
intreating his blessing and assuring him of the prayers of his Irish congratulators.

We fear that the master of the ceremonies to his Holiness will find fault with one passage, where the congratulators say "gancta genua cupidissime osculati”—we passionately kiss your holy knees. It is contrary to etiquette to kiss the Pope's knees. The Irish Roman Catholic prelates ought to have known this. They should have carried their lips lower than the knees, and have kissed his Holiness's slipper-" sanctum calceamentum cupidissime osculati." The translator (if one who departs so widely from the original deserve the name of a translator) has very ingeniously rendered "osculati," "embracing;"-and, by way of making the most of it, he translates "cupidissime," "heartily and affectionately.' Cunning is a quality very different from wisdom. The tampering of the Maynooth translator with the plain sense of the Latin, fully proves the conscious duplicity which actuated the fabricators of the original and the framers of the English version. On this subject, however, we beg to call the particular attention of the Protestant public to the following letter of our valuable correspondent CRITO, who has obligingly sent us a copy of the epistle, together with the remarks which follow it. We print both the Latin and the English, with particular attention to orthography and punctuation.

To the Editor of the Protestant Advocate.

SIR, A curious specimen of Latin composition, and of English translation lately issued from the Royal Roman Catholic College of Maynooth, and was published, August 19, 1814, in the Freeman's Journal, that official register of the acts of the Romish hierarchy of IRELAND; and I send it to you, as a precious relic of true Milesian literature, unrivalled, I will venture to say, in point of subject and of style, by any of the classical collections of the Protestant universities of Oxford, Cambridge, or Dublin. Cedro digna, it seems worthy to be preserved in the archives of the PROTESTANT ADVOCATE; κτημα εις αει, for a perpetual possession.”


"A Letter of Congratulation from the Irish Roman Catholic Prelates to his Holiness Pope Pius the Seventh.

"Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Pio Divina Providentia PP. VII. Archiepiscopi et Episcopi Hibernia Felicitatem.

Spes denique revixit Christianis, ot reparata est incolumitas Ecclesiae

"To his Holiness Pope Pius VII. the [Roman Catholic] Prelates of Ireland, wishing Prosperity.

"The hope of Christians at last has revived, and the Catholic church


Catholicae, Salvo TB, qui CHRIS-, has regained its state and integrity, TUM non magis auctoritate quam in your well-being, good and glorious patientia repraesentas, atque divini man of God, Pius the Seventh, our tus ex iis erepto miseriis, quibus, Sovereign Pontiff, who, by resiget vestrae Sedis Majestas et tva, nation, not less than by chieftaincy, rum virtutum afflicta indignissime have brought home CHRIST to our tenebatur, Sancte et Gloriosissime view; and in your most providential Pontifex Domine Pie Septime Vir deliverance from those afflictions Dei. Quod ut evenisse singulis, which, through one and the same Nationibus gratum est, quae- outrage, abased and held captive cunque ad evertendam Domina-, the supremacy of your holy functionem toedio Servitutis exarse- tiog, and the majesty of your perrant; ut bonis jucundum omnibus;, Catholicis vero exoptatum atque ingentis desiderii ac voti fuit: ita bis, Beatissime PATER, qui primi omnium, vastata Re Publica Christianorum, ita doluimus, ut vel Populi illius Romani tui fletibus non minor de Te responderet gemitus nos ter; quique praenuntiavimus haud diatornam futuram istam tantam crudelitatem; qui demum solenni sbtestatione interdiximus, ne quis, Te oppresso, praerogativam Sacro sanctae Potestatis interciperet, non solum communis attulit fructum laetitiae, sed et victoriae jam nostrae laudem aliquam conjunctam atque cobaerentem admirabilibus triumphis Tuis. Itaque quorum Fides tibi, B. P. in luctuosissimo Rerum tem pore invicta constitit, jam licebit caritatem et gaudia nostra ambitiosius in publica felicitate profiteri. "DEXTERA lua DOMINE magnifieata est in Virtute: DEXTERA tua

DOMINE percussit inimicum. Et in multitudine gloriae tuae deposuisti adversaries tuos: Flavit Spiritus Tuus et operuit eos mare.”

sonal virtues. To all the several nations, which, weary of their epslavement, had burst forth into exertion for the overthrow of despotism, this event has proved grateful; to all the good, all matter of delight; as, for the Catholics, it had been the grand object of universal wish, and demand, and pray. er. But to us, Holy Father, who, in that desolation of the Christian, commonweal, were the foremost to express such sorrow, that the very lamentation of your beloved people of Rome was fully re-echoed by our sighs, on your account; who dared to intimate, that such enormous. barbarity must be short-lived; who solemnly protested against any usurpation on your inviolable right, during such captivity; this event has introduced more than a return of the common joy. It has realized even the peculiar merit of a victory, humble indeed, yet allied with and attendant upon that admirable triumph, in which you reign. In the extremity of all misfortune, we have proved our adherence to you, as un.

"Proximum est post tuam venerationem, B. P. ut amplissimum Senatus Tui Ordinem faustis acclamationibus prosequamur. Sed vero an ulla oratio nostra, aut ulla om. nino laus par sit tam divinae constantiae declarandae ? Qui cum a Tuo sinu avulsi in alios alii carceres et diversa exsilia includerentur, adeo non potentiae, non injuriis, non contumeliis submiserunt animum ut praeclara jam apud omnes nominentur magnitudo animi illorum, fides, gravitas, pietas, innocentia. Im mensa nempe laus, quam de ruina honorum suorum tanquam ex incendio ereptam, firmam sibi comparaverunt ad memoriam saeculorum omnium.

