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on pure air. It is, therefore, unhealthy to feed it with impure air. We should always obey the simple rule of breathing deeply through the nose, pure, fresh air.

The most dread diseases are cholera, tuberculosis, smallpox, malaria, and fevers. All can be avoided if we take proper precautions in advance. Good food and water, exercise, and plenty of sunlight and air are the best doctors. If an epidemic of any disease occurs, it is our duty to give full information to the health authorities and to follow their advice carefully.

37. Responsibility.-Every person owes it to himself to guard and protect his health, for when he is sick he is a burden and a trouble to others. Also, if the body is healthy, the mind is more likely to be clear and active. The citizen owes this duty to his country because, if the nation is to be strong, the individual must be strong. A sick man or woman can never be an efficient citizen. The motto should be, "Healthy bodies make a healthy and an efficient nation."

Every municipality owes it to its citizens to do all that it can to check the spread of communicable diseases, and to introduce improvement in sanitation. Every citizen should do his utmost to help keep the municipality clean and free from disease.

Test Questions

1. Why is a study of health important? Name some preventable diseases. Tell how each of them may be prevented. 2. What is the principal work of the Philippine Health Service?

3. How is the Philippine Health Service organized? What is the Council of Hygiene?

4. Who compose the commissioned service in the Philippine Health Service? What are the duties of district health officers?

5. What is a sanitary division? What are the duties of the president of the sanitary division?

6. Why do we have hospitals?

7. Name some of the insular government hospitals. What is the San Lazaro Hospital? What is the Culion Leper Colony? Are there government hospitals in provinces? Is there a government hospital in your province?

8. What are dispensaries?

9. What can you tell about the Philippine General Hospital?

10. What large government hospital is located at Cebu? II. Name some of the measures which the government takes to protect health and improve sanitation.

12. What is sanitary inspection?

13. What is done when a person is taken sick with some dangerous communicable disease? Why is quarantine important?

14. What is vaccination? Against what diseases may a person be vaccinated or inoculated?

15. How should cemeteries be maintained? What bureau has control of cemeteries?

16. What do you know about leprosy? May leprosy be cured?

17. What are some of the duties of public health nurses? What are sanitary commissions?

18. What effect have pure food and pure water upon health? Why should polished rice not be eaten? Is there an artesian well in your municipality?

19. Why should one avoid drinking intoxicating liquors and smoking tobacco?

20. How do bad teeth cause disease?

21. Do mosquitoes, flies, and rats spread disease?

22. Why should the windows of the house be kept open at night?

23. Name five of the most dangerous diseases of the Philippines.

24. Tell why, as a citizen, you should guard and protect your health.

25. Explain the diagrams on vaccination.



38. Importance.-Society always has its poor and unfortunate. This condition is not confined to the Philippines, but exists in all countries. One is born blind. Another is sick for a long time. Another is too old to work and has no relative to care for him. Another is a victim of disaster or other misfortune. Some children are neglected or orphaned. It is the duty of the country and of those persons who are more fortunate to help them. Habitual beggars who can work should not, however,

receive assistance.

We should always remember to help those who cannot help themselves, and to do so in such a way as not to destroy their self-respect and not to weaken their desire to become self-supporting.

39. The Public Welfare Commissioner.—The Government considered public welfare and social service work, and charities so important that it organized the Public Welfare Board and the Bureau of Dependent Children especially to perform and to supervise such work. Recently these offices were abolished, and all of these activities of the Government were placed under an officer known as the Public Welfare Commissioner. One of the functions of this office is to coördinate, as far as possible, the efforts of all government agencies and in

fluences interested in public welfare or social service work. Another function is to regulate the charitable private agencies or organizations which receive government support. The Secretary of the Interior, through the Public Welfare Commissioner, distributes many thousands of pesos annually to welfare organizations, besides lending them the services of trained employees.

The special aim of the Public Welfare Commissioner is to reduce infant mortality in the Islands and to better the life of children. Puericulture centers, places where mothers and those about to become mothers receive instructions as to the proper care of children, have been established all over the Islands.

40. Other Government Agencies.-The Bureau of Education, the Philippine Health Service, and the Bureau of Labor are other branches of the government which perform public welfare work.

The Government maintains special institutions for the defective. Orphans, children without either a father or a mother, and children with only a father or mother, are placed in the orphanage in Manila. In Manila there are reformatories for young offenders, schools where they are taught the difference between right and wrong.

The Philippine Health Service does many things for the needy. Free dispensaries where medicine can be obtained are maintained in connection with hospitals. Many poor people receive treatment in the hospitals free of charge. The insane are confined in San Lazaro Hospital and in the insane asylum of the City of Manila at Lolomboy, Bocaue, Bulacan, for their own good and for the

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