omitted from private
bill on presentation, 723, n.; scheduled
agreements (private bills), 792. 850.
Scotland; obligation of the sovereign to
maintain the Presbyterian Church in, 5;
peers of, represented in Parliament, 10;
their privileges, 10. 110. 670; order of
Scottish peerage, 10; when a representa-
tive peer becomes peer of Great Britain,
11; Scottish peers and judges ineligible
to House of Commons, 30; representa-
tive peers must be of full age, 12; judi-
cature of Lords over seats of, 50; certi-
ficate of election from Clerk of Crown,
152; number of representatives for, 24;
elective franchise of, 26; Scotch judges,
places for, in House of Lords, 198, n.;
Scotch estate bills, 857. 896; Scotch
provisional order bills, 883-6. 889. See
also Private Legislation Procedure
(Scotland) Act; Secretary for Scotland.
Sea Fisheries (Scotland) provisional
orders, 885.

Seats of Members in the House. See Places.
Second Reading; of public bills, 470;
of private bills (in the Commons), 729;
(in the Lords), 846. 861; of provisional
order bills, 892; of confirming bills
under the Private Legislation Procedure
(Scotland) Act, 905-7.

Second Speech; when permitted, 321.
Secret Committees, 410.

Secretaries of State, &c.; vacation of
seats, on appointment, 640; not on
transfer between offices, 645; or on re-
sumption of office prior to appointment
of successor, 646; number of, in House
of Commons limited, 647; case of five
under secretaries inadvertently sitting,
647; under secretaries do not vacate
their seats, 646.

Secretary for Scotland; powers and
duties under the Private Legislation
Procedure (Scotland) Act, 690. 883.
895, et seq.; in the framing of the
"general orders" regulating proceed-
ings under the Act, 896; petition to,
for a provisional order under the Act,
895, 897; duties of, on the application
for an order, 897-900; report to, of the
two chairmen (Lords and Commons),
regarding proposed orders, 898; takes
proposed orders into consideration, 900;
may direct an inquiry to be held on
order, 901; duties of, in the appoint-
ment of commissioners to hold inquiries,
901-2; refusal to issue an order, 903;
issues order, with or without modifi-
cations, 903-4; determines in which
house the confirming bill is first intro-
duced, 904, n.

Provisional orders made by, under
other Acts, 883. 895. 905, n.; and the
procedure thereon, ib.

Seditious Libels; a breach of privilege,



Select Committees. See
Selection, Committee of, (Commons);
a sessional committee, 745; constitution
of, ib.

Duties of, in classifying private bills
for consideration by committee, 745;
in regard to the committee on unopposed
bills, 746. 747; and in appointing ordi-
nary committees on opposed private or
provisional order bills, 745. 746. 892;
other duties in regard to private bill
committees, 747-9.

Duties of, in nomination of special
committees on private bills, 749-752.
805; of committees on hybrid bills,
469; of the standing committees, 393-4;
of the parliamentary panel, or of a
joint committee, under the Private
Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act,
901. 906; and of other committees,

Selection, Committee of, (Lords), 846.

Separatists. See Quakers, &c.
Septennial Act (1 Geo. I. c. 38); re-
ferred to, 47.

Serjeant-at-Arms; (Lords), his duties,
199; (Commons), supported by the
house in execution of their orders, 64.
66; assistance of the civil power, ib.;
power to break open outer doors, 67;
may not occupy the premises, 68;
returns made by, to writs of habeas
corpus, 69; made arrests under authority
of mace, 71; arrests persons under
orders of the house, ib.; persons com-
mitted to his custody, 93; appointed by
Crown, 204; his duties, ib.; assisted
by a deputy, 205; duties respecting
strangers, 206; in maintaining order in
the lobby, 205; enforces Speaker's orders
with regard to members, 343; duty at
divisions, 356; arrests a disorderly mem-
ber, 347; gives notice of prayers to
select committees, 413; enforces the
attendance of witnesses, 425; attends
Lords with witnesses in custody, 427;
witnesses prevaricating, committed to
75; stands with mace at the bar on ex-
amination of witnesses in custody, 433;
introduces peers, judges, &c., on exami-
nation at the bar, ib.; sheriffs of Lon-
don presenting petitions, 529; and com-
moners impeached, 665.

