페이지 이미지

Navy Department-Continued
Aviation Supply Depot, Naval; appoint-
ment of Samuel M. Sampler to civilian
position in. See Appointment.
China, assistance to. See Assistance to
various countries.

Committees on which Department repre-

Scientific Research and Development, In-
terdepartmental Committee on (EO


State-War-Navy Coordinating Commit-

tee, Security Advisory Board of; du-
ties respecting rules for handling
and transmission of confidential,
etc., documents in connection with
loyalty program, prescribed. See
State-War-Navy Coordinating Com-


Trade Agreements, Interdepartmental
Committee on (EO 9832)

Defensive sea areas. See Naval reserva-

Greece, assistance to. See Assistance to
various countries.

Housing; transfer of certain national de-
fense and war housing functions to
Housing and Home Finance Agency
(Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1947)
John Paul Jones Bicentennial Day, 1947
(Proc. 2736)

Joint Chiefs of Staff. See Joint Chiefs of

Loyalty program; continued enforcement

and maintenance of high standards
within armed services directed, and
duties of Security Advisory Board of
State-War-Navy Coordinating Commit-
tee respecting rules for handling con-
fidential records prescribed (EO 9835)
Marine Corps:

Aerial flights by personnel:

Authorization of various officers to

issue aerial flight orders to per-
sonnel, including reserve compo-
nents; regulations amended (EO

Glider flights, regulations amended re-
specting authority under which
certain requirements may be met
(EO 9850)

Allowances for personnel:

Per diem allowances for members of
service on duty outside continent-
al United States or in Alaska (EO

Quarters and subsistence allowances
for enlisted men:

New regulations (EO 9871)
Prior regulations amended respecting
men traveling on duty (EO 9825)
Detail of certain officers and enlisted
men to assist China in naval mat-
ters, authorized (EO 9843)

Functions and responsibilities as con-
stituent service of armed forces (EO

Navy Department-Continued
Military tribunals in United States Zone of
Occupation in Germany for trial and
punishment of major war criminals:
Assistance to designated members and
alternate member authorized (EO
9819, 9827, 9852, 9858, 9868, 9882)
Status, compensation and allowances for
expenses of Naval Reserve Officer ap-
pointed as member; provisions re-
garding (EO 9819)
Naval reservations, defensive sea areas, etc.:
Airspace reservation, naval; discontinu-
ance of Palmyra Island reservation
(EO 9881)

Defensive sea areas, naval; discontinu-


Palmyra Island area (EO 9881)

San Clemente Island area (EO 9894)
Pacific Islands, Trust Territory of. See
Trust Territory.

Return of World War II dead; display of
flag of United States at half-mast, in
honor of (EO 9896)

State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee,
Security Advisory Board of. See State-
War-Navy Coordinating Committee.
Trade agreements:

Advice with respect to General Agree-
ment on Tariffs and Trade concluded
at Geneva. See Trade agreements.
Representation of Department on Inter-
departmental Committee on Trade
Agreements (EO 9832)

Trust Territory of Pacific Islands, interim
civil administration; delegation of au-
thority to Secretary of Navy for, and
conditions for exercise of responsibil-
ity (EO 9875)

Turkey, assistance to. See Assistance to
various countries.

Northwestern Pacific Railroad Company;
emergency board created to investigate
dispute with employees. See National
Mediation Board.


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Pardon granted by President to certain per-
sons convicted of violating the Selective
Training and Service Act of 1940 (Proc.,

Patent Office; extension of time for renew-
ing trade-mark registration:
Finland (Proc. 2759)

France (Proc. 2754)
Netherlands (Proc. 2755)
Switzerland (Proc. 2740)

United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland (Proc. 2741)
Patents, foreign; procurement of, by United

States Government, for inventions re-
sulting from research financed by Gov-
ernment, and negotiation of arrange-
ments among participating governments
for access to (EO 9865)

Pere Marquette Railroad Company; emer-
gency board created to investigate dis-
pute with employees. See National Me-
diation Board.

Personnel Council, Federal. See Civil Serv-
ice Commission.

