
suffice you to know that from first to last, from larboard to starboard, I inspired universal curiosity, and was a subject of general conversation. Bell soon learned the secret of this astonishing sensation, caused by the name of the Princess Miriam among the list of passengers first, and afterward, because, according to the habits and usages of Egypt, it was an unheard-of thing, incredible and extraordinary, that my highness, seventeen years of age, should go thus without a veil, or habarah, a shrouding robe, and without guardians of the harem.

My father, Martha, is young and elegant. He is barely thirty-nine years old. Tall, slender, very graceful, with deep, dark, proud eyes, a chiseled nose, and of a pale complexion. What more can I tell you? You already recognize the portrait of his daughter-in beauty.

He bowed to Bell with the loveliest smile, thanking her in some graceful sentences, and in very easy French, for having been willing to accompany me to Egypt and continue her charge of me; after that he led me to my cabin, where my women were awaiting me. I could not disembark nor show myself clothed as a European. My harem-life had begun. One could not oppose my father. His air, his bearing, and his tone, a nameless something about him, command at the same time respect and submission. I obeyed without uttering a word. At the door of my cabin, negroes mounted guard. I entered, and found myself in the presence of two phantoms hidden under their habarahs—a sort of black silk bag or sack which conceals their heads, hands, and bodies—through two holes their eyes shine like glowing charcoal. A little later I went out exactly like these phantoms, except that I wore a white habarah and a heavy lace veil.

The seventh day rose. From daylight until evening we were in sight of Alexandria. It was very rough, but we were on deck by day-dawn. Bell that morning had no need to rouse me. Leaning against the side of the vessel, I gazed upon the muddy stream, upon which floated a crowd of white vessels. We advanced slowly. Some small boats left the bank and came to meet us. All around us the passengers, lorgnette in hand, eagerly sought to find their friends and relations. It was a joyous moment for them all. I sadly remembered that the ruin was the cause of my return, and that I was about to fall into the midst of misfortune. I repressed my tears, holding tightly to Bell's arm as if I were clinging Bell was all black. I laughed as I went to her protection as the only love left me. A stumbling in my drapery, and had to walk with half hour flew thus. Trembling and anxious I the greatest care to prevent my falling down. I thought of you. The vessel stopped and an an- looked in vain for my father, the Koran forbidchor was thrown out, while the little boats crowd- ding any Mussulman to go about with a woman. ed like a flock of birds around our ship and ex- I was alone with my attendants. We took our changed signals. There was no one for me to places in a superb boat, hidden under awnings. recognize. The boatmen, clothed in a long blue On landing, a carriage was awaiting us. I enrobe, their heads covered by turbans (or takies), tered it, followed by Bella, and my attendants in with their guttural voices uttering a strange dia- front. Think how it all must have interested lect, seemed to be heard by me for the first time. me. The costume of the raïs (runners) appeared I entered my native land as a stranger. Yet charming to me. A vest embroidered in gold, under this warm light these types, these cos- with long sleeves of gauze floating like wings. tumes, this butterfly assortment of colors, this The black men mounted horses richly capariuproar and busy life-what can I say of it? soned, and rode one at each door, the blinds of My curiosity so carried me away that I forgot which had been carefully lowered by my women everything I looked only. A very large boat in waiting. Two of the men rode in front of the with a canopy, rowed by twelve oarsmen, soon ab- carriage, and two in the rear closed the processorbed my attention. At its approach the others sion-a veritable cortège. made way. It came toward the ship leaving a light track upon the water, its twelve oars falling in measured cadence, its curtains flying in the breeze. At the back a man was seated, his head erect and haughty, his arms crossed upon his breast; he was doubtless some grand personage. When the boat reached us he rose and ascended the ladder to the deck, where the captain received him with uncovered head. What was my surprise when both came toward me! When they reached me the captain introduced me. Martha ! This individual, to whom every one paid homage, was my father! He opened his arms, and I threw myself into them.

Then, my dear, a strange thing occurred. You know how I always have jested myself about my title of princess. But this apparel, these attendants, this respect, so confused me that, rather serious under the gaze of my people, and as though they could see my features under my veil, it seemed to me as if I grew suddenly greater. Laugh at me, my beauty. I was intimidated by my own rank. I was silent, absorbed in this new rôle, dazzled and charmed. The thought of my father transported me, and I loved him already. I also already love this country which is his.

