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and-by she scrambled to her feet She could understand a good deal upon the seat, turning so as to face of what he said, and she found that the congregation. Seeing this kept he was telling of a home which the little woman quiet for a time, some kind ladies had started for her mamma let her stand there poor little sick and crippled childuring the reading of the Scripture, dren who needed kind care and a and Kitty amused herself with comfortable place when they were gazing about her.

ill. Suddenly she spied, seated seve. People were talking about “ hard. ral pews off, a gentleman who often times," he said, and the ladies who came to her papa's house, and whom were in charge of the hospital did she liked very much.

indeed feel that these were “ hard " Mr. James never saw my new times," for they did not receive one po't-handkerstuff," said Kitty to half the money they needed for the herself, when she had smiled at him wants of the sick children. And and nodded her head like any then he asked that those who were Chinese mandarin. “He might be better off, and who had many good offended of me if I didn't show it things to be thankful for that to him.”

Christmas day, would give of their And pulling the little handker- abundance for those who were in chief from her pocket she shook it want. out, and holding it up by two cor- He spoke, too, a few words to the ners as high as her hands could children of the congregation. reach, and, quite forgetting that “ There is hardly a child here," she was in church, she called aloud, he said, “ who has not some trifle

“ Mr. James, you couldn't afford which he or she may spare for these dis !"

poor little ones who have not such Her mamma pulled her down happy, pleasant homes as you have, pretty quickly, as you may be sure ; who have not had such Christmas but all the young people around gifts as most of you have received. began to titter, and even the older Would not each one like to send and graver people could not help something which may give pleasmiling.

sure or comfort, which will gladden When Kitty remembered that she the heart of some little child like had quite forgotten herself and yourselves ? And, dear children, spoken aloud in church, she was remember that any offering you very much mortified, and she laid make this morning is in the name her face against her mamma's arm, and for the sake of the Baby who and would not look up again for to-day was born in Bethlehem, the some time, while two or three big Saviour Christ who came to give us tears of shame stole down her the best of all Christmas giftscheeks.

salvation and everlasting life.” When she had dried her eyes and Even the very smallest children could raise her head once more the present could help, he said, and if minister was talking. Kitty always it was but done for love of the dear thought it very strange that such a Jesus who had blessed and called tall, grave gentleman as the clergy. them, it would show that they man should talk so much and so wished to please Him. loud in church, when she was not Kitty heard, and she was very to be allowed to speak at all. But sure that she did wish to please the now as she sat gazing up at him dear Jesus whose birthday all loved and listening, she presently became to keep on this Christmas morning, interested in what he was saying. I and as she listened she wished that she too could give something for a good-bye kiss it was, as mamma those poor little children who had knew a moment later, when the had no presents.

gentleman passed the plate into But what should it be ?

their pew-and Kitty laid the dainty She had no toys or picture-books trifle upon it, and raising eyes with her there in church, and her swimming in tears, forgot herself pennies were all safe at home in her once more and said aloud, “It will money-box. If she but had some do for dem little cripples, and I do there, or one or two of the new toys want to help dem." or books, she would give them gladly . The gentleman hesitated one for the little cripples. There were moment, and glanced at Kitty's the gentlemen beginning to pass papa as the latter laid his own conaround the plates for the offerings, tribution upon the plate ; but papa, and Kitty had not one single thing who saw what it all meant, moto give.

tioned him on. As she thought this her eye fell There was a very suspicious glisupon the new pocket-handkerchief tening in the eyes of that old genwhich lay upon her lap.

tleman as he went on up one side Why, she could give this, and of the aisle and down the other, how pleased the poor little children bearing the plate with that tiny would be ! She did not believe morsel of lace and embroidery lying they had ever seen one so pretty; upon it, the baby's offering, which she was sure she never had. But worked its mission on its way, tellcould she give it up even for these ing its own story, and opening many children who had so few pretty a heart to give more largely and things when she had so many ? freely than it would have done but

There was a moment's struggle for that silent monitor and exas the gentlemen came slowly up ample. the aisles with the plates, taking carefully treasured among mamfrom each person present what they ma's dearest possessions lies the could or would give ; and the organ little handkerchief, all unknown to played, and a sweet voice sang the Kitty; but the sum which rewords, “ Inasmuch as ye have done deemed it has gone to buy many a it unto the least of these ye have comfort and pleasure for the little done it unto me." Then Kitty's cripples to whom Kitty sent her mamma saw her carefully fold the offering. little handkerchief, give it one kiss


“We must carry our beautiful baby to town

Some day, when the weather is fair,” we said,
“ We must dress him up in his prettiest gown,

And wave his hair on the top of head;
For all his cousins and all his aunts,

And both his grandmothers proud and dear,
Declare it is shameful, and every way blameful,

To have had no picture of him this year.”