Philippine Alien Property Administration:
Authorization of Administrator to per-

form functions transferred to Presi-
dent under Reorganization Plan No. 1
of 1947 respecting alien property in
Philippines (EO 9876)

Establishment and functions; new provi-
sions (EO 9818)

Transfer of personnel, property, etc., from
Office of Alien Property and other
agencies; new provisions (EO 9818)

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Post Office Department; competition in civil
service examination for position of sub-
stitute railway postal clerk restricted to
veterans (EO 9889)

Preparatory Commission for International
Refugee Organization, immunities of.
See International organizations.
President's Amnesty Board. See Amnesty
Board, President's.

President's Certificate of Merit. See Medals.
Price Administration, Office of; disposition
of certain functions vested in Tempo-
rary Controls Administrator respecting
price and rent control. See Temporary
Controls, Office of.

Prison-made goods, Government purchase
of; suspension of prohibition against,
revoked (EO 9859)

Prohibition Act, National; transfer of cer-
tain functions in connection with vio-
lations of. See Internal Revenue Bu-

Public Health Service:

Allowances, per diem, for members on duty
outside continental United States or
in Alaska; regulations governing
granting of (EO 9871)

Commissioned officers and employees; reg-
ulations relating to, amended (EO

Public Housing Administration:
Commissioner; appointment and functions
of, and membership on National Hous-
ing Council (Reorganization Plan No.
3 of 1947)

Establishment as constituent agency of
Housing and Home Finance Agency
(Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1947)
Public international organizations. See In-
ternational organizations.

Puerto Rico:

District Court of United States for:
Designation of Acting Judges for:
Hon. A. Cecil Snyder (EO 9826)
Hon. Borinquen Marrero (EO 9879)
Exemption from making reports to Co-

ordinator of Federal Agencies as pro-
vided for by Section 49b (2) of Or-
ganic Act of Puerto Rico, as amended
(EO 9909)

Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administra-
tion; appointment of James P. Davis,
Director, Division of Territories and
Island Possessions, Department of In-
terior, as Administrator (EO 9901)
Sugar quota; control by Department of
Agriculture. See Agriculture Depart-

Pulaski's (General) Memorial Day, 1947
(Proc. 2750)

Quarters and subsistence allowances for cer-
tain personnel. See Allowances.

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Emergency boards created to investigate
disputes with employees. See National
Mediation Board.

National Railway Labor Panel for creation
of emergency boards. See National
Mediation Board.

Railway Express Agency, Inc.; emergency
boards created to investigate disputes
with employees. See National Mediation

Rainy Lake and Pigeon River watersheds,
wilderness sanctuary in; authority of
Quetico Superior Committee. See
Quetico-Superior Committee.
Reclamation Bureau; authorization of cer-
tain Federal employees of, to accept ap-
pointments as constables or deputy sher-
iffs under laws of States or territories
where duties exercised (EO 9845)
Reconstruction Finance Corporation:
Emergency purchases of war materials
abroad; termination of authority re-
specting (EO 9903)

Housing; representation on National Hous-
ing Council (Reorganization Plan No.
3 of 1947)

Litigation arising under wartime legisla-
tion, conduct of; functions and duties
of Corporation and Attorney General
respecting (EO 9841, 9842)
Transfer to, of certain functions vested in
Temporary Controls Administrator re-
specting subsidies and price adjust-
ments (EO 9841)

Red Cross Month, 1947 (Proc. 2716)
Refugees, immunities of intergovernmental
or international organizations respect-
ing. See International organizations.
Relief assistance to people of war-devastated
countries. See Aid to various countries
and peoples.

Rent control; transfer of functions respect-
ing, to Housing Expediter. See Housing

Reorganization Plans Nos. 1 and 3 of 1947,
prepared by President, Title 3, chapter

Return of World War II dead from overseas.
See World War II dead.

River Terminal Railway Company; emergency
board created to investigate dispute with
employees. See National Mediation


"Saimaa, M. S.," disposal of. See Maritime

Salmon fisheries; certain responsibilities of
Fish and Wildlife Service regarding. See
Fish and Wildlife Service.

San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railway Com-
pany; emergency board created to inves-
tigate dispute with employees. See Na-
tional Mediation Board.
Sanibel National Wildlife Refuge, Florida;
designation as closed area. See Fish and
Wildlife Service.
Scientific Research and Development, Inter-
departmental Committee on; establish-
ment, membership, and duties (EO 9912)
Scientific Research and Development, Office
of; termination of, and transfer of per-
sonnel, property, functions, etc., to Na-
tional Military Establishment (EO 9913)
Seals; official; Air Force Department (EO
Security Advisory Board of State-War-Navy
Coordinating Committee. See State-
War-Navy Coordinating Committee.
Security measures in connection with em-
ployees loyalty program. See Loyalty of

Selective Service; pardon granted by Presi-
dent to certain persons convicted of vio-
lating the Selective Training and Serv-
ice Act of 1940 (Proc. 2762)

Six Rivers National Forest, establishment.
See Forest Service.