The carriage stopped at the station, where all

were busy. They led us through a road forbidden to people generally, to a car which had been secured for us. The negroes locked us in, and staid outside themselves. Picture to yourself an Arab saloon-divans, carpets, little tables incrusted with mother-of-pearl, and golden curtains before the windows of extraordinary tenuity, like the gauzy film of a fly's wing. It was impossible for any one outside to see within, but from the interior it was very easy to look through this diaphanous curtain. I soon perceived my father gazing on my padlocked prison. I attempted to spring toward him, but the expression of my women proved that I should be guilty of great folly. The princess would forget herself. The journey seemed interminably long to me. At each station our jailers showed themselves, bring ing fruits, flowers, and fresh water, and keeping guard at the door. At Cairo the same escort as at Alexandria, horses and carriages so exactly resembling each other that it seemed as if they had been brought along with us.

You expect, doubtless, that I will describe Cairo, but such a reader as you are has already devoured, since my departure, all that has been written on the subject. Cairo! This country of mine! I gazed through a little opening of the closed blinds. What a crowd, what reveling of rich coloring, what rags, what shining array, what a picturesque effect, what dust, and what filth!

We left the town, and our carriage entered a superb grove of sycamores. This place is called Choubrah. Under this arch of foliage the sun cast little spots of gold upon the dark road, while in the distance the white line of palaces deepened yet more the sapphire tint of the Nile, where glided gently the dahabichs-those boats with two sails extended like the wings of a bird. I was beside myself with delight-reassured, confiding, and intoxicated.

Then we arrived at Chimilah, the place where I was born. First, we entered an immense door, and passed through a large court; then a second door was seen, on each side of which were two black boys seated upon stone benches, who ran to open it for us. The palace is vast, painted rose-color, and without other architectural decoration than the wonderfully worked gratings in nearly all the windows. The building has a very lofty rez-de-chaussée, surmounted by a single story. At each side are two very elegant pavilions. The carriage stopped at the foot of a flight of marble steps, where my father was awaiting me, and who carried me in. A dozen eunuchs were ranged under the peristyle. I was too agitated to observe any of the rooms through which we passed. Alone, we two entered a grand saloon, softly shaded, and opening on a large veranda, blooming as a greenhouse.

He raised my veil and threw it back.
"Let me look at you," he said.

I stood timidly before him, but he made me sit with him on the divan, holding my hand in his. Then we spoke. He inquired with solicitude of the fatigue of the voyage. I answered in Arabic, and he was delighted to see I had not forgotten my mother tongue. He questioned me with tender familiarity. I related my past life, introducing your mother and yourself. He gazed on me with a sort of delighted surprise, seeking to find my childish countenance in my present expression, and interrupting me by paternal admiration, at which I could not help blushing. Then with a sweet smile he said:

"Listen to me, Miriam. Before presenting you to your family, I wish to prepare you for certain very natural surprises. You know nothing of your country, nor of us, nor our customs: you are a child of Europe. I dread this abrupt change in your life, for I fear you will suffer from certain customs totally opposed to your education and ideas. But, while I do not wish to see you suffer, you must promise, my daughter, to render me implicit obedience, so that my happiness in regaining you may not be disturbed by annoyance or dissensions."

"Make your mind easy, father," I warmly answered; "I will obey you."

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I have lived in Europe," continued he, “and do not hide from myself all the difficulty you will have in keeping your promise. The harem has customs which, at first, will seem tyrannical to you; afterward you will find the yoke easy and gentle."

Touched by these words I assured him anew of my submission. Timidly I ventured to question him about my mother. She died young, at twenty years of age. He also informed me that I have a brother named Ali who was educated in England. I discover that, in separating my brother and myself, my father yielded to the influence of his first wife, whose hatred of my mother had extended to us.

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'If I tell you these things, Miriam," he added with a tinge of melancholy, "it is because there are details that my affection would not, could not, let others inform you of. They prate a good deal in the harems, and the slaves would have repeated them in their own fashion. This I wished to avoid."

I thanked him warmly. Then, kissing me on the forehead—

Come, now," said he, "they await us." He rose and we passed along large galleries deliciously fresh and cool. Suddenly an open door discovered to me the most unexpected, the strangest, the most fairy-like tableau. Here, my dear, begin The Thousand and One Nights."