He was three months old when we took him before,

And he lay like a lamb on his mamma's lap,
And the darling now has a twelvemonth more

Of bewildering graces from sock to cap.
Just look at his dear little laughing face,

At the rosebud mouth, at the violet eyes,
Why the photograph-taker, that vanity shaker,

Will think this time we have brought him a prize.
We carried our child to the town one day,

The skies were soft, and the air was cool,
We robed him richly in fine array-

Ribbons andl aces, and Swiss, and tulle.
He looked like a prince in the artist's chair,

Sitting erect, and brave, and grand,
With a big red apple, he scarce could grapple,

Held close in the palm of one dimpled hand.
“He is taking it now!” We held our breath!

We furtively peeped from behind the screen !
6. What a pose !” we whispered, then still as death

Waited--and baby was all serene
Till the critical moment, when behold,

The sun was catching that lovely look,
Such a terrible roar it shook the floor !

And that was the picture the swift sun took.
A wrinkled face, and close-shut eyes,

And a mouth that's opened so very wide,
That our dear little sister, sibyl-wise,

Declares she can see the cry inside.
Aunts and cousins and grandmothers dear

Haven't got over their anger yet;
But we thought it was funny, and paid our money,

For that strange phase of our precious pet.
Ah! children, older than baby, think,

Dear little children blithe and sweet,
With your curls of gold and your cheeks of pink,

And your naughty tempers sudden and fleet
What an awful thing it would be for you

If an artist should happen along some day,
And, observing the pouting, the frown, or the flouting,

Should take a picture of you that way!

NEWS OF THE CHURCHES. A NEW chapel has been opened at alterations.-The chapel at Soham, Carisbrook, Liverpool, for the min. Cambridgeshire, under the care of istry of the Rev. W. Bathgate.--the Rev. J. Porter, has been reThe chapel at Buxton, Norfolk, opened after alterations. - The under the care of the Rev. R. B. chapel at Velindre, Radnor, under Horne, has been re-opened after the ministry of the Rev. T. Rowton, has been re-opened after repair.- to Malborough and Salcombe; the The chapel at Brynslencyn, Angle- Rey. W. March, of Stoke-on-Trent, sea, has re-opened after alterations. to Wellington-road, Todmorden;

the Rev. J. Dann, of Westgate, THE Rev. 8. S. Allsopp, late of Bradford, to Greenock, N.B.; the March, Cambridgeshire, has been Rev. T. Gardiner, of Ormskirk, publicly recognised as the pastor of Lancashire, to Culworth, Helmdon, the church in Union-street, Burton- and Sulgrave, Northamptonshire; on-Trent; the Rev. M. Morris, late the Rev. W. Powell, of Pontypool of Spennymoor, of the church at College, to Zion, Ebbw Vale, MonMonkwearmouth; "the Rev. W. mouthshire; the Rev. D. C. ChapScriven, late of Stalham, Norfolk, man, of Oakengates, Salop, to Acre of the church at Brondesbury, Lon- Mill, Stacksteads, Lancashire; the don; the Rev. T. W. Davies, B.A., Rev. J.J. Berry, of Shrewsbury, to late of Regent’s-park College, of the Manchester - street, Oldham; the church at High - street, Merthyr Rev. J. Ross, of Regent's-park Col. Tydvil; the Rev. J. Butten, B.A., lege, to Pontrhydyryn, Monmouthof the church in Clarendon chapel, shire; the Rev. W. Morgan, of Leamington; the Rev. H. Beddow, Llangibby and Usk, to Llangwm; of the church at Cranford, Middle- the Rev. S. H. Firks, of Ramsay, sex; the Rev. W. Harries, of the Hunts, to March, Cambridgeshire; church in Fishergate, Preston; the the Rev. G. P. Gould, M.A., of Rev. T. N. Smith, of the church at Bournemouth, to Cotham - grove, Monk's Kirby and Pailton, War- Bristol; The Rev.H. Marsden basre. wickshire; the Rev. J. Jenkins, signed the pastorate of the church at late of Llangollen College, of the Stockwell-gate, Mansfield, Notts; church at Crickhowell; the Rev. the Rev. F. Robertson, of the church R. H. Roberts, of the church in at Northcroft, Newbury; the Rev. Boundary-road, Middlesborough. J. Davis, of the church in Brough

