페이지 이미지

Berlin, Royal library (Oliver), 377; build-
ing, 232.

Berry, Ethel I., appointment, 268.
Best books, list, 96, 125, 170.
Bibuphote, 115.

Binding, recommendations of A. L. A. com-
mittee, 112.

Birmingham (Ala.) library, gift of funds,
269; organization, 184; report, 137, 475;
vocational guidance committee, 137.
Biscoe, Walter S., appreciation, 202.
Bishop, W. Warner, How the Library of
Congress serves the people, 331.
Blatchford, E. W., death, 138.

Blind, readings for, Chicago library, 91;
room for (Nashville), 269.
Bliss, Leslie E., personal, 181.
Bolles, Marion P., appointment, 371.
Bolton, C. K., "Catalog" and progress, 247;
The present trend [abst.], 272.
Bonnett, Marguerite W., death, 181.
Book conundrums (Long), 160.
-exhibits, Christmas, 401.
-film (bibuphote), 114.
-labels, varnishing, 104.
-list annotation, 88.

Book lists: Adventure, 88; Allusions, 88;
Better babies, 409; Best books, 125, 170;
(for) Business men, 312; Cheerful books,
312; (for) Children, 445; Commission gov-
ernment, 88, 215; Debates, 30; Detective
stories, 464; Drama, 92; (for) Farm wo-
men, 125; Geography, 125; (for) Girls, 88;
Government ownership of railroads, 312;
Heroism, 171; (for) High schools, 171, 261;
Human conservation, 215; (for) Italians,
409; Jewish literature, 31; Mexican war,
363; Municipal material, 312; Music, 125;
Peace and war, 402; Safety appliances,
215; (for) School libraries, 465; Social
forces, 31; Soils (Cal.), 464; Spanish art,
371; (for) Teachers, 125; Translations,
126; War and peace, 402; Waterways, 464;
(for) Young people, 312.

-reviewers (Perry), 464.
-selection by trustees, 196.
-fiction, 389.

-principles, 23.

Books, cheerful (list), 312.

—for business men, list (Detroit p. 1.), 312.
Bookstores, business methods, 7.
Booth, Mary J., A suggestion for a bulletin
board for periodicals, 11; Material on
geography [rev.]. 125.

Bostwick, Arthur E., The quality of fiction,
211; The library and the child [abst.], 337.
Boston library, Shakespeare exhibit, 267.
Bowdoin college library, catalog, 403.
Bowerman, Geo., Library bewares, 224.
Boys' reading, 240; selection, 274.

Braddock (Pa.) library, staff, 472; twenty-

fifth anniversary, 103.

Bradford (Pa.) library, report, 416.
Bragg, Lena, appointment, 90.
Branch libraries, ideal plan, front. to April.
Brandon (Man.) library movement, 270.

[blocks in formation]

-library, moving picture shows, 38; physi-
cal efficiency tests, 347; report, 182, 268;
training course, 322.

Broomell, Ellyn C., appointment, 473.
Brown, James Duff, death, 186, 312.
-Martha, appointment, 418.
-Zaidee, appointment, 270.

Browne, Francis F., Everyday life of Abra-
ham Lincoln [rev.], 126.

Brumback library (Van Wert Co., O.), 313,
exhibit, 336.

Buck, Solon J., Travel and description, 1765-
1865 [rev.] 392.

Budgets, libraries [Thomson], 444.
Buffalo library, report, 136.

Bugra, 310, 423.

Bulletin board, periodicals, 11.
"Bulletin of bibliography," 88.

Burdette, J. H., [Letters on library civil
service situation in Illinois], 224.

Bureau of Mines (Dep. Int.), free publica-
tions, 363.

Burlington (Ia.) library, report, 90, 269.
Burns, S. Helen, appointment, 371.
Burton, G. M., gift of Detroit collection to
D. library, 138.

Business men, list of books for (Detroit
p. 1.), 312.

Byrne, Paul R., appointment. 268.

Cadwalader, John L., gift of funds to Tren-
ton (N. J.) library, 90; death, 182.
Cairo (Ill.), library, rural extension, 183.
Caldwell, Sarah P., appointment, 371.
Calgary (Alb.) library, appreciation, 156,
312; report, 186.

Calhoun, Helen J., appointment, 138.
California library association, meetings, 253,

-state library school, 36, 133, 222.
Calkins, Ruth H., appointment, 471.
Campbell, Robert A., appointment, 230.
Canada, library activities, 49, 376.