Imagine an immense hall dazzling in gilding and silk, shaded into semi-darkness by shrubbery and flowers, filled with about fifty women, wives, servants, or slaves, all clothed in wonderful costumes. I advanced like one in a dream. were standing, according to the strict etiquette of the harem, motionless and silent. In the silence which welcomed the entrance of the master, two of them approached to salute him in the Arabic fashion, bowing very low, and carrying his hand to their hearts, their lips, and afterward to their foreheads. They were my father's two wives. One, yellow and withered, though she was only thirty-six, apparently an invalid, who walked dragging her sandals, wore a sort of lilac silk pelisse trimmed with fur, falling over pantaloons of green silk; on her head and brow, hidden in a little turban of silver gauze, a large band of diamonds as large as peas formed a sort of diadem which proclaimed her the matron. The other, on the contrary, was very young, original, and charming, her eyes greatly enlarged by a black circle. She had a small, delicate head and features of statuesque regularity-not appearing older than myself. A robe of rose-colored satin, very open in the neck, which sparkled with diamonds, showed her graceful figure; and the baggy pantaloons of cherry silk appeared below the short skirt. Her hair was divided into a multitude of little plaits, and, intermingled with sequins, covered her back.

My father presented me to both, adding that he depended on them to render the customs of the harem pleasant to me. The first, ZeinabHanum, the old enemy of my mother, and cause of my long exile, bent earnestly upon me a gaze of which the hardness still remained, though the brightness was extinguished. The second, SaïdaHanum, kissed me very gently on each cheek. Then came my sisters' and brothers' turn. First Hosnah, aged twenty, eldest daughter of Zeinab, dressed even more magnificently than Saïda, with the same lavish use of kohl, of henna, and of precious stones. Her extraordinary embonpoint amazed me. Notwithstanding the sweetest of smiles, I suspect we shall never be friends. Then Farideh, nineteen, with auburn-tinted hair, Parisian costume, and eye-glasses. I was amazed at her. Smilingly she said "Good morning" in French. She seems a very nice person. My father then named my other brothers and sisters -Sulema, Aïssé, Fatma, Cartoum, Saïd, Ahmed, Ibrahim, and Fahahry-according to their ages; the boys, not being yet seven years old, still mingled with the girls. This little crowd shyly received me with gentle kisses. I exerted myself to the utmost at this ceremonial, excusing myself for my ignorance, through which I might perhaps offend some of their most cherished ideas.

Farideh inquired how, having once dwelt in Paris, I could bear to live so far away from it.

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The affection that I shall find here will console me for that which I lose," I replied.

This answer won for me the approval of Zeinab, and another kiss from Saïda. We soon took leave of my family, my father excusing me on the score of a fatiguing journey, and conducting me to my own apartment; for, with a kind forethought for my Christian education, he has assigned me an apartment where I can be free to continue my home habits of civilization. I have my own house, one of the wings of the palace, with a door opening on the garden, and my own attendants, so that I can be perfectly independent. A sort of gallery inclosed in glass, with camellias and other flowers from one end to the other, separates my harem from that of Zeinab and Saïda. My rez-de-chaussée is the pretty hall in the form of a rotunda of which I have already told you, and a grand saloon where I shall receive my visitors. I had scarcely entered, when a woman rushed forward and fell at my feet.

"This is Nazly, your nurse," said my father. I raised her and took her in my arms. Twenty slaves then came to kiss the hem of my robe, and it appears I have others still. "But Egypt is ruined."

A staircase, paved with little mosaics, in the middle of which is placed a thick carpet, leads to the first floor. There my nest is, a bijou of a boudoir, where the most refined European is mingled with the most fantastic Oriental luxury; then comes my chamber, and next it Bell's. Birds, penetrating perfumes, the bright horizon, and tropical plants, heightened still more the effect of the brilliant stuffs and the harmonious combination of tone. I am forgetting to tell you that my chamber possesses a bed!-a veritable bed in gilded silver, which is, it appears, a recherché exotic. Bell will be compelled to teach my women how to arrange it. It is a new art for them; as here they all sleep on divans.