Iton-lane, Melksham; the Rev. J. THE following reports of MINIS- Llewellyn, of the church in Harvey. TERIAL CHANGES have reached us lane, Leicester; the Rev. J. Bigsince the preparation of our last wood, of the church in Trinity-road, issue :-The Rev. W. M. Thomas, Upper Tooting. late of Willenhall, Staffordshire, to Nantyglo, Monmouthshire ; the We regret to announce the death Rev. G. Dunnett, of Newcastle- of the Rev. S. B. Gooch, late of under-Lyme, to Darkhouse - lane, Norwich, at the age of eighty-three; Coseley, the Rev. H. Williams, of also of the Rev. W. H. Fuller, for Llanilltydfardre, to Nantyglo; the twenty-nine years pastor of the Rev. T. Reeves, of Lydbrook, to church at Minehead, Somerset, at Bassaleg; the Rev. J. S. Geale, of the age of seventy-six ; also of the the Metropolitan Tabernacle Col. Rev. D. Kirkbride, of Maryport, lege, to Queen-square, Brighton ; Cumberland, at the age of sixtythe Rev. A. E. Jones, of Regent's- eight; also of the Rev. T. H. Le park College, to Cottenham, Cam- Mesurier, of Mount Durant, Guern. bridge; the Rev. W. Myers, of sey, at the age of seventy-four, Stapleford, to Hill Top, Eastwood, Notts ; the Rev. J. Cole, of Coseley,

MARCH, 1880.


LAID HIM. BY THE RÉV, J. CULROSS, M.A., D.D. III.The Garden of Eden : The Dawn of Grace. "Do you see yonder wicket gate ? " said Evangelist to the man with the burden on his back, pointing with his finger over a very wide field, and directing him how he might get his burden taken off; and the man said, “ No." Then said the other, “ Do you see yonder shining light ? ” and he replied, “I think I do." The shining light was pure enough and clear enough; but then it was far away, and waned in the distance till it was barely visible. So with the dawn of grace. Yonder, to the sinners of Eden, is a light shining in darkness, faint, far away, and indistinct, obscured by their very consciousness of guilt; but then it is a real light and no ignis fatuus, it is the kindling of hope ; it is sufficient to guide their feet into the way of peace; and down through history it never dies away and is never lost to view. It is not, indeed, the rising of the sun; it is not even the morning star ; but it gives promise of sunrise and of tbat day in which it is disclosed that " where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.”

What we find immediately after the Fall is not an outline of "the plan of salvation ” shadowed forth to the first sinners, but gracious action on the part of God, accompanied with a mysterious intimation of gracious purpose which He designed to work out. He had already shown forth in a measure His wisdom, power, righteousness, goodness, and love; henceforth there is to be a fuller disclosure of these attributes, together with the added disclosure of grace. Man in the innocence of Eden could not know all that was in God's heartthe compassion, the sorrow, the holy, yearning, patient love which gtands up solitary in the universe, the self-sacrifice that shrank not from Calvary. In a sinless world it was impossible to make disclosure of all this, as the virtues of balm cannot be known where there is no pain. Now that sin has entered, the disclosure begins.

It is not that God will rebuild what man has thrown down, and give back what man has wilfully cast away, and restore him to the old footing of Paradise. He introduces an entirely new dispensation, established on different principles. The dispensation overtbrown in the Fall secured the Divine favour to man continuing in obedience, and doomed him to death if disobedient; now grace comes forward,


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