Cannon (Miss) E. T., How to get the best
books read, 96.

Card gone (poem), 250.
Carnegie, Andrew, 421.

Carr, John F., The library and the immi-
grant, 276.

Carson, Jessie M., appointment, 420.
Carter, Albert F., Principles in book selec-
tion [abst.], 23.

Eliz., Why "non-fiction"? 45.
Cartwright, Adeline, appointment, 475.

"Catalog," spelling of [Ed.], 106.

Catalog, work of changing (Bowdoin col-
lege library), 403.

Cataloging rules, German, 126.
"Catalogue," 247.

Cebrian, J. C., gift of music literature to
San Francisco 1., 476.

Cedar Rapids library, report, 139.

Celtic memories and other poems (O'Con-

or) [rev.], 19.

Chained books (Hereford, Eng.), 430.

Changing the catalog, 403.

Charles, C. M., appointment, 38.
Charlotte (N. C.) library, report, 92.
Charlton, Margaret, appointment, 476.
Cheerful books, list, 312.

Chicago city club [Ed.], 342; plans for
neighborhood centers, 348.

-library, Beacher endowment for music lit-
erature, 347; branches, 138, 326; circula-
tion, 31; foreign room, 373; municipal ref-
erence work, 64; music circulation room,
418; readings for the blind, 91.

-Library club, meetings, 23, 80, 117, 168,
213, 253, 455.

-midwinter meeting, 74; 1914-15 [progr.],

Chinese national party, library, gifts wanted,

Child welfare, conference on, publications,

Children, reference work on, 9.

Children's books, selection, 284.

-room, organization (Cutter), 242; benches
vs. chairs, 111.

-reading room [poem], New York City,

Christiania (Norway), libraries, 348.

Christiansen, Bolette L., appointment, 476.
Christmas bookmark (Worcester p. 1.), 30.
-celebrations and libraries, 51.
-giving [books], 437.

Church peace union, library, 270.

Cincinnati, Hebrew union college, gift of
Spinoza collection by David Hutcheson,

-library, report, 373.

Cinematograph novels, 422.

Civic centers, libraries as, 93.

Civil service in public libraries (A. L. A.
discussion), 280; see also Illinois, civil

Clatworthy, Linda M., personal, 270.
Claxton, P. P., College and normal school
courses in the use of the library and in
children's literature [abst.], 304.
Clendenin, Susan R., appointment, 38.
Cleveland library, books in foreign lan-
guages, 350; building, 474; branch library
lectures, 22; training class, 410.
Cleveland, Grover, essays republished, 11.
Clinton (Ia.) library, report, 230.
Cloth, use in binding, 112.
"Club-women's handybook," 313.
Cobb, Gertrude, resignation, 326.
College libraries, discipline, 238.

[ocr errors]

--special work (Fay), 146.

Collingwood (Can.), library activities, 438.
Colorado library association, 23, 254.
-state library commission, 30, 327.
Coltura populare, 316.

Commission government, effect on libraries,
65, 68, 82.

--reading list, 88, 215.

Competitors to books (Gardner), 329.
Compton, Charles H., Library babies, 9.
-Lois, appointment, 90.

Conference on child welfare, publications,

Connecticut library association, meetings,
168, 359.

-state library, new building, 180.

Connolly, Louise, Women as employés
[extr.], 196; [comment by Ed., 200].
Conservation, furniture, 238.

Cook, Winifred A., The first woman's club
in U. S., 153, 197.

Copenhagen (Denmark), libraries, 348.
Copyright catalog, 363.

Cork linoleum floor covering, 435.
Council Bluffs library, report, 91.

Country homes, libraries and reading, 160.
County libraries, Minnesota, 87.
"County library" (Antrim), 313.
Coventry (Eng.) libraries, report, 376.
Cowley, Amy, appointment, 473.

Crandall, Mary S., What can be done by a

small library in a small town, 1.

"Crisis" [literary paper for negroes], 19.
Crowell, Edith H., appointment, 416.

Cuba, Camara de Representantes library,
catalog, 127.

Current magazines (Powers), 245.

[blocks in formation]

Dallas library, report, 327.

Damon, E. M., appointment, 140.

Dana, J. C., [Letter on A. L. A. Booklist],
76; Hints on small library building, 250.
, see also Knight, Eliz. B.
Danckaerts. Jasper, journal, 398.
Davenport library, report, 138.
Davidson, William M., death, 106.
Davies, John F., appointment, 327.
Davis, Elizabeth L., appointment, 229.

