
over 42 by 22 inches may be shipped when packed in traveling bags, suitcases, trunks, or other suitable outside containers. When so packed, the prescribed label must be placed on each outside container.*† [Par. 10 (b)]

82.12 Labels; application and replacement. (a) All packages containing dangerous articles for which labels are prescribed herein, must be conspicuously labeled by the shipper. Labels should be applied when practicable to that part of the package bearing the consignee's name and address, or baggage check. Shippers must furnish and attach labels prescribed for their shipments.

(b) Carriers must keep on hand an adequate supply of labels. Lost or detached labels must be replaced.*+ [Par. 11]

[blocks in formation]

82.13 Labels; description, shipper's certificate of compliance. (a) Labels for dangerous articles must be of diamond shape, with each side 4 inches long. The colors must be red for compressed inflammable gases, green for compressed noninflammable gases, and yellow for motion-picture films.

(b) The carrier's name and stationery form number, or the shipper's name and address, may be printed on the labels, in type not larger than 10 point, if placed within the black-line border and in

Page 1168

*For statutory and source citations, see note to § 82.1.

the upper or lower corner of the diamond. A combination diamondshaped label-tag of proper color, bearing on one side the shipping information and on the reverse side the wording prescribed herein, will be permitted.

(c) Red label for compressed inflammable gases, green label for compressed noninflammable gases, and yellow label for inflammable solids, are as prescribed by section 3 of regulations for the transportation of explosives and other dangerous articles by express, with the words, "or baggage" added in the lower corner of the diamond.

(d) The printing on all labels must be in black letters inside of black-line border measuring 31⁄2 inches on each side and as follows:

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

(e) The labels prescribed are identical in color, size, and form, and in the instructions printed thereon, with the labels prescribed for dangerous articles other than explosives when transported by freight or express. For shipments offered for transportation in baggage service, the shipper must certify to compliance with the regulations in Parts 72, 74, 80, 81, and this part by writing, stamping, or printing his name underneath the certificate printed thereon.*+ [Par. 12]

**For statutory and source citations, see note to § 82.1.

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(Reduced size)

82.14 Placards. Placards ordinarily used to indicate the presence in cars of inflammable articles will not be required on baggage cars in charge of a railway employee and moving in passenger trains, or on electric or gasoline motor cars in charge of an employee of the carrier, and which are run independently of cars carrying passengers.** [Par. 13]

82.15 Handling. (a) In handling packages containing dangerous articles, care must be taken to prevent them from falling or from being broken. They must not be thrown, dropped, or rolled.

(b) Packages containing dangerous articles when transported in baggage service in passenger-carrying trains must be loaded in the car occupied by a railway employee, and in a place that will permit their ready removal in case of fire. They must not be loaded in cars nor stored in stations near steam pipes or other sources of heat.

(c) The originating carrier, when a shipment is offered to it that is known to contain dangerous articles as defined by the regulations, in this part must see that the packages are marked and labeled as prescribed.

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**For statutory and source citations, see note to § 82.1.

(d) Shipments of dangerous articles offered by connecting transportation lines must comply with the regulations in Parts 72, 74, 80, $1, and this part.

(e) An astray shipment of dangerous articles, or a shipment made in violation of the regulations in Parts 72, 74, 80, 81, and this part without the knowledge of the carrier, must be forwarded promptly to destination, if known, provided a careful inspection shows the package to be in proper condition for safe transportation.

(f) Unauthorized persons must not be allowed to have access to dangerous articles in transit at any time while such articles are in the custody of the carrier.*+ [Pars. 14-19]


[blocks in formation]

List of explosives and other dan- 83.18
gerous articles and chart of
stowage, loading, and storage

83.0 Recommended stowage.

General regulations

83.1 Purpose, scope, and application. 83.2 Import shipments.

83.3 Routing of explosives.

83.4 Removal and disposition of explosives at destination.

83.5 Removal and disposition of other than explosives at destination.

83.6 Violations and accidents to be reported.

83.7 Intermediate shippers and car-

83.8 Reused containers.
83.9 Empty containers.
83.10 Marking containers for shipment.
83.11 Bill of lading, shipping order,
and other shipping-paper de-

83.12 Shipper's certificate.
83.13 Label notation.

83.14 Labels.

Examination of shipping orders, other shipping papers, and packages.

