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itself, that any one thought of attaching value to any traditional connection with the Apostles. Apostolic succession is good if it be meant by it that the ministers of Christ should be animated by the same zeal, faith, love to Christ, and compassion for souls, which animated and filled the Apostles. Whoever the man may be that has this spirit of the Apostles is in the true apostolic succession. No other man lacking this spirit can be, however and by whomsoever be may have been ordained. Mr. Green, referring to other Churches, says they do not regard it as necessary that their ministers should have an apostolic succession. Certainly not, of any fleshly sort ; but we do regard it as very necessary that men should possess the grace and spirit of the Apostles—not any mere external succession. The one is no guarantee of the other. On the ground of the Episcopalian Church having this supposed external physical succession, Mr. Green contends that a Churchman dare not leave his own Church. What does all this amount to, but that by an external action-in this case the placing by one man of his hands or hand on the head of another man, and accompanying that act with certain religious formularies -- it is assumed that the salvation-procuring and bestowing power is communicated to the recipient? Thereby the presumption is that he is invested with all the powers and functions of a priest, which power and functicns he cannot, without this hand-laying, by any possibility obtain. It is the veriest assumption that there is any spiritual power communicated by the imposition of hands. Yet this crudo and most unscriptural assumption is the very corner-stone of the Episcopalian and Roman systems. It is so crude a theory that, but for the many adhering to it, we should not think it worth a moment's serious thought or refutation.

It follows from this dogma of external apostolic succession that the ministers of our Christian Churches are by Episcopalians and Romanists denied the right and name of true ministers of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Rev. S. Green lately put it thus : “Such ministers are officials of a private society, but we cannot regard them as built on the foundation of the prophets—as part of the Temple built to the Lord.” Hence, too, they speak of our Churches not as Churches--that is too honourable & name - but as " private societies," resembling Building Societies, Oddfellows' Societies, and the like. Moreover, according to them, the ordinances as observed among us are not proper ordinances at all; and the worship offered to God each Lord's Day in our sanctuaries is not held to be worthy the name of worship, and cannot be acceptable worship to God, and all because of the logical inferences flowing from this delusion of a fleshly apostolic succession.

This is a free country. We accord to our neighbours the fullest scope for the holding and propagation of their beliefs—beliefs that we regard as antagonistic to the pure faith as it is in Jesus ; but I feel it is our duty both to proclaim the fundamental and positive truth of Christ's revelation as to the way of salvation and as to Churoh life; and our obligation does not end here ; it is further incumbent on us to do our utmost to resist the advance of such beliefs as sap the very foundations of a life of faith in the Son of God.

(To be continued.)

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A STORY FOR PARENTS. "DEAR me," sighed Mr. Turmoyle, young yet to study. The others as a burst of shrill, childish laughter did not go to school until they were sounded from the nursery down five." the hall stairs and into the sitting. " And Tom just manages to room where he was making out write a decent letter at twelve, some accounts, “I wish those while Willie is at Latin grammar. children would be quiet. Ain't it And as for. manners, why, Tom will almost bedtime, Tillie ?”

make more noise alone than Stone's “They are probably undressing," five children put together.” Mrs. Turmoyle replied, quietly. Mrs. Turmoyle, being a woman " I'll go and see if they are ready of sense, did not continue the for bed."

argument, but mentally resolved to “Do keep them quiet until they see Mrs. Stone the next day, and

talk with her about the wonderful There was an interval of pro- secret of having five children and found silence, and in about half an a quiet home. hour the mother returned.

ho I am sure I can't do it !” the " They are asleep now," she gentle, loving mother thought, with said. “Tom had dressed the kitten a sigh. in Bessie's doll's clothes."

Seated, the next morning, in The accounts finished, Mr. Tur- close conversation, the ladies premoyle leaned back in his chair. sented a contrast as marked as the

"I wish you had some manage atmosphere of their own houses. ment with those children, Tillie,” The tiny blue-eyed woman, who he said. “I went over to Stone's had no heart to suppress Tom's on business last evening, and you merry whistle or Bessie's silvery would not have known there was a laugh, had left a home where conchild in the house. And Stone stant care only secured cleanliness, has five, while we have only three.” and where childish disorder was