"Nunc liceat apud Te, B. P. g gra. tulari Venerabilibus Collegis nostris Episcopis Italicis, qui et confessionis titulo, et fidei erga TUAM SANCTI

conquered; we, therefore, shall be privileged to avow, with somewhat of ostentation, our attachment, and our jubilee, in this conjuncture of all happiness" Thy right hand, O Lord, hath wrought for itself renown in mightiness.-Thy right hand, O Lord, hath beaten in pieces thine enemy; and, in thy multiplied grandeur, thou hast laid them low, who warred against Thee. Thou breathedst thy storm, and a sea covered them."

"Next, after the homage to your boliness, the illustrious senate of your cardinals will demand our best and most honouring acclamation. But, in truth, neither would any encomium that we could utter, nor any possible expression of praise be enough to set forth the heroic perseverance of that body.-Torn away from your paternal embrace, immured in separate prisons, confined to distant places of banishment, far from crouching under the trial, they have gained throughout the world an eminent consideration for magnanimity, allegiance, principle, duty and incorruptible character. In a word they have purchased an exceeding renown, and they have saved and rescued this renown from the ruin and conflagration which overwhelmed their exterior dignities. Such renown must endure, and be worshipped in times to come.

"Through the intervention of your holiness, we now beg to congratulate our venerable colleagues, the Bishops of Italy. They also have

mnas, squalorem, minas cum vi et exsilio perpessi jam recreantur. Nec praetereundus Clerus ille vester Urbicus et Romanus fortis et sanctus, quos aut in insulam deportatos aut in Rhaetiam abstractos tyranni impotens furor persecutus est. Fruentar hi reduces tua BEATISSIME PATER, reducis eximia clementia. Fama certe illustri suo ipsi merito perfruentur. Scilicet multiplici experimento compertum est virtutem CHRISTI non posse obsolescere in Ecclesia Catholica: eundemque in Te taisque vigere spiritum etiam nunc contemptorem Mortis, qui et olim in Sanctis Martyribus triumphaverit: ubi spiritus CHRISTI sit, ibi ét libertatem esse" consciam immortalitatis.

TATEM splendidissimo crimine aeru- encountered misery, and privations, and terror. They have felt lawless authority and expatriation. Their claim is thatof confessors for the faith; their imputed crime, a splendid one assuredly, had been allegiance to your holiness But, ere ths, they will have experienced a consoling change. Nor can we omit to mention your invincible and reverend clergy of Rome, and of the states, persecuted, as they have been by the frantic excess of tyranny, with deportation into Corsica, or banishment to the Valtelline. These latter on their return will, undoubtedly, share a distinguished partiality of your holiness, now restored. As to fair fame they will fully possess it, for they have deserved nobly. The result of manifold persecution has been to place in evidence this truth, that, the mighty power of Christ in the Catholic church cannot be worn out by the force of time; that in you, and those united with you, the same energetic spirit still survives, which of old gave defiance to death, and trampled it down in the blessed marlyrs; that, "wheresoever dwells the spirit of Christ, there also his freedom abides," which knows his immortality to be its own.

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et Apostolorum monumenta laeten- for everlasting; that apostles sit:

tur: vestraque, Socii Conditores non interiturae sub CHRISTO civitatis, PETRE ac PAULE, ad istam lae-, titiam ossa commoveantur, restituto PIO SEPTIMO vestris et suis Sedibus.

"Gratuletur etiam sibi felix BRITANNIA, quamvis a Fide nostra dissentiens, tropaeis onusta et rea voti tamen, quippe cui id firmum immotumque omni tempore insederit, ut obstaret grassanti impotentiae, debellaret Tyrannos, pacem repraesentaret orbi terrarum. Enimvero haec princeps desperanti jam de vita Saeculo et imperatrix signum extulit Libertatis atque Concordiae. Haec eadem Duces maximos aerarii infiniti prodiga et sanguinis suorum, exercitusque invictos. quaquaver, sum misit; etiam legiones fortissimas Catholicorum nostrorum: quorum in Ægypto, Italia, Lusitania, Hispania, Galliaque ipsa facta commemorabuntur. Huic igitur imperio tantam haberi oportet a Catholicis gratiam, quanta ab hominibus ipsis debeatur Liberatoribus humani generis; eamque Tɛ, B. P. gratiam pro omnibus Unum optime et nobilissime relaturum confidi


there enthroned to deliver judgment to the nations, until the world shall, end, Let the ashes of her martyrs exult, and her apostolic shrines give token of rejoicing. And you, the partners in founding an imperishable government under CHRIST's sway, O Peter and Paul! shall not even; your relics be agitated by this joy, for the re-establishment of Pius the Seventh in the place of his home, and of your repose?

"And, glorious BRITAIN, although divorced from our faith, well may she feel proudly under her barthen of trophies, and in the enjoy-, ment of her high ambition. Her principle had been to repulse the strides of despotism, to vanquish, usurpation, to give back peace to the world at large. This principle never declined nor tottered during the protracted struggle. It is but justice to assert, that Britain, as the prominent leader, and the presiding spirit was that one, which raised the standard of unanimity and enfranchisement to an utterly despairing world; that she prodigally expended her immense resources, and the blond of her population in sending forth, and in every direction, renowned generals, and invincible armies, of which brave Irish Catholic legions [formed a part,] whose achievements in Egypt, Italy, Por tugal, Spain, and in the heart of France, will stand for ward in history. The measure of Catholic gratitude due to such an Empire is no other

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