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cow to Smolensk. So that there could not be collected at Smolensk, supposing the shattered remains of all these nine corps to reach it, more than between 40 and 50,000 men. Macdonald's corps, which was at Mittau, though it was defeated in a joint at tempt with Oudinot to beat Witt genstein, has suffered less loss than any of the twelve corps. Oudinot's corps lost in the action of Polotsk, and subsequent retreat to Lepel, 6000 men. The Batavian division, which formed part of it, was then cut off and nearly annihilated. The remainder was joined by Victor, and completely defeated at Tcharniki, on the Oula; so that both Oudinot's and Victor's divisions must have suf fered nearly, if not quite as much, as any of the divisions that advanced to Moscow.

Extract from the twenty-ninth Bulletin.

Molodetschno, Dec. 3, 1812. "To the 6th of November the weather was fine, and the movement of the army was executed with the great est success. The cold weather began on the 7th; from that moment we every night lost several hundred horses, which died in consequence of bivouacking. Arrived at Smolensk, we had already lost many cavalry and artillery horses.

The Russian army from Volhynia was opposed to our right. Their right left the Minsk line of operations, and took for the pivot of its operations the Warsaw line.

On the 9th the emperor was informed at Smolensk of this change in the line of operations, and conceived what the enemy would do. However hard it appeared to him to put himself in movement during so cruel a season, the new state of things demanded it. He expected to arrive at Minsk, or at least upon the Beresina,

before the enemy; on the 13th he quitted Smolensk; on the 16th he slept at Krasnoi.

The cold which began on the 7th, suddenly increased, and on the 14th, 15th, and 16th, the thermometer was 16 and 18 degrees below the freezing point. The roads were covered with ice, the cavalry, artillery, and baggage horses perished every night, not only by hundreds, but by thousands.

In a few days more than 30,000 horses perished; our cavalry were on foot, our artillery and our baggage were without conveyance. It was necessary to abandon and destroy a good part of our cannon, ammunition, and provisions.

This army, so fine on the 6th, was very different on the 14th; almost without cavalry, without artillery, without transports; without cavalry, we could not reconnoitre a quarter of a league's distance; without artillery, we could not risk a battle, and firmly await it; it was requisite to march, in order not to be constrained to a battle, which the want of ammution prevented us from doing, it was requisite to occupy a certain space not to be turned, and that too without cavalry, which led and connected the columns. This difficulty, joined to the cold which suddenly came on, rendered our situation miserable. Those men whom nature had not sufficiently steeled to be above all the chances of fate and fortuné, appeared shook, lost their gaiety, their goodhumour, and dreamed but of misfortunes and catastrophes.

The enemy, who saw upon the road traces of that frightful calamity which had overtaken the French army, endeavoured to take advantage of it. He surrounded all the columns with his Cossacks, who carried off, like the Arabs in the desert, the trains and carriages which separated.

This contemptible cavalry, which only makes noise, and is not capable of penetrating through a company of voltigeurs, rendered themselves formidable, by favour of circumstances."

In this state of affairs Buonaparte deserted his army and fled to Paris: the following account of his journey and arrival is given by the French journalists.

Paris, Dec. 18.

On the 5th of December, the emperor having called together at his head-quarters at Smorgony, the Viceroy, the Prince of Neufchatel, and Marshals Dukes of Elchingen, Dant zic, Treviso, the Prince of Eckmuhl, the Duke of Istria, acquainted them, that he had nominated the King of Naples his lieutenant-general, to command the army during the rigorous season. His majesty, in passing through Wilna, was employed several hours with the Duke of Bassano.

His majesty travelled incognito, in a single sledge, under the name of the Duke of Vicenza.

His majesty arrived on the 14th, at one o'clock in the morning, at Dresden, and alighted at the house of his minister, Count Serra.

He had a long conference with the King of Saxony, and immediately afterwards pursued his journey, taking the road of Leipsic and Mentz.

M. de Montesquiou, aid-de-camp of the Prince of Neufchatel, dispatched by the emperor from his headquarters at Seliche, on the 2d of December, with dispatches for the em press, arrived at Paris last night.

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