“ Perhaps they were all in bed." manifest everywhere but in the

" They were all in the next room," best parlour. She looked at the was the triumphant reply. “ Stone tall, dark-haired woman opposite is proud of them, and well he may her, noted the exquisite morning be. There is Willie, just the age dress, faced with light silk, spotless of our Tom, studying Latin in- and unrumpled, and thought, restead of dressing kittens in dolls' gretfully, of the marks of ten clothes; and Amy, who will not be chubby fingers upon her own, four years old for three months, printed there when her boy baby, reads well, and knows the multipli- her darling Mark, had succeeded cation-table through. Look at our in forcing a piece of his sweetest savages !”

candy into mamma's mouth. She “They are getting along well at noted the dainty order of the sitschool, dear. I think Mark is too ting-room, whero every chair stood primly in its appointed place, and “But do they not have any hours not even a thread rested upon the for running, balls, kites, and other carpet, and remembered Mark's outdoor play?”. stable for his “ 'spress cart” and “I disapprove entirely of outhorses under the sofa, and Bessie door play. It ruins clothes and keeping house on the lower shelf makes children rude. They have of the bookcase.

outdoor exercise in their long walk Visions haunted her also of snip- to and from school.pings of paper, bits of string, and As she spoke, the hall door odds and ends of dolls' finery upon opened quietly, and a fall of footthe table.

steps crossed the hall to the sittingDrifting from one scrap of room. Five children, three girls matronly talk to another, the and two boys, came in with languid ladies came naturally to the care footsteps and pale faces, from and management of children, and which all childishness seemed Mrs. Turmoyle complimented her stricken. Spotlessly clean, with neighbour upon the appearance of shiny hair and polished boots, they her house and the proficiency of followed in orderly fashion the lead her little ones.

of the eldest, who stood before his "I cannot understand how you mother, waiting for permission to accomplish it,” she said frankly. speak.

“Bý system,” was the reply. " Well, my son ?” she said “The education of my children quietly. begins, I may say, in their cradles. “There is no school this afterAs soon as they can walk, they noon. The senior class is to be have their own proper place in the examined," he said wearily. room, and are trained to perfect “No school! Very well. I will silence when older persons are set you some sums after dinner, present.”

and find you some words to study Mrs. Turmoyle thought of the in the dictionary." noisy chorus of shouts, the eager Silently the five sat down until recital of the day's pleasures or the visitor departed, uncomfortably accidents, that greeted papa, conscious of ten weary oyes and aunties, or uncles in her own nur-five pallid, pinched faces. sery, and wondered if Tom, Bessie, Crossing her own doorway, Mrs. and Mark could be trained to sit | Turmoyle was greeted by a merry quiet in one place for hours at a duet :

“No school! No school!”. "At two years of age I teach my! Then the tenor solo : children their letters, and after that " Won't you make some bobs for they are sent to school. All of my kite, mamma? There's a them were entered at three years splendid wind !”. of age in a private school, and at Followed by a sweet soprano: five at a public one. In the inter- "And oh, mamma, you promised val of school hours my boys have the first holiday you would trim my geographical puzzles, spelling games doll's bonnet.” and problems, and my girls are “I 'ant a kite, too!” struck in taught sewing.”

Mark. “But when do they play?" I "Oh, let me get my breath!” " Their games and puzzles are cried the little woman. "Where's sufficient for the boys, and I allow your hat, Tom ?the girls to cut and fit clothing for “Oh, I forgot,” Tom said, sweepa large wax doll.”

ing it off with a profound bow.


“ Here, take this chair. And let (upon the holiday, but stooped to me take your bonnet and shawl kiss the rosy faces with unwonted upstairs. You are tired. Never tenderness. After dinner he sent mind bobs, if you are very tired.” the children to the nursery, and

“I'll help to make them," said said to his wife, who had anxiously Bessie ; " and I'll go and watch watched his clouded face : Tom, mamma, if you don't feel “ Tillie, I met Dr. Holmes on equal to making the bonnet." my way home, and he tells me that

" We'll see after dinner,” said there have been three cases or Mrs. Turmoyle, looking from one scarlet fever from the school. It is round, rosy face to the other, mark. raging fearfully, he says." ing the sturdy limbs and dancing Mrs. Turmoyle turned very pale. eyes. To be sure the hair of all “In the school?" she murthree must be reduced from a state mured. of rebellion before they were pre “Well, among the scholars.” sentable at table, and soap and There was little more to say, but water were pleasant suggestions the heart of each parent sent up a in the maternal eyes. There was petition to a kind and heavenly perfect health and happiness, if the Father to keep the plague from voices were shrill and the boots their door. noisy.