Day, Mary B., and Wilson, Eliz. K., Sug-
gestive outline on children's literature
[abst.]. 262.

Dayton library, branches, 39, 183.
Debates, questions for, 31.
Decatur (I11.) library, children's room, 269;
report, 326.

Decimal Classification, adoption by Russell
Sage Foundation library, 30; modifica-
tions in practice, 118.

Dedication, "Old Boston post roads" (Jen-
kins), 127.

Deichmannske bibliothek (Christiania), 318.
Denmark, library movement, 37, 178, 318,

Denver library, branches, 419; civil service,
322; report, 269; stations, 92; training
class, 327.

Des Moines library, branches, 39.
Desks, reading room, 238.
Destructive growth (Ed.), 50.
Detective stories, list, 464.

Detroit library, 90; branches; gift by G. M.
Burton of Detroit coll. 138; report, 474.
Dewey, Melvil, Take books to readers, 154.
appreciation, 202.

Dice, J. H., appointment, 138.

Dills, Clara B., appointment, 419.
Dingman, Annie P., appointment, 371.
Discipline, 339.

-and furniture (Henry), 238.

District of Columbia library, graded cata-
log, 313; publications, catalog, 230; Social
service bulletin, 30.

--library association, meetings, 25.
Dixon, Vera, appointment, 475.

Doane, Stella T., appreciation, 319.

Documents (U. S.) in small

(Wyer), rev. ed., 312.


Dougherty, Harold T., Deferred subscrip-
tions-a new plan, 155.

Downey, Mary E., appointment, 185.
Doyle, Katharine, appointment, 39.
Dresden (Germany) Zentralbibliothek. 328.
Drexel Institute library school, 32, 319.
discontinuation of, 157, 172.
records and rosters, 340.

Drury, F. K. W., [Affiliation of the state in-
stitutions with A. L. A.], 436.
Du Bois, Isabel, appointment, 89.
Dubuque, Carnegie-Stout library, report,

Dullard, John P., appointment, 136.

Early Western travels, bibliography, 392.
East Canaan, Conn.. library extension, 11.
-Orange library, report, 372.
Eastern college librarians, conference, 20.
-Ontario_library institute, meetings, 27.
Eastman, Linda A., appreciation, 363.
Eau Claire (Wis.), library, post card collec-
tion, 183.

Editor. A city club [Chicagol. 342: A long
and useful career [E. S. Willcox], 13; A
long delayed duty [Sunday and holiday
opening]. 248; A superlative tool, 395;
A tactful effort [representation of relig.
denom. in book sel.], 14: A. L. A. consti-
tution and council, 293, 395; An ill-af-
forded loss of a trustee, 106; Books in
parcel post, 48; Business library on WO-
men's work, 446; "Catalog." 247; Civil
service in Ill. libraries, 107 [discussion w.
Commission], 224; Death loves a shining
mark [F. J. Burgoyne], 13; Death's toll
from A. L. A., 109; Destructive growth
[A. L. A.], 50; Drexel library school, 157;
European tragedy, 343: Growth, 440; Illi-
nois library service, 343, statistics, 286;
Inexcusable college pranks in Ohio
[Oberlin], 48; Library activities 1912-13,

312; Library exhibits of Christmas books,
14; Library legislation in 1913, 43; Li-
brary progress in Canada, 49; Mechanical
arts and the library, 48; Midwinter meet-
ings in Chicago, 49; Misleading dates
[Engineering Book Notes], 14; Money's
worth, 201; No attack intended, 201;
Notes from the past. 342; On the out-
posts [Calgary 1.], 156; Peace and the
libraries, 394; Professional spirit, 248;
Questionable methods, 156; Refined cru-
elty, 106; Riley's poetry, 12; School and
library, 158; Spell it catalog, 106, 247;
State library efforts in Ill., 156; Territory
represented [by New York p. 1., lib.
school], 15; Things of spirit, 158; Toledo
library situation, 441; Vacation time, 286;
Visit to Scandinavia, 348; War's toll of
librarians, 440.

Edmands, John, The origin of Poole's index.

[blocks in formation]

Emerson, S. F., 302.

Emporia (Kas.) Kellogg library of state
normal school, 418.

Engineering library, New Orleans, 418.
Englewood (N. J.) library, report. 229.
Erskine, Mary L., appointment, 472.
Europe, library service to readers (Oliver),

Eustis, Anita, appointment, 418.