"Behold your home," said my father. For a last time he took my hands, and, kissing me on the forehead—

"Rest yourself; and above all do not regret too much—"

"I have forgotten all in seeing you," I answered.

And this was true. Are you not jealous? As soon as I was alone with Bell and Nazly, I began to examine my domain in detail. A sort of wardrobe was arranged as a dressing-room. All the trunks were open and empty. Oh, dearest, the marvelous clothing! We unfolded all: féredges of moire, lace veils, Damascus silks, Brussels mantillas, and all the exquisite phanta

sies of the Oriental costume.

Bell was in ecstasies. I felt a certain malice in recalling our famous ruin to her memory. I ran from room to room, dazzled, charmed, looking at everything, touching everything, going from one object to another, to retrace my steps, as I was drawn back by some new thing I had passed over. My boudoir, particularly, enchants me. The walls of white Chinese satin are wadded and caught with pearls. From the cupola in the center of the ceiling depends a filigree luster, the very work of Arachne, with glass pendents of the softest rose-color. My divan is of cloth of gold, my tables inlaid with turquoise, and for a carpet I have ermine. Behold, what an Eastern dream! Weary of admiring, I returned to the hall. It was the dinner-hour, and the thoughtfulness of my father had been exercised even there, for they served me in the French style; but I did justice also to some Arab sweets they sent me from the great harem. I have passed this evening in writing you, though my letter, which I shall send by the English courier to save time, can not leave for three days. Yet I have not been slow to share my enchantment with you. I hastened to tell you immediately of this arrival I have so dreaded. Momently I put down my pen to gaze around. How strange everything seems! Seated at my feet, Nazly, with her eyes filled with tears, looks at me with adoration. She was the one who took me to France. Poor, dear creature! She loved my mother; she was from the same country; both were Circassians. Bell comes to tell me it is very late, and insists I must be tired. I believe she is right. To-morrow, then, dearest, we will continue our conversation.


You will not be astonished that this morning, on awaking, I found it necessary to recall my recollections. I felt as if I was returning from a flight into fairyland. My glance fell upon your portrait, which Bell had had the delicate prévenance of placing before my bed, and my memory returned. Dear Martha, from the heart of this sumptuous chamber, from my home of a princess, I send a sigh of regret for my young girl's nest, resounding with the noise of our outbursts of morning laughter. What are you doing now? You are thinking perhaps of me, awaiting a letter impatiently, asking yourself all that I am now trying to bring before you. The excitement of the voyage, this new family, this luxury, these strange customs, have overwhelmed me at first and stunned me. I had nearly forgotten you in this tumult of surprises and emotions. Calm now, rested from all my fatigues, in the quiet of my curiosity, you were the first whom I sought. My second thought was of my father. My

father!-I have a father! How sweet this word is for me to say! How quickly I have become accustomed to the charm of an affection of which until now I knew nothing! Oh, yes, Martha, he is good, and he loves me. What care for my happiness! What thoughtfulness to accustom me by degrees to a change of life so abrupt and strange! He will be everything to me. He will take the place of all the dear affections of my childhood, and, to resign myself to your loss, I shall love him all the more.

I had slept badly, and rose very early. The harem-mistresses and slaves-still slept. As a child would run, rather anxious on awaking, about a new toy which it fears to have lost while sleeping, I slowly recommenced an inspection of my dwelling, to convince myself that some malicious génie had not destroyed it by enchantment. All remained the same. My birds were flying among the flowers of the veranda. The gardens under my windows spread out immense and magnificent; the light-blue sky was lost in the dark-green shadow of the trees. Peeping through the leaves could be seen golden apples and the ripe fruits of the orange- and citron-trees. They had not been gathered, so that they could longer delight and perfume. I called Bell and Nazly, and we all three went down into the garden.

It is now the 1st of December, but it is summer here- summer with the delightfulness of spring, with richest coloring, luxuriant flowers, a serenity that is bright and gay. I went under domes of magnolias in bloom, stopping at parterres of roses, and gathering them without stint. Bell and Nazly bent under the load. We thus reached one of the pavilions, which I entered. A portico, divided into several compartments, surrounded a marble basin, in the waters of which the blue sky was reflected. This is our bath. I was astonished to find there games, pieces of needlework, some chibouks, and an assortment of nargiles; but Nazly tells me that the women of the harem spend many hours there, eating, smoking, and often dancing.

