For the support and instruction of one hundred fifteen pupils at the Western New York institution, at Rochester, for the improved instruction of deaf-mutes, in addition to the sum of one thousand four hundred sixty dollars and fifty-nine cents (re. $1,460.59), remaining unexpended of appropriations heretofore made therefor, which is hereby reappropriated for the cur rent and the next fiscal years, the further sum of thirty-three thousand thirty-nine dollars and forty-one cents ($33,039.41). The amount hereby appropriated for the several institutions for the support and instruction of deaf-mutes is at the rate of three hundred dollars per capita per annum and a proportionate amount for shorter period of time than one year, or for a smaller number of pupils in each case, and shall be allowed in each of the last eight items, and paid by the comptroller, upon certificate verified by oath of the president and secretary of such institution, and upon the approval of the commissioner of education. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. For the maintenance of the state school of clay workings and ceramics at Alfred university as provided by chapter three hundred eighty-three, laws of nineteen hundred, seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500), or so much thereof as may be necessary. For payment to Cornell university, being the interest at five per centum on the proceeds of the college land scrip fund pursuant to chapter seventy-eight, laws of eighteen hundred ninetyfive, thirty-four thousand four hundred twenty-eight dollars and eighty cents ($34,428.80). For the state veterinary college at Cornell university for maintenance, equipment and necessary material to conduct the same, thirty thousand dollars ($30,000), payable to the treasurer of Cornell university on the warrant of the comptroller. For the state college of agriculture at Cornell university for the promotion of agricultural knowledge throughout the state as provided by chapter four hundred thirty, laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and for the maintenance, equipment and necessary material to conduct the college of agriculture, one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000), payable to the treasurer of Cornell university on the warrant of the comptroller, MISCELLANEOUS. COUNTY TREASURERS. For advances to county treasurers on account of taxes on property of non-residents, and for taxes on state, wild or forest lands which may be returned to the comptroller's office, and for adjusting accounts of state taxes with counties, fifty-five thousand dollars ($55,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary. REDEMPTION OF LANDS. The sum of nine thousand dollars ($9,000), for repayment of money to purchasers upon redemption of lands sold for taxes. REFUND OF TAXES. The sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000), for repayment of money erroneously paid into the treasury for taxes. INDIAN AFFAIRS. For the payment of the annuities to the several Indian tribes, as follows: To the Onondagas, two thousand four hundred thirty dollars ($2,430); Cayugas, two thousand three hundred dollars ($2,300); Saint Regis, two thousand one hundred thirty-one dollars and sixty-seven cents ($2,131.67). For the relief of the Onondaga Indians, three hundred dollars ($300). For compensation of the agent of the Onondaga Indians, two hundred dollars ($200). For compensation of the agent of the Onondaga Indians, pursu ant to chapter one hundred seventy-eight, laws of eighteen hundred forty-seven and chapter six hundred thirty-five, laws of eighteen hundred sixty-nine, sixty-five dollars ($65). For compensation of the agent of the Onondaga Indians, residing on the Allegany and Cattaraugus reservation, one hundred fifty dollars ($150). For compensation of the attorney of the Saint Regis Indians, one hundred fifty dollars ($150), For compensation of the attorney of the Seneca Indians, on hundred fifty dollars ($150). For compensation of the attorney of the Tonawanda band of Seneca Indians, one hundred fifty dollars ($150). VARIOUS. For the lieutenant-governor and the speaker of the assembly, for their actual and necessary traveling expenses in the performance of their duties upon the several boards of which they are members, one thousand dollars each ($2,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary. For the trustees of Washington's headquarters, at Newburgh, for compensation of the superintendent, and for the care, maintenance, repairs and improvements of the grounds, one thousand dollars ($1,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary. For the trustees of public buildings, for the salary of the keeper of the senate-house property, at Kingston, pursuant to chapter two hundred twenty-seven, laws of eighteen hundred ninety-three, six hundred dollars ($600). For the salary of the custodian and care-taker of the state reservation at Stony Point, six hundred dollars ($600), or so much thereof as may be necessary, payable monthly. For the expenses of the board of port wardens of the port of New York, pursuant to chapter one hundred forty-two, laws of eighteen hundred ninety-one, four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500), or so much