Smithsonian Institution; representation on
Interdepartmental Committee on Sci-
entific Research and Development (EO

Solid Fuels Administration for War; abol-
ishment of, together with functions
vested in Administrator by establish-
ment order, and liquidation by Secre-
tary of Interior through various offi-
cials, authorized (EO 9847)

Southern Pacific Company (Pacific Lines);
emergency board created to investigate

dispute with employees. See National
Mediation Board.

Stabilization of economy, etc.; delegation of
powers vested in President under sec-
tion 4 (b) of Joint Resolution of De-
cember 30, 1947, to Secretary of Agri-
culture, respecting allocation of grain.
See Agriculture Department.

State Department:

Aid to various countries and peoples:
China, Republic of; authority of Secre-
tary respecting transfer of certain
vessels and material and furnishing
of certain assistance in naval mat-
ters to (EO 9843)

Foreign Aid Act of 1947; provisions re-
garding duties and authority of Sec-
retary of State, personnel, funds,
etc., in administration of (EO 9914)
Greece and Turkey, provision for fur-
nishing assistance to; authority and
functions of Secretary of State and
Chief of Mission respecting (EO

State Department-Continued
Aid to various countries and peoples-Con-

Personnel of American Missions for Aid
to Greece or Turkey. See American
Missions for Aid to Greece or Tur-

Relief assistance to people of war-dev-
astated countries, provision for; au-
thority and functions of Secretary
of State and field administrator re-
specting (EO 9864)

Foreign aid. See Aid to various countries
and peoples.

Foreign Service:

Allowances to personnel and allotments

of funds under Foreign Service Act
of 1946; authorization to Secretary
of State to prescribe regulations
governing granting of and account-
ing for, and confirmation of certain
previous regulations and
(EO 9870)

Consular agents; exclusion from opera-
tion of Civil Service Retirement Act
(EO 9824)

Leave, annual and sick; transfer be-
tween Foreign Service and other
Government agencies, regulations
(EO 9837)

Loyalty program; duties of Security Ad-
visory Board of State-War-Navy Co-
ordinating Committee respecting
rules for handling confidential records
prescribed (EO 9835)

Military tribunals for trial and punish-
ment of major war criminals in Ger-
many, assistance to members of. See
War criminals.

Munitions control; enumeration of arms,
ammunition, and implements of war
(upon recommendation of National
Munitions Control Board) for pur-
poses of manufacture, import and ex-
port (Proc. 2717)

Patents, foreign; functions of Department
respecting negotiation of
ments among participating govern-
ments for access to, and of Secretary
to approve licensing by Secretary of
Commerce of patents relating to pub-
lic health matters to other countries
(EO 9865)



to; authorization (EO 9890)


Relief assistance to people of war-devas-

tated countries.

See Aid to various
countries and peoples.
State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee,
Security Advisory Board of; duties in
connection with rules for handling and
transmission of confidential, etc., doc-
uments in connection with loyalty
program prescribed (EO 9835)

728472-48-SUPP. X-BK. 1

State Department Continued
Trade agreements:
Administration of reciprocal trade agree-
procedures pre-

ments program;
scribed (EO 9832)

Advice with respect to General Agree-
ment on Tariffs and Trade concluded
at Geneva (Proc. 2761A)
Interdepartmental Committee on Trade
Agreements; representation on (EO

Termination of certain proclamations re-
specting trade agreements with Gov-
ernments of Belgium (on behalf of
Belgo-Luxemburg Economic Union),
Canada, French Republic, Kingdom
of Netherlands, and United King-
dom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland (Proc. 2763)

Trust Territory of Pacific Islands, interim
civil administration; requirements for
joint exercise of authority by Secre-
taries of State and Navy respecting
closed areas, and for conduct through
Secretary of State of relations between
Government agencies and United Na-
tions organs respecting territory (EO
United States Mission to United Nations;
responsibility of Chief of Mission to
carry out instructions of President
transmitted by Secretary of State and
to administer Mission pursuant to reg-
ulations prescribed by Secretary (EO


