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to confer such degrees and to grant such diplomas as are usually conferred and granted by universities.

SEC. 10. The regents shall have power to remove any professor, tutor or other officer connected with the institution, when, in their judgment, the interest of the university shall require it.

SEC. 11. The fee of admission to the university shall never exceed thirty dollars, and it shall be open to all persons in the State who may wish to avail themselves of its advantages, and to male and female on equal terms, without charge for tuition, under the regulations prescribed by the regents, and all others under such regulations as the board of regents may prescribe.

SEC. 12. university.

The treasurer of the State shall be the treasurer of the

SEC. 13. It shall be the duty of the governor, within thirty days after the location of the university shall have been determined, to convene the board of regents at the city of Austin for the following purposes: First. To effect the permanent organization of said board. Second. To adopt such regulations as they may deem proper for their government.

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SEC. 14. Meetings of the board shall be called in such manner and at such place as the regents may prescribe, and a majority of them so assembled shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and a less number may adjourn from time to time.

SEC. 15. It shall be the duty of the board of regents, after the organization of the board of regents, to meet at the place chosen for the university for the following purposes:

First. To establish the departments of the university.

Second. To define the general plan of the university buildings.
Third. To advertise for plans and specifications of the same.

Fourth. To take such action as may be deemed advisable for the creation of professorships and the election of professors.

Fifth. To take such other action as may be deemed necessary for perfecting the organization of the university.

SEC. 16. After the plan and specifications of the building shall have been adopted, it shall be the duty of the board of regents to advertise for bids for the construction of the same, and to proceed as soon as practicable to the erection of the same. The buildings to be substantial and handsome, but not loaded with useless and expensive ornamentation; provided, that the cost of the buildings shall not exceed one hundred and fifty thousand ($150,000) dollars; and, provided further, that said building shall be so constructed as to admit of additions thereto, without marring the harmony of the architecture.

SEC. 17. The regents are empowered, and it shall be their duty to purchase the necessary furniture, library, apparatus, museum and other appliances; provided, that the amount expended for said purposes shall not exceed forty thousand dollars.

SEC. 18. The regents shall have authority to expend the interest which has heretofore accrued, and may hereafter accrue, on the permanent university fund, for the purposes herein specified, and for the maintenance of the branches of the university; and the said interest is hereby appropriated for this purpose.

SEC. 19. All expenditures shall be made by the order of the board of regents, and the same shall be paid on warrants of the comptroller,

based on vouchers approved by the president and countersigned by the


SEC. 20. No religious qualification shall be required for admission to any office or privilege in the university; nor shall any course of instruction of a sectarian character be taught therein.

SEC. 21. The board of regents shall report to the board of education annually, and to each regular session of the Legislature, the condition of the university, setting forth the receipts and disbursements, the number and salary of the faculty, the number of students, classified in grades and departments, the expenses of each year, itemized, and the proceedings of the board and faculty fully stated.

SEC. 22. There shall be appointed by the Legislature, at each regular session, a board of visitors, who shall attend the annual examinatious of the university and its branches, and report to the Legislature thereon.

SEC. 23. The reasonable expenses incurred by the board of regency and visitation, in the discharge of their duties, shall be paid from the available university fund.

SEC. 24. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed.

Approved March 30, A. D. 1881.

Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.

CHAPTER LXXVI.-An act to amend article 4608, title 94, chapter 4, of the Revised Statutes of the State of Texas, to provide for preventing certain animals from running at large in counties and subdivisions.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That article 4608, title 94, chapter 4, of the Revised Statutes of the State of Texas, be amended so as to read as follows:

"Article 4608. If no owner can be found of stock so impounded, the taker-up may, after the expiration of five days, make affidavit before a justice of the peace of the county, describing the stock impounded by him, and that the owner is unknown to affiant, which affidavit shall forthwith be delivered to the county clerk by such justice, to be kept in his office for inspection. After the filing of such affidavit the taker up may sell such stock, as in case where the owner is known, aud if anything remains after satisfying his fees and damages, he shall report the sum under oath to the clerk of the county court, and pay the same over to the county treasurer, to be received and disbursed by him as in case of sales of estrays, or, the taker-up may, at his option, after the expiration of five days, estray such stock according to the laws regulating estrays in this State."

