I SAW THEE WEEP. 1. I SAW thee weep-the big bright tear I saw thee smile-the sapphire's blaze It could not match the living rays 2. As clouds from yonder sun receive Which scarce the shade of coming eve Can banish from the sky, Those smiles unto the moodiest mind Their own pure joy impart ; Their sunshine leaves a glow behind That lightens o'er the heart. THY days are done, thy fame begun ; The slaughters of his sword! The freedom he restored! 2. Though thou art fall'n, while we are free The generous blood that flow'd from thee Thy spirit on our breath! 3. Thy name, our charging hosts along, Thy fall, the theme of choral song To weep would do thy glory wrong; SONG OF SAUL BEFORE HIS LAST BATTLE. 1. WARRIORS and Chiefs! should the shaft or the sword Heed not the corse, though a king's, in your path: 2. Thou who art bearing my buckler and bow, 3. Farewell to others, but never we part, VOL. III. H SAUL 1. THOU whose spell can raise the dead, 66 King, behold the phantom seer!" Earth yawn'd; he stood the centre of a cloud : Light changed its hue, retiring from his shroud. Death stood all glassy in his fixed eye; His hand was wither'd, and his veins were dry; From lips that moved not and unbreathing frame, 2. "Why is my sleep disquieted? |