Evans, Adelaide F., appointment, 373.
Evansville (Ind.) library, report. 326.
Exhibit, library, Washington (D. C.) con-
ference, 105.

Ex-librarian, A new idea in library work
[the encouragement of true reference
service], 190.

Express companies, typical sloth, 334.

[blocks in formation]

Finnegan, Cath., How the library began to
teach school in East Canaan, Conn., 11.
Fire arms, history, 313.

Fletcher, William I., Chapters from an im-
possible autobiography, 334.
Foote, W. W., appointment, 418.
Forbes library (Northampton), 416.

Foreign languages, books in, New York
(city) library, 211.

-room, Chicago library, 373.
Foreigners, library extension among, 276.
Forgeus, Margaret, appointment, 327.
Fort Smith library, report, 139.
-Wayne library, children's room, 465.
-Worth, library advertisement, 139.
Fox, Helen, appointment, 374.
Furness, Marcia, appointment, 39.

Galbreath, Chas. B., 473.

Galesburg (Ill.) library, report, 374.
Galveston, Rosenberg library, extension
work with U. S. army, 91.

Gardner, Richard B., Competitors to books,

Gary (Ind.), music recitals, 183; report, 183,

Gaylord gummed cloth, 104.

General federation of women's clubs, library
extension conference, 252, 290.
Geography, list of materials, 125.
Georgia, legislative ref. dept., 418.

Georgia university library, book endowment
fund, 215.

German catalog rules, 126.

-library association, 399.

-library spirit, 439.

Germany, library activities, 37, 178.
university libraries, spirit, 379.
Gerould, J. T., 473.

Gifts to libraries; see Library gifts.
Gilmore, Edna L., appointment, 229.
Girl's books, list, 88.

Gogorza, Flora de, appointment. 416.
Golden treasury series, price, 105.
Gordon, Alys M., appointment, 416.

Government documents, material for teach-
ers, 125.

-ownership of railroads (book list), 312.
Gracie, Robert, bequest of library funds to
Merced (Cal.), 40.

Graham, Audienne, appointment, 138.
Gramophone concerts, Lynn (Mass.) li-
brary, 180.

Grand Rapids (Ia.) library, history, 313.
Grand Rapids (Mich.) library, Armenian
books, 473; report, 374; statistics, 216.
Grasty, Kath., appointment, 416, 422.
Graves, Charles E., appointment, 230.

-, Eva W., appointment, 185.

Great Falls (Mont.) library, report, 269.
Green, Bernard R., death, 417.
Greene, Charles S., A slight correction [to
Antrim's county library], 339.

Greenfield (Mass.) library extension, 180.
Greer, Agnes F. P., appointment, 40, 475.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Laura E.. appointment, 325.

Harron, Julia S., Branch library lectures,
Hartford (Conn.) library, doll party, 45; re-
port, 416.

Hartmann, Astrid, personal, 232.


Harvard university library, acquisition of
collection of Mormon literature,
Widener collection of Stevensoniana, 135.
Harvey, E. Burdsall, death, 90.

Hasse, Adelaide R., list of municipal mate-
rial, 312; New library school in Germany,

Havana, Biblioteca nacional, 135.

Haven country club, 415.

Haverhill (Mass.) library, report, 38, 471.
Hawes, Clara S., appointment, 471.
Hayes, (Mrs.) James A., 327.

- John R., The children's reading room
[poem], 16.

Healy (Miss) M., appointment, 375.
Heatwole, Ella R., retirement, 39.

Helena (Mont.) library, appropriation, 156.
Hendry, Donald, The American observer at
Leipzig, 423.

Henry, W. E., Discipline and furniture, 238.
Hereford (Eng.) Brewster chained collec-
tion, 430.

Heroism, book list, 171.

Higgins, Alice G., appointment, 416.
High-school libraries, library book list, 170.
, routine [Nunn], 432.
Tacoma, 420.

High-schools, reading list for, 261.
Hild, Frederick H., death, 374.

Hill, Frank P., The A. L. A. exhibit at Leip-
zig, 163.

Hirshberg, Herbert S., appointment, 442.
Hodgson's Estimator and contractor's
guide, various issues, 11.

Holbaek (Denmark) library extension, 178.
Holding, Anna L. A county library [Brum-
back 1., Van Wert Co., O.] at a county
fair, 336.

Holiday opening of libraries, 248, 285.

Holland, library activities, 134, 223.
Holmes, Florence I., appointment, 229.

