페이지 이미지



England looked on as a hotbed of Revolution-The English Want of Interest
in Politics-Stability and Respect for the Law, and Fidelity of the Troops
-Occasional Excitement to remove a practical Grievance-Early Struggles
for Liberty of Conscience and commercial Privileges-London the Centre
of the commercial World-Money-Early Depreciation of Coin, and Dis-
covery of the Mexican Mines-First Issue of Bank of England Notes-
Country Bank Issues-Bad Condition of the Coinage prevents its Exporta-
tion- Suspension of Cash Payments in 1797-Currency during the War-
Peace of 1815-Obligation to return to Cash Payments in six Months-
Effect on the Circulation-Result on Trade-Universal Ruin-The Govern-
ment relax the Law-Repeal of Taxes-Cash Payments postponed for two
Years-Return of Prosperity-Royal Speeches-Diminution of Supply of
Gold - Drain of Gold from the Bank Coffers-Peel's Bill - Seditions -
Thistlewood's Conspiracy- Peterloo - Gagging Acts-Executions-Lord
Liverpool blames Over-production of the Soil-Temporary Relaxation -
Return of Prosperity-Crash of 1825-Reason for this Alternation-Excuses
-Depression-Swing Fires-Agitation-Accession of William the Fourth
Parliamentary Reform- Committees on Agriculture and Commercial Dis-
tress-Gold Returns in 1834-Prosperity-Gold goes-Crash of 1836-37—
Bank Relaxation-Temporary Revival-Recurrence of Distress-Disturb-

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Famine in Ireland-Waste of Money-Assassinations-Panic of Invasion in

England-Irish Anomalies-Split among the Repealers-Break-up of

English Parties-Meeting of Parliament-Irish Land Tenure-Impos-

sibility of obtaining a Conviction for agrarian Outrage-Lord John Rus-

sell proposes an Increase of Income-tax-General Results of Free Trade

and Fettered Currency-Meeting on the 6th of March in Trafalgar Square

-Outbreak in Glasgow-Riot in Edinburgh-Excitement in Ireland-

Latin Clergy-Objects of English Chartists and Irish Repealers-Strong

Language-Irish Leaders held to Bail-Monster Petition-Uneasiness as to

the Result-Special Constables-Irish Deputation to Paris-April 10-

Government Security-Bill introduced by Sir George Grey-Condition of

the Country-Trials at Dublin-The Battle of Limerick-Acquittals-

Mitchell convicted and transported— His subsequent Behaviour — Agita-

tion for Reform-Reasons it failed-Sir H. Bulwer expelled from Spain-

Suppression of Correspondence-Cooked Returns of the Colonial Office-

Case of the West Indies-Attempt to unite Old and New Repealers fails-

Mr O'Brien reviews his Troops at Cork-Suspension of the Habeas Corpus

-The Insurrection-Measures of the Authorities to arrest O'Brien, &c.-

Rebel Army in Position-Arrival of the Police-They occupy Mrs M'Cor-

mack's House-Parley-The Siege and Repulse-O'Brien goes into hiding

and is captured-Trials and Convictions of Chartists and Rebels-Renewal

of Riots in the Autumn-Real Irish Difficulty-Effect of the Misery in pro-

ducing subsequent Prosperity-Appropriation the Real Object of the Irish

Peasantry and Clergy-Two Letters of Lord George Bentinck on Ireland

Page 225

A popular Queen-The People is self-governed-Willing obedience to Law
where Law is individually beneficial-Antiquity and Prestige-Composite
Race-Individual Freedom and Action-Municipal and local Self-govern-

Opposite Forces which influenced the Resettlement of Europe-Fall of Hungary

and Flight of the Leaders-They take Refuge in Turkey- Demands of Russia

and Austria on the Porte-The Western Powers interfere-The Claim com-

promised-Wallachian Revolution-The Province occupied by Russia—The

English blockade the Piræus-Negotiations-Recall of the French Ambas-

sador-The Dispute arranged-Its Results-The Rights of British Subjects in

Foreign States-Jealousies between Russia and Austria-Austrian Weak-

ness-Advantages of Piedmont-Austrian Jealousy-The Papal Aggression

-The Durham Letter-No Popery-Example of Infallibility-Annoyance of

the Irish Brigade-Austrian Intrigues in Germany-Prince Schwartzenburg

-Hostility of Austria and Prussia-Customs League-Reconstruction of

Frankfort Diet-Occupation of Holstein-Claims on Denmark-Interven-

tion in Hesse-Prussia yields--Convention of Olmütz― Austria demands to

be admitted to the Confederation together with all her non-German Pro-

vinces-Austrian Customs League-English Want of Faith towards Den-

mark-Sicily-Mr Gladstone's Pamphlet-The Foreign Office-Small Dis-

putes-Discontent of Austrian Provinces the Cause of Austrian Neutrality

--The Constitution of Olmütz universally unpopular-Coolness between

Prussia and the Czar-Russia mediates between Austria and Prussia-Prus-

sian Constitution-Coolness between Austria and Prussia-Commercial

Rivalry-The Czar refuses to interfere-The Coup d'Etat-Leads to the

Expulsion of Lord Palmerston-Fall of the Whig Ministry-Lord Derby's

Ministry-Practical Measures-Elections-The Irish Brigade-Mr D'Is-

raeli's Budget-Irish Bargain-Defeat of the Ministers- Resignation of Lord

Derby-Aberdeen Ministry-Mission of Prince Menschikoff to Constanti-

nople-Leads to War-Necessary Neutrality of Austria and Prussia-A


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"Au bruit de la révolution de Février, ils sont sortis de leurs méditations métaphysiques tout armés de savantes formules, de pompeuses abstractions: ils ont fait leurs évolutions de Mars, et, à la facilité avec laquelle leurs théories ont eu raison tout d'abord des fragiles obstacles que leur opposait à Frankfort, à Berlin, et à Vienne, le vieux droit, disons mieux le matérialisme de 1815, ils ont pu croire qu'ils allaient sans peine refaire de fond en comble leur patrie à l'image de la patrie de leurs rêves. Par malheur, après avoir renversé d'un souffle tout ce qu'il avait de factice et de faux dans l'ancien ordre de choses, ils se sont retrouvés en présence de la vérité historique, de la puissance des faits naturels."--Annuaire des deux Mondes, 1850.



In order to understand the movement of the German people and German states in the year 1848, two separate and distinct elements have to be taken into consideration: first, the causes which led the people to originate the movement, and, secondly, the motives which induced the kings and princes of the German race either to oppose or lead it. In considering the former, the habits, traditions, character, and education of the people will be found


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