Foreign merchant vessels acquired by
Maritime Commission and author-
ized to be disposed of; concurrence
of Secretary of State in connection
with disposal (EO 9848)

Naval vessels, transfer to Republic of
China; authority of Secretary re-
specting (EO 9843)

State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee, Se-
curity Advisory Board of; duties re-
specting rules for handling and trans-
etc., docu-
mission of confidential,

ments in connection with loyalty pro-
gram, prescribed (EO 9835)
Subversive activity on part of Federal em-
ployees. See Civil Service.

Sugar production and control by Agriculture
Department, under Sugar Act of 1937.
See Agriculture Department.

Surplus Property Administration; reorgani-
zation as War Assets Administration (Re-
organization Plan No. 1 of 1947)
Surplus Property Office, Department of In-
terior. See Interior Department.

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Trade agreements-Continued

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Interdepartmental Committee on Trade
Agreements; representation on and
special duties in connection with
(EO 9832)

Investigations, reports, etc., by Commis-
sion in connection with administra-
tion of reciprocal trade agreements
program; requirements (EO 9832)
Tax Court of the United States; exemption
of William W. Arnold and John A. Tyson,
Judges, from compulsory retirement for
age (EO 9895)

Tax returns, decisions, etc.; inspection of.
See Internal Revenue Bureau.
Temporary Controls, Office of; disposition of
certain functions, personnel, records, etc.
(EO 9836, 9841)

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Termination of certain functions:
Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of

1937; revocation of prior order re-
specting approval by Economic Sta-
bilization Director (later by Tem-
porary Controls Administrator) of
certain orders issued under (EO
National Defense Act of 1916, section 20;
authority of Temporary Controls
Administrator respecting placing

compulsory orders for products or
materials (EO 9841)

Termination of Office, and provisions for
liquidation (EO 9841)

Transfer of certain functions to various

Agriculture Department; price control

over rice (EO 9841)

Commerce Department; certain former
functions of Civilian Production
Administration and other functions
in connection with stabilization of
prices (EO 9841)

Housing Expediter:

Rent control (EO 9841)

Veterans' Emergency Housing Program
(EO 9836)


Finance Corporation;
subsidies and price adjustments (EO

Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis;
emergency board created to investigate
dispute with employees. See National
Mediation Board.

Thanksgiving Day, 1947 (Proc. 2756)

Timber, free importation of.

See Customs


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Trade agreements-Continued

Interdepartmental Committee on Trade
Agreements; establishment, member-
ship, and functions (EO 9832)
Termination of certain proclamations re-
specting trade agreements with Gov-
ernments of Belgium (on behalf of
Belgo-Luxemburg Economic Union),
Canada, French Republic, Kingdom of
Netherlands, and United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland
(Proc. 2763)

Trade-mark registrations. See Patent Office.
Travel and transportation expenses of Gov-
ernment employecs. See Civil Service.
Treasury Department:
Banking restrictions; exclusion of member
banks of Federal Reserve System from
scope of Proclamations 2039 and 2040
and Executive Order 6073 regarding 11-
censing of banking business by Secre-
tary of Treasury, and continuation of
restrictions on payments of gold and
hoarding of currency (Proc. 2725)

Coast Guard. See Coast Guard.
Coastwise laws; deferment of extension to
Canton Island. See Canton Island.
Committees, boards, etc., on which Depart-
ment represented:

National Security Resources Board; des-
ignation of Secretary as member
(EO 9905)

Trade Agreements,


Committee on (EO 9832)

Contract settlement; transfer to Treasury
Department of certain agencies, func-
tions, etc., relating to:

Appeal Board, Office of Contract Settle-
ment (Reorganization Plan No. 1 of
Contract Settlement, Office of; functions
of, together with those of Director
(Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1947)
Contract Settlement Advisory Board (Re-
organization Plan No. 1 of 1947)
Customs Bureau. See Customs Bureau.
Drug Amidone found to have addiction-
forming and addiction-sustaining lia-
bility similar to morphine (Proc. 2738)
Internal Revenue Bureau. See Internal
Revenue Bureau.

Lumber, lumber products, and timber for
housing purposes, free importation of;
termination of prior proclamation

(Proc. 2735)

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