When I returned, my attendants were awaiting me. They relieved me of my prize, and ornamented some baskets under my direction. They were all so young, graceful, and pretty, with their beautiful dresses, that I greatly admired them. They look like daughters of sultans, and yet they are only poor slaves, whose sole business is to serve and please me. I had finished my breakfast, when I saw my father enter, and I ran to him, holding up my brow to be kissed.

"I come to inquire after your health," he said, "and to have a long talk with you."

He drew me to the veranda, and made me sit

beside him.

"I strongly suspect," he cried, smiling, "that proves that he loves him, but he did not conceal you are a spoiled child."


"From the manner in which you described the family who had charge of you, I am convinced that they have greatly spoiled you."

"Will not you continue to do the same?" "Yes, I will do all I can to render your prison more attractive-for, after your European life, the harem must seem nearly a prison to youbut I can not release you from the customs which are established among us. You must submit to them without rebellion or murmuring."

He then explained to me that, in allowing me my own home, and the privilege of living there in my own fashion, taking my French repasts, and preserving all my Parisian habits, he imposed on me the duty of extreme deference to ZeinabHanum and her daughter Hosnah, my eldest sis


from me the grief that his marriage has caused him. Ali has married an infidel-an Englishwoman who is not received at Chimilah. Though I dared not venture a remark, this ostracism appears to me a little barbarous.

My father had just left me, when a knocking was heard. It was Saïda-Hanum, my young step-mother. She hastened to embrace me. How old are you?" she asked. "Seventeen and a half."

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"I have no necessity to speak of Saïda," he tive, coquettish airs of a young savage, she eagerly said, “for I am sure you will be friends."

It was very requisite, then, that I should not keep aloof from the grand harem. I must show myself docile and observant of all their forms of etiquette, which would very soon become familiar

to me.

"My visits to your apartments are very serious departures from our usual habits," he continued. "I must only see you in the midst of your family. Yet I will try to steal in sometimes; but this must be a secret between us."

ferreted in my still full trunks, dying to try on everything; then she again turned to me, asking a thousand explanations, listening amazed and incredulous, frequently interrupting me in her childish way to show the difference between Mohammedan and other customs. Far from envying the liberty of Christian women, she testified a lively terror of them. What! to go out alone, without a veil; to speak to men; to have to think for one's self; to watch over one's self; to direct one's own life! What work it must

I promised what he required with a submis- be; what a care; what difficulty! She was assion that delighted him.

tonished that the good God had created women

"Do you know that I am utterly surprised to for them to suffer in such work. find you so intelligent and reasonable?"

"Father, you are a flatterer."

"No, I am proud of you."

He continued his directions, and my course of life is arranged: rights and duties are clearly defined; the code can not be infringed. I can act as I choose between the high walls of Chimilah, but I can not go beyond them, except in a coach accompanied by some women, and escorted after our Eastern mode.

My father instructed me then in the details of governing my house. The management of things outside devolves on the eunuchs; their chief, who represents me outside, is quite a personage. The control of the slaves belongs to the chiaia-that is to say, to my dear Nazly.

"In short, you have only to float along," he concluded; "you will very soon have plenty of company, and amusements will not be lacking."

In the course of our conversation I made inquiries about my brother Ali. He has a mission in the provinces. I am anxious to know this son of my mother, educated, like myself, far from his own people. My father's manner of speaking

Very soon again we were chattering nonsense, and laughing like children. She spoke of Zeinab, who was called the "Great Lady," as was the custom, and in virtue of the precedence of her age and rank, and she irreverently mimicked her. "And what do they call you?" I asked. "The Durrah, which means paroquet!" When we had chatted a long time, she said:

"I came to carry you over to the harem; they are impatiently awaiting you; but first I must dress you. You are a Hanum-Effendim now."

She called Nazly, and, with the abandon of a child, she carried me into the dressing-room, where my slaves were busy putting things in order. It was difficult for her to decide, but after many doubts my little step-mother was satisfied.

Drawing me away from the mirror, assisted by Nazly, she proceeded to transform me. The work required time, for each detail entailed a fresh consultation. Saïda-Hanum wished me to look beautiful. When they had adjusted the last bracelet, they solemnly led me to a mirror, and I

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