15. Thou Timour! in his captive's cage '5) All sense is with thy sceptre gone, That spirit pour'd so widely forth- 16. Or like the thief of fire from heaven, (6) Foredoom'd by God-by man accurst, And, if a mortal, had as proudly died! NOTES. Note 1, page 92, line 11. The rapture of the strife. C'ertaminis gaudia, the expression of Attila in his harangue to his army, previous to the battle of Chalons, given in Cassiodorus. Note 5, page 96, line 1. Thou Timour! in his captive's cage. The cage of Bajazet, by order of Tamerlane. Note 6, page 96, line 10. Or like the thief of fire from heaven. Prometheus. Note 7, page 96, line 16. The very Fiend's arch mock. "The fiend's arch mock "To lip a wanton, and suppose her chaste."— VOL. III. Shakspeare. K MONODY ON THE DEATH OF THE RIGHT HON. R. B. SHERIDAN. SPOKEN AT DRURY-LANE THEATRE. WHEN the last sunshine of expiring day A glorious sympathy with suns that set? Unmix'd with worldly grief or selfish stain, In whose acclaim the loftiest voices vied, The praised the proud-who made his praise their pride. When the loud cry of trampled Hindostan * Arose to Heaven in her appeal from man, *See Fox, Burke, and Pitt's eulogy on Mr. Sheridan's speech on the charges exhibited against Mr. Hastings in the House of Commons. Mr. Pitt entreated the House to adjourn, to give time for a calmer consideration of the question than could then occur after the immediate effect of that oration. |