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n for promotion is the heart of the proposal. Its adoption fundamental change in promotion philosophy in the Coast n zones would be established and officers within zones would qualified basis for the available vacancies in the next higher int of attrition involved would be administratively predetermanner as to provide maximum promotional opportunity conievement of career promotion objectives. This legislation achieve an officer career promotion pattern close to the

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resulting from such a system would, it is believed, be much to the officer corps than that which any other system It will be based upon the "up or out" principle-a positive apbility, understanding the necessity for it, will take up the chale for the rewards. A more dynamic officer corps will result. temporary provisions of the law to deal with the immediate This part contains authority for convening continuation boards grades of captain and commander to force attrition in those continuation boards for commanders and captains would proble distribution of the initial attrition required to reshape the the sense that they involve additional selection at other than a they are undesirable. Unfortunately, they are absolutely pting to excise the present hump in our officer corps by on alone would involve grave inequities. Officers in the hump vy attrition in competing for the few promotion vacancies above would be left virtually intact. Yet those above are achieved their higher grades much faster than they normally ted to, with little or no attrition. It is both equitable and efore, that the least fitted of those higher ranking officers be to provide more reasonable promotion opportunity for those he hump necessarily still will suffer the greatest overall at, the interim continuation boards will make it possible to keep thin reasonable limits. From a rational and objective point be manifest that the interests of the service as a whole are spreading necessary initial attrition over two grades than by

n one.


egislation institutes the best qualified selection system for pro. Under this system officers compete for selection for promovailable and expected vacancies. Those officers who fail twice a given grade are separated from the service.


election system

fficers "above the zone," that is, officers who were considered by board but who were not then selected for promotion.

rs "below the zone" subject to the limitations discussed below. e sources the board will select those officers it considers best motion in the number specified.

to be considered by a board for selection from below the zone
have completed a certain specified number of years of service
ese are as follows: 2 years as lieutenant (junior grade), 3 years
years as lieutenant commander, 4 years as commander, and
tain. This provision is so written that an officer becomes
ideration for promotion at the beginning of the fiscal year in
tes the specified amount of service. The board will be limited
of officers it can select from below the zone. In the case of
ieutenant and lieutenant commander the board cannot select
promotion zone more than 5 percent of the number which the
escribed to be selected. In the case of promotion to commander
percent and for captain it is 10 percent. There is no limitation
of captains who can be selected for rear admiral from below
3-year time in grade requirement mentioned above does, how-
ar down a flag selection board could go.

hich the Secretary authorizes a board to select for promotion
number of vacancies existing in the next higher grade, plus
vacancies expected in that grade in the following year, less
officers already selected for that grade but not promoted.
on of the size of the promotion zone is one of the most
of the system. Variations in the size of the promotion

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is in the promotion zone or above the promotion zone and who considered as having failed of selection. An officer who fails will no longer be eligible for promotion and will be separated s described below.

w does away with the "out of line of promotion" concept. the reconsideration board. It also eliminates the dual prohereby an officer is considered by a board for temporary en later considered by another board for permanent promoproposed bill there will be only permanent promotions.


for separations of officers who twice fail of selection vary by the bill adopts the concept that officers of grade below lieuwill be separated with severance pay, lieutenant commander retired with retired pay.

1 provides that no officer will be separated less than 6 months 1 of the board which considered him for selection or connot select him. Also the bill is so designed that no officer to separate less than 6 months after the bill is enacted. who are found not fully qualified for promotion will be e service. The authority to revoke the commission of any han 3 years of continuous service is retained in the proposed

ior grade): Will be separated with severance pay at the ear in which his second failure of selection occurs. If on the erwise be separated a lieutenant (junior grade) has enough ary retirement-20 years he could retire instead. 11 be separated with severance pay at the end of the fiscal second failure of selection occurs. If on the date he would rated a lieutenant has enough service for voluntary retiree could retire instead. Another section of the law would proion on active duty of any lieutenant who had at least 18 years n the date he would otherwise be separated for having twice . Such a lieutenant would be retired on completion of 20 vice.

aw contains a further provision regarding lieutenants. It ry authority to convene boards to consider lieutenants who of selection for continuation on active duty. The Secretary se boards to recommend a specified number of the lieutenants ctive duty for specified terms of not less than 2 nor more than there were for instance 20 lieutenants who had twice failed ard could be directed to pick 5 for retention for 2 years and 5 for 3 years. Any officer continued under this provision would the completion of the term of continuation unless he was ther term. Any officer who was continued under this provierm ran beyond the date on which he completes 20 years of uld be retired on completion of 20 years of active service. mander: Those who fail twice of selection for lieutenant comtired. If on June 30 of the fiscal year in which his second n occurs a lieutenant commander has less than 20 years of



tory separation provisions for lieutenants (junior grade) and ho are temporary officers are slightly different from those for ficers. Such temporary officers would not come under the proretains a lieutenant who has completed 18 years service until 20 years service. But temporary officers, both lieutenants (junior etuenants who have twice failed of selection could elect to revert anent grade. While it is not specified in the proposed law it is ely planned to require temporary officers to integrate and become on promotion to lieutenant.

ed bill would repeal the provisions for the annual personnel ould substitute a new method of handling substandard officers en in use in the Army and Air Force for several years. It would ree-board procedure before officers could be separated because ance of duty had fallen below certain standards or because of essional dereliction or for security reasons.

proposed promotion system sounds extremely complicated, it ly be simpler to operate than the present one. For example it e a considerable number of boards since there will be no second, ation boards, and boards will not be required for both temporary

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or part of the bill is directed at the immediate hump problem. t apply a degree of selection to officers who have reached ptain and commander under the present system. If this fficers in lower grades, particularly lieutenant commander, uffer considerably heavier attrition in order to maintain a promotion.

e bill authorizes the Secretary to convene continuation boards ommanders. As to captains such a board could only consider not been selected for rear admiral and who were not subject completion of 30 years service under part 1 of the bill. All I be considered by such a board. The bill provides that any lected for promotion under the best qualified selection system bill could not be considered by such a board. Nor could an ed more than one time by such a board.

convene these boards expires in 3 years. Such a board may ore than once a year.

etary convenes a continuation board he designates a zone of sidered by the board. This zone must start with the senior le who has not been previously considered by such a board. nsist of all officers in the grade or any lesser number the


also will designate the number of officers that the board may ation on active duty. In the case of captains this number 0 percent of the number of officers in the designated zone. In anders this number must be at least 80 percent of the number the zone.

o consist of at least six officers serving in a grade above the dered, would select the best qualified officers for continuation the number specified by the Secretary. The report of such a the Secretary and then to the President.

is considered by one of these continuation boards and not nuation on active duty would be retired on June 30 of the ch the board's report is approved or upon completion of 20 vice, whichever is later.

es that an officer who is retired under this provision would' eadjustment payment in addition to his retired pay. An ofred to retire under this provision could retire earlier than the above and still receive the readjustment payment. The o provides that no officer would be required to retire under than 6 months after approval of the board.


s bill on the various types of officers is summarized below. e permanent commissioned teaching staff of the Coast Guard officers will not be included on the active duty promotion ot compete under the best qualified selection system. They ed in the annual computation. They will be promoted under

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