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THE MEDICAL HERALD has instituted this department for the purpose of supplying unbiased and reliable information to its readers concerning the numerous resorts of America. It is conceded that the American waters are equal, if not superior, to any found in the Old World, and our wealth and ingenuity are fast developing the resources of our springs. We have, in America, all the climatic advantages and mineral springs necessary for the treatment of all the ailments to which mankind is subject, but we have, as well, many which are practically worthless and positively injurious, and against these it is our purpose to protect our readers. It is to aid them in the discrimination between the meritorious and the undeserving that this bureau has been established. We believe the therapeutic value of mineral waters has been long recognized, even since the days of Hippocrates, and oftentimes they are indicated as adjuvant and auxiliary treatment.

The information offered by this bureau includes every detail which the physician and his patient may wish to know. The location, railway facilities, elevation, climate, hotels, mineral springs, and sanitaria will be included in our lists of resorts. We also furnish upon request announcements, rates, and booklets from any institution in the country. The information from this bureau is furnished absolutely free to medical men and their patients, upon request from the docto.

The information is obtained largely by trips of inspection and p ́rsonal visits. Where this is not possible, the data is obtained from medical men residing in the vicinity of such resorts.

This bureau will also obtain sleeping-car accommodation, procure railroad tickets, and make reservation in hotels or sanitariums in advance for our patrons, if requested.

Address all communications to Chas. Wood Fassett, M. D., St. Joseph, Mo.


Eureka Springs.-Crescent Hotel. $3.00_up. Weekly special. W. M. Walker. Mountain resort, mineral springs. Frisco system.

Hot Springs.-Park Hotel. American and European. Special rates. J. R. Hayes, lessee and manager. J. C. Walker, associate manager.

Hotel Eastman.-L. T. Hay, manager.

Arlington Hotel.-L. T. Hay, manager..

Ozark Sanitarium.-Drs. Holland and Laws.

Health and pleasure resort, situated in Ozarks, under control of U. S. Government. Valuable hot springs, winter resort. (See Adv.)


French Lick Springs. French Lick Springs Hotel. Sulphated-alkaline waters. Baths Open all year. $3 to $5. Special. Thos. Taggart, president.


New Orleans. Although New Orleans is not usually classed as a health resort, yet no one who contemplates a trip to the Southland should miss spending a few days in this quaint old city, if able to do so. New Orleans has been called the "Nice of America," the soft climate ranging from 30 to 60 degrees F. throughout the winter, and rarely exceeding 90 in the summer. As a winter resort it combines all of the happy characteristics of Florida, Mexico and California. A trip to New Orleans would be incomplete without making reservation of rooms at the elegant hostelry, the New St. Charles, which is one of America's finest hotels. This house is the pride of the Crescent City, and a new twelve-story Annex has just been completed, giving it over 500 rooms and accommodation for 1000 patrons The manager, Mr. Andrew R. Blakely, and his son, Mr. Russell Blakely, the assistant manager, are among the bestknown hotel men in America. The "Mardi Gras" festivities in the early springtime attract thousands of visitors from every state.


Alma Alma Springs Sanitarium.-Fine climate, pure water, mineral springs, baths. Raymond Custer Turck, M. D., Medical Superintendent.

Battle Creek Battle Creek Sanitarium -J. H. Kellogg, M. D., Superintendent. Fireproof building, equipped with all modern appliances for medical and surgical treatment. Rates on application. (See adv.)


Biloxi Sanitorium.-A regular institution, located on the M xican Gulf, where the health-giving breezes come softly up from the Southern sea. Especially established for the care of convalescents from grippe, pneumonia and the fevers. The climate is particularly conducive to good results in asthma, bronchitis, insomnia, and neurasthenia, as patients may remain in the open air almost the entire time. Fine artesian water. Tubercular patients not received. H. M. Folkes, M. D., president. (See Adv. page 81.)

Biloxi. Hotel de Montross.-Gulf coast, climate. $2.50 up. Special. H. F. Sawford.

Pass Christian. Mexican Gulf Hotel. Gulf coast, winter resort. Climate, sea air, pine forests. Rates, special. E. F. Carroll.

The water at this resort is worthy of notice, and we call attention to an analysis by Prof. Vaughan of Ann Arbor, on page 80.