Serjeants-at-Law; formerly part of the
consilium regis, 198, n.

Servants of Members; formerly privi-
leged from arrest, 59, n., 104. 108.
Session; question when decided on, not
to be offered again in the same session,
300; not concluded by royal assent to
bills, 511, n.; public bill suspended till
following session, 309, n.; proceedings
on private bills suspended and resumed
in another session, 837-8.
Sessional Committees; Lords, 402;
Commons, 405.

Sessional Orders; their nature and du-
ration, 148. 168. Appendix I.; debate
on making, standing orders, 317; re-
lating to private and provisional order
bills in the Lords, 845. 856. 857. 891.
Settlement, Act of; disables a Roman
Catholic from holding the Crown, 5;
declares that pardon is not pleadable in
bar of impeachment, 667.

Sewage Works; standing orders (pri-
vate bills) relating to, 802. 851.
Seymour, Sir Ed. (Speaker); seized
Mr. Serjeant Pemberton, 87; royal
approbation of, refused, 158.
Shareholders; locus standi of, 778-9;
dissentient, standing orders respecting,
700. 779. 842-4. 848. See also
Preference Shares.

Sheriffs; how far disqualified for elec-
tion, 30; hold elections in pursuance of


King's writ, 35; ordered to assist Ser-
jeant in executing a warrant, 66.
Shire-Gemót; its character, 14.
Shirley, Sir T.; case of, 106.
Shorthand Writer (Parliament);
appointment and duties of, 199; at-
tendance at the bar, 200; at select
committees, 414; not to give evidence
elsewhere without leave, 431; their first
employment by Parliament, 414, n.;
report evidence and judgment upon
trials of election petitions, 655, n.
Short Title of a Bill; amended, 491.

Sign-manual; messages under the royal,

Sittings of the House. See Adjournment
of the House; Meeting of a New Parlia-
ment; Two o'clock Sittings; Quorum ;
Saturday; Wednesday Sittings.
Sodor and Man, Bishop of; has no
seat in Parliament, 7, n.
Soldiers in Uniform;
strangers' gallery, 207.
Solicitor-General; part of the consilium
regis, 198.

admitted to

Solicitors; privileged when attending
the house, 125; appearing before private
bill committees, 807.

South Sea Company; prorogation for
introduction of new bills, 308; evidence
on oath taken by committee on (1720),
430, n.
Sovereign; debate on conduct of, on
motion, 278; rule applies to represen-
tatives of the sovereign, ib.; reflection
not to be cast on, by a question, 248.
250; or in debate, 332.

I. Of the House of Lords.-The lord
chancellor, or lord keeper, 43. 189;
prorogues Parliament by royal com-
mand, 43; duties of, 190; not neces-
sarily a peer, 189; when great seal in
commission, ib.; on meeting of new
Parliament, 149, et seq.; takes the oath,
152; signifies approval of Commons'
Speaker, 156; reads the royal speech
to the house, 174; sits on the woolsack,
177; has written to desire the attend-
ance of peers, 180; obligation to attend,
189, n.; deputy Speakers, 190; Speaker
pro tempore, ib.; his place when he ad-
dresses the house, 191, n. ; attended by
Serjeant-at-arms with mace, 199.

Prorogues Parliament, 208; omits ob-
jectionable words from motion, 279; pro-
poses questions, ib.; puts the question,
effect of his limited authority
upon the conduct of debates, 311. 323.


349; has, by courtesy, precedence in
speaking, 311; appoints tellers on a
division, 358; votes from woolsack, 359;
writes to desire the attendance of peers
and peeresses as witnesses, 424; reads
messages from the Crown, 446; presents
joint address of both houses to the
sovereign, 455; reports answer
addresses, ib.; has notice when a com-
mission for royal assent to bills is
wanted, 481.