Yet it came. A week later Mark " I've been to see Mrs. Stone," sickened, and in three days more she said, when, washed and combed, all three were down. Tenderest her children gathered around her nursing, loving care, and unexto wait for papa and dinner, “ and pected docility of patients, brought I wondered if I could ever make the little Turmoyles safely out upon my children as quiet and orderly as the road to health again. hers are.”

The most nauseous medicines " Willie Stone is a milksop!” were swallowed if "mamma" said Tom, contemptuously; "al-coaxed, and the most stringent ways crying because his head stillness was observed when papa aches. He can't play at anything, was discovered to have tears in his and daren't move, for fear of spoil eyes at Bessie's crib. ing his clothes. Wouldn't play The day the children assembled football, for fear he would get dust in the sitting-room for the first on his boots. There's a nice boy tea-drinking was a gala day, but for you! He might as well be a papa was observed to have a sad girl at once.”

face. “ And, mother, the teacher had “ While we are thankful, dear to write a note to Mrs. Stone the children," he said, “ for our blessday that John Gray spilled the ink irgs, let us not forget to sympathise on Maud's apron. She was so with the sorrows of others. Willie afraid to go home, it was awful. and Maud Stone were buried toShe said her mother would whip day, and Amy will be deaf for life. her, and keep her upon bread and The others are still very ill." water for a whole day. Mrs. Lee At bedtime, when the children. told her to say it wasn't her fault, slept the sleep of convalescence, but she said her mother would not Mr. Turmoyle came to the nursery, believe her."

where his little blue-eyed wife was “ Dinner, and here comes papa!” laying out the morning clothing. cried Tom.

« Tillie,” he said, drawing the Mr. Turmoyle came in with a little woman close to his strong grave face. He made no comment arms, “ I had a long talk with Dr.

Holmes to-day, and I cannot rest and, pale and dull-eyed, went back till I thank you for our unbroken to the old routine. nursery to-night. Next to God, Four years passed away, and you saved the children.”

| Tom left home for boarding-school, “I am sure you never spared a gentlemanly boy of sixteen, well yourself in nursing," said Mrs. I up in his studies and in perfect Turmoyle.

health. Driving home from the “The nursing was the smallest station, after starting him upon his part of it. Dr. Holmes says it was journey, Mr. and Mrs. Turmoyle not the scarlet fever that killed passed Mr. Stone's handsome Mrs. Stone's children, but their house, prim and spotless, the garmother's system. The fever den a miracle of order, and no found overtaxed brains, bodies signs of busy little feet on walk or weakened by want of exercise, border. tempers made sullen by a depriva- “Poor Stone !" said Mr. Turtion of all childish pleasure. They moyle, “he frets sadly for Amy.” were nursed by system,'no allow. It was hard to lose her, the ance being made for suffering or last of the five," said Mrs. Turweakness; and the two that are moyle; " and she was such a gone but precede the two now patient child, after she had lost her dangerously ill. If they recover hearing." from the fever, they will never “Too patient! There will be no reach maturity unless the mother need now of any system in training. sees the error. You may thank Five children, all under the sod! your wife's management for your Oh, Tillie ! Thank God we have own children,' the doctor said to not such a home as the one we me. There was something to build have just passed. Thank God for on in the sturdy frames of those merry voices, clear laughter, noisy young savages.'”

feet, and even the crying of our Mrs. Stone could see no fault in baby May. May He guard and her system, though two little bless our little ones, and give them graves attested its weakness. Her good health, good principles, and children, recovering from the fever, happiness, rather than give us the found no relaxation of home rule, doubtful blessing of a quiet home!”


II.-The Vision of Peter.

ACTS x. 9–23. We come now to consider the second of the three events which led up to the conversion of the Roman centurion. Our thoughts are transported from Cæsarea, where Cornelius had seen the vision and beard the directing voice, to Joppa, some thirty miles distant. The messengers of Cornelius have nearly completed their long day's travel, the short time in which they have accomplished their journey bearing witness to the urgency of their master's commands. While they are nearing the city, Peter, who is lodging in the house of Simon the Tanner, is being prepared to accede to their request by a special

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