Excelsior Springs.-Hotel Royal. $2.00 and $2.50 per day. Weekly special. L. G. Hill. C. M. & St. P. and Wabash R. R.'s, 25 miles from Kansas City. Valuable mineral waters, including the "Regent" and "Sulpho-Saline."

The Maples. $2.00 per day; week, from $12.50 up.

Hotel Newton. $2.50 up.

Kansas City. Dr. Burnett's Private Home for Nervous Patients and Selected Inebriates. 425 Rialto Building. (See Adv.)

Dr. Punton's Private Home for Nervous and Mental Diseases 3001 Lydia Av. (See Adv.)


Atlantic City.-Seaside health and pleasure resort. Grand Atlantic Hotel (all year)
$3.00 to $5.00 per day; $15.00 to $25.00 per week. D. P. Rahter, manager.
Royal Palace Hotel.-$3.50 up.
The Chalfonte. Special rates.
(See adv.)

American plan. L. J. Watrous, manager.
American plan. Gpen all year. The Leeds Co.


Lookout Mountain. Lookout Inn. Historical. Climatic, elevation over 2,000 feet Mineral waters. Excellent hotel accommodations. Average temperature, February, March and April, 59 degrees; June, July, August, and September, 74 deg. Open all year.

As a health resort Lookout Mountain has no superior. The air is balmy and exhilarating. The pine forest which covers the larger part of its surface furnishes that restorative element peculiar to certain favored localities rich in pine forest. The absorbent quality of the light nd sandy soil prevents dampness, and makes malaria unknown. The elevation-over 2,000 feet-guarantees purity of atmosphere, most potent in its influences upon sufferers from disease, and especially lung, throat and nervous affections. It is a paradise to children and invalids, and there is no spot in the world where the business and literary man will so rapidly recuperate as upon Lookout Mountain. Convenient to Chattanooga and to Chickamauga National Park. Rates, special. Special railway rates. T. V. Barton, manager.

Tate Springs. Tate Springs Hotel. Mineral springs. All year. Climate equable. Rates, special. Thos. Tomlinson.

Monteagle Health and pleasure resort. Mineral springs. The Monteagle Assembly is in session during July and August. The Inn, J. C. S. Timberlake, manager.

DR. O. B. CAMPBELL, St. Joseph

President Buchanan County Medical Society, 1906.


THE Medical Herald

Medical Society of the Missouri Valley Meets in St. Joseph, March 22, 23, 1906.

The following is an extract from "The Essentials of Materia
Medica," by Alfred Baring Garrod, M. D., F. R. S.


Scott's Emulsion is indicated in all cases where cod liver oil or the hypophosphites are commonly used. In all instances where we have emaciation the action of Scott's Emulsion is most marked and rapid. In rickets and scrofula its action is more prompt than any remedy known to the profession, and it is relied on with the utmost confidence by the medical profession. Scott's Emulsion is a perfect emulsification of the oil globules, rendered so diminutive as to be quickly taken up by the lacteals. The emulsions made by druggists with mucilage are simply mixtures, and separate on standing. They rarely fail to produce disagreeable eructations or cause vomiting or a persistent dyspepsia that eventually renders it impossible to continue their use. Scott's Emulsion never is followed by results of this character, and is easily digested and pleasant to the palate. It contains no sugar as is the case with some emulsions.'

Scott's Emulsion is recognized by authorities the world over as the standard cod liver oil preparation.

Scott & Bowne, Chemists, 409 Pearl Street, New York.

The Formulas

of the Medicines of the J. C. AYER COMPANY

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And why shouldn't we publish the formulas of our medicines! We have nothing to conceal. No secrets to hide. Come to Lowell any day. We will gladly take you all through our Laboratory. Even there, we do one single secret to hide.

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John Prentiss Lord, M. D., Omaha, Neb.

Professor General Surgery and Orthopedics, Creighton Medical College: Attending Surgeon, St.
Joseph's, Wise Memorial, Clarkson Memorial and Douglas County Hospitals; Consulting Sur-
geon, South Omaha Hospital, and Orthopedic Surgeon and Superintendent Nebraska
State Hospital for Crippled and Deformed Children, etc.


HE treament of acute diseases had best be begun early if the best results are to be obtained Indeed, it is often imperative, if disaster would be averted. With delay in chronic disease, the permanent pathologic processes may become too greatly advanced and too thoroughly established to permit of successful treatment.

Acute surgical conditions require prompt surgical intervention, if the best success is attained. At times, disaster may only be averted by timely action.

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