II. Of the House of Commons.—


1. Generally.-Earliest mention of the
office, 20, and n.; his rank, 195; words
of, taken down, 337.

2. Choice of Speaker.-Chosen by
Commons at desire of Crown, 150. 447;
election of Speaker, 154; vacancy
during session, 157; retirement of, 156;
member who has not taken the oaths
and seat cannot be proposed as, 157, n. ;
royal approbation of, 156; refused,
158; elected without, 157; duration of
office, 156; after a dissolution, 195.

3. His Duties and Authority.-Peti-
tions for Commons' privileges, 59. 156;
power of committal, 87; libels on, 81;
admonishes or reprimands culprits, 93;
entry of his words, 191, n.; his duties
at the opening of a new Parliament,
159; calls on members to take the
oath, ib.; takes the oath, ib.; has read
prayers, ib., n.; waits in Clerk's chair
till approach of Black Rod, 172; goes
up with Commons to hear the royal
speech, ib.; reads it to house, 174; his
speech on presenting a money bill,

Summary of the Speaker's duties,
191-195; fixes hour of meeting of
house, 212; his duty at interruption of
business, &c., 214; regarding closure,
218; his duties at commencement of
public business, 255; duty regarding a
quorum, 229; no printed question to,
247; duty regarding questions to mem-
bers, ib.; notices of motions, 243;
regarding a motion for a charge, 559;
power to adjourn house or suspend sit-
ting in case of disorder, 194.

Appointment and duties of the deputy
Speaker, 195; Speaker can request
chairman of ways and means or deputy
chairman to take the chair, 197; re-
sumes the chair, 197.

Peruses votes of the house, 201; his
duties at prorogation, 208; calls mem-
bers to bring up bills, 466; to bring
up papers, 540; authorizes delivery of
papers to members, 542; demands


judgment on impeachments, 666; di-
rects arrest of offenders, 71. 87; issues
warrants, 191; orders disorderly mem-
bers to withdraw from the precincts,
350; libels on, 81; debates on conduct
of, 277. 293. 332; words of, entered on
the journal, 94. 191, n.

Questions.-Formerly framed by him,
279; proposed by him, 280; takes
pleasure of house on withdrawal of
motions, 280; puts question, 286. 311;
permitted to do so sitting, 286, n.;
ruling by, that a member's voice deter-
mines his vote, 287; states amend-
ments to questions, 290; calls attention
when the same question is twice offered,

Debates. Addressed by members,
310; calls upon members to speak,
311; powers with regard to irrelevance
and repetition in debate, 316; his duty
regarding words taken down, 337; the
suspension of members, 340; the order
directing disorderly members to with-
draw, 350; disorder in the lobbies, 348;
maintains order in debate, 344; his
authority, 349; refers doubtful cases to
the judgment of the house, ib.; is always
to be heard, 350.

Divisions. Enforces rule that mem-
bers voting must be present when ques-
tion put, 354; orders strangers to with-
draw, 356; puts the question, 356;
again states the question, 358; division
on an amendment, 358; directs the
division, 361; appoints tellers, ib.; de-
clares the numbers, 362; his casting
voice, 364; assigns reasons, ib.; pre-
cedents, ib.; rulings regarding per-
sonal interest in a vote, 373; overrules
objections to votes, 374; procedure on
divisions frivolously claimed, 370.

Committees of the whole House.-In
committee entitled to speak and vote,
368; cases, ib.; leaves the chair, upon
house going into committee, 380; after
midnight, 223.

Resumes the Chair.-To put the
question on election of chairman, 603;
on disorder in committee, 386; on sum-
mons by Black Rod, 388; when quorum
is not present in committee, 231.

Witnesses.-Issues warrants for at-
tendance of witnesses in custody, 425;
authorizes, in the recess, attendance of
officers of the house at trials, 432;
examines witnesses and prisoners at
the bar, 432.

Messages and Addresses, &c.-Reads
written messages from the Crown, 446;


presents addresses to sovereign, 455;
mode of approach to palace, ib.; pre-
sentation of addresses, ib.; reports
answers, ib.; communications from
royal family to him, by letter, 456.

Elections and Writs.-Duties of, re-
garding the issue of new writs, 54, 631;
during recess, 636; form of certificates
to authorize him to issue warrant for
new writ during recess, App. V.