Regulations applying more particularly to the carriers of explosives and other dangerous articles by water

83.50 Preparation of outbound vessels to transport explosives.

83.51 Preparation of compartments, lockers, and magazines of vessels.

83.52 Storage of explosives and other dangerous articles.

83.53 Loading, unloading, and other handling.

83.54 Equipment for handling explo-

83.55 Stowage of explosives.
83.56 Stowage of explosives with other
dangerous articles.

83.57 Stowage of dangerous articles
other than explosives.
83.58 Semihazardous articles.

83.15 Manifests, cargo lists, and other 83.59 Bulk shipments.


83.16 Shipping names, kind of label,

83.60 Injured, leaking, and astray packages.

and shipper's certificate on 83.61 Defective packages offered for

manifest or cargo list.


83.17 Indorsements on manifest or 83.62 Laws and regulations relating to cargo list for other than explosives.



Statement of applicable regulations for car ferries, car floats, or other ferries or vessels upon which railroad cars or other vehicles containing explosives or other dangerous articles are transported: See § 80.8.

Examination of explosives in the appraisement procedure of the Bureau of Customs: See Customs Duties, 19 CFR 12.2.

Exportation of foreign merchandise of explosive substance, its transportation in bond and forwarding procedure: See Customs Duties, 19 CFR 16.34. National Munitions Control Board regulations relating to international traffic in arms and ammunition: See National Defense, 32 CFR Part 301.

**For statutory and source citations, see note to § 82.1.

Page 1171

Regulations of the Bureau of Customs, Department of the Treasury, prohibiting the warehousing of explosives: See Customs Duties, 19 CFR 6.30. Requirements of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation to be met by tank vessels carrying inflammable liquids: See Shipping, 46 CFR Part 31. Special sale by customs officials of unclaimed explosives imported into the U. S.: See Customs Duties, 19 CFR 18.8.


Section 83.0 Recommended stowage (a) Regulations. Recommended stowage for explosives and other dangerous articles is shown herein on freight and freight-and-passenger vessels (listed as passenger vessels), except as otherwise specified. When vessels are not so constructed or equipped as to permit of such recommended stowage, then the stowage facilities available aboard said vessel that are safest in the judgment of the carrier should be used.

CROSS REFERENCES: For regulations relating to the prohibited carriage of explosives on passenger vessels, see § 83.1 (c). For regulations applying more particularly to the carriers of explosives and other dangerous articles by water, see §§ 83.50-83.59.

Articles preceded by reference symbol (4) are dangerous or not dangerous according to definitions in sections as follows: Inflammable liquids, § 80.106 (a); inflammable solids, § 80.130 (a); oxidizing materials, 880.130 (b); corrosive liquids, § 80.150 (a); poisonous articles, § 80.190.

Other reference symbols used: N. o. s.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Not otherwise specified in the regulations in this part. On deck in the open: Stowage on the open weather deck, but shipments may be covered by tarpaulin or awnings to protect them from the elements.

On deck under cover:

(1) Shipments may be stowed in covered erections
on structures (such as lockers, forecastles, bridge,
or poop) on the weather deck. These erections
or structures may have openings in the sides or
ends but no openings, such as hatches, com-
panionways, or manholes, to the deck below.
(2) When such space is not available due to the
design of the ship, shipments may be stowed
on the main deck, if the main deck is provided
with side ports or with hatches to the weather
deck. The shipments of hazardous materials
must be stowed near the side ports or the hatches
to the weather deck.

The hatches, companionways, or manholes, between
the main deck and any cargo-carrying compart-
ment below must be kept securely closed, except
when actually in use.

Under deck, away from artificial heat.
'Tween decks, readily accessible for inspection.

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