SEC. 2. Whereas, there is an imperative public necessity existing for a change in the law upon the subject of hogs, sheep and goats running at large in certain counties and subdivisions where the stock law has been voted, when the owner thereof is unknown, thus creating an emergency that demands that the constitutional rule which requires a bill to be read on three several days be suspended, and it is accordingly suspended, and this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Approved March 31, A. D. 1881.

Takes effect from passage.

CHAPTER LXXVII.—An act to authorize towns and villages heretofore incorporated by the Congress of the Republic or the Legislature of the State, to amend their charters.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That towns and villages heretofore incorported by the Congress of the Republic or the Legislature of the State may, by a resolution of the board of aldermen and a two-thirds vote of the voters at an election held therefor, amend their charters in any particular not in conflict with the constitution of the State or the Revised Statutes.

SEC. 2. In order to amend the charter of any town or village it shall be necessary before said amendment shall go into effect, for the board of aldermen to adopt a resolution setting forth the amendment, and a certified copy of the same shall be approved by the attorney general and recorded in the office of secretary of state before the same shall take effect.

SEC. 3. The early day fixed for adjournment creates an imperative public necessity for the suspension of the constitutional rule requiring this bill to be read on three several days be suspended, and it is so suspended.

Approved March 31, A. D. 1881.

Takes effect ninety days after adjournment.

CHAPTER LXXVIII.-An act to make an appropriation for the propagation and preservation of fish, and to build fish-ways and fish-ladders, and to authorize the governor to appoint a fish commissioner, and to repeal all laws in conflict herewith.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That it shall be the duty of all persons, firms or corporations, who have erected, or who may hereafter erect, any mill dam, water-weir, or other obstructions of weirs, on streams within the waters of this State, within six months after the passage of this act, to construct and keep in repair fish-ways or fish-ladders, at such mill-dam, water-weirs or obstructions, so that at all seasons of the year fish may ascend above such dam, weirs or obstructions to deposit their spawn. Any firm, corporation or person, owning such mill-dam or obstructions, who shall fail or refuse to construct or keep in repair such fish-ways or fish-ladders, after having been notified and required by the fish commissioner to do so, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, nor less than twenty-five dollars, for every such neglect or refusal.

SEC. 2. The governor is hereby authorized to appoint a fish commissioner, by and with the consent of the Senate, who shall be a person well versed in ichthyology, who shall hold his office for the term of two years, or until his successor in office shall have qualified, who shall discharge all the duties appertaining to his office, and therefor receive an annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars; and in the event of a vacancy in said office the governor shall appoint a temporary successor.

SEC. 3. That the sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby annually appropriated, from any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be used by the

fish commisioner of the state for the preservation and distribution of said fish, in the rivers, rivulets, creeks, tanks, ponds, and other waters in the State of Texas; the expenditures of same to be audited and paid in the same manner and under the laws governing other expenses of government of the State of Texas.

SEC. 4. That the said fish shall be distributed, upon requisitions of the commissioners' courts of the various counties of this State, to said counties, in such numbers as, in the discretion of the firsh commissioner, is just and equitable; provided, the expenses incurred in the transportation of fish distributed under the provisions of this act shall be defrayed by the county or counties reciving the same, to be paid out of the county treasury; and provided, however, that any individual or individuals making requisitions for fish through their respective commissioners' courts, for private use, shall bear the expense of transportation from the place of distribution to the place of delivery.

SEC. 5. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed.

SEC. 6. That whereas the season for the young spawn being now at hand, and that the fish commissioner of Texas may be enabled to obtain a supply of the same for this State, for distribution this year, an emergency exists for the immediate passage of this act, and public necessity imperatively requires the suspension of the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days, it is so enacted, and this bill to go into effect from and after its passage.

Approved March 31, A. D. 1881.
Takes effect from passage.

CHAPTER LXXIX.-An act making an appropriation for the support of the State government for the years beginning March 1, 1881, and ending February 28, 1883.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That the following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same are hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the State government for the years beginning March 1, 1881, and ending February 28, 1883:

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For the payment of rewards and for paying attorneys

for prosecuting offenders against the laws of this State; for representing the State in civil cases, and for necessary expenses of suits, to be under the control and paid upon warrants issued on certificates of the governor........ furniture and contingents for the executive office....

keeping governor's mansion in repair.

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advertising constitutional amendments to be submitted to the people before the next meeting

of the Legislature, or so much thereof as may
be necessary.


expert and clerk printing board...

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porter hire state department and department of education....

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contingent expenses..

printing material for deaf and dumb asylum.. public printing..

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