Private Business.-Authority of, over
parliamentary agents, 709. 710. 711.
913; calls on Clerk to read appointed
private business, 235; rulings of (as
to what may be deemed private busi-
ness), 714, n., 738. 739; (as to a
bill being brought in as public or as
private), 675. 682. 684; (as to irre-
gularity in introduction of bill), 675, n.,
728, n.; (as to the grounds on which
private bill may be opposed on second
reading), 730, n.; (as to excessive
amendments made by a committee),
492. 830, n.; rulings as to instructions
on private bills, 731, et seq.; rules in-
structions out of order (as dealing with
general policy), 737-9; (as outside scope
of bill), 739-742; (on other grounds),
731, n., 743; memorandum as to
government departments before private
bill committees, 815-7, n.; duties of,
as to amendments on consideration of
bill, 833-4; and Lords amendments,
836; powers of, regarding taxation of
costs, 914. 915.

Speaker's Counsel. See Counsel to Mr.

Special Reports. See Examiners ;


Speech from the Throne; at opening
of session, 42. 171. 545; at a proroga-
tion, 208.

Spiritual Lords. See Bishops.
Stamp Duties, imposition of, in private
bills, 561.

Standing Committees : · Commons:
appointment of, 393; constitution of,
ib.; quorum, 394; rules, ib.; appoint-
ment of chairman, ib.; vote of chairman
in, ib.; sitting of, during sitting of house,
ib.; procedure in, 395; divisions in, ib.;
duties of, regarding bills, 395; motions
not to proceed further with bills in, 397;
authority of chairman in, 396; no appeal
from chairman to the Speaker, 397;
procedure on bills reported, 398. Lords:
appointment of, ib.; appointment of
chairman, ib.; constitution and proce-
dure, ib.; quorum, ib.; procedure on
bill reported, 399.

Standing Orders; character of, 147;
authorized collections of, published, 148;
suspension of, ib.; suspended, Lords, in
respect of bills, 517.

Standing Orders relative to Private
Bills; in both Houses, 148. 692. 695, n.;
compliance with, to be proved before
the Examiners, 694. 696. 723-5. 729.841,
et seq., 891; orders to be observed by
committees on private bills (Commons),
790, et seq., 823; (Lords), 850, et seq.;
orders relating to locus standi (Com-
mons), 761, et seq.; (Lords), 848; stand-
ing orders dispensed with, 711. 721;
suspended, 837. 722; amended, 695, n.,
714. See also Private Bills.
Standing Orders Committee; In the
Commons: constitution and duties, 716;
Examiners' reports of non-compliance,
referred to committee, 696. 716. 726;
proceedings of, 717, et seq.; parties not
usually heard by, 717; report that
standing orders should or should not be
dispensed with, 718. 719; subject parties
to conditions, 718; compliance with
committee's conditions, how proved, 718.
792, n.; reports of, referred back to
committee by the house, 719. 720;
special reports of Examiners referred to
committee, 716. 894, n.; and petitions
for dispensing with orders, 721; and
proposed clauses on consideration of bill,
834; other matters referred to com-
mittee, 699. 721. 726. 728. 798, n.;
chairman of, 745.

In the Lords: Constitution and
duties, 841. 696; proceedings of, on cer-
tificates, and special reports, from Ex-
aminers, 841; parties heard before, 842.
Statement of Proofs. See Proofs.
Statutes; abusive mention of, 332; how
enacted, 458. See also Bills.

Steam vessels; standing order (private
bills) as to power of railways to acquire,
795. 852; locus standi of steamship
owners, 767, 774.
Stockdale v. Hansard; case referred
to, 102. 136. 141.


Strangers; taken into custody for mis-
conduct, 71; regulations of admission,
205; standing order respecting with-
drawal of, 207; order to withdraw not
applied to ladies' gallery, ib.; presence
of strangers during divisions, 355;
soldiers in uniform, 207; in select com-
mittees of the Lords, 408; of the Com-
mons, ib.; in private bill committees,
806. See also Closed Doors.
Strode's Case; referred to, 97.99.
Sub-Committees; Lords, 398.
Subpoenas; privilege regarding, 114.

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