thereof as may be necessary. For salary of janitor of the Saratoga monument, six hundred dollars ($600), as provided by chapter five hundred fifty-five, laws of eighteen hundred ninety-five. For care and maintenance of Grant cottage, as provided by chapter six hundred sixty-seven, laws of eighteen hundred ninetysix, one thousand dollars ($1,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary. § 2. The several amounts herein appropriated shall be paid by the treasurer from the respective sums as specified, pursuant to the requirements of the state finance law, and it shall be the duty of the treasurer to report annually to the legislature the detail of the several expenditures. The salary or compensation of any officer or employee, when not prescribed by law, for which an appropriation is made by this act, may be fixed by the department, official or officials appointing such officer, or employing such employee, at a less, but not a greater sum than the amount herein appropriated for the salary or compensation of such officer or employee. No appropriation herein contained shall be available for the salary or compensation of any regular officer or employee whose employment or office is not herein specified unless his appointment or employment is expressly authorized, and except as otherwise herein expressly provided, the appropriations made in this act for traveling expenses of officers or employees are for actual and necessary expenses only, in the performance of official duty and to be paid upon proper proof thereof, as required by section twelve of the state finance law, and no other or further or fixed allowance for expenses shall be granted or paid, anything in any other statute to the contrary notwithstanding. The appropriations made in this act for the salaries of employees by grades are intended to refer to such grades as estab lished by, and in accordance with, chapter five hundred twentyone, laws of nineteen hundred one, and such appropriations shall be available for the salaries of employees in any grade lower than the one specified in the appropriation act. A manager, trustee or officer of any state charitable or other institution receiving moneys under this act from the state treasury, for maintenance and support, shall be entitled to actual and necessary traveling expenses only when attending meetings of the board at the office of the institution or visiting the institution or in attendance on the state board of charities or the fiscal supervisor of state charities, pursuant to a request of said board or fiscal supervisor of state charities. Chap. 578. AN ACT making appropriations for certain expenses of government and supplying deficiencies in former appropriations. Became a law, July 12, 1907, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. The treasurer shall pay, on the warrant of the comptroller, from the several funds specified, to the persons, and for the purposes indicated in this act, the amounts named or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to accomplish, in full, the purposes designated by the appropriations, which several amounts are hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. No warrants shall be issued, except in cases of salaries, until the amounts claimed shall have been audited and allowed by the comptroller, who is hereby authorized to determine the same, upon vouchers presented as required by section twelve of the state finance law. Whenever an appropriation shall have been provided otherwise the sum herein directed to be paid shall not be considered as an addition to such other appropriation unless it shall be expressly so declared in this act. FROM THE GENERAL FUND. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. The sum of two thousand four hundred seventy-two dollars and thirty-three cents (re. $2,472.33) being the unexpended balance of appropriations made by chapter six hundred ninety-nine, laws of nineteen hundred five, and chapter six hundred eighty-three, laws of nineteen hundred six, for repairs, furniture and incidental expenses of the executive mansion and rent of stable, is hereby reappropriated for the incidental expenses of the executive mansion, including rent of stable and equipage, from January first, nineteen hundred seven, to be paid on the certificate of the governor. The sum of one thousand dollars (re. $1,000), being a portion of the unexpended balance of the appropriation made by chapter six hundred eighty-three, laws of nineteen hundred six, for postage and expenses of transportation of all letters, official documents or other matters sent by express or freight, including boxes or cov ering for same, is hereby reappropriated for necessary expenses, including binding, printing, stationery, traveling and other incidental expenses and for the payment of notarial clerks and expenses of notarial department, and in addition the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) is hereby appropriated for the same purpose. For the keeper and recorder of legislative bills, from January first to October first, nineteen hundred seven, to which position the military secretary may be assigned, one thousand one hundred twenty-five dollars ($1,125), or so much thereof as may be necessary. |