-Frances L., appointment, 40.

Homestead library, report, 137.
Hoopeston (Ill.) library, report, 373.

Hopkins, Florence M., list of 1000 allusions,

-Julia A., appointment, 325, 372.

-Ruth, appointment, 376.

Hopper, Franklin F., appointment, 38.
Houston library, report, 327.

Howard memorial library (New Orleans),
reprints of local historical matter, 340.
Hubbell, Jane P., commission government
as affecting libraries in cities outside of
Illinois, 65.

Hudson (Mass.) library, report, 229.
Hulburd, Annabel A., appointment, 472.
Human conservation, reading list, 215.
Hunt, Katherine A., appointment, 325.
-Katherine E., appointment, 135.
Hunter, Mary B., appointment, 40.
Huntington, Henry E., private library, 186.
Hutcheson, David, Spinoza collection do-
nated to Hebrew Union college, 417.
Hutchins, Frank A., biography, 90, 109.
Hyde, Mary E., appointment, 471.

Ido, 126.

Illinois legislative bureau, 59.

-library association, meetings, 52, 315,
[Ed.], 394, 448.

--joint meeting with Ill. 1. a., 215.

-library extension commission, 57, 133:
school libraries, 463; leaflet on establish-
ing libraries, 464.

-university library school, 83, 128, 218,
262, 320, 410, 465.

-summer course, 87.

Illinois, civil service in libraries [Ed.], 107;
discussion betw. Ed. and Ill. Civ. Serv.
Comm., 224.

--list of library employes, 326.
-libraries as affected by commission gov-
ernment, 68.

-library institutes, 408.

-library statistics [Ed.], 286, 443.
-state activities with libraries, 157.
Imhoff, Ono M., appointment, 89.
Immigrant's guide to U. S. (Carr), 125.
Immigrants, library work with, 276.
Indiana library trustees' association, meet-
ings, 25.

Indianapolis library, building plans, 231.
Infants, reference work on, 9, 409.
Ingalls, Florence L., appointment, 372.
Institutional libraries, 88.

Iowa authors, bibliography, 464.

Isom, Mary F., The library a civic center,

Italian books, list, 409.

Italy, library activities, 223, 316.

Jacksonville, (Fla.) library, report, 231.
Jacksonville (Ill.) library, extension work,

Jacobus, S. M., Basement floor covering,

James, Herman G., A model charter for
Texas cities [w. ref. to libraries in com-
mission governed cities], 82.
-Winifred, resignation, 90.

Jamestown (N. Y.) James Prendergast li-
brary, report, 372.

Japan, Imperial library, report, 232.

Jenkins, Fred'k. W., Library supplies, 104.
-Stephen, Old Boston post road [rev.],

Jerome, Janet, appointment, 416.

Jersey City, pamphlets on city gov., 465.
Jews, books of interest to (Illinois State
univ.), 31.

Jillson, W. E., collection of library adver-
tising matter, 373.

-appointment, 416, 473.

Jodl, Friedrich, 317.

Joeckel, Carleton B., appointment, 419, 475.
John Crerar library, handbook, 88.

John Rylands library (Manchester, Eng.),

Johnston, Elizabeth, appointment, 138.
Johnston, W. Dawson, A survey of rural
literacy, 160.

-appointment, 39; appreciation, 125.
Jones, Ada Alice, appreciation, 202.
-Clara A., resignation, 135, 229.

Josephson, A. G. S., A notable piece of pro-
fession literature [rev. of Ladewig,
Politik d. Bücherei], 18; Revision of the
A. L. A. constitution, 435.
Judson, Kath. B., appointment, 471.

[blocks in formation]

Kerr, Willis H., Making the library earn
its salt, 150.

--appointment, 269, 327, 473.

Kessler, Elizabeth, L., appointment, 324.
Kewanee (Ill.) library, factory branch, 473.
Keystone state library association, meet-
ings, 315, 461.

Kimball, William C., biography, 89. 110.
Knight, Marion A., appointment, 136.
Koch, Theodore W., The A. L. A. exhibit

at Leipzig [extr.] 310; Library assistant's
manual [rev.], 215.

Koehler, Wolfgang, death, 440.
Kosciusko (Miss.), library day, 91.
Kostomlatsky, Zulema, appointment, 476.
Kudalkar, J. S., personal, 31.

La Crosse (Wis.) library, report, 269.
Ladewig, Katechismus der Bücherei [rev.].
439; Politik der Bücherei [rev.], 18.

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