
I owe to your kindness—for the cordiality with which you have at all times been pleased to welcome me— for the number of valuable acquaintances to whom you have introduced me—for the noctes cœnæque Deúm, which I have enjoyed under your roof.

If a work fhould be infcribed to one who is mafter of the fubject of it, and whose approbation, therefore, must ensure it credit and fuccefs, the Life of Dr. Johnson is, with the greatest propriety, dedicated to Sir Joshua Reynolds, who was the intimate and beloved friend of that great man; the friend, whom he declared to be "the most invulnerable man he knew; with whom, if he should quarrel, he fhould find the most difficulty how to abuse." You, my dear Sir, ftudied him, and knew him well: you venerated and admired him. Yet, luminous as he was upon the whole, you perceived all the fhades which mingled in the grand compofition, all the little peculiarities and flight blemishes which marked the literary Coloffus. Your very warm commendation of the fpecimen which I gave in my "Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides," of my being able to preferve his converfation in an authentick and lively manner, which opinion the



Publick has confirmed, was the best encouragement for me to persevere in my purpose of producing the whole of my ftores.

In one respect this work will in fome paffages be different from the former. In my "Tour" I was almost unboundedly open in my communications; and from my eagerness to display the wonderful fertility and readiness of Johnson's wit, freely fhewed to the world its dexterity, even when I was myself the object of it. I trusted that I should be liberally understood, as knowing very well what I was about, and by no means as fimply unconscious of the pointed effects of the fatire. I own, indeed, that I was arrogant enough to fuppofe that the tenor of the reft of the book would fufficiently guard me against such a strange imputation. But it feems I judged too well of the world; for, though I could fcarcely believe it, I have been undoubtedly informed, that many perfons, especially in diftant quarters, not penetrating enough into Johnson's character fo as to understand his mode of treating his friends, have arraigned my judgement, inftead of feeing that I was fenfible of all that they could obferve.


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It is related of the great Dr. Clarke, that when in one of his leisure hours he was unbending himself with a few friends in the most playful and frolickfome manner, he observed Beau Nash approaching; upon which he fuddenly ftopped:-"My boys, (faid he,) let us be grave: here comes a fool." The world, my friend, I have found to be a great fool, as to that particular, on which it has become necessary to speak very plainly. I have, therefore, in this work been more reserved; and though I tell nothing but the truth, I have still kept in my mind that the whole truth is not always to be expofed. This, howeyer, I have managed so as to occasion no diminution of the pleasure which book should afford; though malignity may fometimes be disappointed of its gratifications.


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Addifon, Johnfon's opinion of, i. 123, 231,
477; ii. 67, 257.

his ftyle compared with Johnfon's, i. 122.
Johnfon's life of, ii. 356, 383.
Adey, Mifs, ii. 37, 306.
Adventurer,' Hawkefworth's, i. 127, 135, 6,

7, 8.

Alfred, Johnfon's defire to write his life, i. 95.

his will, ii. 410.

Allen, Mr. the printer, ii. 214, 384.

America and The Americans, i. 444, 5, 458;
ii. 175, 227, 241, 340, 377.

Anthologia, Johnfon's tranflations from, ii. 560.

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